I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Fw: Get my latest book FREE!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
Date: Nov 17, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Get my latest book FREE!
To: Rick REED RxR <arexar4@yahoo.com>, canyoassdigit <canyoassdigit@yahoogroups.com >

Hey was this just for my eyes only? If so, thanks, if not please share the following with other people on the distribution of the original message. It's only fair that if you are going to torture me with silly stuff like this Coulter stuff, that you torture the people that originate it with the truth about her.....

I've thought Ann Coulter was a phony for a long time. I never thought she was stupid enough to believe any of the stupid things she says, like for example life-long Republican is a communist, for example.  No, Coulter recognizes one of her own.  Both parties are just different wings of the corporate party (with a few exceptions - Kucinich, Gravel, Ron Paul) and all the weird posturing is just a feeble attempt to make it look like there are differences between them.... sadly, a feeble attempt that works on feeble minds that are used to thinking that it actually makes a difference whether the Yankees or the Rangers win a baseball game.

Coulter pretends to be something she's not, like Steven Colbert, but he at least is witty and funny.  She goes about her weird drag act swinging a sledge hammer.

No, both the Republicans and Democrats are bought and paid for by corporate interests, but I hardly think the Republicans are the sharpest tools in corporate america's shed.

Relentlessly persecuting gays, and then taking a wide stance in a public restroom stall in an airport in Minnesota isn't too sharp.  Relentlessly persecuting gays and then talking dirty to a male senate page isn't too sharp, either.  And calling for a new holocaust for gays and Hollywood celebrities and then hanging out with them in a gay Hollywood restaurant isn't very bright either.

Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood

Posted October 28, 2007 | 06:42 PM (EST)

     We had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It's a visually stunning space, straight lines, whites and reds accented by brilliant Murano glass chandeliers (hence the name of the restaurant). It's right at home within eyeshot of West Hollywood's Pacific Design Center, clearly appealing in a neighborhood of gay clubs, bars and restaurants.
     Toward the end of dinner, one of my companions insisted that the painfully thin, emotive, long blond haired thing in a small black dress with nearly exposed bosoms was none other than Ann Coulter. I did not believe him. Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses?
     But sure enough, he was right. I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she's a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle. Based on her behavior last night, I am sure it is the latter, although based on her table mates, it could be both.
Remember Ann Coulter on John Edwards and homosexuals?
     "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I'm - so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions."
     Now, the last I checked, most gay people, including me, do not think the term "faggot" is endearing.
     Notorious people have the right to dine where they please. I also think that they have to eat their own cooking. It's quite simple, really. If a person makes her money by being famous and that person has an addiction problem, she has the right to privacy to solve that problem. But if she proclaims her sobriety to get out of jail and then shows up at a bar, she has to expect that her public might inquire as to her truth. You can't have it both ways: sober for the police and the press; publicly drunk for real. In time, you are caught in the lie. It's one or the other, fame or privacy.
     Clearly, Ann Coulter was caught in a lie. There she was, burbling like a fountain about her interview on Donnie Duetsch's show in which she says Jews should be Christians, completely at ease in the heart of the gayest city on the planet. She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu.
     I was therefore shocked that when we tried to engage her in conversation, she became embarrassed, turned away, nestling her head inside her long, blond hair, much as would an embarrassed school girl caught stealing the answers to an exam.
     We wondered if she was comfortable in West Hollywood, in a restaurant where a large number of the patrons are gay, and where the gay owners make money off of her dining bill. Her response (physically, because she would not speak): "I am too embarrassed to talk to you." Had we been able to see her high cheek bones, then averted and clutched in her hands to hide her shame, we'd have seen a red-faced hypocrite, caught living a lie. Think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or others who make money simply for being famous and then have no clue how to respond when they are caught lying.
     Ann Coulter loves the camera, so we snapped a few with a cell phone. Her sturdy female minder said we were "molesting" her. Ann Coulter molested by having her picture taken? I guess she's molested every day, then. She might want to check into rehab to deal with her addiction to such molestation.
     When the manager came by with our check, he said, "Look, I'm sorry she's here, but I have to serve her." The staff were clearly appalled when they realized who was in their midst. Did Hitler eat kosher food even as he worked out the final solution?
     Remember those "we reserve the right to serve anyone" signs? I assume they are for real. Had it been my restaurant, I would have sent her away, not allowed her to enjoy the life she craves. On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she's just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.
     Ann Coulter had nothing to say last night because anything she could conjure would have been too absurd. So she ducked her head, embarrassed at being caught where she most likes to be, hoping to disappear. Ann Coulter is a coward who uses evil speech in the safety of a studio to make money. She obviously does not even believe the obscenities she hurls at America, a country she says she hates.
     How many adolescents in mid-America have heard Ms. Coulter saying they are "faggots," subhumans who should die, just so she could eat dinner at a gay-owned establishment and pay with blood money? How many lives have ended so that Ms. Coulter can giggle and guzzle in West Hollywood?
      I do not believe in bothering famous people when they are out in public. But Ann Coulter created her fame and fortune by cultivating a persona of hate. She has to be called to account. Next time, I hope the folks at Murano or any other public establishment will just say no to the Ann Coulters of the world. Let Ann Coulter eat her own cooking. I doubt she can stand the taste of what she dishes, but it's worth letting her try.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-jacobs/ann-coulter-on-the-gay-_b_70156.html

, Stevo  

 Iran: Why Am I still worried? 


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On Nov 17, 2007 1:23 PM, Rick REED RxR < arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: Get my latest book FREE!

In the upcoming presidential election, the Democrats have two campaign themes:
  1. We must end Rovian politics because the Republicans demonize people who disagree with them; and
  2. Ann Coulter is a she-devil.
They don't know the half of it!

Dear fellow conservative:
My new book is called: If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans . It is a user-friendly compilation of my most popular "career-ending" statements for the past ten years. It will be an invaluable research tool for liberals who would like to be hysterical about me, but don't have much time to read.
Categorized into about four dozen chapters, the all-new chapter introductions alone should give liberals aneurisms for years to come.
In addition to the classics, there are hundreds and hundreds of quotes from interviews. TV appearances, speeches, columns and books that will be new to my most devoted readers.
The chapters include:
  • Airport Security: Make Imams Take Buses
  • Abortion: Abort Liberals, Not Children
  • Communism: A New Fragrance By Hillary Clinton
  • Guns: The Constitutional Right You Can Carry In Your Purse
  • Hollywood: They Ought to be Committed -- Oops, They Already Are!
  • Teddy Kennedy: Apparently Fat, Drunk and Stupid a Way to go Through Life
  • Supreme Court: I Haven't Been Officially Approached as Yet, but Thanks for Asking
For liberals who enjoy exclaiming, "This time, she's gone too far!" the quotes in this book will make that crack about Edwards look like a frosty beer on a hot summer day.
You can be among the first to sign up for my new book for FREE by getting a 35-week trial subscription to HUMAN EVENTS at the reduced rate of just $39.95. That's a savings of more than $30 off the regular rate -- and you'll also receive as a welcoming gift my new book If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans. Sign up today.

Ann Coulter
Legal Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS

P.S. Click here to find out how to sign up for my new book release, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - yours free with your trial subscription to my favorite newspaper, HUMAN EVENTS.
For instant service, call us toll-free at 888.GO.RIGHT (888.467.4448).
This e-mail was sent to n3ish@comcast.net because this address is signed up for Special Offers from Human Events.
To unsubscribe or to update your e-mail delivery preferences, click here.
Human Events   |  One Massachusetts Ave, NW   |  Washington, DC 20001

Rick REED RxR for President 2008
Both Groups @ #3 and #4 in The Top Ten
@ Presidential Electioms 2008
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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fw: Get my latest book FREE!

Hey was this just for my eyes only? If so, thanks, if not please share the following with other people on the distribution of the original message. It's only fair that if you are going to torture me with silly stuff like this Coulter stuff, that you torture the people that originate it with the truth about her.....

I've thought Ann Coulter was a phony for a long time. I never thought she was stupid enough to believe any of the stupid things she says, like for example life-long Republican is a communist, for example.  No, Coulter recognizes one of her own.  Both parties are just different wings of the corporate party (with a few exceptions - Kucinich, Gravel, Ron Paul) and all the weird posturing is just a feeble attempt to make it look like there are differences between them.... sadly, a feeble attempt that works on feeble minds that are used to thinking that it actually makes a difference whether the Yankees or the Rangers win a baseball game.

Coulter pretends to be something she's not, like Steven Colbert, but he at least is witty and funny.  She goes about her weird drag act swinging a sledge hammer.

No, both the Republicans and Democrats are bought and paid for by corporate interests, but I hardly think the Republicans are the sharpest tools in corporate america's shed.

Relentlessly persecuting gays, and then taking a wide stance in a public restroom stall in an airport in Minnesota isn't too sharp.  Relentlessly persecuting gays and then talking dirty to a male senate page isn't too sharp, either.  And calling for a new holocaust for gays and Hollywood celebrities and then hanging out with them in a gay Hollywood restaurant isn't very bright either.

Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood

Posted October 28, 2007 | 06:42 PM (EST)

     We had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It's a visually stunning space, straight lines, whites and reds accented by brilliant Murano glass chandeliers (hence the name of the restaurant). It's right at home within eyeshot of West Hollywood's Pacific Design Center, clearly appealing in a neighborhood of gay clubs, bars and restaurants.
     Toward the end of dinner, one of my companions insisted that the painfully thin, emotive, long blond haired thing in a small black dress with nearly exposed bosoms was none other than Ann Coulter. I did not believe him. Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses?
     But sure enough, he was right. I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she's a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle. Based on her behavior last night, I am sure it is the latter, although based on her table mates, it could be both.
Remember Ann Coulter on John Edwards and homosexuals?
     "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I'm - so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions."
     Now, the last I checked, most gay people, including me, do not think the term "faggot" is endearing.
     Notorious people have the right to dine where they please. I also think that they have to eat their own cooking. It's quite simple, really. If a person makes her money by being famous and that person has an addiction problem, she has the right to privacy to solve that problem. But if she proclaims her sobriety to get out of jail and then shows up at a bar, she has to expect that her public might inquire as to her truth. You can't have it both ways: sober for the police and the press; publicly drunk for real. In time, you are caught in the lie. It's one or the other, fame or privacy.
     Clearly, Ann Coulter was caught in a lie. There she was, burbling like a fountain about her interview on Donnie Duetsch's show in which she says Jews should be Christians, completely at ease in the heart of the gayest city on the planet. She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu.
     I was therefore shocked that when we tried to engage her in conversation, she became embarrassed, turned away, nestling her head inside her long, blond hair, much as would an embarrassed school girl caught stealing the answers to an exam.
     We wondered if she was comfortable in West Hollywood, in a restaurant where a large number of the patrons are gay, and where the gay owners make money off of her dining bill. Her response (physically, because she would not speak): "I am too embarrassed to talk to you." Had we been able to see her high cheek bones, then averted and clutched in her hands to hide her shame, we'd have seen a red-faced hypocrite, caught living a lie. Think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or others who make money simply for being famous and then have no clue how to respond when they are caught lying.
     Ann Coulter loves the camera, so we snapped a few with a cell phone. Her sturdy female minder said we were "molesting" her. Ann Coulter molested by having her picture taken? I guess she's molested every day, then. She might want to check into rehab to deal with her addiction to such molestation.
     When the manager came by with our check, he said, "Look, I'm sorry she's here, but I have to serve her." The staff were clearly appalled when they realized who was in their midst. Did Hitler eat kosher food even as he worked out the final solution?
     Remember those "we reserve the right to serve anyone" signs? I assume they are for real. Had it been my restaurant, I would have sent her away, not allowed her to enjoy the life she craves. On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she's just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.
     Ann Coulter had nothing to say last night because anything she could conjure would have been too absurd. So she ducked her head, embarrassed at being caught where she most likes to be, hoping to disappear. Ann Coulter is a coward who uses evil speech in the safety of a studio to make money. She obviously does not even believe the obscenities she hurls at America, a country she says she hates.
     How many adolescents in mid-America have heard Ms. Coulter saying they are "faggots," subhumans who should die, just so she could eat dinner at a gay-owned establishment and pay with blood money? How many lives have ended so that Ms. Coulter can giggle and guzzle in West Hollywood?
      I do not believe in bothering famous people when they are out in public. But Ann Coulter created her fame and fortune by cultivating a persona of hate. She has to be called to account. Next time, I hope the folks at Murano or any other public establishment will just say no to the Ann Coulters of the world. Let Ann Coulter eat her own cooking. I doubt she can stand the taste of what she dishes, but it's worth letting her try.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-jacobs/ann-coulter-on-the-gay-_b_70156.html

, Stevo  

 Iran: Why Am I still worried? 


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around


On Nov 17, 2007 1:23 PM, Rick REED RxR < arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: Get my latest book FREE!

In the upcoming presidential election, the Democrats have two campaign themes:
  1. We must end Rovian politics because the Republicans demonize people who disagree with them; and
  2. Ann Coulter is a she-devil.
They don't know the half of it!

Dear fellow conservative:
My new book is called: If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans . It is a user-friendly compilation of my most popular "career-ending" statements for the past ten years. It will be an invaluable research tool for liberals who would like to be hysterical about me, but don't have much time to read.
Categorized into about four dozen chapters, the all-new chapter introductions alone should give liberals aneurisms for years to come.
In addition to the classics, there are hundreds and hundreds of quotes from interviews. TV appearances, speeches, columns and books that will be new to my most devoted readers.
The chapters include:
  • Airport Security: Make Imams Take Buses
  • Abortion: Abort Liberals, Not Children
  • Communism: A New Fragrance By Hillary Clinton
  • Guns: The Constitutional Right You Can Carry In Your Purse
  • Hollywood: They Ought to be Committed -- Oops, They Already Are!
  • Teddy Kennedy: Apparently Fat, Drunk and Stupid a Way to go Through Life
  • Supreme Court: I Haven't Been Officially Approached as Yet, but Thanks for Asking
For liberals who enjoy exclaiming, "This time, she's gone too far!" the quotes in this book will make that crack about Edwards look like a frosty beer on a hot summer day.
You can be among the first to sign up for my new book for FREE by getting a 35-week trial subscription to HUMAN EVENTS at the reduced rate of just $39.95. That's a savings of more than $30 off the regular rate -- and you'll also receive as a welcoming gift my new book If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans. Sign up today.

Ann Coulter
Legal Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS

P.S. Click here to find out how to sign up for my new book release, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - yours free with your trial subscription to my favorite newspaper, HUMAN EVENTS.
For instant service, call us toll-free at 888.GO.RIGHT (888.467.4448).
This e-mail was sent to n3ish@comcast.net because this address is signed up for Special Offers from Human Events.
To unsubscribe or to update your e-mail delivery preferences, click here.
Human Events   |  One Massachusetts Ave, NW   |  Washington, DC 20001

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Fw: Get my latest book FREE!

Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: Get my latest book FREE!

In the upcoming presidential election, the Democrats have two campaign themes:
  1. We must end Rovian politics because the Republicans demonize people who disagree with them; and
  2. Ann Coulter is a she-devil.
They don't know the half of it!

Dear fellow conservative:
My new book is called: If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans. It is a user-friendly compilation of my most popular "career-ending" statements for the past ten years. It will be an invaluable research tool for liberals who would like to be hysterical about me, but don't have much time to read.
Categorized into about four dozen chapters, the all-new chapter introductions alone should give liberals aneurisms for years to come.
In addition to the classics, there are hundreds and hundreds of quotes from interviews. TV appearances, speeches, columns and books that will be new to my most devoted readers.
The chapters include:
  • Airport Security: Make Imams Take Buses
  • Abortion: Abort Liberals, Not Children
  • Communism: A New Fragrance By Hillary Clinton
  • Guns: The Constitutional Right You Can Carry In Your Purse
  • Hollywood: They Ought to be Committed -- Oops, They Already Are!
  • Teddy Kennedy: Apparently Fat, Drunk and Stupid a Way to go Through Life
  • Supreme Court: I Haven't Been Officially Approached as Yet, but Thanks for Asking
For liberals who enjoy exclaiming, "This time, she's gone too far!" the quotes in this book will make that crack about Edwards look like a frosty beer on a hot summer day.
You can be among the first to sign up for my new book for FREE by getting a 35-week trial subscription to HUMAN EVENTS at the reduced rate of just $39.95. That's a savings of more than $30 off the regular rate -- and you'll also receive as a welcoming gift my new book If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans. Sign up today.

Ann Coulter
Legal Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS

P.S. Click here to find out how to sign up for my new book release, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - yours free with your trial subscription to my favorite newspaper, HUMAN EVENTS.
For instant service, call us toll-free at 888.GO.RIGHT (888.467.4448).
This e-mail was sent to n3ish@comcast.net because this address is signed up for Special Offers from Human Events.
To unsubscribe or to update your e-mail delivery preferences, click here.
Human Events   |  One Massachusetts Ave, NW   |  Washington, DC 20001

Rick REED RxR for President 2008
Both Groups @ #3 and #4 in The Top Ten
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Rick REED RxR Rash Riot Radio - 31 Songs

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Re: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams

Rick, I really feel for you...  though I am very lucky to have my wonderful wife and the unconditional love of our three dogs, I find myself missing my mom more as time goes by, and Joe. I have such a mix of feelings... unlike Elaine who wanted to live and tried to stay alive, Joe was in good physical health, but rejected life.  So I feel anger mixed with sadness... I never once criticized any of his choices in life, maybe I should have - in retrospect it was pretty obvious where they were leading him.   On the other hand, it's probably good that I didn't see it at the time - I would have been worrying and obsessing about something I probably couldn't have influenced at all.

I haven't made a single friend yet here in Edmonton.  Constrained as my life was in Wenatchee, I miss my friends there, and my dad.

And I have all these virtual friends with problems.... I worry when they don't write. My friend Luciana in Brazil is very talented, and so many people love and admire her, but she is always sad. I don't know if she gets any sustanance at all from the love of people around her... which was Joe's problem.  People cared about him, admired him... but he never knew. He thought everybody hated him.  I don't think he thought I did, but I remember so many times I'd go see him, and he'd say "I didn't think I'd ever see you again!"  because he imagined he'd done something horrible when he was drunk last time I saw him, but of course, anything he did was so minor that most times I didn't even remember it.

But anyway, not trying to give you more things to feel bad about... trying to say I think i understand, at least a little bit, what you are saying....

On Nov 17, 2007 4:57 AM, Rick REED RxR < rexar4@yahoo.coma> wrote:

Had enough of my cave.
I just miss Elaine.
She was all I had here that
I could look at.

--- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "matt love" <mattlove1@...>

> Please don't go back to your cave!
> I'm sorry you've had enough of debate, but it's my opinion (and
> apparently that if Ignatius) that bad ideas should be countered with
> good ideas. All it takes for bad ideas to triumph is for good ideas
> to be silent. In terms of getting along and all that, I think it's a
> good idea, I would like to get along and all that, but Bobbie
> continues to aggressively promote hate and lies, and I have to agree
> with Ignatius, whoever he is. Perhaps he should have let the
> stay where one whatever list he found it, but maybe he was just
> taking Bobbie at her word when she said she wanted it spread like a
> virus all over the place. I've used the same strategy myself - doing
> what she asked, but appending corrective comments to it.
> I like a flowering of free speech on my lists, and my blogs... but
> it's true that I've worked hard to stay out of Bobbie's way and to
> make sure she stays out of mine, it's a shame to have this stuff pop
> up again. At the very least, I hate spam, so i will consider making
> the list moderated again.
> I sent the following message to you on the YouTube account, but I'll
> send it to you here too.
> I'd be tempted to say that Bobbie does what she does because she's
> mentally ill (I'm not saying that to be mean, she has a history of
> psychiatric hospitalization and she says herself she's manic
> depressive) - but there are lots of people like her - that send
> false stories around that present them and their country in the
> possible light. They seem to have a very distorted view of their
> religion. Take the story of the good Samaritan. Jesus didn't say
> that if you see a Jew (or a Mexican, or a Canadian or a Palestinian)
> sick by the side of the road, you should throw them on a cart and
> them back to Mexico... or throw them on a plane and have them taken
> Syria to be tortured.
> All this crazy nationalism is very scary, I am very pleased that one
> Presidential candidate, Dennis Kosinich, is calling it by the proper
> name - fascism. When Jesus said "render unto Caesar what is
> he didn't mean let Caesar grasp God-like powers... and since we
> have Caesars in modern domocracy, we have servants, the only
> relevant comment Jesus made on nationalism is rendered irrelevant.
> Jesus didn't say "waterboard the weak, for they wish to inherit a
> crust of bread"
> He didn't say "if you IMAGINE that a man wishes to slap you on the
> cheek, hang him in a cell and beat him until his legs are pulpified
> and then he dies."
> I feel very strongly about this stuff, and it seems like a mentally
> ill person who sends out hateful lies and encourages them to forward
> them to everybody they know is inviting trouble.
> The only one of all those comments that Robin Williams really said
> the last one - and it amazes me that people can read it without
> understanding that he was being CRITICAL of the new American
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rick REED RxR <arexar4@...>
> Date: Nov 10, 2007 4:34 AM
> Subject: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to
Robin Williams
> To: CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com
> NATT...
> Why isn't this group Moderated?
> All my Moderated Groups have proven to grow much faster
> as crap like this is avoided.
> I don't care for debate anymore.
> We can all get along or just ...
> well..I might return to my cave instead.
> --- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "ignatius Valiant"

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Fwd: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams

Had enough of my cave.
I just miss Elaine.
She was all I had here that
I could look at.

--- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "matt love" <mattlove1@...>
> Please don't go back to your cave!
> I'm sorry you've had enough of debate, but it's my opinion (and
> apparently that if Ignatius) that bad ideas should be countered with
> good ideas. All it takes for bad ideas to triumph is for good ideas
> to be silent. In terms of getting along and all that, I think it's a
> good idea, I would like to get along and all that, but Bobbie
> continues to aggressively promote hate and lies, and I have to agree
> with Ignatius, whoever he is. Perhaps he should have let the
> stay where one whatever list he found it, but maybe he was just
> taking Bobbie at her word when she said she wanted it spread like a
> virus all over the place. I've used the same strategy myself - doing
> what she asked, but appending corrective comments to it.
> I like a flowering of free speech on my lists, and my blogs... but
> it's true that I've worked hard to stay out of Bobbie's way and to
> make sure she stays out of mine, it's a shame to have this stuff pop
> up again. At the very least, I hate spam, so i will consider making
> the list moderated again.
> I sent the following message to you on the YouTube account, but I'll
> send it to you here too.
> I'd be tempted to say that Bobbie does what she does because she's
> mentally ill (I'm not saying that to be mean, she has a history of
> psychiatric hospitalization and she says herself she's manic
> depressive) - but there are lots of people like her - that send
> false stories around that present them and their country in the
> possible light. They seem to have a very distorted view of their
> religion. Take the story of the good Samaritan. Jesus didn't say
> that if you see a Jew (or a Mexican, or a Canadian or a Palestinian)
> sick by the side of the road, you should throw them on a cart and
> them back to Mexico... or throw them on a plane and have them taken
> Syria to be tortured.
> All this crazy nationalism is very scary, I am very pleased that one
> Presidential candidate, Dennis Kosinich, is calling it by the proper
> name - fascism. When Jesus said "render unto Caesar what is
> he didn't mean let Caesar grasp God-like powers... and since we
> have Caesars in modern domocracy, we have servants, the only
> relevant comment Jesus made on nationalism is rendered irrelevant.
> Jesus didn't say "waterboard the weak, for they wish to inherit a
> crust of bread"
> He didn't say "if you IMAGINE that a man wishes to slap you on the
> cheek, hang him in a cell and beat him until his legs are pulpified
> and then he dies."
> I feel very strongly about this stuff, and it seems like a mentally
> ill person who sends out hateful lies and encourages them to forward
> them to everybody they know is inviting trouble.
> The only one of all those comments that Robin Williams really said
> the last one - and it amazes me that people can read it without
> understanding that he was being CRITICAL of the new American
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rick REED RxR <arexar4@...>
> Date: Nov 10, 2007 4:34 AM
> Subject: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to
Robin Williams
> To: CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com
> NATT...
> Why isn't this group Moderated?
> All my Moderated Groups have proven to grow much faster
> as crap like this is avoided.
> I don't care for debate anymore.
> We can all get along or just ...
> well..I might return to my cave instead.
> --- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "ignatius Valiant"

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: [OregonDems_etc] Bridge Champs get "Dixie Chicked"

I am assuming that since there are pictures of these winners
prominently displayed on the website, and no words of condemnation,
that this guy has everything wrong, and this is some kind of a joke
that this guy just didn't get.

It triggered my urban legend detector right away; most American
businesses are as anti-Bush as most American individuals; he has
created a ruinous business climate for almost everybody except
Halliburton, Blackwater, and the major energy companies - I find it
very unlikely that Blackwater is sponsoring a bridge team!

I love to prove this McCabe guy wrong at every turn; please tell me
your side of the story so I can post it to this list as well. You and
I both know that voting and free speech are part of the American way,
juar as the honorable pass time of Bridge is.


Matt Love

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "S. McCabe" <blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:03:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [OregonDems_etc] Bridge Champs get "Dixie Chicked"
To: "RobinB. Beugless" <rob_beug@yahoo.com>

November 14, 2007

Here's another example of George Bush's sickness infecting everything
and everyone it brushes up against.

According to today's New York Times, a team of women who represented
the United States at the world bridge championships in Shanghai last
month is facing sanctions, including a yearlong ban from competition,
for a spur-of-the-moment protest, if "protest" is indeed the proper
word for their actions. Scribbled on the back of a menu, and held up
by one of the women at an awards dinner, was the hastily written, "We
did not vote for Bush."

By e-mail, angry bridge players have accused the women of "treason"
and "sedition." Pause and think a bout that for a moment. Charges of
sedition and treason from their fellow citizens as the result of an
attempt at dark humor wrapped around a simple truth: It has become
necessary for US citizens abroad to declare their non-support for a
president whose policies allow – demand – torture, Bush's smarmy,
lying claims that the US does not practice water-boarding and
"enhanced interrogation techniques" to the contrary notwithstanding.

The action by the team, which had won the Venice Cup, the women's
title, at the Shanghai event, could cost the United States Bridge
Federation corporate sponsors, which floats another thought balloon:
Are there truly US corporations ready to withdraw financial support to
bridge players who simply declared they did not vote for George Bush?

Yes. Of course there are.

The players have been stunned by the reaction to what they saw as a
spontaneous gesture, "a moment of levity," said Gail Greenberg, the
team's non-playing captain and winner of 11 world championships. "What
we were trying to say, not to Americans but to our friends from other
countries, was that we understand that they are questioning and
critical of what our country is doing these days and we want you to
know that we, too, are critical," Ms. Greenberg said, stressing that
she was speaking for herself and not her six teammates.

The Times reports a hearing is scheduled this month in San Francisco,
where thousands of players will be gathered for the Fall North
American Bridge Championships. It will determine whether displaying
the sign constitutes conduct unbecoming a federation member. And the
possible penalty these US bridge champions are facing if found
"guilty?" A one-year suspension from federation events, including the
World Bridge Olympiad next year in Beijing; a one-year probation after
that suspension; 200 hours of community service "that furthers the
interests of organized bridge"; and an apology drafted by the
federation's lawyer.

It would also require them to write a statement telling "who broached
the idea of displaying the sign, when the idea was adopted, etc." Alan
Falk, a lawyer for the federation, wrote the four team members on Nov.
6, "I am instructed to press for greater sanction against anyone who
rejects this compromise offer," which means the compromise is really a

Ms. Greenberg, the team's captain, said she decided to put up the sign
in response to questions from players from other countries about
American interrogation techniques, the war in Iraq and other foreign
policy issues. "There was a lot of anti-Bush feeling, questioning of
our Iraq policy and about torture," she said. "I can't tell you it was
an overwhelming amount, but there were several specific comments, and
there wasn't the same warmth you usually feel at these events."



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