Dear John
I was going to write "Dear Mr. Podesta" but since you seem to think we are on a first name basis, I'll respond in kind. No need to be excessively formal here.
I really feel sorry for young people (and frankly not-so-young people, it's been a very long slog) who were thrilled with Obama because during their whole lives as voting citizens, they've had nothing but Bush - Clinton - Bush administrations.
20 years is a long time for two political dynasties to control the fate of the entire nation. So why do I feel sorry for them? Because they are going to be so disappointed when they figure out that Obama is just another name for Clinton II.
What do all these Clinton retreads have to do with "Change"? Oh, I know the slogans are just window dressings, just as Obama claims he wants to hear what we have to say, so we dump our sincerest wishes into an electronic sinkhole. It would be nice if a real person would get back to us instead of an autoresponse, but we know that isn't going to happen, because how would Obama explain how the guy who is going to use diplomacy is taking foreign policy advice from that ghoul Madeline "500,000 dead Iraqi children is worth the cost" Albright? That's just for starts of course, but I won't go on, as you know far more than I do about what Obama has planned in the deception and hypocrisy department.
And I certainly doubt this message is going to get to you with a return address of "autoresponse@
But you know, John, that's YOUR loss, because I'm going to make sure EVERYBODY ELSE sees my message to you. Maybe some diehard Dem (I hear tell there are still some of them left, but there's less of them everyday, thanks to Obama's bungling the massive amount of good will he had - similar to how Bush threw away the good will the world had towards the US after 911) will be kind enough to find some back channel to get this to you.
Dear Matt,
62 days. That's how much time we have left to prepare for the Obama-Biden Administration that will bring the change Americans demanded so strongly in this past election.
President-elect Obama has set a high bar for the Transition team: to execute the most efficient, organized, and transparent transfer of power in American history. As a co-Chair for the Transition, I want to tell you about a few steps we've already taken to achieve this goal.
First, we adopted the strictest ethics guidelines ever applied to any transition team. President-elect Obama pledged to change the way Washington works, and that begins with shifting influence away from special interests and restoring it to the everyday Americans who are passionate about fixing the problems facing our country.
Opening up the Transition means listening to your ideas and stories and providing a window into how the process works.
To give you a look at how we're approaching some of the nation's most pressing issues, we filmed this meeting of our Energy and Environment Policy Transition Team and interviewed team member Heather Zichal.
Watch the video and submit your ideas on energy and the environment:
President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden have set an ambitious agenda, and we are going to make a source of information, as well as a place to participate in the decisions being made about your government.
Since the decisions we're making affect all Americans, we're counting on citizens from every walk of life to get involved. You can help us right now by making sure your friends and neighbors know about and give their input, too.
We're continuing to develop new ways to open up the process, and we'll keep you posted along the way.
John Podesta
Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team
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