I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Lance Armstrong

In some incredibly important news (that the Easter Bunny for Fox! who
needs to know that the criminal regime is unravelling before our eyes,
with only the fervent support of the Democrats allowing them to stay
out of jail) I learned that Lance Armstrong and Cheryl Crowe broke up!

I guess the talented peacenik with the incredibly bad taste in men got
tired of hanging with a narcissistic doping Bush-loving jerk. I read
the following on a sports rant website, and it tickled me quite a bit.
It made a lot of other people unhappy, but I get the sense nobody
really likes Armstrong, they just think he's the guy who's jamming a
thumb in the eye of the French people. Childish shits.

Lance Armstrong: The Revised Story - May 26th, 2004

I was going to let this go to the recycle bin, but I have been asked
to submit it again. The views expressed in this story have no
connection with the views of the Owner, Administrators, or Webmaster
of Sportsrant.com.

This is the classic case of a piece of shit riding the bicycle of
success too far. I grew up with Lance. He was born in a small southern
town, and his family was just like everyone else's. His parents were
divorced and his mother raised him. She should have chopped his balls
off when he was young, but no, she let him keep them.

Growing up, Lance was an absolute asshole to everyone. Girls swooned
over him, and he treated all of us like dirt. He would ask a girl out
and make her day, just to turn around and sleep with her friend or
sister. He was a man-whore. He could not keep that tiny little thing
is his pants if his life depended on it.

It wasn't just the girls he pissed on, it was the guys too. Lance
didn't have many friends. He spent all of his time riding his bike,
and looking at himself in a mirror. Between classes he would go to his
locker and do his hair in the mirror. This was his hourly routine. No
guys wanted to hang out with a narcissistic scumbag.

Lance shit on his mother too. She continually bought him bicycles to
ride, as that was all he was interested in. He began riding great
distances, and on more than one occasion, he rode all the way to
Oklahoma, and was too tired to ride home. Undoubtedly, his mother had
to drop what she was doing and drive across state lines to pick him
up. We all wished she would just leave him there, but she never did.

During our senior year, Lance moved away. We didn't know or care at
the time, but we later learned he moved to Colorado (good place for
him) to tryout for the Olympics. Lance made the Olympic team and
turned pro. He was not famous, since no one really cares about
bicycling, and he really wasn't very good. He continually finished
dead last, or close too it, and the world did not know or care who
Lance Armstrong was.

In 1996 after yet another miserable Olympic performance, Lance was
diagnosed with testicular cancer that had spread to his brain. It
could be argued that the cancer spread to his brain from the close
proximity of his balls to his head while it was up his ass, but no one
will ever really know. In the end, they removed his testicles and
treated him with chemotherapy, and Lance beat the cancer. At this
point in his life, it was the first time he was a winner.

Lance made a comeback in the bicycling circuit, and started winning
races. He has won several Tour de France's and many other races that I
do not know or care about. Suddenly, the world wanted to know whom
this "fighter" was. Lance was a celebrity, and I was stunned. If the
world knew what an asshole this guy really is, they would not be
kissing his ass repeatedly. Some things have not changed though.

The way Lance went through women in high school appears to be a trend
with him. He has left his wife and three children. Apparently, with
fame, you have to have a famous wife. He is reportedly dating Cheryl
Crowe. She can have him.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: [ImpeachGeorgeWBush] History Lesson

I'd heard it all before except. "the kicker" at the end.  worth sticking it out for that

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ::::::::DewaN:::::::: <dewan19@gmail.com>
Date: Feb 4, 2006 3:55 AM
Subject: [ImpeachGeorgeWBush] History Lesson
To: dewang@yahoogroups.com

History Lesson
Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to your seat.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here's the kicker...

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was in Marilyn Monroe.

Creepy huh? Send this to as many people as you can, cause: Hey, this is one history lesson people don't mind reading ::::::DewaN::::::

Name: ::::::DewaN::::::
Call :+880192012620

DewanG for You
Join DewanG and Enjoy Your Life


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Thursday, February 02, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] Americans -- "they love us everywhere we go..."

On 2/2/06, kdhaisch@aol.com <kdhaisch@aol.com> wrote:
Matt writ...
> Calling Turks and American NATO allies is something like
> calling Poland and Germany Axis allies.  The government
> of this country is so arrogant and delusional, they think
> they can always impose their will by force. 
You mean, Bush is engaging in revisionist history
when he says Turks & U.S. are allies -- or, as the
National Enquirer would say: "thisclose."

The Turkish government, unlike most of the NATO countries, complied with what 95% of their citizens wanted and did not join the coalition of the willing.  The withstood bullying and bribes, and were no doubt aware that the this has put them on the list for subversion and overthrow. Despots (Noriega, Saddam, Marcos spring to mind) are fine as long as they are responsive to the US.  To operate independently isn't tolerated. So there was a little bit of hyperbole - the US didn't march into Turkey and install the government.  but it's hardly a relationship between peers, and colleagues.  And surprise, surprise, the Turkish people are aware of that, even if we aren't here.

> 1. They didn't know the US overthrew Iranian democracy to
> put a despotic monarch back on the throne
> 2. The few that did just assumed it was the Iranian's job to
> forgive and forget

Are you talking about the Shah of Iran?  The shah who
stole $25-billion from the Iran treasury, then fled to
the U.S. -- and Iran retaliated by taking Americans
hostage for 444 days?

That's the guy!  He was also a torturer and despot along the lines of Saddam, and again, that was just fine as long as he could deliver the goods.  My understanding is that initially the hostage takers demand was that Carter return the Shah.  He refused, on the grounds that he wouldn't get a fair trial (and they probably had something along the lines of the kangaroo court trying Saddam in mind). 

But the US demands that other countries not harbor terrorists, yet the US harbors them - The Shah, Pasada, I believe Rios Mott, who visited unspeakable horrors on Guatemala, resides in this country. 


> Torture and oppression just don't mean as much to the ones
> that are doing it as they do to the ones that are having it done
> to them.
Torturing people, like prisoners?  Are you referring to
Lynndie England?

No, not really. I'm talking about the widespread practice of torturing prisoners, under orders that come from the very top.  England was just trying to do her job, it isn't her fault that she's borderline retarded.  But it does make her a convenient scapegoat.  Did you notice how she messed up her own trial, because it was clear that she didn't even understand what she had agreed to plead to? 

That really was yet another low point in US "justice."   I want to see them put Gonzalez and Rumsfelt, and yes, even your own dear "Condi" Rice on trial, perhaps Cheney and Bush as well, though in a nice bit of symmetry, I think Bush is as dim as Lynndie England, and only has a very dim comprehension of what's going on, if that.

She called this: "Taking the dog out for a walk."

> And I got a huge kick out of this one: "Turks traditionally idolize
> their soldiers; most enthusiastically  send their sons off for
> mandatory military service." Is that truly a national trait? How
> do you measure their enthusiasm?

> Could it be greater than here?  Every evening on the news they
> profile another "fallen warrior." they interview their parents who
> are always proud that they went off and died in the noble cause
> of making sure that Dick Cheney's stocks increase in value.

>But if you want demonization, take the case of Cindy Sheehan
> who objects to her son's pointless death.  They say that she's insane,
> that she's a megalomaniac who's glad that her son died because it
> gave her a platform, a liar, a bitch, they say that because she has
> a young sounding voice she was sexually molested as a child --
wouldn't that make her a victim?

Yes, I've been reading right wing blogs, and they are stupid as they are vicious. But the point is, I guess, if a woman was sexually molested, they are such weak vessels that they collapse, and they never again can say or do anything that is not crazy. I am sort of surprised that I haven't seen anybody advocating we stone her to death for her own good.

and oh, yea, they say she's ugly, because good people are beautiful (like Barbara Bush).

> the most grotesque and sick insults imaginable directed at somebody
> exercising her free speech rights.

and they are posting jokes about her on the Internet...

Gee, it looks to me like that's a joke about Dubya.  But it does raise a serious issue. Bush's children are the right age for the service.  Why aren't they over their right now?  It's a noble cause, right?  So how about it?  He has 8 nieces and nephews that are the right age, yet none of them are fighting for the noble cause.  If you oppose the war, you are attacked as some kind of american hating cheese eater.  They don't oppose the war.  They just ignore it. because they can. because it isn't in their interest to call attention to it.  and how they aren't there.

> I suppose that next the right wing cooks will be calling for a
> blacklist for Busey and Zane.
Well, they can't act for shit anyway.

I really wouldn't know about that.  I'm given to understand that Bob Geldorf isn't much of a musician, that he wouldn't amount to much if he wasn't so good at organizing those huge concerts.

But John Wayne wasn't much of an actor, and he was a phony chickenhawk, and people revere him... so since when did an inability to act keep a person from practicing the craft (or at least the vocation) of acting in Hollywood?




[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Leslie_Morris_Online] September 11th.

Lez doesn't. I do. Some others on this list are at least
entertaining the idea, but I would go so far as to put some money on
it right now. Any takers?

I remember when I was at community college, there was this woman there
involved in student government. I was working on the student newspaper
and interviewed her for a profile. Her story was astonishing. She had
modeled professionally, she had such an incredible history. I thought
she was lying too. I of course had some useful visual information in
that case - SHE WAS VERY PLAIN.

In that instance, everybody else who heard her story was skeptical
too, but we were polite and held our tongues. it was a small school,
and we had to get along for a year or two together.

In this case, I'm half a world away, so I can say whatever the hell I
want, and you can call me heartless, abusive, blaming the victim, or
whatever, and I can shrug it off, or if I'm feeling thin-skinned that
day, I can simply leave the list.

I've seen people make extraordinary claims of amazing achievements, or
incredible abuse. people made a name for themselves in my semi-famous
little town by saying that they'd been tortured by satanists - or
Satan himself. To question the stories no matter how implausible (or
even ludicrous) was despicable - heartless, abusive, blaming the

It's an interesting coincidence that this Ofelia has the same name as
one of the prime role models for the Fin de Siècle fashionable ladies
with the chic tubercular pallor.

In conclusion, why do I think she was lying? Because I've seen her
around. A lot.

Now, if anybody is interested, I can tell the absolutely true story of
how my band opened for Nirvana once. And you will believe it, because
it sounds like a true story. Because it is.

On 2/1/06, Simon Wilkinson <womby02@hotmail.com> wrote:
> why do you think she's a liar, Lez?
> >From: Matt Love <matt.mattlove1@gmail.com>
> >Reply-To: Leslie_Morris_Online@yahoogroups.com
> >To: Leslie_Morris_Online@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: Re: [Leslie_Morris_Online] September 11th.
> >Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 16:02:25 -0800
> >
> >My wife once had a long train ride with a pathological liar. Seems
> >he'd been everywhere and done everything. He was only 26, yet he'd
> >been a motivational speaker for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers for over
> >a decade. Owned 10 coffee shops. Had condos in several cities. Just
> >left Seattle where he had bought another one. Why was he on the train
> >instead of a Mercedes? Maybe he was running away from something.
> >After one whopper too many, my wife asked him "has anybody ever
> >compared you to Forrest Gump?" to the total delight of another rider
> >who had been constantly one upped by the young and troubled genius.
> >
> >Next time you see her, ask Ofelia "Has anybody ever compared yo to
> >Forrest Gump?"
> >
> >Let us know what she said.
> >
> >On 1/28/06, Leslie Morris <dr_spider_man@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > Yesterday I took Holly to get a beer. He's going to be separated
> > > for his girlfriend for a few months. So I've been trying to distract
> > > him. We ended up taking a new housemate. An Irish girl named Ofelia.
> > > We started to chat to her. She seemed interesting. She is a super
> > > genius. At the age of 3 she taught herself to read and write in two
> > > languages. She holds 10 degree. But she's a little unsure as she
> > > hasn't counted them in a while. She has lived all around the world.
> > > She has been a model, ballerina, been in some films, did a lot of
> > > theatre and is only 26. She came to Australia to start her new life.
> > > My first question is why the fuck are you living in a Petersham? She
> > > said she was running away from something. I suggested that Holly and
> > > I should guess. She said we would never be able to guess. But we
> > > tried anyway. Now at this point of the conversation the tone was
> > > very jovial and light hearted. She gave us some hints. It was about
> > > 4 years ago and she was living in New York at the time. I said `You
> > > running away from the Homosexual Broadway Mafia'. She laughed and
> > > replied `No'. Then I said it was some kind of Cabbage conspiracy and
> > > went to describe how she became the Cabbage Queen of Harlem. That
> > > was also incorrect. Then I said `Hmmm… did you cause September 11?'
> > > I saw a change in her eye. Holy Shit!!! (I constantly feel like a
> > > child in an adult costume.) She then went on to tell us she was she
> > > wanted to enroll in the Academy of Film in New York and her Father
> > > wanted her to be a banker. She was going over to the World Trade
> > > Center that morning to have breakfast and make up with him. She got
> > > a frantic phone call from him and then she was crushed by another
> > > building. Then was found 3 days later when everyone was thought
> > > dead. Then she threw though horrific list of things that have
> > > happened to her since. I felt like shit and apologized. The moral of
> > > this story? I don't know?
> > >
> > > For the rest of the time she tried to crack on to Con. Con wasn't
> > > interested. But that has nothing to do with Ofelia. We're pretty
> > > certain that Con he's gay.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > >
> > > Visit your group "Leslie_Morris_Online" on the web.
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > > Leslie_Morris_Online-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> > > ________________________________
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] "Valley of the Wolves Iraq"

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: [Newsletter] The Conversation Today - The Mohammed cartoon: cultural sensitivity versus free speech

Here's an example of free exercise of really dumb speech.  they wouldn't publish a cartoon of Jesus thumping blacks with a burning cross, but they think this is a big prinicipled stand.  They should print whatever they want.  and they should feel like the shitheals that they are.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Conversation <conversation@kuow.org>
Date: Feb 2, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: [Newsletter] The Conversation Today - The Mohammed cartoon: cultural sensitivity versus free speech
To: mattlove1@earthlink.net


The Conversation
with Ross Reynolds

Weekdays 1-2 pm PST

Thursday, February 2, 2006

It began as a Danish newspaper cartoon of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. His turban was shaped like a bomb with a burning fuse. It's turned into an international incident on the fault line between cultural sensitivity and free speech. The cartoon outraged many Muslims. Pictures of Mohammed are considered idolatry. There have been demonstrations from Turkey to the Gaza Strip, a boycott of Danish products throughout the Middle East, and even calls in some quarters for a religious decree to attack Danish troops serving in Iraq. For their part, defiant newspapers in Europe reprinted the cartoons. They asserted a right to blasphemy. Now right wing talk shows are getting in the on act, stirring up a 'Buy Danish' campaign. When does cultural sensitivity trump free speech, and when doesn't it?

Call in your thoughts before the show to 206-221-3663 or send email to conversation@kuow.org.   Join us on the air by calling  206-543-5869 or 1-800-289-5869. 

Guest information and links to articles and other research will be available at The Conversation homepage by 12 noon today PST. 



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[CanYoAssDigIt] Correction on your Band Name Origins page...

It just now struck me... man, I am so slow - I loved The Thompson
Twins "hold me now" back then - even learned it and played a cover
version at open mics.

My wife, who grew up in South Africa and had a different cultural
background than me (USA), loves Tintin, and first the books, then a
Canadian animation on DVD became part of my life...

Yet it took me until today to think "hey, d'ya suppose"... your page
(http://www.geocities.com/temptations_page/origins.html#tt) confirmed

"The Thompson Twins -Despite the band being a trio, they took their
name from a pair of characters, identical twins featured in Tintin, a
French comic series. The bumbling, mustachioed detectives are known
from their odd speech patters and the even odder fact that their only
dissimilarity is their different last names --- one is Thomson, the
other is Thompson, "with a P, as in psychoanalysis."

But it's a hell of a world, isn't it? You provide this generous
service, and all you ask in return is that I Tell you my thoughts and
dreams. Instead I offer petty criticism. Tintin is a Belgian
character, created by a Belgian cartoonist, Hergé (Georges Rémi), who
first appeared in 1929 in a children's supplement to a Belgian daily
newspaper, Le Vingtième Siècle.

Our scrappy Tintin is no surrender monkey, though I'm sure that now
and again Tintin negotiated the vending of some cheesy comestibles.

I don't want to be too pushy about this, but I would just hate to see
how my wife's tears would well up if she saw your page before you
correct it.

And to be extremely pedantic - Thomson and Thompson have one
additional dissimilarity. The moustache of one of the detectives (I
don't know which one, perhaps my wife, while dabbing away her tears,
could tell you) curls up slightly at the tips. The other doesn't. I
now that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof, therefore, I
attach a picture that provides that proof.

You have my personal assurances that (unlike the Magruder film) this
picture has not been tampered with.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] Julia Roberts' Broadway Debut Sparks Ticket-Buying Frenzy

I was worried about what was going to happen to elderly people and college students, but now I'm not worried anymore because a lot of people are buy Tickets to see Julia Roberts.
Along similar lines, I am no longer concerned that over 2245 Americans, and more importantly , between 150,000 and 250,000 Iraqis (according to Lancet) have died in Iraq since the invasion, because some people are going to play football.
House approves $39 billion cut to Medicaid, student loans:
The bill passed by a vote of 216-214, largely along party lines. Republicans hailed the five-year, $39 billion budget-cutting bill as an important first step to restoring discipline on spending. Democrats attacked the measure as an assault on college students and Medicaid patients and said powerful Washington lobbyists had too much influence on it.

On 2/1/06, kdhaisch@aol.com < kdhaisch@aol.com> wrote:
from the IMDb...
Actress Julia Roberts' Broadway debut in Three Days Of Rain has sparked a buying frenzy , causing ticket websites to crash shortly after seats went on sale on Saturday.
Tickets to see the Pretty Woman star on the New York stage are costing fans a pretty penny, with the only ones left being premium seats which cost $251.25 each.
The show is nearly sold out and scored $7 million in advanced sales in one day. The Oscar-winning actress will play two characters in the limited run of Tony-winner Richard Greenberg's family mystery. Three Days Of Rain will run from March 28 to June 18.


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Monday, January 30, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] maximum sucking power

I heard that phrase used on a tv vacuum cleaning commercial, but it
could be applied to television in general. It's all so very awful,
but there is a special place in hell for the creators of wife swap and
dancing with the stars.

Speaking of the latter, my wife and I watched Wayne's World the other
day (having grown up with two brothers, I think that guy things go
over better with her than chick flicks like "Lost in Translation" and
"The Terminal."

In the special features, Tia Carrare said that she owes her career to
the Wayne's World people.

Given her current status as someone who was mildly famous for
something once but nobody remembers quite what, now reduced to
scrambling for crumbs on "reality" tv, perhaps she should consider a
lawsuit against Wayne, Garth, et al.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: eSkeptic: Coast to Coast; annual conference; 9/11

I hope you can explain something to me about what this "skeptic" thing is all about. 

I don't think it was you, I think it was that other crowd, the skeptical inquirer, who thought Scooby Doo was good for kids, because the solutions to Scooby mysteries always involved some sort of tortuously complicated conspiracy, and not supernatural elements.  But dude, rubber masks that you can't tell from a real human face, and a talking dog?  What's up with that?  Do you guys like that talking dog?

Another talking dog I wonder about is Michael Crichton, with his tortuously complicated conspiracy theories about how global warming isn't a threat, but mind-controlling lefty activists are.  It seems reasonable to me that Crichton would be at the conference as the token kook ( John Mack played that role in the the SCICOP conference I went to in Seattle). But Skepticism is so hard to figure out, he might be there to play Carl Sagan (who played himself at the same conference).

I also wonder about those two entertainers who work for the CATO Institute. CATO seems to be dedicated to the proposition that capitalism is the only scientific model for economic and social arrangement, and any attempt to measure externalized costs is the result of some sort of nature worshipping irrational religious impulse.  The fat guy and the quiet guy wear their paychecks on their sleeves, but they keep getting awards for being so damn skeptical.  I'm confused by how skeptics organize themselves in the world, so I'm not sure if it's the SCICOP guys (who surely live up to their acronym, as they work very hard to direct intellectual traffic into approved lanes of thought) or if you guys that support them, or both.  So I'm asking you please tell me:  In your world, are these guys talking dogs, or guys in rubber masks so real you can't tell them from the real thing (and therefore acceptable) or are they "free market" religious zealots who's views are disqualified because of their extreme bias?

Thanks for any information you can give me on this.

On 1/23/06, Michael Shermer <skepticssociety@skeptic.com > wrote:

eSkeptic: the email newsletter of the Skeptics Society

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

This Evening!
Michael Shermer on Art Bell's
Coast to Coast AM radio show

Monday, January 23rd
11pm—2am, Pacific Standard Time

Tonight, Michael Shermer will appear on Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM national radio show. George Noory presents the "Skeptics Cage: Two go in, one comes out." Michael Shermer will be debating one scientist each hour on various aspects of new scientific thought. The line-up: Dr. Gary Schwartz, Russell Targ, and Dean Radin. You can tune in live on AM radio stations across the US (free), XM radio channel 165, or you can pay for a subscription to the podcast from the Coast to Coast AM website.

Hubble photo of The Orion Nebula

This image of the Orion Nebula reveals at least 153 glowing protoplanetary disks (dubbed "proplyds") that are believed to be embryonic solar systems that will eventually form planets. (NASA image courtesy of GRIN)

lecture reminder…

The Soul of Science
Bootstrapping Meaning, Purpose & Spirituality

with Dr. Michael Shermer

Friday, January 27th, 9:30 am
at James Randi's The Amaz!ng Meeting 4
at Stardust Hotel, Las Vegas

How can we find spiritual meaning and purpose in a scientific worldview? Spirituality is a way of being in the world, a sense of one's place in the cosmos, a relationship to that which extends beyond our selves. There are many sources of spirituality; religion may be the most common, but it is by no means the only. Anything that generates a sense of awe may be a source of spirituality. Science does this in spades. Dr. Shermer shows how.

photo of Susan Blackmore at the conference

Susan Blackmore speaking at the 2005 annual conference

Brain, Mind & Consciouness
– our 2005 conference now on DVD!

A three DVD set of the Skeptic Society's "Brain, Mind & Consciousness" conference is now available. Held at Caltech in May 2005, this includes 30–50 minute talks by Michael Shermer, Roger Bingham, Christof Koch, Alison Gopnik, Richard McNally, Terry Sejnowski, Susan Blackmore, John Allman, Paul Zak, Hank Schlinger, and Ursula Goodenough.

ORDER the 3 DVD set >

READ Lee Traynor's synopsis of the conference >

The Environmental Wars:
The Science Behind the Politics

– announcing our 2006 annual conference!

June 2nd–4th, 2006
California Institute of Technology

with Dr. Brian Fagan, Dr. Gregory Benford, Dr. Donald Prothero, Dr. Michael Shermer, special guest Michael Crichton, and others to be announced.

Every year the Skeptics Society hosts a conference which sees skeptics from all across North America and Europe converge for lively conversation, debate, and collaboration. Each conference centers around a specific theme, which allows us to cultivate an expert and informative panel of guest speakers.

photo of "Ground Zero" by Roderick Yang

photo of "Ground Zero" by Roderick Yang

In this week's eSkeptic, we present Richard Morrock's review of The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, by David Ray Griffin (Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1566565529)

Richard Morrock is a writer based in New York. He has been active with the skeptics movement and has lectured on a variety of subjects to skeptical groups in New York and Philadelphia. He is also involved with the International Psychohistorical Association, of which he has served as vice president and newsletter editor. He is currently working on a book on psychohistory, along with a musical comedy based on the first term of the Bush administration.

A Date That Will Live in Infamy

review by Richard Morrock

David Ray Griffin's fanciful tale of Bush administration complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attack is a perfect example of the kind of conspiratorial thinking discussed by George Case in Skeptic Vol. 11 No. 4. There isn't much to be learned about the fateful events from Griffin's silly book, but he gives us some useful insight into the origins of paranoia.

Most writers on a subject do what is called research on the material, which means reading books, conducting interviews, and tracking down documents. This consumes far too much time and effort for conspiracy buffs like Griffin. His approach consists of asking disturbing questions, ignoring the actual evidence, speculating about the possible answers, assuming the worst-case scenario, and then drawing up his indictment of the administration based on his assumptions, even where they are in flagrant contradiction to widely-known facts.

Starting with the dubious "who benefits argument?", Griffin concludes that since President George W. Bush profited in terms of political capital from the 9/11 attacks, he had to be behind them. Given that premise, he argues that the U.S. government masterminded the whole catastrophe from beginning to end, with the al-Qaeda hijackers being either innocent bystanders or U.S. secret agents. The planes that hit the World Trade Center — Flights 11 and 175 — were actually piloted by remote control, with their command center at No. 7 WTC, the 45-story office building across a narrow side street from the North Tower. In addition, the impact of the planes did not cause the buildings to collapse; that was the work of controlled explosions set off inside the Towers. As for the Pentagon, it was a guided missile or, no, maybe a military plane that hit the building, with Flight 77 disappearing inside the smoke and flames. And Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, PA, was actually shot down by the U.S. military because the passengers were on the brink of taking it over. The Bush administration didn't want the hijackers taken alive, Griffin insists, because they presumably could have proven their innocence. How strange that 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui should have been kept alive after the 9/11 events, not to mention the mastermind of the affair, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, captured in Pakistan and now in U.S. custody.

One of the points Griffin raises is why the South Tower collapsed half an hour before the North Tower, although it was struck 15 minutes later. From this alleged discrepancy in the official story, Griffin concludes that the government had planted explosives in the WTC the previous weekend, using a power blackout as cover, and had dynamited the buildings. He never considers the other explanation: the South Tower collapsed faster because the plane impacted on a lower floor, and more floors were therefore set on fire. Any glance at the photograph of the second impact will show this.

He fails to explain why the government would have waited nearly an hour to explode its bombs in the South Tower, which would have allowed many people to escape; the North Tower didn't collapse for one and 3/4 hours, and nearly all of the WTC workers who died were in the impacted floors or above. Did Bush's remote control have a low battery?

Griffin actually does claim that No. 7 WTC, which collapsed at 5:20 pm, was blown up by explosives, and this is taken as proof that Washington was behind it. But what would the motive be? Blowing up an already-evacuated office building after thousands had died in the Twin Towers would seem like a waste of dynamite, not to mention office space. Did Bush think that public opinion had not been sufficiently inflamed by the 3,000 deaths? Do most Americans even know that a third office building, far smaller than the Towers, was also lost on that day? Griffin never explores that possibility that No. 7 was demolished because it had been contaminated by the white dust from the nearby North Tower. Explosives were used because, at 45 stories, No. 7 was too tall for a wrecking crane.

Jet fuel is kerosene, argues Griffin. Kerosene could not have caused a fire hot enough to melt steel, which happened at the Twin Towers. Perhaps Griffin has never attended a barbecue, where kerosene is used to ignite charcoal briquettes, and the charcoal fire then cooks the food. Something similar happened at the Twin Towers, where the jet fuel ignited carpets, furniture, books and papers, which then produced enough heat to bring down the burning floors; their impact on the floors below produced the force that led to the Towers' collapse.

There is the question of what Bush knew on the morning of 9/11 and when he knew it. Some have claimed that Bush was lying when he said he saw the first impact on the Twin Towers, since there had been no live coverage of that attack; the second impact, about 15 minutes later, was covered by cameramen photographing the fire from the first. It would seem likely that when Bush watched the second crash on TV, as he waited to enter the 2nd-grade classroom in Florida where he was planning to read My Pet Goat, he mistakenly thought he was watching the first. Not until about 20 minutes later was he informed that there were two crashes, indicating a terrorist attack rather than an accident, and at that point he started to look worried. About six or seven minutes later, he left the school.

Well, why wasn't he, or his staff, concerned about his being targeted by the terrorists? Doesn't that prove, as Griffin indicates, that Bush was aware he was in no danger, and therefore involved in the attack? Not necessarily, given that both attacks were in New York, a thousand miles from Florida, and the attack on the Pentagon hadn't happened yet. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the hijackers could have singled out the Sarasota elementary school; all of their targets were highly visible landmarks which could be identified from many miles away, whereas urban areas have numerous indistinguishable schools.

Why wasn't the Air Force ordered to shoot down Flight 77 as it streaked through the sky on its way to hit the Pentagon? The official 9/11 Commission story is that planes were sent north to intercept Flight 11, with the White House and Pentagon unaware that it had already crashed in New York, and that the threat was coming from another plane, heading in from the west. Griffin believes that Vice President Dick Cheney, in charge of the situation in Washington while Bush was flying to Nebraska in Air Force One, deliberately avoided intercepting Flight 77 so that the Pentagon would be struck. One wonders what Donald Rumsfeld, still in his office at the Pentagon, might have had to say about that! Griffin asks why the Pentagon wasn't evacuated, but never considers the fact that the government had no idea which target in the Washington area had been selected by the terrorists. Nor does he concern himself with the political fallout if an enemy attack on United States soil had been followed by our military leadership fleeing in panic from their still-intact offices.

Then there is the matter of the disappearing wreckage at the Pentagon, of which conspiracy buffs have made much. Photographs taken in the immediate aftermath of the impact show no sign of airplane debris. That must mean that it was a missile that hit the Pentagon, implicating our diabolical government once again. Official accounts indicate that Flight 77 smashed through several of the concentric rings that make up the Pentagon, so that the wreckage all came to rest well inside the building.

Flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania as the passengers attempted to wrest it back from the hijackers, may actually represent the one instance where Griffin does cast some light on the matter. The original official story had it that the passengers made their way into the cockpit, but that the plane crashed during the brief struggle. Later, it was announced that the passengers never made it through the door, and the government speculated that the pilot, Ziad Jarrah, downed the plane as the desperate fight broke out in the passenger compartment. Of course, given the fact that Jarrah planned to sacrifice his life for this mission, it doesn't seem likely that he would have aborted it while there was still some chance of success. Griffin indicates that open cell phone lines recorded two explosions during the fight, followed by the sound of rushing wind; he reports an eyewitness saying that the plane disintegrated in the air, and mentions that one engine was found a mile and a half from the rest of the debris.

This is proof to Griffin that the Air Force downed Flight 93 with a missile, making the government responsible for the deaths of the heroic passengers who nearly foiled the fourth hijacking. He backs up this improbable claim by mentioning that someone saw a white military plane in the sky near the hijacked flight, overlooking the detail that military planes on such a mission would travel in formations of two or more, and that they are rarely white.

Griffin also mentions that the Flight 93 hijackers declared that they had a bomb when they took over the plane, but that the passengers regarded this as a bluff. He never considers the possibility that the hijackers were not bluffing, and that they set off the bomb (more likely two) when they were rushed by the passengers. This would account for the explosions, the sound of the wind on the cell phones, the crash of the plane, the engine landing more than a mile from the fuselage, and the peculiar path of the flight in the last few minutes before it crashed. In the map in the 9/11 report, Flight 93 makes a U-turn in northern Ohio after being hijacked, and then heads southeast, in a straight line, aiming directly for Washington. While over western Pennsylvania, it veers to the left and then makes a clockwise semi-circle, as if Jarrah has suddenly found it impossible to steer. Was this the result of a missile, a fight in the passenger compartment, or the desperate hijackers setting off their bombs?

The 9/11 attacks made Americans feel helpless, even more so than our defeat in Vietnam. Theories of administration complicity in 9/11, based on total denial of even the most self-evident facts, serve as a defense against these admittedly uncomfortable feelings, and allow us to feel omnipotent once again. Our government is all-powerful and all-knowing; a bunch of Middle Eastern fanatics couldn't possibly take us by surprise, could they? Better a government that's totally evil than one which leaves us helpless in the face of foreign terrorists.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Day-O! Harry Belafonte stands up for Dubya.

Thank you Harry, for not letting Kanye West get away with that terrible slander.

AMY GOODMAN: Kanye West, after Hurricane Katrina, said President Bush
doesn't like black people. Do you agree?

HARRY BELAFONTE: I do not know that I could look upon President Bush
as someone who actively works every day of his life to oppress and to
kill black people as a direct act of race. I think his insensitivity,
in the class frame, being who he is, coming from the privileges that
he does, being one who pursues the edge of imperial ambition -- not so
much the edge, he's right smack in the center of it -- he can be
expected to do those things, which will cruelly administer no relief
at all to those who are oppressed, who are poor. And in that act,
because of the way in which our society is structured, a large group
of brown people, a large group of yellow people, a large group of
black people, are on the cutting edge, are on the forefront of this
nation's poverty. And therefore, we feel the brunt of it.

One cannot help but wonder that if what happened in Katrina in that
region of America had happened somewhere in Maine or had happened
somewhere else in America where white sensibilities and white life
would have been in great jeopardy, that our nation would have been
that blurred, and certainly our government, to what was happening to
the citizens who are not white. I think somewhere in the American
psyche, black people are expendable when we try to sustain our
positions of privilege and our positions of power, just as I think
people in the Middle East are expendable. I don't think America really
knows who we are. We don't know our fellow citizens. We don't know the
nations we invade. We don't have a real deep and honest sense of who
we are as a people, both on the good side of the ledger, to who we are
as a people that comes from the dark side of the ledger. We are the
most uninformed people on the face of the earth. And I don't say that
as hyperbole.

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] News story

On the news, they showed George Bushes Jr and Sr and their respective
wives, the battleax and the other one, going to church. I thought,
"why is this news?"

My answer came when the church vomited them back out!

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Why can't Americans read?

Why can't people read? If people weren't so stupid, they would know
why - I have explained it in my groundbreaking work, establishing that
every 18 months, people are half as smart.

Sometime around the middle of 2007, best evidence is that 60 million
Americans will no longer be able to read. Some of them will be us, so
enjoy it while you can. Assuming you can.


By Sheila Samples
01/28/2006 10:18:38 PM EST
Keywords: Mike Malloy, 1984, Air America
By Sheila Samples

And who will tell the people
that free speech is a ruse;
The corporations run the country
and then they make the news.
Is it media or mind control
heroic victories or crime?
Who will tell the people...
that we are living in these times.
~Song by Willie Nelson

In his essay on "Character" Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "A chief event
in life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled
us." I've had such days, many of them through encounters with Emerson
himself, but never have I been startled or even remotely surprised by
anything belched out by the Barbie and Ken assembly line of today's
corporate mind-control media.

George Orwell wrote that people who neither read nor ask questions
will ultimately lose all desire to question "Big Brother." What is so
frightening as we descend into the new world order fascism is not that
we no longer read -- it's that we no longer can read.

Researchers estimate as many as 30 million Americans -- many of them
college graduates -- cannot read. They're unable to comprehend news
stories or even instructions. They said they were "stunned," but could
offer no explanation for the steep drop in literacy. I don't know
what's more depressing -- that Americans can't read or, after studying
the phenomenon, researchers lack the critical skills to discern why.

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