Matt Love has posted eagerly awaited new music tracks, "Climb, Climb Up Bu**sh** Mountain" and "Jazz Iliad" at:
The acclaim was immediate. Internationally renowed composer Vincent Knobil put his stamp of approval on Jazz Iliad: "Good to hear... Love Jazz Iliad!"
Of "Climb, Climb Up Bu**sh** Mountain" famous musicologist David Snyder wrote: "finally got around to listening - what a great way to greet the day!"
Legendary Rock Critic Rick Arlen Reed wrote this about the same piece: "I like it the best, yet. The lyrics, the dialogue, the mix...wonderful. Just don't know how [Love does] it all. Of course, it isn't the Statler Brothers, but no one is. haha. It's great really... I felt lousy when I first signed on, but feeeeeel so much better now."
Rick Reed Rash Riot Reader 2009
You will want to hear these songs right now. You will want to download them and keep them under your pillow, where they will give you pleasant thoughts.
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