I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, October 24, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Your Message to The-Man-In-The-Mirror-2009

get tired of that free speech again, did you?

I guess that's pretty damn unamerican... to speak one's mind, to tell the truth...

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Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 17:36:35 -0600
Subject: ohh, so scary...

1. If this doesn't scare You, nothing will
   From: Rick REED

It doesn't scare me, it makes me laugh.

I'll tell you what does scareme - what is wrong with these superstitious ninnies tht they think if somebody doesn't reflexively repeat, say, a pledge created by a socialist to win a contest (true - look it up) then they shouldn't hold office.   This kind of bizarre, bizarre primate behavior would never go in the civilized nations, let's hope the US joins them some day... now that would be a great day for the world.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] How long will this stand?

The answer to this question on WikiAnswers was weak, actually terrible rationalization for the crime, so I joined and posted this improvement.  I'm sure some good little Nazi will change it soon enough, but lucky you, you get the correct answer here for as long as this forum exists.


What was the My Lai massacre?

The My Lai massacre was a result of a global superpower invading a small country in order to attempt to keep it within its sphere of influence. The war against the civilians of Vietnam was unrelenting and ruthless, and millions were killed. The My Lai massacre was the one that was most widely known, but it was one of hundreds of similar massacres. Despite the attempts of Colin Powell to suppress knowledge of it, courageous and patriotic Americans uncovered the war crime.

The savage attack on Vietnam was one massive war crime, but there were a few heroes among all the criminals. Here is the story of one of them:

January 12, 2006

He Broke Ranks; He Did the Right Thing

Hugh Thompson and My Lai


There is an Ugly American, a Quiet American and then there's Hugh Thompson, the Army helicopter pilot who, with his two younger crew mates, was on a mission to draw enemy fire over the Vietnamese village of My Lai in March, 1968. Hovering over a paddy field, they watched a platoon of American soldiers led by Lt. William Calley, deliberately shoot unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mainly women and children, cowering in muddy ditches. Thompson landed his craft and appealed to the soldiers, and to Calley, to stop the killings. Calley told Thompson to mind his own business.

Thompson took off but then one of his crew shouted that the shooting had begun again. According to his later testimony, Thompson was uncertain what to do. Americans murdering innocent bystanders was hard for him to process. But when he saw Vietnamese survivors chased by soldiers, he landed his chopper between the villagers and troopers, and ordered his crew to fire at any American soldiers shooting at civilians. Then he got on the radio and begged U.S. gunships above him to rescue those villagers he could not cram into his own craft.

On returning to base, Thompson, almost incoherent with rage, immediately reported the massacre to superiors, who did nothing, until months later when the My Lai story leaked to the public. The eyewitness testimony of Thompson and his surviving crew member helped convict Calley at a court-martial. But when he returned to his Stateside home in Stone Mountain, Georgia, Thompson received death threats and insults, while Calley was pardoned by President Nixon. Indeed, for a time, Thompson himself feared court-martial. Reluctantly, the massacre was investigated by then-major Colin Powell, of the Americal Division, who reported relations between U.S. soldiers and Vietnamese civilians as "excellent"; Powell's whitewash was the foundation of his meteoric rise through the ranks.

Hugh Thompson died last week, age sixty two. Thirty years after My Lai, he, and his gunner Lawrence Colburn, had received the Soldiers Medal, as did the third crew member, Glenn Andreotta, who was killed in combat. "Don't do the right thing looking for a reward, because it might not come," Thompson wryly observed at the ceremony.

Something stuck in my head when I learned of Thompson's death. "There was no thinking about it," he said before his death. "There was something that had to be done, and it had to be done fast."

Words similar to these are often used by combat heroes to describe incredible feats of courage under fire. With one possible difference. According to the record, Thompson did have time to think about it as he took off from My Lai, hovered and tried to wrap his mind around the horror below. Then he made a conscious decision to save lives. Some of the Vietnamese he rescued, children then, are alive today.

Ex-chief warrant officer Thompson is a member of a small, elite corps of Americans who have broken ranks and refused to run with the herd. They include Army specialist Joseph Darby, of the 372d Military Police Company, who reported on his fellow soldiers who were torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. His family has received threats to their personal safety in their Maryland hometown. And Captain Ian Fishback, the 82d Airborne West Pointer, who served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and tried vainly for seventeen months to persuade superiors that detainee torture was a systematic, and not a 'few bad apples', problem inside the U.S. military. In frustration, he wrote to Senator McCain, which led directly to McCain's anti-torture amendment. I wouldn't want to bet on the longevity of Captain Fishback's military career.

Thompson's death also reminded me of Captain Lawrence Rockwood, of the 10th Mountain Division. Ten years ago, Rockwood was deployed to Haiti where, against orders, he personally investigated detainee abuse at the National Penitentiary in the heart of Port au Prince. He was court-martialed for criticizing the U.S. military's refusal to intervene, and kicked out of the Army. While still on duty, he kept a photograph on his desk of a man he greatly admired. It was of Captain Hugh Thompson.

Some of my friends get so angry at the Bush White House, and so despairing, that they slip into a mindset where Americans - the great 'Them' out there - are lumped into a solid bloc of malign ignoramuses. They forget that this country is also made up of people like Hugh Thompson, Joe Darby, Ian Fishback and Lawrence Rockwood - outside and inside the military.

Clancy Sigal's Zone Of The Interior, is finally being published in the UK, by Pomona at £9.99. Sigal can be reached at clancy@jsasoc.com.


I believe you are asking about the My Lai attack in March or 1968. The My Lai massacre was a situation where a group of US soldiers opened fire on a village killing the people - it also happened to be reported to the American public which in turn caused additional controversy to the war.

I found a message board with some of the Nam Vets discussing the situation and these were 5 major points about why it occurred. 1. My Lai was in a free fire zone; hence, by >definition occupied only by VC. > >2. The ville was found to be a supply depot for >VC food & munitions. > >3. Upon interrogation, villagers were found to >be VC and/or sympathizers. > >4. Spider/fighting holes were found which >villagers refused to expose. > >5. Battle weary troops believed they were >dealing with the enemy that had only recently >engaged them with sniper fire & booby traps >resulting in frustrating casualties.

Here is another quote I found: March 16, 1968

My Lai Massacre Charlie Company, 11th Brigade, is on a "search and destroy" mission in the hamlet of My Lai. Something goes horribly wrong, resulting in violent death for hundreds of unarmed civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. After one and a half years, the officer at My Lai, Lt. William Calley, is brought up on murder charges. News of atrocities at My Lai doesn't reach public media until November 1969. In March 1971, Calley is convicted and sentenced to life; he is paroled in September 1975 after serving three and a half years.

Hope this is what you needed


Lt. William Callie I think thats the spelling was court marshalled by the US Army as he was the OIC of a group of US Army solgiers who killed a bunch of "civilians" at mei li. As most people now know the war was a confusing one for or US troops as the civilians were our friends in the daylight and at night they sliiped on their black pagamas and became our enemy.

Improve Answer Discuss the question "What was the My Lai massacre?" Watch Question

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] The quintessential "moderate" Republican endorses The AssHole

I  guess Sal Russo didn't get the memo - hello! Colin Powell endorsed Obama!

I don't  know why Colin Powell's endorsement should carry any weight with anybody.  People regard him as the (silenced) conscience of the Bush regime, but he got up in front of the entire world and lied about WMD in Iraq.  They told him to lie, and he did. 

Colin Powell's rise to power began when he was selected to cover-up the My Lai massacre, a job he undertook with zeal, and he nearly succeeded.

If there is any single fact that shows Obama is not a radical extremist, but merely another dismal, dreary mainstream politician, Colin Powell's endorcement ought to be it.

But I guess Sal didn't get the memo.

What are we to do, faced by a choice between a traitor with a loony VP candidate on the one side, and two tools of the insurance and credit card companies on the other? 

Take the third path, open up your third nostril, and vote for Rick Reed. He's milder. Much milder.

1. obama shrinking fast fast fast
   Posted by: "Ra" arexar4@yahoo.com presidentofthe.unitedstuds
   Date: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:31 am ((PDT))


The latest national polls show the race has tightened even
further between John McCain and Barack Obama.  Obama's campaign
peaked too early, and now voters are having second thoughts about
whether this inexperienced, arrogant and radical liberal is the
right man to lead America and the Free World.

As the Chief Strategist for the Our Country Deserves Better
Committee, I am traveling onboard our "Stop Obama Tour" bus,
placing advertising buys on TV stations in the key battleground

Tomorrow - Monday, October 20, 2008 is our next deadline to
place additional TV advertising buys for our anti-Obama TV ads.
We will purchase more airtime with every donation we receive for
our media campaign.  You have until the end of the day on Monday
to get your donations in for this round of TV ads to defeat

Please make your contributions online right now - DONATE HERE:

Federal election laws allow donations up to $5,000 per
individual.  We'll gratefully accept any amount from $5 to $5,000
- but we must act right away.  Time is short, friends!

Sal Russo
Chief Strategist, Our Country Deserves Better Committee

This message was intended for: arexar4@yahoo.com
You were added to the system September 2, 2008.  For more information
please follow the URL below:


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Sunday, October 19, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: It's Already Stolen Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast

This is a great list, where you have real free speech, and you can hear all 13 sides of any given argument.  It's great to see the petty crimes of the dems covered in such detail, but they are mere retail criminals, if you look at the Repuglicans, you get wholesale criminality - the following points out a pretty good example. Some people strain at an acorn, but swallow an elephant!

and what's that jibba jabba about Kennedy - who cares what he says our duty should or shouldn't be - there was a guy who only ever put himself and his own selfish agenda first every time. In WWII when he was working for the armed forces information, he was dating a Nazi spy.  Of course, he's been surpassed by Bush and McCain when it comes to fuckuppery in service, but nobody wants to know the truth about these clowns, they only want the spin!

Spin on America, spin on - right down the drain. Or wise up and vote for the only sensible candidate - Rick Reed for President. Because he's milder.  Much milder.

PERSONAL NOTE:    For the election of 2004 I went to Florida to work for the "Election Protection" group at the polls in Palm Beach and Broward County.  There were 8 of us who met there and stayed together from all over the country.  The Republican election offical of Broward sent out 58,000 absentee ballots on the SATURDAY before the election on the following TUESDAY.  This made it impossible to vote except by "provisional" ballot if you could get to the polls.  One of the voting locations I was observing  was in a black neighborhood.  One woman came and said that her husband was an invalid who had not received his absentee ballot until that morning and could not get to the polls to vote.   This was happening all over Florida and many overseas voters did not receive their ba llots in time as well -- including the military.  That official was not subject to any punishment for having "lost" 58,000 absentee ballots. Her excuse was she forgot.
In addition, although there were hundreds of lawyers covering the polls in Florida, the police kept many of them an unreasonable distance from the legal distance allowed for them to observe whether or not voters were being treated appropriately.  I witnessed this happening and also got to type a complaint on behalf of two women lawyers who were thrown in jail when they had not broken any election laws.
If you think voters aren't being prevented from their legal right to vote -- THINK AGAIN!
Regards, T.

Investigation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast released today
Don't worry about Mickey Mouse or ACORN stealing the election. According to an investigative report out today in Rolling Stone magazine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast, after a year-long investigation, reveal a systematic program of "GOP vote tampering" on a massive scale.
- Republican Secretaries of State of swing-state Colorado have quietly purged one in six names from their voter rolls.
Over several months, the GOP politicos in Colorado stonewalled every attempt by Rolling Stone to get an answer to the massive purge - ten times the average state's rate of removal.
- While Obama dreams of riding to the White House on a wave of new voters, more then 2.7 million have had their registrations REJECTED under new procedures signed into law by George Bush.
Kennedy, a voting rights lawyer, charges this is a resurgence of 'Jim Crow' tactics to wrongly block Black and Hispanic voters.
- A fired US prosecutor levels new charges - accusing leaders of his own party, Republicans, with criminal acts in an attempt to block legal voters as "fraudulent."
- Digging through government records, the Kennedy-Palast team discovered that, in 2004, a GOP scheme called "caging" ultimately took away the rights of 1.1 million voters. The Rolling Stone duo predict that, this November 4, it will be far worse.
There's more:
- Since the last presidential race, "States used dubious 'list management' rules to scrub at least 10 million voters from their rolls."
Among those was Paul Maez of Las Vegas, New Mexico - a victim of an unreported but devastating purge of voters in that state that left as many as one in nine Democrats without a vote. For Maez, the state's purging his registration was particularly shocking - he's the county elections supervisor.
The Kennedy-Palast revelations go far beyond the sum of questionably purged voters recently reported by the New York Times.
"Republican operatives - the party's elite commandos of bare-knuckle politics," report Kennedy and Palast, under the cover of fighting fraudulent voting, are "systematically disenfranchis[ing] Democrats."
The investigators level a deadly serious charge:
"If Democrats are to win the 2008 election, they must not simply beat McCain at the polls - they must beat him by a margin that exceeds the level of GOP vote tampering."
Block the Vote by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Greg Palast in the current issue (#1064) of Rolling Stone. [Media enquiries - Dave Falkenstein, Sunshine Sachs & Assoc, via interviews@gregpalast.com.]
Note - Kennedy and Palast are releasing, simultaneously with the Rolling Stone investigative report what they call, the vote-theft 'antidote': a 24-page full-color comic book, Steal Back Your Vote, which can be downloaded or obtained in print from their non-partisan website, StealBackYourVote.org
For updates and video reports, go to RollingStone.com, www.GregPalast.com and StealBackYourVote.org.

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