I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, October 06, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Very informed political commentary

With so much junk being written about politics these days, it was nice getting something this sensible and important in my inbox.  I'm happy to share with you...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marieja Peerzada <assassin.zion@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Think About Setting &quot;Presidents&quot;
With Laser Hair Removal

Think About Setting "Presidents" With Laser Hair Removal

Have you noticed that Presidential elections always seem to revolve
around hair as much as issues? George Washington's powdered ponytail
and Abraham Lincoln's beard were primary characteristics of their
appearance and came to represent firm leadership and thoughtful
concern for the public.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost? Less Than You Might Think!

One of the biggest questions women have when considering the best way
to remove unwanted hair is "How much does laser hair removal cost?"
Not only does it cost less than you might think, but the benefits of
undergoing this procedure make it a very worthwhile investment. Have
you always been curious about laser hair removal but have always
thought it was out of reach for you, financially?

Concerns About Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

People are enthusiastic about permanent laser hair removal, and for
good reason. Just the idea of saying goodbye to embarrassing bodily or
facial hair is like a dream. Even though the procedure is becoming
more and more common every day, worries about laser hair removal side
effects is still a legitimate concern.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Bullets McDeath

Hey Bullets,

I don't know if it would break your rules, but I would love it if I got a random post from the legendary Random Post Experiment on my nearly random blog at:  http://mattlove1.blogspot.com/

Just go there and add a comment (with or without words) in response to any post you see there.



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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] People in Smoky Lake sure know how to have a good time

Yesterday Anne went to Smoky Lake for the Great White North Pumpkin Fair and Weigh-Off.  I've seen giant pumpkins in newspapers and on TV, it seemed like a good idea to go see some first hand.


It was somewhat disappointing, the two largest were slightly under 800 pounds (out in the hinterlands they still resist metric). We were told both were the offspring of a mammoth half-tonner. 


These overgrown orange vegetables are the flora version of those grossly obese people that can't get out of bed – they just sort of sprawl across the platform like Jabba the Hutt.


We stayed for the auction, but when we found out they weren't auctioning off the biggest ones, we left.  Not that we were in for the bidding.  But with the dwarfish 150 pounders going for a couple hundred dollars each, we were curious what a pumpkin 5x that big would bring.


On the way out of town, we saw a huge crane, several stories high, with a large pumpkin (which we recognized from earlier in the day) attached.  This particular one looked like a beanbag chair, and we got a couple pictures of it on my cell phone (we neglected to bring the camera).  The pumpkin was suspended over a car.  We had a pretty good idea what was going to happen, but we didn't know when, so we kept going.


A ways up the road, we stopped at a gas station for drinks.  We noticed that we could still see the crane behind the trees, and we could hear the murmur of the crowd.  Then, as we watched, the pumpkin ascended into view, and we could hear the murmuring increase in volume.  Up, up, up it went until it was as high as it could go. 


A moment later, and it fell abruptly out of sight behind the trees.  A few moments later (we were far enough away that the lag between the audio and visual signals was quite noticeable) we heard the loud report of a gigantic pumpkin smashing into a car, and the pandemonium of the crowd.


Next year, we will go back with our camera, and our video camera as well.  And I just got an idea for a great name for a rock band.

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