I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Sing out! Sunday in Ann Arbor


You are right, I am a passionate progressive, which is why I will mostly avoid voting for Democrats. It's a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea when it comes down to the choice between the two wings of the Corporate Party.

And where did you get the idea I was a member of MoveOn?  It's true I used to dally on the website, trying to inspire some sort of reform. Due to my efforts, and the efforts of others like me, you did indeed understand the need to change. But you just got worse, more unaccountable, less democratic.

I'll mostly be voting Green if I have the choice, and if you also regard yourself to be a progressive, you'll do likewise.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Matt Blizek, MoveOn.org Political Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:
I'm worried about the millions of Obama Democrats who don't plan to vote on November 4.
MoveOn: Voters Rising
Average Time Spent Calling Voters

MoveOn members in Ypsilanti: 160 min.

You: 0 min.
Can you sign up to attend a GOTV call party in Ann Arbor on Sunday to make sure progressives show up to vote on Election Day?

Dear MoveOn member,

I don't need to tell you that this election is a toss-up, that time is short, or that control of the Senate is at stake—and what a disaster it would be if Republicans took the majority.

You already know all this. After all, you're reading this email.

You might be thinking, "You're preaching to the choir."

You're right: You—as a MoveOn member reading this email—are among the most passionate progressives in the country. I'm not worried whether you'll turn out.

I'm worried about the millions of Obama Democrats who don't plan to vote on November 4—voters who elected the president in 2008 and 2012 but sat out in 2010, when the Tea Party swept into power. They may decide control of the Senate—and we need your help getting them to the polls.

Click here to sign up to attend a get-out-the-vote call party in Ann Arbor on Sunday—it's our last of the year.

Or click here if you'd like to sign up to call voters from home.

If we can get these "drop-off" voters to the polls, we can win. In the key states that will determine control of the Senate, a few thousand votes—a few thousand people—will make the difference. Polls have been swinging back and forth in Iowa, Colorado, North Carolina, and other close races. In the end, it all comes down to turnout.

I can't reach all those Democratic voters with this email, nor convince them to come out and vote. But MoveOn members can mobilize them with our Voters Rising campaign.

And that's where you come in. This campaign is ambitious and effective—through a combination of technology and targeting, MoveOn members are making calls six times as effective as the calls we made in 2012. And we know that person-to-person contact is the only way to cut through the campaign noise and overcome the Republican Money Machine.

The program is in place. Now, we just need to make the calls. Will you join the all-hands-on-deck effort to get out the progressive vote? The best way to do it is together with other MoveOn members at a call party near you. 

Yes, I'll sign up to talk to voters at a call party in Ann Arbor!

No, I can't make the call party but I'll sign up to call voters from home.

You know, there's a reason why preachers preach to the choir every week: Because it works.

So, yes, I'm preaching to the choir—for the same reasons preachers do: We want to hear that choir sing. 

If you're ready, it's time to sing out!

Count me in—I'll sign up to help turn out voters by Election Day at a call party on Sunday in Ann Arbor.

I can't make the call party but count me in to call voters from home.

When MoveOn members take action together, amazing things can happen—like saving America from a Republican takeover of the Senate.

Thanks for all you do.

–Matt, Ben O., Joan, Mark, and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Matt Love on October 29, 2014. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Fwd: Muziboo is shutting down permanently


What a shame, I was a bit success on Muziboo:

Muziboo is shutting down. Please read our blog post on it. This is a backup service to help you export your data. New signups and uploads are disabled. Please export all your stuff out before Dec 15th, 2014, after which the backup service will be offline.



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and I was a valued member of the community, they even wrote to me twice:

View Scribbles (2)


Nithya Muziboo staff said

Hi Matt,

How are you doing?

This is Nithya, one of the founders of Muziboo. I wanted to introduce myself to you…also wanted to let you know that in the past one year, there have been very many exciting developments in the Muziboo community. We really appreciate the support shown by valuable Muzibians like you.

That you have been with the community for a year now, you sure would have noted the way Muziboo has grown into an active community of music lovers from across the globe.

It would be great if you can tell me

1)What you like about the service?
2)How I can make you like the service better?

Your stories will definitely encourage us to make your interaction and networking more exciting!

Eagerly awaiting…

Invite your MySpace Friends


Nithya Muziboo staff said

Hi Matt, Welcome here …. please find our beta radio link http://www.muziboo.com:8000/

do upload ur music!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Muziboo.com <support@muziboo.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Subject: Muziboo is shutting down permanently
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Dear Matt

As you might be aware, Muziboo has not been up for a while now due to copyright issues. We are saddened to announce that we will be shutting the service down permanently. Click here for details on what led to this.

However, we want to make sure that you are able to retrieve all your uploaded tracks and receive a pro-rated refund if you have paid for the annual plan.

Retrieving your Uploads

Muziboo will be available at backup.muziboo.com till Dec 15th, 2014, for you to login and retrieve all your uploads and other content. You will not be able to upload new tracks, play existing tracks or create new accounts on the site.


We'll be issuing pro-rated refunds for your Pro account if you paid for an annual plan. You won't be charged for services beyond Oct 1st. If you are on the monthly plan, we'll cancel your subscription and refund your last payment. All refunds will be completed by 1st Dec 2014.

Thank you for being part of Muziboo!

If you have any questions, please email support@muziboo.com or use the contact form at http://www.muziboo.com/contact


If you don't wish to receive emails from us, Edit Your Notification Settings


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] The awfulness that is Jian Ghomeshi


I endured this fellow on the CBC for much of the time we lived in Canada, but I never really took the time to put my feelings in writing, but then the scandal erupted, and I took the opportunity to lay it out in response to Mio Adilman's facebook post.  Unfortunately, I didn't think of reprinting it here until after he already deleted it!

Here is Adilman's post, followed by my reconstruction of my response as best I can remember it.

every week for 5 years this was also my experience...

I have no idea whether ex-CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi is a sexual predator, as alleged. But I do...

Mio, I enjoyed your every appearance on Q, always. However I can't share Jonathan Kay's or your enthusiasm for Ghomeshi as a host. Program after program, he had great guests, but it was a frustration experience, the interviews were lumpy and disjointed because he could not resist constantly inserting himself into the story in places where he didn't belong.  His tagline was always "to be continued," but nothing was ever continued, nothing was ever finished or resolved because he was such a poor interviewer.

His interview of Billy Bob Thornton stands out in my memory.  I have no sympathy at all for Thornton; I hated him, and then I forgot him. I had to look up his name to write this. However, I was surprised to hear the interview - I concluded that Ghomeshi ambushed and baited him (perhaps he was bringing his bedroom technique into the interview?).  I realize this is a minority opinion, that overwhelmingly people approved of Ghomeshi's handling of the guest. Perhaps there was some national pride involved; local boy nails the hide of the Ugly American to the wall?

At any rate, I entirely gave up the dubious pleasure of Ghomeshi's company, and was better off for it. I wasn't thrilled when I learned that Ghomeshi had followed me back to the states via NPR after we moved back, but I've managed to avoid him here, too.  Kay mis-charactorizes NPR as the intellectual high end of American media; it's Fox News for the whine and brie set, who like to imagine they are consuming a superior brand of propaganda.

It was dismaying to me to experience the decay of the CBC (no doubt courtesy of Mr. Harper) during the time we lived there - it more and more began to resemble NPR. This was also the period of Ghomeshi's ascendancy. 

if the charges against Ghomeshi are unfounded, I hope he comes out of this OK, but I really don't understand Kay's claims about his supposed greatness, he was one of the more irritating media people I've been exposed to.


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] One of my finer facebook moments...


And woth repeating here....

The redistribution of wealth from workers to the idle rich.

  • Matt Love These graphics always seem to show pictures of Republicans, so they are missing half the picture. Caroline Kennedy alone is worth up to $500m - more than twice as much as Mitt Romney. How about the rest of them? I don't know but I can tell you no Kennedy has had to work unless they wanted to since her Grandpa Joe made the family fortune in bootlegging. John Kerry is worth an estimated $194 million (well, he HAS ~194 mil, how much he's worth is a matter worthy of debate). Anybody have a problem with that? Nancy Pelosi has 100 million. Her networth increased 62% last year alone, but how many people are upset over how much that pig is taking out of the economic trough? i couldn't even get a fix on how much the Clintons have - somewhere between 2.5 million and 106 million.People only care a little bit about how much the Clinton's have as Hillary tried to say she was like us because they were at one point close to having to sell one of their mansions. And speaking of the idle rich, I can't think of anybody who has been more idle, more useless than the incumbent, who somehow doubled his holdings to 14 million in the time he's been in office. Robert Reich has a chart that shows that around the time that Obama took office, the poor began to actually lose ground during economical expansions (https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/photos/pb.142474049098533.-2207520000.1414531700./868294406516490/?type=1&theater) - far surpassing the noteworthy cruelty of the Reagan and Bush regimes. Still, every few days, I get an email from him via MoveOn.Org urging me to support the Democratic Party! It would appear that Reich, a pauper at a mere 4 million, wouldn't mind having more, and he knows who is buttering his bread.
    Here's a chart showing what's happened during every economic expansion since World War II, and what portion of it went to the wealthiest 10 percent and the poorest 90 percent of households. As you can see, income growth every expansion has delivered more of its benefits to the top and less to the bottom 90. The drop in the bottom 90 percent's share really started to plummet in the 1982-1990 period, thanks to Reaganomics. Moreover, the real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the bottom 90 dropped for the first time in the "recovery" we're now in.     In other words, this is not a business cycle problem. We're dealing with the underlying structure of the economy, which is tilting ever more in the direction of the top and away from the vast majority. This is not sustainable. The choice is either fundamental reform or social unrest.

    Here's a chart showing what's happened during every economic expansion since World War II, and what portion of it went to the wealthiest 10 percent and the poor...

    See More


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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Monday, October 27, 2014

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Heavyweight Roots/Dub label launch - FREE MIXTAPE DOWNLOADS (ft. U Roy, Prince Jazzbo, Lady Ann, U Brown, Dillinger, Trinity, Lone Ranger, ...)


Hey Don Goliath

Remember me? I was the people's choice winner for a remix of one of
your songs on Talenthouse - I was supposed to get a prize - I'm still
waiting for it!

I invented Rub-A-Dub-Dubstep just for you!

C'mon man! Pay up!

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 6:23 PM, <dg@dongoliath.com> wrote:
> Summary:
> 1. Rootsstep Division Recordings label launch - FREE MIXTAPE DOWNLOADS ON
> OUR WEBSITE (ft. U Roy, Dillinger, Lady Ann, U Brown, Trinity, Prince
> Jazzbo, Lone Ranger, Nigger Kojack, Carlton Livingston, Junior Cat ...)
> 2. 2 Don Goliath 12" vinyl maxis (including remixes by Jonah Dan) are out
> now
> 3. Exclusive Dubplates by Don Goliath are now available from Jah Waggy's
> Records
> Details:
> 1. We are very pleased to announce the label launch of Rootsstep Division
> Recordings, our brand new sublabel dedicated to pure sound system minded
> Roots/Dub music! To celebrate this event you can download mixtapes of our
> recent album releases for free on our website www.dongoliath.com. The label
> has been founded by Don Goliath and all our recent releases feature him not
> only as a singer but also as the producer of all riddims! Every tune comes
> with vocal, melodica and dub cut. Featured vocal artists include U Roy,
> Prince Jazzbo, Lady Ann, U Brown, Trinity, Lone Ranger, Junior Cat,
> Dillinger, Nigger Kojack, Carlton Livingston as well as many upcoming
> artists. Don Goliath literally found back to his roots on these
> productions, leaving his Dubstep days behind, and is now focusing on his
> latest musical style "Rootsstep" in which he mixes end 70s Rockers vibes
> with an uptodate bassweight attitude and sound. Don Goliath's output hasn't
> been reached by any other Roots producer of the digital era: he has
> released 9 albums (available on CD and digital formats from our website) on
> a 2 (TWO!) weekly basis and he/we will continue this release schedule for
> months to come, so keep checking our websites for forthcoming releases as
> we just couldn't bother you with a newsletter every 2 weeks ;). On top of
> Don Goliath's unbelievable musical output we also want to stretch that his
> production quality is amongst the highest one can find in Roots music these
> days. We believe the recent downfall of Reggae/Roots has much to do with
> the market being flooded with not well sounding even badly produced tunes
> so it was only clear that Roots got left behind well produced and now more
> popular genres. We aim to put Roots music back in the spotlight, with a
> production quality that can compete with today's mainstream genres. Don't
> get us wrong though, we are aware that every upcoming producer has to make
> his way and experiences to achieve a decent sound. But enough with the
> worshipping for now, just let the music speak for itself and don't miss
> this opportunity to grab the mixtapes for free so you'll hear what we are
> all about: www.dongoliath.com
> 2. 2 Don Goliath 12" vinyl maxis are out now on Jonah Dan's label Dub
> Uncle. One 12" consists of Don Goliath's "Change your ways" (ft. Talliss
> Ites) and the other 12" consists of Don Goliath's "Children of Israel" (ft.
> Dillinger). The maxis contain Don Goliath's 3 original cuts (vocal,
> melodica, dub) as well as 2 cuts (vocal, dub) of Jonah Dan's remixes. Check
> our website for retailers!
> 3. A fine selection of exclusive Dubplates by Don Goliath are now available
> from Jah Waggy's Records for a limited time only. So hurry up and hop over
> to Jah Waggy's right now: http://www.jahwaggysdubplatedownloads.com
> big ups,
> Rootsstep Division Crew
> www.dongoliath.com
> www.facebook.com/dongoliath1
> www.soundcloud.com/dubstepdivisionrecordings
> www.youtube.com/DubstepDivision
> www.twitter.com/dubstepdivision
> ----
> If you want to be removed from our newsletter please click here:
> www.dongoliath.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.html


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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