I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Updates in Your Groups, November 24, 2010

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Re: [TheTreePlanter] Plant Edible Fruit Bearing TREES in the street corners of Accra and other Cities


การแปลภาษา ภาษาไทย เป็นภาษา ภาษาอังกฤษ

Very well done to him to help me see my ad and let him help donate Next, we will be working together. Music to how to put my name and account number with Go to church with friends.

2010/11/24 SEKPE <billygeo2000@yahoo.com>

It getting better and better. have met some NGO and some UN Peace COP that is interested in Tree Planter. The encouragement gathered is forming a Tree Planting Project soon to hit Accra and the sud regions. The overall aim is to plant edible fruit bearing trees to provide a source of relieve to the hustlers on the street.
The full details of the idea is still been documented.

Tell me what you are working on so far....

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[TheTreePlanter] Plant Edible Fruit Bearing TREES in the street corners of Accra and other Cities


It getting better and better. have met some NGO and some UN Peace COP that is interested in Tree Planter. The encouragement gathered is forming a Tree Planting Project soon to hit Accra and the sud regions. The overall aim is to plant edible fruit bearing trees to provide a source of relieve to the hustlers on the street.
The full details of the idea is still been documented.

Tell me what you are working on so far....

Recent Activity:


Monday, November 22, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Songwriters reviewed by Steven Tyler, Faith Hill, and more


Hey, this is awesome, thanks! 

I'm gonna submit a song called "Toby Keith is a pussy who verbally threatens women and has been dodging my challenge to personal combat for many, many years now, and Merry Christmas!"

It's gonna be a killer!

thank you!

Matt Love

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Songwriting Opportunities <songwriting@songwritersfoundation.com> wrote:
Songwriting Judges: Randy Jackson, Faith Hill, Steven Tyler,
Alicia Keys, and Toby Keith
View Songwriting Judges Here
Song & Lyric writers reviewed by guest judges
The new guest judges will select their favorite song and lyric writers in the Song of the Year songwriting competition. Your final chance to enter is November 24th. Enter today at http://www.songoftheyear.net.

Your material sent to Record Labels and Music Publishers

The top 50 songs (5 songs from each of 10 categories) get sent to record labels, music publishers, managers, booking agents, and more! Song of the Year has many music resources who are always excited to review the top songwriters in the contest for further consideration.

Receive a MTV quality video of Your Song

One songwriter from the Song of the Year songwriting competition will receive a professional video. The song that will be used in the video will be selected by Song of the Year. The songwriter will have access to the same studios where many of the videos you have seen on T V have been shot. (http://www.songoftheyear.net)

Need holiday songs for radio airplay

All holiday themed songs submitted into the songwriting contest will be forwarded to radio stations for airplay consideration this holiday season. This opportunity is for ALL entries submitted into the contest regardless of whether you place in the contest or not.

The deadline for all of these opportunities is November 24, 2010

Your Songwriting Connection

This email is being sent by the National Songwriting Foundation. Please contact Song of the Year directly if you have any questions about this opportunity. You are more than welcome to unsubscribe at any time but if you want to occasionally be notified about new songwriting opportunities we would love to keep in touch. We have only sent three emails in 2010 as we ONLY notify songwriters of the best opportunities that can further songwriter's careers. If you no longer want to receive songwriting opportunity updates in the future you can unsubscribe. Unsubscribe

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Ed_and_Bela_The_Movie] Re: Matt Love left a message for you on Badoo!


good, I thought it was going to be another guy getting medieval on my ass for that spam that went out under my name.

Look, I'm annoyed too, but we live in a world where war criminals get nobel peace prizes, and torture is becoming commonplace.  I urge them to chill out, and I'm glad restraint was exercised on this list.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:45 AM, S&S Entertainment, LLC <ssagents@gmail.com> wrote:

Introducing www.xxxmalltheaters.com








Link to Stockroom & E Cigarette http://www.xxxmalltheaters.com/Stores.htm


Please forward this link to all your friendsJ

Shaul Saulisbury
S&S Entertainment, LLC/Prism Media Group, Inc.
213.925.7768 (Text/Voice Mail)

This electronic message transmission contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify sender immediately.

Thank You.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Re: [TheTreePlanter] my activities today


การแปลภาษา ภาษาไทย เป็นภาษา ภาษาอังกฤษ

Continue to do it. Thank you dear friend.

2010/11/22 matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>

I wrote to more musicians on Soundclick today, this time Bahrain and

Unfortunately, Soundclick stopped me before I was ready to stop, I got
this message: "Sorry, you are no longer allowed to use this form."

I presume I have been stopped from using this form because they
mistakenly believe I am spamming other Soundclick members. While it
is true I've send out dozens of nearly identically worded messages to
members - but of course they aren't spam messages, they are offering
musicians an opportunity to contribute their talents to a worthy

I will try to straighten this out with Soundclick, but while I am
doing that, does anybody else have a suggestion of an alternative
place to go for talent, or an alternative approach to inviting the
talent to participate?

My other act undertaken for the project today - I wrote to Merouane
Hebboul, the creative force behind Corbusmil, who I told you about

Please let me know if you approve (or not) of my approach to this project.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: CORBUSMIL, I'd like to discuss a project with you (CORBUSMIL)
To: Merouane HEBBOUL <info@corbusmil.com>

Dear Merouane Hebboul,

I am so happy to get your positive response to my email, and your
request for more information about the project.

What I hope to do is marshal people's talents in a fashion where they
can operate with as little or much independence as they wish.

If they have a strong group orientation, they can chose to stick very
closely to the template we're providing with the version George sings,
even to the point of using some of the original tracks. If that's the
approach they wish to take, if they chose their tracks can also be
made available for others (particularly hip hop people and electronica
people, who excel more at remixing elements than creating new ones
from scratch) to use in their productions... making a very large, but
compatible pool of source material available. The chief creative
challenge to people taking this approach is the translation of the
lyrics to the local language, preserving rhymes and cadence...

Others who have an orientation of striking out on their own can create
their own words and music from scratch.  The element that is really
essential is a simple one - this is a tree planting campaign.  The
lyrics should mention planting trees.

This may sounds like a potentially chaotic situation, but I know from
experience it can work - everybody finding their own path according to
the dictates of their own creativity - we will converge on the goal,
and I think what we all bring to the project will be pretty amazing.

Since I got your response, I've checked out more of your music on
Soundclick, and also YouTube, and I am just very impressed.

Do you have a vocalist you work with? That to me is a key element - a
voice to communicate the message, whether it is a singing voice, a
rapping voice, or a speaking voice!  Also, I would hope for some
elements of traditional Nigerian music to be featured in the
presentation, but I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do if that
isn't part of your aesthetic.  I'm sure whatever you would do would be

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

Recent Activity:


[TheTreePlanter] my activities today


I wrote to more musicians on Soundclick today, this time Bahrain and

Unfortunately, Soundclick stopped me before I was ready to stop, I got
this message: "Sorry, you are no longer allowed to use this form."

I presume I have been stopped from using this form because they
mistakenly believe I am spamming other Soundclick members. While it
is true I've send out dozens of nearly identically worded messages to
members - but of course they aren't spam messages, they are offering
musicians an opportunity to contribute their talents to a worthy

I will try to straighten this out with Soundclick, but while I am
doing that, does anybody else have a suggestion of an alternative
place to go for talent, or an alternative approach to inviting the
talent to participate?

My other act undertaken for the project today - I wrote to Merouane
Hebboul, the creative force behind Corbusmil, who I told you about

Please let me know if you approve (or not) of my approach to this project.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: CORBUSMIL, I'd like to discuss a project with you (CORBUSMIL)
To: Merouane HEBBOUL <info@corbusmil.com>

Dear Merouane Hebboul,

I am so happy to get your positive response to my email, and your
request for more information about the project.

What I hope to do is marshal people's talents in a fashion where they
can operate with as little or much independence as they wish.

If they have a strong group orientation, they can chose to stick very
closely to the template we're providing with the version George sings,
even to the point of using some of the original tracks. If that's the
approach they wish to take, if they chose their tracks can also be
made available for others (particularly hip hop people and electronica
people, who excel more at remixing elements than creating new ones
from scratch) to use in their productions... making a very large, but
compatible pool of source material available. The chief creative
challenge to people taking this approach is the translation of the
lyrics to the local language, preserving rhymes and cadence...

Others who have an orientation of striking out on their own can create
their own words and music from scratch.  The element that is really
essential is a simple one - this is a tree planting campaign.  The
lyrics should mention planting trees.

This may sounds like a potentially chaotic situation, but I know from
experience it can work - everybody finding their own path according to
the dictates of their own creativity - we will converge on the goal,
and I think what we all bring to the project will be pretty amazing.

Since I got your response, I've checked out more of your music on
Soundclick, and also YouTube, and I am just very impressed.

Do you have a vocalist you work with? That to me is a key element - a
voice to communicate the message, whether it is a singing voice, a
rapping voice, or a speaking voice!  Also, I would hope for some
elements of traditional Nigerian music to be featured in the
presentation, but I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do if that
isn't part of your aesthetic.  I'm sure whatever you would do would be

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Matt Love left a message for you on Badoo!


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Some more patiently waiting folks:

Ypsilanti, United States
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Have fun!
The Badoo Team

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Re: [TheTreePlanter] The tree planter...


การแปลภาษา ภาษาไทย เป็นภาษา ภาษาอังกฤษ

Many times I've told my needs. I'll tell you later. Enter your name and number of my bank account. And if you make a music video input ad Loved the world community in music. If you apply anything about advertising Lovd the world community to apply for me, because I probably do not apply. Go to church or not best friend. God loves you.

2010/11/21 matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>

Well, my friends, earlier today I was thinking that it would be interesting if everybody would do just one thing per day for the tree planting song project, and would share it with other people in the project. One little thing, multiplied over time, and also each of us getting ideas from each other and building on them... who knows what could happen?

But I felt it a little unfair to even ask such a thing... after all, only 3 of us are really committed to this project, and the others on this list are people that I HOPE will get committed to it. I don't want to drive you off by being too pushy!  So if anybody feels like sharing their experiences and activities on a day-to-day basis, please feel free. If you don't feel like coming out of lurking mode, that's ok. If you want to unsubscribe (since some of you I subscribed to this list myself) that's ok, I would be sad, but I wouldn't be angry.

My report for today was going to be very short... I have sent out more emails to potential musical contacts.  But just now I got the following email - I am quite enthusiastic about it, especially after I watched some of his videos; I particularly liked the music on this one:

But when I saw some of the underwater ones, I thought how nice it would be to have moving pictures of the forest, and so on... my extremely crude test video only has still pictures.

Anyway, I wanted to share the news of our potential new team member, and plant a seedling about an improved video idea...

and how was your day?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Merouane HEBBOUL
Date: Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: CORBUSMIL, I'd like to discuss a project with you (CORBUSMIL)
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Dear Matt,

I received your email and I am honored that you have contacted me about such a beautiful project.

I would like to have more information regarding your project.

I will eagerly await a reply from you that would explain exactly what you would expect from me.

I will do my best to provide your cause with a modest musical contribution.

Merouane (CORBUSMIL), Algeria

> I am a member of a group that is promoting global warming mitigation
> through planting trees. We are planning to send Cds containing our Tree
> Planting song, and public service announcements to radio stations
> worldwide.  We would like to include versions of this song and message in
> as many languages, and as many styles, as we possibly can. You can hear
> the
> song and learn about the project at:
> www.soundclick.com/lovetheworldcommunity.
> We would like it very much if you would represent Algeria in this project.
> Please email me for more information
> Thank you,
> Matt Love
> mattlove1@gmail.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------
I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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