I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, December 23, 2013

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Change isn't going to come from Congress


Hah, you have attracted the attention of Norman Solomon, congratulations!  Congratulations on being some of the biggest right-wing asshats around.

Faux Progressives

Is MoveOn to the Right of the NYT Editorial Board?


The New York Times is hardly a progressive newspaper — but when it comes to the surveillance state and ongoing militarism of the Obama White House, the establishment's "paper of record" puts MoveOn.org to shame.

And so, the same day that the Times editorialized to excoriate President Obama for his latest betrayal of civil liberties, MoveOn sent out a huge email blast sucking up to Obama.

The Times was blunt in its Saturday editorial: "By the time President Obama gave his news conference on Friday, there was really only one course to take on surveillance policy from an ethical, moral, constitutional and even political point of view. And that was to embrace the recommendations of his handpicked panel on government spying — and bills pending in Congress — to end the obvious excesses. He could have started by suspending the constitutionally questionable (and evidently pointless) collection of data on every phone call and email that Americans make."

But, the newspaper added: "He did not do any of that."

As the Times editorial went on to say, "any actions that Mr. Obama may announce next month would certainly not be adequate. Congress has to rewrite the relevant passage in the Patriot Act that George W. Bush and then Mr. Obama claimed — in secret — as the justification for the data vacuuming."

Let's reiterate that the Times is far from a progressive outlet. It serves as a highly important megaphone for key sectors of corporate/political elites. Voicing the newspaper's official stance, its editorials are often deferential to spin and half-truths from favored political figures. And much of the paper's news coverage feeds off the kind of newspeak that spews out of the Executive Branch and Congress.

But on crucial matters of foreign policy, militarism and surveillance, the contrast between Times editorials and MoveOn is stunning. The "progressive" netroots organization has rarely managed to clear a low bar of independence from reprehensible Obama policies.

Instead, millions of people on MoveOn's list are continually deluged with emails pretending that Republicans are the only major problem in Washington — while nearly always ignoring Obama administration policies that are antithetical to basic progressive values.

And so, on the same day the New York Times was ripping into Obama's latest affront to civil liberties and privacy rights, MoveOn was sending out a mass email that began by quoting from Obama's 2008 convention acceptance speech — as though his five-year record as president still makes him an apt source of inspiration: "The change we need doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington."

After five years, MoveOn seems not to have noticed what the New York Times editorial board has often pointed out: that some of the change Obama has brought to Washington has not been in a progressive direction. As the Times put it in a follow-up editorial Sunday, at his latest news conference Obama "insisted that there was no evidence that the phone surveillance program was being abused — a truly disturbing assessment given all the revelations since June."

As usual, the MoveOn email did not include a single word of criticism, much less challenge, of Obama. Instead, the email blamed Congress for all the political obstacles to needed "change."

This is typical. Year after year of the Obama presidency, MoveOn has been routinely silent on such crucial matters as U.S. drone and cruise missile strikes across borders, war in Afghanistan, assaults on press freedom and whistleblowers, and methodical undermining of precious civil liberties.

The intertwined warfare state and surveillance state have little to fear from MoveOn. And that's tragic.

Norman Solomon is co-founder of RootsAction.org and founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. His books include "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death." Information about the documentary based on the book is at www.WarMadeEasyTheMovie.org.

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Milan de Vries, MoveOn.org Civic Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:
Got an idea for your own campaign? Click below to start a petition on MoveOn's petition website.

Start your Petition

Dear MoveOn member,

"The change we need doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington." 

That's what Barack Obama said in his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention in 2008. Now, midway through the president's second term, we know just how true that was. Congress has an approval rating of 8.4%—and they've earned it.

Sitting around waiting for this Congress to lead isn't going to work. So we've come up with an alternate strategy—bringing change to them. Our plan is to start campaigns targeted at every level of government—from local to state to national—kick-starting a wave of progressive action that Congress will eventually be forced to react to as well.

But with only 25 staff, we can't know what campaign to launch everywhere. That's why, as a local MoveOn member, you're so key to this effort.

Maybe it's time for your city council to pass a resolution opposing Citizens United. Or maybe it's time for your state to adopt same-day voter registration. We're counting on you to start these campaigns with the tried-and-true first step: starting a petition.

Click here to start your own petition right now.

Starting a petition is easy. We'll provide you with all the tools you need to create your petition and to run your campaign.

We know this strategy can work. This year, the Supreme Court voted to support marriage equality—in no small part because of a wave of activism at the state and local levels.

And MoveOn members have started hundreds of other powerful campaigns in their areas. For instance:

  • Russell Edwards led an effort with other MoveOn members to keep Wal-Mart out of downtown Athens, Georgia.
  • In North Carolina, 12-year-old Madison Kimrey started a campaign to restore pre-voter registration for 16- and 17-year-olds.
  • And when the Utah Legislature passed a law essentially banning sex education, retired school bus driver Paul Krueger started a petition on MoveOn's site calling on the governor to veto the law. 40,000 other MoveOn members joined him and, together, they won.

But for this strategy to work, we need MoveOn members to start campaigns across the country.

Can you take the first step by putting a petition up on MoveOn's site?

Click here to start your own petition right now.

Thanks for all you do.

–Milan, Mariana, Eric, David, and the rest of the team

P.S. If you get 20 signatures on your petition, we'll email it to at least 1,000 people in your area to help it grow (assuming, of course, that it's consistent with MoveOn members' progressive values).

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on November 5, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: MoveOn sells out?


how is that any different than things are now? you are already in the pocket of the biggest corporate and monsanto booster around, george w. obama

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Anna Galland, MoveOn.org Civic Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:

Dear MoveOn member,

Some hard news in this holiday season: Effective January 1, we're selling out to Monsanto and other big corporations. 

Not enough MoveOn members have chipped in to support the organization over the last few months. To keep operations going, we see no other option than to start taking big corporate money. 

Soon you'll see ads from corporations on our website. ExxonMobil has asked to sponsor some vigils in the new year. Monsanto and Koch Industries are itching to run ads on our website to "set the record straight."

We just didn't want you to be surprised.



** Satire Alert.**

Is your heart beating faster? Mine is. That was terrifying to write out, even in jest.

To be clear: the above is completely false. It's an absurd doomsday scenario that won't happen—and I'm sharing it here to remind us of what's so essential about who we are.  I'll say more below, but can you please chip in $15 a month to keep MoveOn strong and independent heading into 2014?

Yes, I can chip in to keep MoveOn strong and independent.

Sorry, I can't.

No more satire. Here's what's true:

MoveOn does not and will not take big checks from CEOs, giant corporations, unions, or foundations. We're entirely funded by our members. 

Our average monthly donation is just over $13. 

Our 100% member-funded approach sets us apart from virtually everyone else. It allows us to be fiercely independent. It allows us to stand up to Republicans—and Democrats too, when they need it—to advocate for our shared, common-sense values. 

Values like: Choose diplomacy instead of war. Health care is a human right. Access to the ballot box shouldn't depend on your wealth or skin color. We can create jobs and have a thriving economy without poisoning the water we drink and the air we breathe.  

These aren't just the values of our tiny 27-person staff. These are the values of most Americans, including MoveOn's 8 million members. 

And our unique funding model allows us to help MoveOn members stand up and speak out loudly without any fear of lost revenue or other retribution.

MoveOn belongs to you. Will you donate $15 a month to keep it that way?

Yes, I will help out.

No, sorry, I can't. 

There IS one germ of truth in the scary scenario above. We can't keep doing what we do unless we continue to meet our budget as we always have: one grassroots donor at a time. To move forward with the game-changing strategy MoveOn needs in 2014, we need to know we can count on your ongoing support.

Thanks for all you do (and sorry if I spooked you!).

–Anna, Mark, Maria, Stephen, and the rest of the team

P.S. Right now, we're $736,000 short of where we need to be by December 31 in order to be in a strong position heading into a big election year. Will you chip in $15 a month to keep MoveOn healthy heading into 2014?




Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on December 12, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Not sure if Obamacare's helped you already?


fuck you, I thought you guys had soured on that piece of shit

now you're boasting up his insurance company enrichment program.

again I say, vehemently, fuck you.

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Mark Crain, MoveOn.org Civic Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:
MoveOn members are committed to getting out the truth about Obamacare's successes, even amid the news' recent slanted coverage. But if we're going to get the mainstream media to pay attention, we need to share the real-world stories of people whose lives are being improved. Can you share your Obamacare success story (or that of a family member) today?

I'll Share My Story

Dear MoveOn member,

The past three weeks have been a political nightmare for the Affordable Care Act.

A botched website rollout and the media's refusal to cover the stories of the millions of Americans who have already benefited from Obamacare have left the president weakened, Democrats scared, and Republicans emboldened to keep pushing their radical health-care-defunding agenda.

But we can't go back—we won't go back—to the bad ol' days before comprehensive health care reform.

Thankfully, we know what it'll take to turn this political moment around: We're launching a big campaign calling on the media to start giving balanced coverage—and demanding that Congress stand strong for health care reform, because their constituents depend on it.

If we're going to change the narrative, though, we've got to start flooding the Internet and the newsrooms with real-world stories from people whose lives are already better because of the Affordable Care Act. That's the only way the media is every going to pay attention.

Can you share your story (or that of a family member) today?

The HealthCare.gov website rollout was just the latest piece in the enactment of the Affordable Care Act—Americans have actually been benefiting from the law since 2010. But that's a fact you wouldn't know if you only listened to mainstream media.

Here are just some of the ways you may have benefited already:

  1. If you have a child with a pre-existing condition—as of September 2010, health insurance companies can no longer deny your child coverage because of that condition, and as of next year, this rule will apply to Americans of all ages.

  2. If you've had a donut hole in your prescription drug coverage—thanks to Obamacare, you may be one of an estimated 4 million seniors with Medicare who will soon be able to cover the full costs of your prescriptions.
  3. If you're recently out of college and struggling to find employer-based coverage in the sluggish economy—you can now opt to stay on your parents' plan until you're 26 years old.
  4. If you received an unexpected rebate from your insurance company—that's because the ACA stops insurers from keeping exorbitant profits instead of paying out significant claims.
  5. If you live in one of the 25 states expanding Medicaid—you may be one of the 400,000 Americans who've already benefited from their new eligibility for free health care

MoveOn members fought long and hard for health care reform because we knew it would improve the lives of tens of millions of Americans. Democrats have had a hard time thus far explaining just how beneficial the new law is, but we don't plan on letting a PR mishap derail the most significant investment in our country's social safety net in generations.

If you've benefited from Obamacare, or know someone who has—share your story today:


Together, we'll make sure the media starts paying attention.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mark, Alejandro, Rosy, Victoria, and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on November 19, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Friday, November 15, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Request for information


Dear Homeland Security Department,

Can you confirm for me if this gentleman, who sent me a freind request
on facebook, and who I don't remember but apparently went to high
school with, is actually a Homeland Security employee, as he claims on
his page:


...along with some really vile anti-Islam bigotry, and anti-Obama
bigotry (which very well might be the same thing; he seems to endorce
the idea that Obama is both socialist and a Hitler, ideas that seem to
go together often with Islamophobia in the minds of the lunatic

If he is indeed one of yours, you might ask him to tone it down a bit,
as he seems to represent everything people with a concern about civil
liberties, due process, and constitutional law fear about the national
security state.

Yet again, if he's an employee of yours and you don't have any problem
with the ideology he's expressing, I would like to know that too, that
would be useful information for me.

Matt Love

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] this is great, somebody in the tri-cities with a sense of humor!


bgqg3-4174429971@sale.craigslist.org [?] flag [?] : miscategorized prohibited spam best of

Posted: 2013-11-05, 8:15PM PST

4SP Silver Plated Gemienhardt Piccolo w/ hard case - $300 (Kennewick)

© craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap

image 1image 2image 3image 4image 5
They call the trumpet "God's Instrument." The instrument that takes a month to learn and a lifetime to master. Forget that. I'm giving you the chance to own "Satan's Instrument." The instrument that takes a second to hate and a lifetime to get used to. If your goal is world domination, getting the ball rolling on the apocalypse, or simply disarming someone who's a little too "rapey," this miniature flute of terror will hold the game down. And how.

Brought to you by Lucifer himself, this 4SP Silver Plated Gemienhardt Piccolo will serve his evil minion well. From it's compact arthritis-inducing body this pipe will unleash a sound that can bring entire crowds of people to their knees in pain and surrender. If you're thinking of starting a bloody coup, leave the AK-47s and sarin gas at home son, this picc is all you need.

This instrument has the ability to sing an A five lines above the staff so crisp and clear that if you're not careful may actually cleave your conductor's brain clean in half. It's highest note is one only dogs can hear, that composers have dubbed "X."

Apart from the oboe, this is the only instrument able to kick a field goal of pain right between the goal posts of your unfortunate target's neurons, resulting in synaptic misfires, blown mental fuses, and a complete breakdown of all left brain activity, leaving the right brain to writhe in pain and confusion whilst scrambling all bodily motor functions. Any soul unlucky enough to wind up on the business end of Beezulbub's piccolo will instantly be reduced to the fetal position and revoked of their right to free will.

Aside from violating several Geneva Convention protocols, this wailing weaponry can produce frequencies that wreak havoc upon others by causing:
- sudden unexpected nosebleeds
- aphasia
- heart palpitations
- aneurisms
- loss of sanity
- unexplainable rage
- spontaneous combustion
- abandonment of the will to live
- anal leakage

It's a common mistake to think that the piccolo also has side effects on it's user. Many claim it causes acute narcissism, but in reality the only people drawn to this instrument are already delusionally narcissistic, have serial killer tendencies, and show traits as promising future dictators.

Because of this instrument, I now rule over my own sovereign island, where I preach from balconies and lounge in my throne poppin' bottles while getting fanned with palm fronds waved by ridiculously hot cabana boys. Tomorrow's forecast: Whatever the hell I want.

Since I'm livin' the dream, I'm retiring from my reign of terror and passing on the torch. Being evil is an arduous, exhaustive effort, and this musical scepter cannot be played by your average whitebread vanilla villain. Only the most cunning, dextrous, morally ambiguous, and questionably sane may apply. Who among you is worthy?

$300 obo. Willing to throw in a box of gravel and ship.
  • Location: Kennewick
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Posting ID: 4174429971

Posted: 2013-11-05, 8:15PM PST

email to a friend

Avoid scams, deal locally! Do NOT wire funds (Western Union, Moneygram).
Beware cashier checks, money orders, shipping, non-local buyers/sellers. More info

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Will Dick Cheney be arrested when he goes to Canada?


I hope nobody holds their breath. The answer is "of course Cheney won't be arrested when he goes to Canada."  Bush moves freely across the border when he visits what I like to call "the occupied territories."  In Edmonton people that shelled out $1,500 to see him "speak" outnumbered people that protested his visit 10 to 1. The rank and file rednecks of Canada love the Bush crowd, as does the redneck "leader" of the country Stephen Harper.

I'm for jailing these criminals, too, but try to maintain some reality contact here, don't raise people's hopes for the sake of a little fundraising.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Indict Bush Now <outreach@impeachbush.org> wrote:
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"Cheney must be arrested for War Crimes and Torture"
Cheney and Rumsfeld joke about torture at Washington Plaza Hotel event

Protest against Dick Cheney in Vancouver
Protesters outside the Vancouver Club.

Dear friend,

When Dick Cheney speaks in Toronto on October 31 he will be confronted by people from Canada and the United States demanding that the Canadian government arrest and prosecute him for torture and other crimes.

People throughout Canada are demanding that the Canadian government either bar Cheney or arrest him should he follow through with his plans to be a keynote speaker at an upcoming conference in Toronto. They are insisting that Canadian and international law require that Cheney be arrested if he comes to Canada.

Cheney canceled a similar speaking engagement last April in Toronto because he feared the mobilization of the people. When Cheney was speaking months earlier in Vancouver he was confronted by angry demonstrators demanding that he be prosecuted.

Thousands of people were tortured based on Cheney's and Bush's instructions to the CIA and military. Kidnappings, renditions, torture and assassinations were sanctioned by Bush and Cheney. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died needlessly and millions became refugees. Tens of thousands of U.S. service members suffered life-changing injuries and more than 5,000 were killed..

Cheney jokes about torture

Cheney is a despicable character. He appeared on October 7, 2013, at the Plaza Hotel with Donald Rumsfeld in Washington, D.C., where the two of them swapped torture jokes from the podium, with Rumsfeld quipping that Cheney had even been waterboarding fish.

These obscene displays about their crimes are an affront to humanity.

It is critical that we continue to act together to demand government accountability. Bush and Cheney cannot go anywhere in the United States or around the world without be challenged by this grassroots movement that is demanding that high officials who commit criminal acts be arrested and prosecuted.

The Indict Bush Now movement is urging all of its supporters and friends who can to join or support the October 21 demonstration in Toronto. The protest will begin at 11:30am at the Metro Toronto Convention Center, 255 Front St. W - Toronto, Canada.

The Indict Bush Now movement is also joining with thousands of people this Saturday, October 26 in a march on the U.S. Capital demanding that the government dismantle the secret spying program against the people of the United States and the world. October 26 is the 12th anniversary of Bush signing the Patriot Act that has been used to create a surveillance state that is destroying basic personal freedoms and the right to privacy. Bush and Cheney started these programs but We The People can stop them. But we must act. Join us this Saturday at 11:30 am at Columbus Circle in front of Union Station in downtown Washington, D.C.

Please continue to show your support with an urgently needed donation today.

-- From all of us at IndictBushNow.org


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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Sign the petition: Thank President Obama for defeating the tea party


Now if only he weren't a war criminal. I'd thank him if he stopped killing children.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Chris Bowers, Daily Kos <campaigns@dailykos.com> wrote:

Kossack, please add your name to our petition thanking President Obama for his unflinching leadership in averting a national crisis and defeating the tea party. Click here to sign.

Victory is upon us! Republicans have completely folded, agreeing to reopen the government, pay federal employees and extend the debt ceiling while getting absolutely nothing in return.

Credit for this victory belongs entirely to President Barack Obama. Two years ago he vowed to never again negotiate with Republicans over the debt limit, and his refusal to negotiate is why we have emerged victorious today:

More than two years ago, President Obama was still in the thick of his previous showdown with Republican House leaders over the nation's debt limit when he called five senior advisers into his office. He did not ask their advice, one said. Rather, he told them, in a way that brooked no discussion: From now on, no more negotiating over legislation so basic and essential to the economy, and the country.

"I'm not going through this again. It's bad for democracy. It's bad for the presidency," Mr. Obama said, according to the adviser, who declined to be identified describing internal discussions. The president then told the group — his Treasury secretary, chief Congressional lobbyist, chief economic adviser and both his and the vice president's chiefs of staff — to spread that word, "even in your body language."

This is the leadership we have craved for so long. Please, click here to add your name to our petition thanking President Obama for his stalwart leadership in averting a national crisis and defeating the tea party.

Keep fighting,
Chris Bowers
Senior Campaign Director, Daily Kos

P.S. We've beaten the tea party, but they'll be back. Please contribute $5 to Daily Kos to help us grow even stronger for the next fight.

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Friday, October 04, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Sign the petition to John Boehner and we'll send him a pacifier


that's going to get him on your side, isn't it?  fucking idiots.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Elijah Zarlin, CREDO Action <act@credoaction.com> wrote:
CREDO action
Tell John Boehner to put a stop to tantrum-throwing, infantile Republicans and call a vote on a clean budget. We'll send him a pacifier for every person who signs.

The petition to John Boehner reads:
Our nation cannot afford to be held hostage by the irresponsible and immature actions of members of your party. As speaker of the House, it's time for you to act like an adult, and call a vote on a clean budget resolution.

Automatically add your name:

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Dear Matt,

Send Boehner a pacifier - click here to take action.

John Boehner can do two things with the thousands of pacifiers we hope to send him:

1. He can see them as a message from an overwhelming number of Americans that it's time for him to act like an adult, and stand up to the irresponsible and childish behavior among his party that is putting our nation in serious jeopardy.

2. He can hand them out to the members of his party, as a message that members of Congress must stop acting like spoiled brats. Their actions have consequences, and the longer they keep the government shut down at the hands of their petulant and reckless tantrum, the greater those consequences become -- both for their jobs and for our nation.

Boehner has the Republican votes to pass a clean budget resolution and end the Republican tantrum which has shut down our government.1 All he needs to do is call a vote.

But until he puts on his big boy pants, and starts acting like an adult who serves in one of the most powerful offices in U.S. government -- speaker of the House -– we're going to treat him, and the Republicans he leads, according to how they are acting.

We're sending John Boehner a pacifier for every person who signs the petition calling for a vote on a clean budget resolution - up to 100,000 pacifiers! Click here to automatically add your name.

John Boehner has been called a cry baby in the past.2 But right now it's not Boehner who is crying -- it's the federal workers who aren't receiving paychecks. It's the small-business owners who saw their business vaporized when the national parks visitors they depend on for their livelihoods were turned away at the park gates. It's the parents of a child with cancer whose access to experimental and possibly lifesaving medicine was cut off because the NIH had to cancel a drug trial.

The op-ed pages of the nation's newspapers have spared few words in laying the blame on irresponsible Republicans. Even the usually conservative USA Today put it bluntly:3

"[This shutdown] is the product of an increasingly radicalized Republican Party, controlled by a disaffected base that demands legislative hostage-taking in an effort to get what it has not been able to attain by the usual means: winning elections... More immediately, the party needs to get out of the hole it is digging for itself and the nation. That will require Boehner to allow the House to vote on a bill to fund the government without any Obamacare amendments... Whether and when Boehner will permit such a vote remains to be seen, but as the shutdown drags on and the toll on the economy mounts, the public will have little trouble seeing where the blame is properly laid."

The Washington Post was even more blunt, more or less calling for Republican leadership to resign if they aren't willing to end this mess:4

"More specifically, the Republican leaders of the House of Representatives are failing. They should fulfill their basic duties to the American people or make way for legislators who will... Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Budget Committee chairman and former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan and their colleagues may be in a difficult political position. Honestly, we don't much care. They need to reopen the government and let it pay its bills.

But instead of stepping up, Boehner is still acting like a babysitter who got conned into letting the kids make the rules: Watch R-rated movies as late as they want, eat lots of candy instead of dinner, and shut down the government if they don't get their way after 42 failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a failed effort to overturn it in the Supreme Court, and a failed campaign to overturn it at the nation's ballot box.

With each passing day of this shutdown, Republicans do more damage to their party, their re-election prospects and most important, our nation.

Help us send thousands of pacifiers to John Boehner's office to convince him that it's time for an adult moment. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Thanks for helping to hold irresponsible Republicans accountable.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Learn more about this campaign

1. "Here's A Tally Of Which House Republicans Are Ready To Fund The Government, No Strings Attached," Huffington Post, 10/1/13
2. "John Boehner, Cry Baby," The New Republic, 5/6/2010
3. "The Shutdown Party: Our view," USA Today, 10/2/13
4. "House Republicans are failing Americans in their effort to kill Obamacare," 10/1/13

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