I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Your 4th petition has been created - Start promoting it today!


Thank you for the inspiration. I trust you will be promoting my petition dilligently.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Change.org <mail@change.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:27 AM
Subject: Your 4th petition has been created - Start promoting it today!
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Congratulations on creating your 4th petition: "Congress: Impeach Obama for war crimes."
You've just taken a powerful step toward making a change!

The most effective way to start recruiting signatures is to email your friends. A direct, personal note to people you know is the most powerful tool you have.

We've provided an example email below that you can customize or directly forward to your friends. If you want to use our email importer tool to send a message to many friends at the same time, click here.


I just created a petition entitled Congress: Impeach Obama for war crimes., because I care deeply about this very important issue.

I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

It'll just take a minute!

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!


Looking for more ways to spread the word? Read our handy guide to promoting your petition on the web:

- The Change.org Team

To edit your petition, post updates, or send messages to supporters, click here:

To stop receiving summaries of your petition activity, click here:

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: 2 Facebook pages that shouldn't exist


Well, Shel,

how about it, huh?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: 2 Facebook pages that shouldn't exist
To: "Shelby Knox, Change.org" <mail@change.org>

You know what bugs me?  The support for violence on Facebook by those Obama fan groups.  Millions of people fanning a man who has commited war crimes against women. And children. And, oh yeah, men. 

Here's a group that's trying to do something to stop the violence (actual violence, not free speech, however deplorable you may find it):


won't you join them and show you support women (and other people's) right to live without being bombed?

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Shelby Knox, Change.org <mail@change.org> wrote:

Tell Facebook to take down pages that promote violence against women.

Sign the Petition

Dear Matt,

Facebook says that hate speech and incitements to violence are banned and will be removed from their site. So why are they maintaining a page called "Riding Your Girlfriend Softly Cause You Don't Want to Wake Her Up"? And another page about "throwing bricks at sluts" that includes a photo gallery of portraits asking "Bang or Brick"?

There has even been an organized effort to use Facebook's own reporting system to flag these and other pages that encourage rape and violence against women so they'll be taken down. But Facebook hasn't done a thing. 

Now, Change.org member John Raines is going straight to the top. He started a petition on Change.org telling Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take down these pages and take a stronger stand against violence against women.

Will you sign John's petition to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? Sign on, and tell Facebook to remove pages promoting rape and violence against women now.

When 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused and/or assaulted in her lifetime, pages like these -- and the reactions they elicit -- are downright scary. Tens of thousands of people have "liked" these pages. Some people even use them as platforms to share rape fantasies and receive explicit tactics for how to carry them out.

John has seen the devastating impact of sexual violence and rape firsthand, on his own family. That's why he created this petition on Change.org to get Facebook to enforce its existing policies and to make it clear that content promoting rape and violence against women violates Facebook's Terms of Service and won't be tolerated. 

Please sign John's petition. Tell Facebook to stop providing a platform to promote rape and violence against women.

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- Shelby and the Change.org team

P.S. The Troy Davis petition that we emailed you about earlier this week is being delivered to the Parole Board today with more than 230,000 signatures from Change.org members, in advance of Troy's final hearing on Monday. We'll keep you updated.


This email was sent by Change.org to mattlove1@gmail.com.
Start a petition. Unsubscribe from future weekly updates. Edit your email notification settings.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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A bad score is 579. A good idea is checking yours at freecreditscore.com.


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Thank you all for your interest in my project!


Quite a number of you have contacted me privately to express an interest in being involved, more than I can contact one-on-one at the moment, but I want to update you, so I am sending out a generic responses. Sorry for the impersonality of it, I promise that next time my collaborators will hear from me, it will be a personal message!

The nature of the responses I've received suggests I wasn't very clear in explaining what I hope for from people. I decided to start a movie script because movies need input from people with all kinds of creative talents - people who can draw, who can act, who can compose. I've deliberately left the script unfinished because if people write or have script ideas, I want them too!

The project needs character design, posters, soundtrack music, etc. Things will be less open ended as the project moves on, but here at the beginning, it's wide open.

Furthermore, if you only feel like giving 5 minutes to this project, it will be that much better thanks to your involvement. If you want to spend more time, I will be blessed!

I've made some changes. Before I just had 2 scenes from the middle of the story, and that was confusing. I have added an opening scene that will help to frame the project.

Also, I have eliminated the Satan character - my astrologer said that nobody would want to work on a movie with Satan as one of the main characters, so I changed it. However, the San Antonio Music Scene list's own Satan is still listed as a co-writer!

The latest draft (the current working title for the project is now " The Quest for the Python Flute" and it is now at: http://studios.amazon.com/scripts/9579?ref=fb_share

It still says the project is called "My Dinner With Satan" but it ISN'T, I just haven't figured out how to change the title in Amazon Studios!  Finally, some people had problems with the last URL I sent. If you can't access this, let me know, I'll find another way to get it to you!

Thank you,


I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

Recent Activity:
A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.

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A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Tea party or American Dream?


I tried to post this at:

Matt Love
says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

This site sure has come to remind me of the old Change.Org where we spent a lot of time giving suggestions, then suddenly we were presented with an agenda that didn't look anything like our suggestions, and saying, this is your, support it. Since we are on the topic of good deeds, I'd like to praise the Vets for Peace for this good deed – taking this first step towards restoration of the American Dream:


Yeah, right, like they'll allow it to go through. Looks like another phony Democratic front organization to me.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Van Jones, Rebuild The Dream <moveon-help@list.moveon.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Tea party or American Dream?
To: mattlove1 <mattlove1@gmail.com>

Rebuild the Dream, Powered by MoveOn.org Civic Action

Save the American dream

Tell CNN: "Give the American Dream Movement air time to respond to President Obama's jobs speech on Thursday, just like you did with the tea party."
Sign the contract

Dear friend,

It's about time. Air time.

The president will give a major speech about jobs and the economy on Thursday.

What will the TV news coverage look like? Will the discussion be lopsided, or will it include a full range of ideas?

Look what happened in January, after the president's State of the Union address. CNN gave time to the Republican Party response, and then also put Michelle Bachmann on the air with the "Tea Party Response."

This Thursday, CNN needs to make space for progressive voices, too. And we need to push to make that happen.

Tell CNN: "Give the American Dream Movement air time to respond to President Obama's jobs speech on Thursday, just like you did with the tea party."

In just a few short months, the American Dream Movement has emerged as an important force in American politics. This summer, hundreds of thousands of regular Americans demanded jobs, not cuts; an end to attacks on the middle class; and fair taxes on corporations and the rich. And we're just getting started.

In July, we had our first local meetings, to discuss the Contract for the American Dream. Incredibly, more than 1,600 groups came together across the country. That's twice as many gatherings as the tea party had when they launched.

It's time to put the American Dream Movement on the air.

After the President's speech, we will release the American Dream Movement's official response, featuring some of our most courageous grassroots leaders. But getting air time is the key to making an impact.

Tell CNN: "Give the American Dream Movement air time to respond to President Obama's jobs speech on Thursday, just like you did with the tea party."

This isn't just about fairness. The analysis and commentary on Thursday could frame the national debate on jobs and the economy for weeks or even months. If an independent, progressive perspective is missing, then the president's position will become the left end of the debate, even when it's already a compromise position.

Our Contract for the American Dream contains workable, progressive ideas and solutions, generated from the ground up by hundreds of thousands of people. No ideas are more worthy of air time. Let's fight to have a chance to share them.

Toward an economy that works for all,

–Van Jones

Subscription Management:
This is a message from Rebuild the Dream, powered by MoveOn.org Civic Action. To change your email address or update your contact info, please visit:
To remove yourself (mattlove1) from this list, please visit our subscription management page at:

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: [midkar] In Remembrance Of The Fallen (Original Mike Bourke) [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from matt love included below]

Stupid asshole. Whenever I object to this kind of crap, they point to the list rules "no politics" as if this isn't political and provocative. 

We need more people to write songs about the cruelty of the American Empire, and mourning its victims. I'd love to post a midi called "A Threnody for the Iraqi Victims of US Aggression" or something along those lines.

I mostly kept my temper today by keeping the radio off. I tried briefly a couple of times, but just can't stand National Police-state Radio these days. 

We lost our right to whine and feel sorry for ourselves when we unleased bloodbaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.  All that blood sacrifice, and it didn't even make us feel better.  Well, boo fucking hoo.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jack Snead
Date: Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 9:48 PM
Subject: [midkar] In Remembrance Of The Fallen (Original Mike Bourke)
To: Midkar Group

The attached MIDI was composed and sequenced by Mike Bourke, From
Australia, As His Tribute To Those Fallen On The Tragic Day Of September

11, 2001

I feel Mikes composition also fits appropriately the bombing of Pearl
Harbor where 2,402 people were killed and numerous others wounded .

85kb, 7.37mpt


Please Visit Jack's "MIDI Music" Home Page At:
Or My Alternate Home Page:
Please Visit The MIDKAR Website Below:
Join The MIDKAR Group Below:
Join The MIDKAR Technical Discussion Group Below:

"Vee grow too soon oldt, und too late shmart!"

"Be Careful Out There!"


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 


Attachment(s) from matt love

1 of 1 File(s)

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A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.

A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] 2nd Draft of Movie Script ready for review, comment, revision



I regret to report that Satan, a member of this group, has been written out of the script. My accountant says that there is no chance of a movie co-starring Satan ever getting made, so I made extensive script revisions. I have replaced Satan with The Jade Emperor and The Bull King (Satan can take some comfort in knowing it takes two other dieties to take his place).  My agent said I am too ugly to be in a movie, so I replaced myself with The Monkey King, my nearest equivalent in Chinese Mythology.

Musicians, writers, animators, film makers are still needed for this project.

Thank you for your help, and better luck next time, Satan! 

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