Once again, I gotta say, Bob has his finger on the pulse. He's totally right, and that's why I right price my tickets. Buy one for $3.00, and get a second one free. And I'll fix you dinner after the show. And iron your shirts.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Lefsetz <bob@lefsetz.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Stewart/Nicks Fail
To: mattlove1@gmail.com
(This is a two for one offer, circulated via Sprint Center e-mail.)
You make tickets 2 for 1 in the beginning, not when you realize you've got a stiff and can't sell tickets and the acts are embarrassed about playing an empty hall and are having their managers lean upon you. It's your market you're ruining, they're here this one night and they're gone.
When are promoters going to realize their allegiance is to the fans, not the acts?
When are the acts going to price their shows properly?
So interested in leaving absolutely no money on the table, artists overprice their shows and then tickets need to be blown out. Maybe it's not about money, but careers. Unless you're on a going out of business tour, a true final go-round, a hot show that's truly full will only burnish your reputation, help you the next time around. But nobody in the music business is thinking about tomorrow. Despite Fleetwood Mac's song of that name, they overplayed and burned the marketplace out and so is every other heritage act. It's about supporting their lifestyles, not music.
One of the things that killed Detroit was sales. People just would not pay full price. Subsequent to GM's bankruptcy, its cars are priced more realistically, hoping to eliminate discounts. But they're fighting years of bad practices. And you can't get a deal on a hot car... Try low-balling a Toyota dealer on a Prius today.
Just like hot acts like GaGa can charge a fortune and the rest of the acts are fighting for a sale.
Whose fault is it? The acts, the promoters...
It's certainly not the fans' fault. They're told to overpay for lousy tickets, the good ones are never available to the general public, and then the acts and promoters turn around and kiss their ass when the ducats don't sell. Huh? Isn't this what ruined recorded music? Overpriced dreck? And sure, you can't steal a concert, but at these prices who needs to go? A hit is a hit, and everything else is shit.
The Ticketmaster fees are EVERYBODY'S problem. But promoters don't like TM breaking them out on the first page and acts blame the ticketing giant when the fees are just a way for the promoter to eke out a profit and the people getting screwed, the fans, are laughing and spending what little money they've got elsewhere.
Control of recorded music has been wrested from the major labels, who did not properly honor the product. Control of live shows is being wrested from the touring industry by a public which is just saying no, which is staying home. Instead of lowering prices, the labels just bitched that people were stealing their wares. And this theft is used as justification by acts to charge outrageous ticket prices, so they can make a ton of money. Who's entitled to this money anymore? Everybody's struggling, why not the acts? And the promoters are complicit. I've got news for you promoters, you're paying, exercise some restraint, institute some discipline, or watch your business go down the toilet.
Visit the archive: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/
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From: Bob Lefsetz <bob@lefsetz.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Stewart/Nicks Fail
To: mattlove1@gmail.com
(This is a two for one offer, circulated via Sprint Center e-mail.)
You make tickets 2 for 1 in the beginning, not when you realize you've got a stiff and can't sell tickets and the acts are embarrassed about playing an empty hall and are having their managers lean upon you. It's your market you're ruining, they're here this one night and they're gone.
When are promoters going to realize their allegiance is to the fans, not the acts?
When are the acts going to price their shows properly?
So interested in leaving absolutely no money on the table, artists overprice their shows and then tickets need to be blown out. Maybe it's not about money, but careers. Unless you're on a going out of business tour, a true final go-round, a hot show that's truly full will only burnish your reputation, help you the next time around. But nobody in the music business is thinking about tomorrow. Despite Fleetwood Mac's song of that name, they overplayed and burned the marketplace out and so is every other heritage act. It's about supporting their lifestyles, not music.
One of the things that killed Detroit was sales. People just would not pay full price. Subsequent to GM's bankruptcy, its cars are priced more realistically, hoping to eliminate discounts. But they're fighting years of bad practices. And you can't get a deal on a hot car... Try low-balling a Toyota dealer on a Prius today.
Just like hot acts like GaGa can charge a fortune and the rest of the acts are fighting for a sale.
Whose fault is it? The acts, the promoters...
It's certainly not the fans' fault. They're told to overpay for lousy tickets, the good ones are never available to the general public, and then the acts and promoters turn around and kiss their ass when the ducats don't sell. Huh? Isn't this what ruined recorded music? Overpriced dreck? And sure, you can't steal a concert, but at these prices who needs to go? A hit is a hit, and everything else is shit.
The Ticketmaster fees are EVERYBODY'S problem. But promoters don't like TM breaking them out on the first page and acts blame the ticketing giant when the fees are just a way for the promoter to eke out a profit and the people getting screwed, the fans, are laughing and spending what little money they've got elsewhere.
Control of recorded music has been wrested from the major labels, who did not properly honor the product. Control of live shows is being wrested from the touring industry by a public which is just saying no, which is staying home. Instead of lowering prices, the labels just bitched that people were stealing their wares. And this theft is used as justification by acts to charge outrageous ticket prices, so they can make a ton of money. Who's entitled to this money anymore? Everybody's struggling, why not the acts? And the promoters are complicit. I've got news for you promoters, you're paying, exercise some restraint, institute some discipline, or watch your business go down the toilet.
Visit the archive: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/
If you would like to subscribe to the LefsetzLetter,
If you do not want to receive any more LefsetzLetters, http://lefsetz.com/lists?p=unsubscribe&uid=88b8678a3d7c42bcbd2e501dabb13042
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