I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Icepac writes about movies

Movie Reviews

I'm trying to play nice here, but it's probably beyond my abilities...

I saw part of Mr. Deeds Goes To Town. I was disappointed I didn't
catch the whole thing, but what I saw impressed the hell out of me.
Capra's message about human dignity and interdependence is really
needed today.

I while back I saw Adam Sandler's parody, "Mr. Deeds." He did a very
effective job of blunting the message of the original. I wonder if it
was funded through the "Wag The Dog" group. It didn't piss me off so
much at the time, I didn't realize how powerful the original was.

Interesting to note that the chief reviewer in the IMDB.com said that
Sandler's film was a remake of a depression-era "propaganda" film.

We have fallen so far that a message of being responsible to your
neighbor, being a good participant in civic affairs is propaganda, but
a film that says "everybody is venal, you are a useless idiot, greed
is good, etc" is just good clean fun.

The movie viewers were divided on the Sandler film: "it sucks!" "It
rules - you suck!" "you stupid - Sandler rules! Me smash!" Really
depressing. No sense at all of what has been lost over time.

I also saw part of "Sleepless In Seattle" which I had seen in its
entirety before. It was a better film than I thought.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Important new information about Kissyface

She's still there on MySpace everytime I go there. She's kind of
becoming my girlfriend I guess.

I know three things about her now:

1. She has breasts
2. She wants everybody to know it.


3. She likes to suck.

Pass it on.

On 4/12/07, Matt Love <matt.mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:
> This ad is on screen whenever I go to MySpace. After a lot of study,
> I have come to believe two things. I think it's pretty much
> indisputable that:
> 1. This chick has breasts
> 2. She wants everybody to know it.
> That's about all I had to say. Thanks for your attention.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Can you handle this?

This ad is on screen whenever I go to MySpace. After a lot of study,
I have come to believe two things. I think it's pretty much
indisputable that:

1. This chick has breasts
2. She wants everybody to know it.

That's about all I had to say. Thanks for your attention.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [PlansFromOuterSpace] just ez

Sorry about the spam, folks.  it's disheartening. I mean, shucks, this ain't much of a group, but it's always been a harmless little feller, never hurt no one.

Now all the time he's rearin up and biting nice people in the ass with all this spam. 

The spam filter catches a few, but most of them just sail through. I've sent Nuala to the doghouse, but I'm sure there will be more.

Even sadder, when I looked at the membership list, I found that most of the legitimate member's e-mail is bouncing.  I guess their hearts couldn't stand the shocking facts about Plans From Outer Space.

I thought I had a connection who would help me get the Korean Plan 19 from outer space (and even the uber rare plan 17) but I gratuitously insulted Bush, and he took a hike.

I recently tried to talk to the gracious and brialliant Jim Zawisza about his idea of making a directors cut of the lost classic "Plan 9 and 1/2 From Outer Space" - but he didn't write back.  Maybe he's not so gracious any more...  Attempts to find a local contact to help me bring my Plans From Outer Space film festival concept to Sao Paulo in January have so far failed.

So I guess for the moment the Earth is safe. Thanks for your attention, citizens, resume shopping.

On 4/12/07, nuala-alexander533@itsnotsmple.info <nuala-alexander533@itsnotsmple.info> wrote:

THis thing is amazing, just graduated without even turning up a single day. Now
fully qualified in a BA and looking to apply for a raise! I'll keep you guys
posted, but if any of u interested in getting a BA or something as well
without having to actually go through all the leg work i highly recommend these
ppl 770-621-2634

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Polka Floyd

The gun nut has a golden gut - I love these guys, especially on "How I
wish for a beer!"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ed Dove <ed.dove@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Apr 10, 2007 12:38 PM
Subject: Polka Floyd
To: Dan Gorman <SydGorman@gmail.com>, Liz Gorman
<DocElizabeth@gmail.com>, Matt Love <Matt.MattLove1@gmail.com>

Yes, it's just what you think - a band that plays Pink Floyd songs polka-style:


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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt

Well, I'm glad I've finally been exonerated by Hunt. The Portland Trail Blazers will be breathing easier too.

Assuming Hunt even made this deathbed confession (made "over the course of many personal and carefully planned father-son meetings" - how long did he linger on death's door?) and it wasn't creative writing on the part of his son, it's amusing that the author regards the statement as confirmation of the work of Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Fletcher Prouty, Josiah Thompson, Carl Oglesby, Peter Dale Scott, Anthony Summers, Robert Groden, Victor Marchetti, David Lifton, Harrison Livingstone, Michael Canfield, A.J. Weberman, Sylvia Meagher, William Turner, Jim Marrs, Pete Brewton, John Newman, Philip Melanson, Hal Verb, Mae Brussell, Harold Weisberg, Oliver Stone, Mike Ruppert and Dan Hopsicker, Jim diEugenio and Linda Pease. 

 I spent enough time wandering in the Kennedy Assassination wilderness to know that the various conspiracy theories are mutually exclusive, and their advocates fight like cats and dogs, spending as much energy on denouncing each other as government agents as they do advancing their own theories.

Maybe nostalgia will compel me to read the article. But I'm willing to bet that Hunt (who was an incompetent, self-aggrandizing clown, or a diabolically brilliant government-employed criminal, depending on who you talk to) failed to provide the holy grail all these lost souls require so that they may at last rest in peace - proof.

On 4/10/07, rita@rgpproductions.net <rita@rgpproductions.net > wrote:

The last confession of E. Howard Hunt: US government/CIA team murdered JFK

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

Apr 3, 2007, 01:25


Email this article
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The April 5 issue of Rolling Stone features the deathbed confession of CIA operative and key Bay of Pigs/Watergate/Nixon administration figure E. Howard Hunt, The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt by Erik Hedegaard.
This piece is significant not only for its exploration of Hunt, but for breakthrough information that appears to thoroughly corroborate the work of key John F. Kennedy assassination researchers and historians.
Who killed JFK?
According to Hunt's confession, which was taken by his son, St. John ("Saint") Hunt, over the course of many personal and carefully planned father-son meetings, the following individuals were among the key participants:
Lyndon B. Johnson: LBJ, whose own career was assisted by JFK nemesis J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), gave the orders to a CIA-led hit team, and helped guide the Warren Commission/lone gunman cover-up.
Cord Meyer: CIA agent, architect of the Operation Mockingbird disinformation apparatus, and husband of Mary Meyer (who had an affair with JFK).
David Atlee Philips: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Recruited William Harvey (CIA) and Cuban exile militant Antonio Veciana.
William Harvey: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Connected to Mafia figures Santos Trafficante and Sam Giancana.
Antonio Veciana: Cuban exile, founder of CIA-backed Alpha 66.
Frank Sturgis: CIA operative, mercenary, Bay of Pigs veteran, and later Watergate figure.
David Morales: CIA hit man, Bay of Pigs veteran. Morales was also a figure involved with the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Lucien Sarti: Corsican assassin and drug trafficker, possible "French gunman," Grassy Knoll (second) shooter.
Would Hunt continue to tell lies on his deathbed? Perhaps. Would Hunt tell a final tall story or two, to protect himself, or perhaps deal one final slap in the face to the US government (which made him a fall guy for Watergate)? Yes.
 Would Hunt hide the involvement of certain individuals to whom he remained loyal, including people who are still alive? Certainly. Anything from an operative like Hunt can only be accepted with caution and healthy skepticism.
Nevertheless, Hunt's scenario has the ring of truth.
Each of the named names are well-known CIA and CIA-linked players exposed by many researchers and historians who have detailed the enduring connection from the Bay of Pigs and the Dallas hit to Watergate and Iran-Contra.
The Hunt confession vindicates generations of historians, researchers and whistleblowers who have given their lives and careers to expose the truth about Dealey Plaza. While there are too many to name, they include, but are not limited to (and in no particular order): Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Fletcher Prouty, Josiah Thompson, Carl Oglesby, Peter Dale Scott, Anthony Summers, Robert Groden, Victor Marchetti, David Lifton, Harrison Livingstone, Michael Canfield, A.J. Weberman, Sylvia Meagher, William Turner, Jim Marrs, Pete Brewton, John Newman, Philip Melanson, Hal Verb, Mae Brussell, Harold Weisberg, Oliver Stone, Mike Ruppert and Dan Hopsicker, Jim diEugenio and Linda Pease.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] ‘Millions to rebel’ over ID cards

It can't happen here.

That's right, in the land of the free, there won't be millions protesting, people will just meekly accept it. 

Make up some kind of ridiculous nonsense that it will protect their pet food supply from terrorist contamination (or that it will some how bring about more TV about Anna Nicole Smith's death) and they'll line up for the card.

On 4/9/07, Jared Held <donaldheld@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

`Millions to rebel' over ID cards

Robert Winnett and David Leppard
London Times
Monday April 9, 2007

The government is predicting that some 15m people will revolt against Tony Blair's controversial ID card scheme by refusing to produce the new cards or provide personal data on demand.

The forecast is made in documents released by the Home Office under the Freedom of Information Act. The papers show ministers expect national protests similar to the poll tax rebellions of the Thatcher era, with millions prepared to risk criminal prosecution.

Opposition MPs said the new documents proved their case that the programme would never work. David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: "This will cripple the system. Fifteen million is a massive number. What the Home Office is accepting in private, but refuses to accept in public, is that a massive number of ordinary law-abiding citizens simply will not go along with their scheme."

Davis, whose party's policy is to scrap the cards, added: "This will render it completely useless as a security or check mechanism of any sort."

The documents, quietly released during parliament's Easter break, also show that the government is planning to make ID cards compulsory in 2014, despite the expected revolt.

The first cards are due in 2009, alongside new passports. Labour has said it will make the scheme compulsory if it wins the next election.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Huge Anti-US Rally Marks Iraq Milestone

But the American public wants to know the important stuff... was Anna
Nicole Smith's lawyer there? Did Britney Spears do a free concert to
try to drum up support for Bush?

Huge Anti-US Rally Marks Iraq Milestone
April 09, 2007
HUNDREDS of thousands of Shiites burned and trampled on US flags as
they gathered in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf for an anti-American
rally called by firebrand cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on the fourth
anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Large crowds of men, women and children holding Iraqi flags and
anti-US banners massed in Najaf and the nearby twin city of Kufa to
protest against what they said was an American occupation of Iraq.
The rally is seen as a show of strength for the cleric who has not
been seen for more than two months, since the launch of a security
crackdown in Baghdad aimed largely at reining in his militiamen
accused of killing Sunni Arabs.
The US military has said he is in Iran but his aides deny the claims.
In the capital Baghdad, where four years ago on Monday a giant bronze
statue of Saddam was torn down, dramatically symbolising the fall of
his regime, security was tight.
A 24-hour vehicle curfew was in place and all Baghdad's key roads and
bridges were deserted as people remained indoor for fear of attacks.
Jubilant Baghdadis who welcomed the invading US troops on April 9,
2003, now blame the rampant bloodshed and chaos on what even some of
the country's most senior leaders brand an unwanted US-led
The Shiite demonstrators are marching from Kufa to Najaf's central
Sadrain Square where top aides of Sadr - who is regarded by the
Americans as the most dangerous threat to stability in Iraq -are
expected to address the crowds.
Hundreds of banners saying "Down with Bush, Down with America" could
be seen in the crowd as Iraqi police and army soldiers guarded key
checkpoints in and around Najaf and Kufa.
Many in the crowds were seen burning US flags and some were trampling
on and striking US and Israeli flags painted on the ground with their
shoes, an act considered one of the worst insults in Arab culture.
Some Sunni religious groups were also seen participating in the rally.
It was not known whether Sadr himself would address the crowds.
The cleric, who launched two bloody rebellions against US forces in
2004, is known for his anti-US stance and has emerged as a powerful
force in the present Shiite-led Iraqi government.
His political bloc has 32 lawmakers in the 275-member parliament and
six cabinet ministers in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's embattled
On Sunday, he reiterated his call to unite against the Americans and
end fighting between his militiamen and security forces in the central
city of Diwaniyah.
"He appeals to the Iraqi army and the Mahdi militia not to fall into
America's trap by fighting in Diwaniyah,'' said a statement stamped
and issued by the cleric's Najaf office on his behalf.
US and Iraqi soldiers have been clashing with his militiamen in
Diwaniyah since Friday.
Calling for unity against US troops, Sadr urged local forces not to
support the "occupier because it is your enemy."
"Iraq has had enough bloodshed. The occupation forces led by the
biggest evil, America, is working to sow dissent either directly or
through its agents."
On April 9, 2003, US Marines pulled down the giant statue of Saddam by
a rope around the neck, in a premonition of his hanging in December
for crimes against humanity.
About 80,000 US and Iraqi troops are now patrolling the capital's
streets where although the daily execution-style killings are reported
to be falling, high-profile car bombings remain a headache for
security forces.
Since the invasion of March 20, 2003, tens of thousands of Iraqis have
died in insurgent attacks and sectarian violence.
The four years have also been brutal for the US forces in Iraq.
On Monday, the military reported the deaths of six more soldiers in a
series of attacks, taking its toll for the month alone to 27 and 3275
since the invasion, according to an AFP count based on Pentagon

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Happy-Daze-With-The-HERD] Handsome and Cool Bikers looking for fun!

Hey Girls,

Bikerguy 1381 knows what he's talking about. You don't wan to miss out chatting with him, or Bikerguys 1 - 1380. That are lining up outside your door, preparing for an intimate encounter.

Heres a few shots of some of these bad boys.

Whoa, are you in for a good time!

On 4/9/07, bikerguy1381 < bikerguy1381@yahoo.com> wrote:

Handsome and Cool Bikers looking for fun! Chat with them here:

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