I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, April 04, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Stewart/Nicks Fail


Once again, I gotta say, Bob has his finger on the pulse.  He's totally right, and that's why I right price my tickets.  Buy one for $3.00, and get a second one free. And I'll fix you dinner after the show.  And iron your shirts.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Lefsetz <bob@lefsetz.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Stewart/Nicks Fail
To: mattlove1@gmail.com


(This is a two for one offer, circulated via Sprint Center e-mail.)


You make tickets 2 for 1 in the beginning, not when you realize you've got a stiff and can't sell tickets and the acts are embarrassed about playing an empty hall and are having their managers lean upon you.  It's your market you're ruining, they're here this one night and they're gone.

When are promoters going to realize their allegiance is to the fans, not the acts?

When are the acts going to price their shows properly?

So interested in leaving absolutely no money on the table, artists overprice their shows and then tickets need to be blown out.  Maybe it's not about money, but careers.  Unless you're on a going out of business tour, a true final go-round, a hot show that's truly full will only burnish your reputation, help you the next time around.  But nobody in the music business is thinking about tomorrow.  Despite Fleetwood Mac's song of that name, they overplayed and burned the marketplace out and so is every other heritage act.  It's about supporting their lifestyles, not music.

One of the things that killed Detroit was sales.  People just would not pay full price.  Subsequent to GM's bankruptcy, its cars are priced more realistically, hoping to eliminate discounts.  But they're fighting years of bad practices.  And you can't get a deal on a hot car...  Try low-balling a Toyota dealer on a Prius today.

Just like hot acts like GaGa can charge a fortune and the rest of the acts are fighting for a sale.

Whose fault is it?  The acts, the promoters...

It's certainly not the fans' fault.  They're told to overpay for lousy tickets, the good ones are never available to the general public, and then the acts and promoters turn around and kiss their ass when the ducats don't sell.  Huh?  Isn't this what ruined recorded music?  Overpriced dreck?  And sure, you can't steal a concert, but at these prices who needs to go?  A hit is a hit, and everything else is shit.

The Ticketmaster fees are EVERYBODY'S problem.  But promoters don't like TM breaking them out on the first page and acts blame the ticketing giant when the fees are just a way for the promoter to eke out a profit and the people getting screwed, the fans, are laughing and spending what little money they've got elsewhere.

Control of recorded music has been wrested from the major labels, who did not properly honor the product.  Control of live shows is being wrested from the touring industry by a public which is just saying no, which is staying home.  Instead of lowering prices, the labels just bitched that people were stealing their wares.  And this theft is used as justification by acts to charge outrageous ticket prices, so they can make a ton of money.  Who's entitled to this money anymore?  Everybody's struggling, why not the acts?  And the promoters are complicit.  I've got news for you promoters, you're paying, exercise some restraint, institute some discipline, or watch your business go down the toilet.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Colbert's "Friday"


Bob is so, so right!  That's why my put my vids on YouTube - so that it counts. Take the vid of my song "The Zorpia Girl" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7N1StAKmVM

17 views in just over 2 months. Can you hear it, baby?  Like a swarm of killer bees comin up from the south and enveloping your town?  That's buzz you're hearing. The buzz about me. Oh yeah.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Lefsetz <bob@lefsetz.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Colbert's "Friday"
To: mattlove1@gmail.com


If it doesn't happen on YouTube, does it count?

That's exactly the point.  There's no counter on this video, therefore it's forsaking a huge percentage of its impact.  Have you read any articles about Rebecca Black's video that have not included the play count (82,751,513 at this moment)?

We live in a society that embraces rankings, no entity as much as television, with its Nielsen ratings.  Why have they forsaken ratings here?

One must not see virality as a profit center, but as an image enhancement feature.  As big a star as Stephen Colbert is, and he's gigantic, there's a huge section of the populace that is either unaware of him or has no idea of his impact upon popular culture.  By including a counter, this video could help enhance his career, as well as that of host Jimmy Fallon.

In other words, if you think the modern era is about control, you're missing the point.  YOU CAN'T TRULY SUCCEED IN THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE UP CONTROL!

It's not as simple as piracy, it's not as simple as profit, it's first and foremost about marketing.  Your marketing is done by the audience today, via electronic technologies, and you must do everything in your power to help them spread the word.  Old wavers think it's about spamming, having street teamers send e-mails and post about a project.  But new wavers know it's about quality.  Catch lightning in a bottle and then you have a chance of random surfers picking up on it and spreading the word because what you've done is so damn good!

OK Go is known for the most innovative music videos.  People will watch the clips.

Unfortunately, they're not known for their music.  One incredibly catchy tune would make people pay attention, but in order to cement a career, you need a few.  In other words, OK Go has an incredible marketing campaign for a so-so product.  Focus first and foremost on the product.

Colbert has an A+ product.  And Fallon's musical parodies are cementing his place in the entertainment firmament.  Not many people may be watching at 12:30 AM, but the virality of his Neil Young clip and this have made him important, whereas Conan has faded into the woodwork.  No one passes along Conan O'Brien clips anymore.  I'd be more worried about that than the short term ratings.

In other words, you have to do it for the art.  Conception is primary and execution comes thereafter.  What people love about this clip is they're all in it together.  It's the opposite of the Top Forty ethos, evidenced in too many hip-hop songs, "I live a fantastic life and you're a loser!"  If you're not including the audience, you're missing out.

In other words, you play to your fans.  Not to your label or network or radio or advertisers.  Those come last.  Kind of like in the sixties.  The music on the radio was so good, premium advertising prices could be charged.  The music on the radio today is so bad there's got to be twenty odd minutes of commercials per hour to make it all work.  You want to have fewer commercials at a higher price.  But commenting on radio's failures is like criticizing Bon Jovi for blaming Steve Jobs for the decline of the music industry, way too easy.

Radio wouldn't play "Friday".  They ceded it to the Net.  Where it's the biggest story going, with even late night TV personalities weighing in.  Radio is out of touch.  You own something.  They could have owned "Friday", taken negative phone calls whenever it aired, made a party, but research didn't tell them this so they didn't do it.

"Friday" is a cultural phenomenon.  Everybody online is in on the joke.  Everybody's having fun.  It's a way for us all to feel together, part of a vast human continuum, when normally we're listening to different music, watching different television and videos, and reading different books.  We need moments like this to zip up society, to counter the Tower of Babel the landscape has become.

If you're just saying "Friday" sucks, you're missing the point.  It does suck but it teaches us that the audience is sophisticated, in on the joke, and that the music industry is selling lowest common denominator crap at its peril.

Colbert on Fallon was the biggest viral story of the weekend.

But NBC won't let anybody know, because they refuse to play on YouTube, they refuse to have a counter, they want to undermine their success.  Are you doing the same thing?

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Apr. 04 - Top 50 Most Demanded Performers


Finally, my career is starting to take off! This is how things should be, of course.

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