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Friday, May 02, 2008

[ILoveIshtar] Re: DVD giveaway / website update

Hey Jef

This is certainly good news on the Ishtar front!  It's been a little slow lately, thanks for kicking up some new activity...

My friend Vincent in Paris is a translator, but he does it for a living, I doubt he'd want to spend his free time on it.  There are lots of bilingual folks here in Canadaland, I'll see if I can find somebody who'd be interested in working on this....

Man oh man, I'd love to contribute a recording to the tribute album. I'm not famous, or very good, but I could put together a good team of musicians to turn out a good recording. It would be so great to get the complete song from Paul Williams ("That A Lawnmower Could Do All That" for example) to work on.  Maybe that's another question for him... can he do that?  Or are his hands legally tied?

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 6:25 AM, Ishtar The Movie Webchef <itmcontact@ishtarthemovie.com> wrote:
Hey all Ishtarians... thought we'd bring you up to speed with a few things in Ishtar The Movie.com land:

   During this month of May, everyone, regardless of home country, who leaves a message and valid name/email on our new MESSAGE BOARD (found here: http://www.ishtarthemovie.com/board/index.php) will have their name put into a draw for a free UK 'Uncut' DVD copy of Ishtar. The winning name will be picked June 1, 2008 and shipped as soon as the email, name and a shipping address in confirmed.
   This DVD is a REGION 2 disc, which means it is playable on REGION 2 or NON-REGION players. Now, once you have this disc, most computers can make a backup copy which is perfectly viewable on any player, anywhere.
   We're working on the disappearing honor system... please enter your name only once.
   We hope to repeat this. Keep posted and spread the word.

   The interest in a fan tribute CD has been GREAT. We are still trying to confirm all legalities through Columbia Pictures and Capitol Records... a very tedious thing. To all who have contacted us, thanks for your patience. We STILL expect to do this and would love to continue having as much support as possible.

   We've been in touch directly with Mr. Williams and he has consented to answering email questions. If you have a curiosity or two which you'd like to pose to him, we'll gladly forward all relevant and polite queries, crediting you, of course, with your permission. Send them by May 16th and then we'll do the deed.

   And, finally, we're looking for help translating the site into French. Yes, France loves the flick (...not as much as Jerry Lewis...) and the film thru a French site would get even more attention. Any ideas?

5 - And as always, we love hearing from youse guys...

Hope everyone is having a great day... AND THANKS AGAIN!!!

Jef Leeson,
Ishtar The Movie Webchef

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[ILoveIshtar] DVD giveaway / website update

Hey all Ishtarians... thought we'd bring you up to speed with a few
things in Ishtar The Movie.com land:

During this month of May, everyone, regardless of home country, who
leaves a message and valid name/email on our new MESSAGE BOARD (found
here: http://www.ishtarthemovie.com/board/index.php) will have their
name put into a draw for a free UK 'Uncut' DVD copy of Ishtar. The
winning name will be picked June 1, 2008 and shipped as soon as the
email, name and a shipping address in confirmed.
This DVD is a REGION 2 disc, which means it is playable on REGION 2
or NON-REGION players. Now, once you have this disc, most computers can
make a backup copy which is perfectly viewable on any player, anywhere.
We're working on the disappearing honor system... please enter your
name only once.
We hope to repeat this. Keep posted and spread the word.

The interest in a fan tribute CD has been GREAT. We are still
trying to confirm all legalities through Columbia Pictures and Capitol
Records... a very tedious thing. To all who have contacted us, thanks
for your patience. We STILL expect to do this and would love to continue
having as much support as possible.

We've been in touch directly with Mr. Williams and he has consented
to answering email questions. If you have a curiosity or two which you'd
like to pose to him, we'll gladly forward all relevant and polite
queries, crediting you, of course, with your permission. Send them by
May 16th and then we'll do the deed.

And, finally, we're looking for help translating the site into
French. Yes, France loves the flick (...not as much as Jerry Lewis...)
and the film thru a French site would get even more attention. Any ideas?

5 - And as always, we love hearing from youse guys...

Hope everyone is having a great day... AND THANKS AGAIN!!!

Jef Leeson,
Ishtar The Movie Webchef

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Enjoy the new song by Wayne N Cheeze

Check out this song: 'Stuck' by WayneNCheeze.

Band page: http://soundclick.com/waynencheeze

Song page: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6507882
SoundClick - the social music community  (http://www.soundclick.com)

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Re: [ILoveIshtar] Re: A true story for you

Yeah, You really know the lingo is a fave, as is the totally unusable in everyday life "Are these breasts?"
And "When you're on, you're on!"

matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:
"You really know the lingo" has to be close to the top for me, too. 

There's so many... but I think my current is probably "Most guys'd be ashamed, but you've got the guts to just say 'to hell with it'. You say that you'd rather have nothing than settle for less"

And guess what?  I saw Shirra Assel here in Paris, too.

Well, her picture, anyway, this poster is up all over the city....

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Dave Elvin <dave@daveelvin.com> wrote:
Matt Love wrote:

"Don't hustle me," I said. "l'm from Edmonton. They call me the Canadian

Matt, (sigh) you really know the lingo.

(That, btw, is my favorite line of the entire movie. What's yours?)


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