I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, October 03, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] mattlove1 sent you a video: "Blood Paradise-Baby Harpoon"

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mattlove1 has shared a video with you on YouTube:

I posted this comment on their vid:

You guys have proved you are worthy of the name, that's for sure. Someday I hope your Blood Paradise and mine will get together for a joint performance. In the mean time, open two browser windows and listen to this song and "Don't think its not impossible" at the same time, your kundalini will rise and your third nostril will open, it sounds like a posse of rough boys tying up a bunch of smelly old hippies and beating them with kielbasas.
this is our first song as a band together...in this video we're missing our bass player/lead singer.
i hope you enjoy it...it's not all that good but we're a new band and we're just trying to get people to hear our first song

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Now We Know

This is my Amazon.com profile which I wrote about four years back. 

My final paragraph interests me the most:  "I am deeply concerned about the direction this country is headed, and I expect things to get worse before they get better, and I have no idea when that will be. But thats just me, I hope I'm wrong."

Well, now we know exactly what form the getting worse took, and as usual, I wasn't wrong.


Hello mutants

I grew up in Wenatchee WA, where I didn't spend much of my childhood fending off war parties composed of the original population of the valley, nor did I hitch my horse on main street, or teach myself to write by practicing with a lump of coal on the back of a shovel, though incredibly at the time our more cosmopolitan neighbors on what we called the coast (Seattle, then really just a large town) believed that sort of thing went on there. It was a congenial enough place to grow up, but once grown up it was hard to get used to chronic unemployment hovering around � to 1/3 of the population that wanted to work, and politics almost universally to the right of Genghis Khan.

After I married my high school sweetheart (a move that would cast a shadow over much of my adult life) and speckled academic and vocational stints that included time at Wenatchee Valley College and Central Washington University, and directing Community Theatre in Chelan, I voted with my feet in the early 80s and moved to Olympia, which I had been told was the land of milk and honey. I was misinformed. After avoiding the Reagan-era hollowed out economy by spending additional time at South Puget Sound Community College and Evergreen (where I finally graduated with a double major in underwater basket weaving and latte serving). After a tough year, I got a job at the Dept. of Transportation, where I have hunkered down like a barnacle on a rock ever since.

Fairly early in my career, my marriage mercifully disintegrated, and I became the single custodial parent of a young daughter.

The downward spiral reversed with remarriage about 6 years ago, and a realization that I had a knack for meeting peoples information needs at work. Though I have never strayed for from entry-level positions at the Department, I am one of the most highly honored employees in the agency for innovative practices. Whats wrong with this picture? My wife encouraged me to return to school, and learn skills that will propel me into a better workplace. I gradually work towards that goal, while continuing to work full time.

Daughter grown and out of the house, and my wife being self-reliant and low maintenance, I have the luxury of having a personal life again, and much of my spare time goes towards musical activities.

My wife and I have property on Anderson Island, and have lived on it for several months. I am torn between trying to achieve vocational success before retirement, and becoming an island dwelling hermit. The Pierce County library system maintains a branch there, which is open 4 hours a week. I think I could find that a very congenial schedule to maintain. I have put in my application.

I am deeply concerned about the direction this country is headed, and I expect things to get worse before they get better, and I have no idea when that will be. But thats just me, I hope I'm wrong.

Contact me at matt.mattlove1@gmail.com
enhance your life by listening to my music at
read my blog at

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