I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [OregonDems_etc] Would the Founding Fathers be pleased with America today?

They would be dismayed to know that blacks, women, and people without property could vote, but as long as they had stock in Halliburton, they'd be well pleased. My "Yes" vote nudged the percentage up to 11!

On 7/4/07, Stevo <blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com > wrote:

 Poll Of The Day
Would the Founding Fathers be pleased with America today?



Total Votes: 1077

I just can't take any more!!!, Stevo  
Who's the idiot who 
got us into this mess?

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Leslie_Morris_Online] MY MOVIES ARE FUNDED MY NAZI GOLD - Uwe Boll

yes, good one Karen!

Hey Leslei, how do your Christian ideals react to "Evan Almighty"?  I found this blogger who wasn't too keen on it - I copy and paste his rant below, and below that my comments.  I wonder if he'll approve them?  "HAH! Dream on, monkey boy," he'll say.

comments?  comments?  comments?

"Evan Almighty" revisited

This morning I came across an interesting review posted at Fox News
that eloquently delves into some of the problems encountered with this

   In its aftermath, once again the chatter from Hollywood is how,
despite another earnest and sincere attempt to make a movie for "those
people," the elusive faith-based audience that came out to see the
Passion of The Christ has once again failed to turn out en masse for a
movie thought to be tailor-made for them. The problem with such an
analysis is that it's not unlike making a movie featuring blackface
and wondering why the African-American audience isn't interested.

It's an unrealistic and insulting satire of the God of all creation,
and an attempt to make light of one of the most tragic events in human
history. We've softened the impact of The Flood a great deal ourselves
by making it a children's story with clean fluffy sheep, giraffes, and
a cartoon view of their little ark bobbing along merrily on the waves.
In reality, this should be one of the scariest, most grievous stories
one could ever imagine. It should produce repentance and thankfulness
for God's promise not to do it again, and horror that He was pushed to
that point in the first place.

It isn't a "cute story". The very fact that conversations about The
Flood are dominated by wondering where the animals fit, why weren't
there dinosaurs on board and how stinky it was, rather than focusing
on God's miraculous provision for His few faithful and destruction of
the multitudes who'd turned their backs on Him, leaves us often
totally bypassing the message of hope in the midst of the storm.

God cares for His faithful and He eventually reaches the end of His
patience. We ask why evil is allowed to prosper, but that won't last
always. We ask why His people suffer, but they'll be rescued in time.

   The notion that millions of conservative Christians (a large
majority of whom are also politically conservative) were going to
flock to a movie that depicted obviously conservative political
leaders as corrupt politicians going against the will of both a modern
day Noah and God himself by trying to ruin the environment by opening
up government-owned land for development, is nothing short of madness.
It's one of the worst cinematic miscalculations this side of Ishtar.

   But there's more. Between one of the characters noting with
confidence that God is "in everything" (an idea that many religions
hold to, but not the Christian one) and the notion that the
Judeo-Christian God is primarily concerned not with sin, salvation and
redemption but with encouraging "acts of random kindness," it was
clear that if reaching a faith-based audience was the goal, this one
was off by a mile.

   Then there was the show-stopper: when, as the credits rolled,
"Noah" held up a replica of the Ten Commandments, then turned it
around to reveal an 11th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Do The Dance." For
at least some Americans that may have been the last straw that
cemented the film's descent from screwball religious comedy to


   If Hollywood continues to create films like Evan Almighty,
millions of traditionalists may grow to rue the day when Hollywood,
with dollar signs in its eyes, began courting them with wilted flowers
and stale chocolate.

   Mixing religion and entertainment has been long avoided for a reason:

   It's difficult to do well. But if the result of this grand new
experiment is films that are neither faithful nor funny, millions of
traditionalists will likely find less expensive ways to be entertained
and inspired.

We should be doing that anyway. God's Word is holy, and not to be made a joke.

   Phillipians 4:8

   Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever
is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such

Posted by marklaroi on Monday, July 2nd, 2007 at 1:04 pm.

No Responses to ""Evan Almighty" revisited"


"The notion that millions of conservative Christians (a large majority
of whom are also politically conservative) were going to flock to a
movie that depicted obviously conservative political leaders as
corrupt politicians going against the will of both a modern day Noah
and God himself by trying to ruin the environment by opening up
government-owned land for development, is nothing short of madness.
It's one of the worst cinematic miscalculations this side of Ishtar."

Exactly! As the song goes:

Telling the truth can be dangerous business
Honest and popular don't go hand in hand"

("Dangerous Business" from the movie Ishtar)

This 20th anniversary year is going to be a great year for Ishtar…
There is a documentary film about Ishtar fandom in the works, the
manager of the Ishtar fan website
( http://www.ishtarthemovie.com/) is putting together a tribute CD
featuring cover versions of songs from the movie, and possibly a US
release on DVD (something the heathen in Europe have been enjoying for
years). So shake off that square world, get with the countdown, and
blast off to Ishtar!


Left by Matt Love on Your comment is awaiting moderation. July 3rd, 2007

On 7/3/07, Karen Bayly <karenbayly@yahoo.com > wrote:

Sorry, "Postal" is good  ... why?

The YouTube scene is a pretty childish and lame attempt to make fun of Muslims and terrorists. And the interview PURLEASE, what a twat!  Oh, and the guys who got into boxing matches with him ...what can I say? They're just like Uwe - too much testosterone, not enough brains - and really sucky fighters. All of them!

Yeh, I'll know you probably come back with a stream of invective that totally belies your Christian ideals, but dude, you're better than that, surely. Or is Uwe just a guys guy? You know, the sort of guy szome other guys think is cool but who makes women throw up on sight?

Leslie Morris <dr_spider_man@yahoo.com> wrote:

I love Uwe Boll even more. As you might know he has challenged all of his hashes critics to
a boxing match. AND HE BET THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ALL OF THEM. One critic said that
Uwe Boll promised him training, then they didnt give it to them. Then he said "Dont worry,
its all for show" Then he beat the living shit out of them!!! I dont know if thats true or not,
but who cares.

His new movie "POSTAL" looks AMAZING!!! Have a look at the first scene

there is a good interview


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Monday, July 02, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [OregonDems_etc] George Seldes talks fascism and corporatism

Fair enough.  You are not one of those "we hate Bush, so we'll hold something his grandfather did against him, and just ignore that people who were associated with people we worship did exactly the same thng" kind of people.

I just think there is a LOT of revisionism about the pre-WWII period.  In the US, there were a lot of people that didn't want to get involved at all. There were a lot of people (not just Errol Flynn and Douglas Fairbanks) who were for getting in on the war effort on the Nazi side.  We have to remember that when the US joined the war on the Allied side, that put the US on the same side as Stalin.  It would have been very hard to get the US into the war on any side without Pearl Harbor.  That stirred people up; propaganda finished the job.  It's amusing to see (now suppressed) WWII propaganda cartoons from Warners and Disney that showed Uncle Joe (Stalin) in a heroic light.  As soon as the war was over, the US announced a new enemy (they'd already picked the enemy out before the war was over).  Some people were a bit disillusioned by the whole thing - the handful of people that remembered the new enemy was our friend in the war to end all wars.

But anyway, the US had discovered that war time spending had to continue, even in peace time, so the cold war, and the war on terror, and evil empires and the axis of evil and other such comic book concepts that make intelligent people hang their heads in embarrassment had to be invented.  While the right hand was finding enemies under every rock, the left hand was doing business with them, before, during and after WWII. 
Poor schlubs like us believe the propaganda and play by the rules - but the smart people of the republic, blue, red or purple - the Prescott/Walker/Bush/
Harriman/Dulles/Clinton/Reagans - rise serenely above our proletarian morality.

On 7/2/07, Kathleen Bushman < sassykathy46@gmail.com> wrote:

I am afraid that to say that Prescott Bush  did business with Nazis long after he should have stopped, but that puts him in the company of many other capitalists and politicians, but that doesn't make him or the others Nazi sympathizers is splitting a very fine hair.  They are all fascists and thus put profit above any moral issue - whether or not they were Nazi fascists is a very fine distinction that holds no interest for me.

On 7/2/07, Matt Love < matt.mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:
Let's try to make sure we remain in the reality-based community. Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser. He did business with Nazis long after he should have stopped, but that puts him in the company of many other capitalists and politicians.

Averill Harriman, for example, a Democratic politician served in the Administration of Harry Truman (a little monster much admired and loved by both Democrats and Republicans today) and Allen Dulles, who served in both Democratic (Truman and Kennedy) and Republican (Eisenhower) regimes.

It's good to bring these things to light, but unfortunately, when you start digging, you start finding both red and blue roots in the muck.

I should mention that Ralph "as bad as Hitler" Nader is not and has never been a member of the Nazi Party, nor has he ever financed Nazis or recycled Nazis into the space program or intelligence on border of the Soviet Empire.

On 7/2/07, Larry Wilson < larry@larry-wilson.com > wrote:

Fascism could be called the dictatorship of the corporations, whereas communism is called the dictatorship of the proletariat.  True freedom never seems to include a dictatorship of any kind.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ShunkW <shunkw@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Jul 2, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: [Out_Of_The_Frying_Pan] George Seldes talks fascism and corporatism
To: shunkw@sbcglobal.net

One of my "heroes" has long been George Seldes…..possibly the GREATEST "muckraker" in modern history….He interviewed the Chancellor of Germany after World War I and the US Government saw fit to censor the interview….many people think if it hadn't been censored that World War II could have been avoided….He was kicked out of the Soviet Union after he interviewed Stalin and during Mussolini's rise of modern fascism in Italy he had to be smuggled out in the trunk of a car to avoid being shot. He wrote a wonderful piece called "Facts and Fascism" that clearly points out the connection with fascism and corporatism even IN THE US….and while the US media reported about it in other countries, basically the people running the US media were corporatists/fascists themselves…He also individually lists how to recognize fascism…and it is amazing how closely the things he wrote in 1943 haven't changed in all that time….It isn't a coincidence that it was a Bush that help fund the Nazis…..


"Facts and Fascism"





Some years back Tim Robbins and Quinton Terrintino did a documentary about his life and named it after his book "Tell the Truth and RUN"….






People that tell the truth under personal risk like he and Socrates have ALWAYS been my "heroes"….





"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist".

Winston Churchhill

Silence is abdication. Abdication is consent. Be Loud. - Anon

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
inevitable." - JFK

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [OregonDems_etc] George Seldes talks fascism and corporatism

Let's try to make sure we remain in the reality-based community. Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser. He did business with Nazis long after he should have stopped, but that puts him in the company of many other capitalists and politicians.

Averill Harriman, for example, a Democratic politician served in the Administration of Harry Truman (a little monster much admired and loved by both Democrats and Republicans today) and Allen Dulles, who served in both Democratic (Truman and Kennedy) and Republican (Eisenhower) regimes.

It's good to bring these things to light, but unfortunately, when you start digging, you start finding both red and blue roots in the muck.

I should mention that Ralph "as bad as Hitler" Nader is not and has never been a member of the Nazi Party, nor has he ever financed Nazis or recycled Nazis into the space program or intelligence on border of the Soviet Empire.

On 7/2/07, Larry Wilson <larry@larry-wilson.com > wrote:

Fascism could be called the dictatorship of the corporations, whereas communism is called the dictatorship of the proletariat.  True freedom never seems to include a dictatorship of any kind.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ShunkW <shunkw@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Jul 2, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: [Out_Of_The_Frying_Pan] George Seldes talks fascism and corporatism
To: shunkw@sbcglobal.net

One of my "heroes" has long been George Seldes…..possibly the GREATEST "muckraker" in modern history….He interviewed the Chancellor of Germany after World War I and the US Government saw fit to censor the interview….many people think if it hadn't been censored that World War II could have been avoided….He was kicked out of the Soviet Union after he interviewed Stalin and during Mussolini's rise of modern fascism in Italy he had to be smuggled out in the trunk of a car to avoid being shot. He wrote a wonderful piece called "Facts and Fascism" that clearly points out the connection with fascism and corporatism even IN THE US….and while the US media reported about it in other countries, basically the people running the US media were corporatists/fascists themselves…He also individually lists how to recognize fascism…and it is amazing how closely the things he wrote in 1943 haven't changed in all that time….It isn't a coincidence that it was a Bush that help fund the Nazis…..


"Facts and Fascism"





Some years back Tim Robbins and Quinton Terrintino did a documentary about his life and named it after his book "Tell the Truth and RUN"….






People that tell the truth under personal risk like he and Socrates have ALWAYS been my "heroes"….





"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist".

Winston Churchhill

Silence is abdication. Abdication is consent. Be Loud. - Anon

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Matt Love music rockin the world

Check it out, I'm feeling the love!


Dig that crazy chart action:

Charts Info
Main Genres

Cum On Feel The Noize
# 930 in Alternative (highest position was 297). Total songs: 111,579
# 70 in Avant Rock (highest position was 20). Total songs: 5,167


- currently no song only in sub genres -

Previously Charting

These songs have previously been on the charts.

# 848 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 62 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

Lets Lay Down III
# 2,235 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 134 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

Lifehouse East
# 592 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 41 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

Lifehouse South
# 952 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 67 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

Stockhausen, Bill Gates And Me
# 947 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 69 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

Why Not?
# 414 in Alternative. Total songs: 111,579
# 29 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 5,167

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] A woman that paints portraits of our fallen soldiers and then sends it to their families. Please pass on.

I suppose it's easier to paint portraits of just the Americans who are dying there than to paint pictures of the victims of the aggression, since over a million Iraqis have died thanks to the Bush/Clinton devotion to freedom - free access to Iraqi resources, that is.

If the artist did get into all that political "crap" she might start becoming active in casues that would mean she would no longer have to paint any more of these portraits.

Please pass this on.



On 6/30/07, Mary <XMJMac@optonline.net> wrote:


Dear Folks,


This feed portrays a woman from Utah who paints those soldiers that have died in Iraq. She does it out of the kindness of her own heart and sends the portrait to the grieving families left behind.  Her name is Josiah Handcock and one thing striking that she says of politics that she does not "get into all of that crap" and that she just "loves freedom"  Please pass this on since I feel she deserves the this praise since she does not accept one dime from a soldier's family.





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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Presidents-In-Drag] Digest Number 161

would have worked much better with Bush. I can't believe that people
keep pushing this crap, particularly on lists that are supposed to be
funny, like that sporkiatric group. it was over run by toothless

It's like if they asked people "who's worse, hitler or the taco bell
dog" and everybody south of the mason dixon line agreed that the taco
bell dog was worse, because he might have crossed the border

I don't have time for such stupidity.

On 1 Jul 2007 09:21:53 -0000, Presidents-In-Drag@yahoogroups.com
<Presidents-In-Drag@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> There are 2 messages in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Hillary's first nights as President..... ..HaHaHeHeHoHo....HoHo!!!!
> From: President of the United STOOGE
> 2. Saturn and Venus Collide--Almost..aind that ain't ALLLLL !!!!
> From: President of the United STOOGE
> Messages
> __________________________________________________________
> 1. Hillary's first nights as President..... ..HaHaHeHeHoHo....HoHo!!!!
> Posted by: "President of the United STOOGE" arexar4@yahoo.com arexar4
> Date: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:39 am ((PDT))
> "Bobbie B. Knechtel" missbobbiebinsc@yahoo.com wrote:
> January 1 2009
> Hillary Clinton was sworn in today as President. She has disposed of Bill and is spending her first night alone in the White House.
> She has waited several years for this.
> Suddenly!
> The ghost of George Washington appears to her,
> and Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
> Washington says,
> "Never tell a lie."
> "Ouch!" Says Hillary, "I don't know about that."
> The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...
> Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
> Jefferson says,
> "Listen to the people."
> "Oh hh! I really don't want to do that."
> On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears...
> Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
> Lincoln says,
> "Go to the theater."
> -----
> If you are feeling a bit crazy, join my group...
> Sporkiatric Center of The Mind
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sporkiatric/
> Then check out the SPORK video by Matt Love
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6BJLFDvrI0
> There's a NewKid in town and everybody's talking about him...
> http://soundclick.com/remotepossibility
> Each and everytime a butterfly flutters it's wings in one part of the universe,
> Cybill SHEPHERD gets laid in another and MY MOTHER farts !
> http://cybill.com
> FWD to EVERYONE you know if you beleive in Everyone you know.
> There's a NewKid in town and everybody's talking about him...
> http://soundclick.com/remotepossibility
> Each and everytime a butterfly flutters it's wings in one part of the universe,
> Cybill SHEPHERD gets laid in another and MY MOTHER farts !
> http://cybill.com
> FWD to EVERYONE you know if you beleive in Everyone you know.
> ---------------------------------
> Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.
> Messages in this topic (1)
> __________________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________________
> 2. Saturn and Venus Collide--Almost..aind that ain't ALLLLL !!!!
> Posted by: "President of the United STOOGE" arexar4@yahoo.com arexar4
> Date: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:15 am ((PDT))
> george n3ish@comcast.net wrote: Space Weather News for June 29, 2007
> > http://spaceweather.com
> >
> > VENUS & SATURN: Saturn and Venus are converging in the sunset sky for a
> > beautiful close encounter this weekend. At closest approach on Saturday,
> > June 30th, the two planets will be a mere 2/3rds of a degree apart. It's
> > a pretty sight for the unaided eye, and a great target for backyard
> > telescopes. Even small 'scopes will reveal the rings of Saturn and the
> > crescent shape of Venus. Check http://spaceweather.com for sky maps and
> > more information.
> >
> > FIRST LIGHT FOR AIM: NASA's AIM spacecraft is sending back its first
> > pictures of noctilucent clouds from Earth orbit. The clouds photographed
> > by AIM have the same intricate structure and electric-blue glow familiar
> > to sky watchers on Earth, but the panoramic view afforded by the
> > spacecraft's 600 km high orbit is unlike anything we've seen before. Check
> > today's edition of http://spaceweather.com for one of AIM's first light
> > images plus an updated gallery of ground-based sightings.
> >
> > If a friend sent you this alert and you would like to subscribe, click
> > here: http://spaceweather.com/services/
> >
> > To unsubscribe click here:
> > http://www.spaceweather2.com/u?id=1012890A&n=T&l=spaceweather
> > or send a blank email to leave-spaceweather-1012890A@www.spaceweather2.com
> >
> There's A New Kid In Town
> "Remote Possibility"
> Ten New Songs/Videos To Download FREE
> http://soundclick.com/remotepossibility
> Brought to you by Matt LOVE,
> RxR Soundclick and
> http://presidentoftheunitedstuds.piczo.com
> Any Further Questions:
> n3ish@comcast.net
> There's a NewKid in town and everybody's talking about him...
> http://soundclick.com/remotepossibility
> Each and everytime a butterfly flutters it's wings in one part of the universe,
> Cybill SHEPHERD gets laid in another and MY MOTHER farts !
> http://cybill.com
> FWD to EVERYONE you know if you beleive in Everyone you know.
> ---------------------------------
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> Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel bargains.
> Messages in this topic (1)
> __________________________________________________________
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