I got this tweet:
I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.
I got this tweet:
Prosecutors are not responsible to train their staff that they MUST turn over evidence that is favorable to the defendant?
Huh? This explains the great many cases where we have heard time and again that the prosecutors knowingly prosecuted innocent people.
Let's look at this from a different angle.
Those Prosecutes are there to represent the best interests of We the People? Or are they there to use any person who cannot defend themselves from monsters, to be ale to climb the so called ladder of the Justice system so they can make more money AND ENRICHEN the Prison system?
There job is NOT to get the actually Guilty? Just to get convictions?
The 'letter of the law' is an aberration to the purpose of the law, then only they who control the letters of the law need no fear the law, as this is solid proof, That Justice Thomas and his fellow DO NOT work for We The People.
These are the people, who are suppose to evenly and fairly apply the laws to EVERYONE, and this is a shining example of how dangerous the legal system could be to you.
Something needs to be done to return our Nation to it's purpose, not the letter of documents whose PURPOSE is suppose to be to ensure the PURPOSE of our Highest laws, are carried out. We now have a whole criminal system that no one lawyer or judge can understand all of it, because it no longer is designed to protect the citizens of the nation and it definitely is not there to uphold the purpose of our Constitution.
The people for this job, are you and I, as those who are suppose to represent us, are showing in bold face, we are not those being represented and worked for.
One month before John Thompson's scheduled execution, a private investigator discovered that prosecutors had hidden evidence that exonerated him.
www.nytimes.com A Supreme Court's ruling has made it even more likely that innocent people will be railroaded by untrained prosecutors.
Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the 5-to-4 majority in Connick v. Thompson, said the D.A.'s office was not liable for failing to train its lawyers about their duty under the Constitution to turn over evidence favorable to the accused.
The lawyers had kept secret more than a dozen pieces of favorable evidence over 15 years, destroying some.
These jerks are screening my comments. I could log on under an assumed name, but why should I? I'm proud to be me. Proud to be the best poster they've ever had.
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I am 26 now and was part of the wave of young progressives who helped vote in Obama in '08. I remain committed to focus on personal liberties and environmental issues held by that group, but I have never been convinced that entitlements are very important to me. The growing concern over the deficit has further diminished my opinion of them. Considering I have at least another forty if not fifty years to work before I could benefit from them personally, I am not confident they will even be in place by then.
To sum up I am all for cutting a deal on both sides in order to take care of this problem.
This flaming asshole thinks s/he is a "progressive" - that progressive means "it's important if it affects me, and to hell with it if it affects somebody else." Not to mention the magical thinking of "nothing will ever happen to me - I'll never have a sever back injury that will put me in the same boat as an 80 year old." Not to mention this moron thought they were helping the cause of personal freedom by voting for Bush III. Give me strength. The amount of stupidity i the world is just overwhelming at times.
Oh, there are lots of comments from other wingnuts, too. But at least they know what they are.