I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Matt and Rose have a falling out, but patch things up.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Matt Love
Date: Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Our chat on Sat, 10/30/10 7:07 PM
To: rickyrosejohn@yahoo.com

what a shame you are offline, it was a very nice conversation while it lasted.

----- Our chat on Sat, 10/30/10 7:07 PM -----
Ricky Rose(6:34 PM):  <ding>
Ricky Rose(6:34 PM):  hello
Ricky Rose(6:35 PM):  i saw all your messages
Ricky Rose(6:36 PM):  why you dont wanna reply
Matt(6:37 PM):  ah. i'm ashamed. My manager would not give me any money.
Ricky Rose(6:38 PM):  you are not a man yet
Matt(6:39 PM):  ah, but Ricky my friend, you are!
Ricky Rose(6:39 PM):  what?
Ricky Rose(6:39 PM):  you cannot even think on your own unless you see those that will mislead you
Matt(6:40 PM):  They tell me you are a Nigerian man who is posing as an American woman.
Matt(6:40 PM):  I think they are right, you have a man's name.
Ricky Rose(6:40 PM):  what is that
Matt(6:41 PM):  you should have called yourself Lucy
Matt(6:42 PM):  Here is a picture of Ricky and Lucy:

Matt(6:43 PM):  Ricky is the man standing behind the chair. Lucy is the woman in the chair.
Ricky Rose(6:43 PM):  you are not serious
Ricky Rose(6:43 PM):  my father,s name is ricky
Matt(6:43 PM):  It's a fairly obvious mistake.  Also, your grammer gives you away.
Ricky Rose(6:43 PM):  i am rose\
Matt(6:43 PM):  Nice try, though.
Matt(6:48 PM):  OK, you win.  You can go back to pretending to be Rose, and I will go back to pretending to be stupid.
Ricky Rose(6:48 PM):  a word is enough for a wise
Matt(6:48 PM):  but don't insult my manhood no more, it hurts my feelings.
Ricky Rose(6:49 PM):  i am  ricky rose
Matt(6:49 PM):  which word would that be?
Ricky Rose(6:49 PM):  my name is rose and my father's name is ricky
Matt(6:49 PM):  ok, lets go with this for a while.
Matt(6:50 PM):  Hi Rose, how are you? What's new in Nigeria?
Ricky Rose(6:50 PM):  when those you called your friends in Nigeria ruin you
Ricky Rose(6:50 PM):  they are very desperate
Ricky Rose(6:50 PM):  i have spoken well to you now
Matt(6:51 PM):  I know, these are desperate times... many desperate people.
Ricky Rose(6:51 PM):  if you like listen
Matt(6:51 PM):  i like listen very much
Ricky Rose(6:52 PM):  they may be telling you many things about me just to confused you but i am sure you will regret later
Matt(6:53 PM):  My life is full of regret
Ricky Rose(6:53 PM):  i was holding down here for no reason
Ricky Rose(6:53 PM):  they are bad
Matt(6:53 PM):  but would you do me a favor and give me your phone number so that I can have my friend look you up?
Ricky Rose(6:54 PM):  you friends are devil
Ricky Rose(6:54 PM):  i cannot have anything with them
Matt(6:54 PM):  well, can you give me a reference that we both trust, then?
Matt(6:54 PM):  How about your employer back in nyc
Matt(6:54 PM):  or the pastor of your church
Ricky Rose(6:55 PM):  i will soon delete you because you have signed to fall in their trap
Ricky Rose(6:55 PM):  they have nothing
Ricky Rose(6:55 PM):  i promise you will regret
Matt(6:55 PM):  well, I will miss you after you delete me. I've enjoyed our talks very much
Matt(6:55 PM):  some of the best talks ever.
Ricky Rose(6:56 PM):  you cannot think on your own unless unless some black monsters advise you
Ricky Rose(6:57 PM):  the ball is in your court
Matt(6:57 PM):  Ok, thank you for giving me the ball. That is very kind of you.
Ricky Rose(6:58 PM):  forget about them
Ricky Rose(6:58 PM):  stop having anything with them
Matt(6:58 PM):  I don't even know who they are.
Matt(6:58 PM):  I have completely forgotten them, I promise.
Ricky Rose(6:59 PM):  they cannot help you but harm you
Ricky Rose(6:59 PM):  go and block them on your facebook
Matt(6:59 PM):  who are you talking about?
Ricky Rose(6:59 PM):  your so called friends
Ricky Rose(7:00 PM):  the black monsters nigerians that you called your friends
Matt(7:00 PM):  oh, them. i forgot about them, as you advised.
Ricky Rose(7:01 PM):  you cannot decide alone
Ricky Rose(7:01 PM):  after all you are a man
Matt(7:01 PM):  ah, thank you that's better.
Matt(7:01 PM):  before you said I was not yet a man.
Matt(7:01 PM):  I like it better when you are like this.
Ricky Rose(7:02 PM):  like what
Ricky Rose(7:02 PM):  what are they promising you?
Matt(7:02 PM):  To make me a star of television and radio in Nigeria
Matt(7:03 PM):  to get my songs on the air, and my screenplays turned into movies
Ricky Rose(7:04 PM):  how much have they been asking you to pay for that?
Matt(7:04 PM):  620 dollars.
Ricky Rose(7:04 PM):  dont mind them
Ricky Rose(7:05 PM):  i will just link you up with a producer here
Matt(7:05 PM):  that would be very kind of you
Ricky Rose(7:05 PM):  wait..........
Matt(7:06 PM):  ok, I'll wait.
Matt(7:06 PM):  how long do you want me to wait?
Ricky Rose(7:07 PM):  just 5min
Matt(7:07 PM):  ok I can wait 5 minutes

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] mattlove1 sent you a video: "CITY Adventures"


I must say, I do an excellent job playing Uncle Bob... it's  a brief but key role. Don't blink or you'll miss me!


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I'm in a movie with Julia Roberts! Don't believe me? See for yourself!
Exploration of City by a Transformed Village Girl
Scene N Part 1 - Bus Stop Meeting
© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] By the way, I have not heard from you recently [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from matt love included below]

I hope all is well.

Here is the card I sent to the MTV executive. I think it will be effective.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 


Attachment(s) from matt love

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Friday, October 29, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Matt and Rose reach an arrangement


I learned from watching Flight of the Concordes that there are some great business opportunities in Nigeria.

----- Our chat on Sat, 10/30/10 1:02 AM -----
Matt(11:09 PM):  Hey, just making contact with you....
Matt(11:09 PM):  oh, hey, are you online?
Ricky Rose(11:10 PM):  hello
Matt(11:10 PM):  Hey how are you. I'm matt from zorpia
Ricky Rose(11:10 PM):  yea i can see
Ricky Rose(11:10 PM):  just rcv ur e mail
Ricky Rose(11:10 PM):  i am ricky rose and u?
Matt(11:10 PM):  ok, great
Matt(11:11 PM):  Matt Love.  it's my real name.
Matt(11:11 PM):  always has been
Ricky Rose(11:11 PM):  ok good
Ricky Rose(11:11 PM):  where are u from?
Matt(11:11 PM):  Michigan.
Matt(11:11 PM):  and you?
Ricky Rose(11:12 PM):  nyc but now in nigeria for a purpose
Matt(11:12 PM):  ah what brings you there?
Ricky Rose(11:13 PM):  i am just there to clear the raw gold and diamond of my
dead parents
Ricky Rose(11:13 PM):  i will be back in some weeks
Matt(11:13 PM):  Yes, I understand. I had to settle the affairs of my parents a
couple of years ago.
Ricky Rose(11:14 PM):  what is the affairs?
Matt(11:14 PM):  Their estate.
Matt(11:15 PM):  I know its a big country, but I wonder if you know my friend Daswagge Juwan?
Ricky Rose(11:15 PM):  in nigeria??
Matt(11:16 PM):  yes
Ricky Rose(11:16 PM):  how did you met?
Matt(11:16 PM):  Through another friend of mine,
Adebayo Shamsudeen
Matt(11:17 PM):  He is actually not currently in Nigeria, he's living in Ivory Coast.
Matt(11:17 PM):  But he's from Nigeria
Matt(11:17 PM):  Daswagge Juwan and I are friends on facebook
Ricky Rose(11:18 PM):  is the estate your father property or your friend's father property
Matt(11:18 PM):  His profile:
Ricky Rose(11:19 PM):  <ding>
Ricky Rose(11:19 PM):  <ding>
Matt(11:19 PM):  Oh, I don't know if he has any property or not.  He tells me:

Daswagge wrote: "I love being in the healthcare business, taking care of people is something that I have always loved to do, and I love being a follower of Christ!!!"
Matt(11:20 PM):  We have already invested my parent's money in real estate.  Not a good investment here in the US right now!
Ricky Rose(11:20 PM):  dont listen to them,if truely u want me
Matt(11:21 PM):  I have another Nigerian friend -
Saka Tunde
Ricky Rose(11:21 PM):  delete and block them from ur list
Matt(11:21 PM):  well, that's a little extreme. I'm working on a screen play with Mr. Shamsudeen...
Matt(11:21 PM):  the other guys think they can help my music career in Nigeria.
Matt(11:22 PM):  I'd have to find somebody who can do those things better before I get rid of them...
Ricky Rose(11:22 PM):  how old are u?
Matt(11:22 PM):  54.
Ricky Rose(11:23 PM):  but your pic is not showing here
Matt(11:23 PM):  I don't see your picture either.
Ricky Rose(11:24 PM):  is there
Matt(11:24 PM):  are you on facebook? I have lots of pictures there. you'll see my avatar looks quite a bit like the real me, if you look at my pictures on facebook
Matt(11:25 PM):  Here is Saka's facebook profile, you can see he's a good guy:
Ricky Rose(11:25 PM):  are u married or single?
Matt(11:26 PM):  Here is my profile:
Matt(11:26 PM):  it says there
Ricky Rose(11:27 PM):  you will have to stay away of those you call ya friends there
Matt(11:28 PM):  OK, my new friend, I will do that for you.
Matt(11:28 PM):  I'm married.
Matt(11:28 PM):  should I stay away from my wife, too?
Ricky Rose(11:28 PM):  hunnnn
Ricky Rose(11:28 PM):  but i am still a single looking for a serious relationship from a serious man
Matt(11:29 PM):  Well, I'm very serious.
Matt(11:29 PM):  sober.  careful.
Ricky Rose(11:29 PM):  what about ya wife then
Matt(11:30 PM):  This is what Mr. Shamsudeen said about me:  "He is Witty and intelligent. Outgoing person. Smart and attractive. Altruistic. Peace lover. Faithful towards his near and dear ones. Very sensitive. Honest to the core. Loves to spend money. Modest and humble. Creative mind. Dominating personality. Ambitious towards life. Never give up spirit. Good listener. Superstitious. Entertainment lover. He's my Mentor, Mr. Matt."
Matt(11:30 PM):  But I will stay away from him, even though he is my biggest fan.
Ricky Rose(11:31 PM):  i will have to protect you from them because i have been living among them a few months now and i know how they are despirate
Ricky Rose(11:32 PM):  i dont wanna to fall down
Ricky Rose(11:32 PM):  stay away from them and delete them
Matt(11:32 PM):  I neeed good advice, it's a part of the world I don't know well at all.
Matt(11:32 PM):  What about the radio and tv stations there, do you think they are honest?
Ricky Rose(11:34 PM):  i dont listen to them,i am in an hotel here and only watching BBC and some foregin stations
Matt(11:34 PM):  I saw Nigerian TV when I was in Botswana once. It was a strange crime show about a midget who became a terrible criminal.
Matt(11:34 PM):  He had a twin brother who was also a midget.  The criminal had the good midget killed.
Matt(11:35 PM):  then the police caught his men, and tortured a confession out of him.
Ricky Rose(11:35 PM):  that is why i am telling you not to have anything with them
Matt(11:35 PM):  I was convinced that Nigeria is a strange country with strange TV
Matt(11:35 PM):  but how about the clubs, and recording studios?
Matt(11:36 PM):  would they be fair to me?
Matt(11:36 PM):  How long are you planning to stay in Nigeria?
Ricky Rose(11:36 PM):  my dead parents bought some gold and diamond there to sell in usa but never being cleared before they died
Matt(11:37 PM):  so you are an american citizen, just temporarily there in Nigeria?
Ricky Rose(11:37 PM):  no i have been passing through alots of stress just to get the gold and diamond released and cleared and come back to usa
Ricky Rose(11:38 PM):  the gold and diamond woths 46million$ in market
Ricky Rose(11:38 PM):  i am an american citizen
Matt(11:39 PM):  How did they decide to invest in Nigeria? would you say it was a good investment?
Matt(11:39 PM):  My interest in Nigeria is primarily to perform there. I thought it was lucky to meet you, but if you don't listen to local radio or TV, you probably don't have much information for me
Ricky Rose(11:40 PM):  they came to nigeria to buy gold and diamond
Matt(11:40 PM):  I guess it isn't the first thing I would think of doing.
Matt(11:40 PM):  but most people probably wouldn't think of trying to launch a musical career in Nigeria. Fair enough!
Ricky Rose(11:41 PM):  do you wanna invest in the music industry
Matt(11:41 PM):  I am hoping the music industry will want to invest in me.
Matt(11:42 PM):  but I guess like any relationship it's a two way street.
Ricky Rose(11:42 PM):  i can join you financially
Matt(11:42 PM):  if you can advise, I'd be most grateful.
Ricky Rose(11:42 PM):  just need your seriousness
Matt(11:43 PM):  As I said before, I am very serious.
Matt(11:43 PM):  also sober.  careful.
Ricky Rose(11:43 PM):  ok
Ricky Rose(11:44 PM):  i can join you financially on your music carrier if you too can join me
Matt(11:44 PM):  wow, really? that would be excellent. have you been able to get any of your parents money released yet?
Matt(11:45 PM):  Maybe I should have you talk to my manager, Murray, about this
Ricky Rose(11:45 PM):  i have not and that is why i asked if you can join me too
Matt(11:47 PM):  ah, ok. I'm not sure what I can do here in Minnesota, with you in Nigeria... if they won't release it to you there, why would they send it to me here?
Matt(11:49 PM):  I have another Nigerian friend - Saka Tunde
Ricky Rose(11:49 PM):  said i need to pay just a little amount to get the gold documents before clearing and that is what's holding me here
Ricky Rose(11:50 PM):  i am broke,if u can help me
Matt(11:50 PM):  what should I do about that?
Ricky Rose(11:51 PM):  i was asked to pay $500 in usd
Ricky Rose(11:51 PM):  if you can help me with this then i will be able to help you
Matt(11:52 PM):  you help me, I help you, that seems fair
Ricky Rose(11:53 PM):  yea
Ricky Rose(11:53 PM):  the money you wanna spend on your album is very small when i have the gold and diamond
Matt(11:54 PM):  yes, I can see there would be more than enough
Ricky Rose(11:54 PM):  will you help me with this
Matt(11:54 PM):  sure. what do I need to do?
Ricky Rose(11:57 PM):  if you can help me with the amount requested for the documents
Matt(11:57 PM):  I see, an amount. ok. that's good information
Ricky Rose(11:57 PM):  what is that?
Matt(11:58 PM):  I am not sure about your hypothesis.can you tell me more?
Ricky Rose(11:59 PM):  what do you wanna?
Matt(11:59 PM):  I have the desire, I just don't have the information
Ricky Rose(12:00 AM):  will u help me with that or not?
Matt(12:01 AM):  Let me think it over.  Can you ask for help in the form of a question?
Ricky Rose(12:02 AM):  how?
Matt(12:03 AM):  Maybe my manager Murray can give me some useful information
Matt(12:03 AM):  should I talk to him?
Ricky Rose(12:03 AM):  where is he?
Matt(12:03 AM):  He works for the New Zealand consolate in New York.
Matt(12:04 AM):  He manages talent in his spare time.
Matt(12:04 AM):  I'm actually his only talent at the moment, but he's looking for other people to represent
Ricky Rose(12:04 AM):  what can he do about that?
Matt(12:05 AM):  He manages my money, too
Matt(12:05 AM):  I would have to go through him to get 500.
Ricky Rose(12:05 AM):  cannt you do anything on your own?
Matt(12:06 AM):  when I'm on stage... I have to deliver.  That I do on my own.
Matt(12:06 AM):  but off stage... I am part of a team
Ricky Rose(12:06 AM):  ok
Ricky Rose(12:07 AM):  when will you get back to me so that we can get the documents and clear the gold on time
Matt(12:07 AM):  I believe I can tell you more on Monday Morning
Ricky Rose(12:08 AM):  will u send the money on monday morning then?
Matt(12:09 AM):  where do I send it once I have it?
Ricky Rose(12:10 AM):  you will just have to the western union money transfer there and send to the information that i will send to you now
Matt(12:11 AM):  I have heard of Western Union!
Ricky Rose(12:12 AM):  this is western union manager information
Matt(12:12 AM):  There is one at 1771 Eastern Michigan Avenue.
Matt(12:12 AM):  Don't go to 1771 Western Michigan Avenue. You won't find it there.
Ricky Rose(12:12 AM):  he will help me to cash the money here cos i am a us citizen
Ricky Rose(12:12 AM):  i will get it in nigeria here
Matt(12:12 AM):  OK.  Is he a friend of yours?
Matt(12:13 AM):  Is he Nigerian?
Ricky Rose(12:13 AM):  yes
Ricky Rose(12:13 AM):  he works at western union in nigeria
Ricky Rose(12:13 AM):  copy down now...
Matt(12:14 AM):  OK, got it
Ricky Rose(12:14 AM):  COUNRTY: NIGERIA
Matt(12:15 AM):  very good, ok
Matt(12:15 AM):  ok, I understand.
Ricky Rose(12:15 AM):  you will be given a form to fill at the western union there
Matt(12:16 AM):  You are the answer to my question.
Matt(12:16 AM):  That makes sense.
Ricky Rose(12:16 AM):  just fill the form with the information that i gave you
Matt(12:17 AM):  I saw one of those western union forms.  a few years ago, and
again just last week.
Ricky Rose(12:17 AM):  will you see the man today and send the money today so that i can get the documents and get the gold cleared on monday
Matt(12:18 AM):  It's 12:18 am here.
Matt(12:18 AM):  in New Hampshire it's 2:18 am
Ricky Rose(12:18 AM):  can send it in the morning
Matt(12:19 AM):  I will try
Ricky Rose(12:19 AM):  just make it possible so that we can work together
Matt(12:20 AM):  yes, lets do that. I would like that
Matt(12:20 AM):  I think that together is the way to work
Ricky Rose(12:21 AM):  just make it a secret between me and you because some people dont want good things to happen
Ricky Rose(12:21 AM):  lets make it a very surprise parkage
Matt(12:22 AM):  I promise I will only tell the people that read my blog about this, and nobody else.
Ricky Rose(12:23 AM):  who are those?
Matt(12:23 AM):  I don't really know. Some guys that speak Chinese, that's about all I think
Ricky Rose(12:24 AM):  do you have some chinese on your list
Matt(12:28 AM):  yes. can you read this:

Ricky Rose(12:28 AM):  what is the meaning?
Matt(12:29 AM):  I don't know. but it is what one of them said to me.
Ricky Rose(12:29 AM):  will you send me the money this morning??
Matt(12:29 AM):  and then there was this one:

Matt(12:30 AM):  I will talk it over with Murray in the morning. I believe he will think it's a good investment
Ricky Rose(12:30 AM):  ok
Ricky Rose(12:30 AM):  i also need your information to  cash the money here
Matt(12:30 AM):  yes, of course.
Matt(12:31 AM):  right away.
Ricky Rose(12:31 AM):  give me
Matt(12:31 AM):  sure.
Matt(12:31 AM):  Let's see, I'm five feet, eight inches tall.
Matt(12:31 AM):  Eyes: Brown
Matt(12:31 AM):  Hair: Brown
Matt(12:31 AM):  Skin: Fair
Ricky Rose(12:32 AM):  not that
Matt(12:32 AM):  I graduated from high school in 1974
Matt(12:32 AM):  I had a 3.7 grade point average.
Ricky Rose(12:32 AM):  your full names that u will use to send the money
Ricky Rose(12:32 AM):  and your address
Matt(12:32 AM):  Oh, I see.
Matt(12:32 AM):  yes.
Ricky Rose(12:32 AM):  that is all i need
Matt(12:33 AM):  My name is Matt Love
Matt(12:33 AM):  my address is 11311 51st Street, Edmonton Alberta
Matt(12:35 AM):  Do you want to know where I went to college, what scholarships I won, what sports I competed in, anything like that?
Ricky Rose(12:35 AM):  just your full name,address and your mobile number
Matt(12:36 AM):  any information that's useful
Matt(12:37 AM):  ok, Friday, October 29, 2010

11:09 PM

11:09 PM

MeRicky Rose

hello11:1 PM

Hey how are you. I'm matt from zorpia11:10 PM

MeRicky Rose

yea i can see11:10 PM
just rcv ur e mail11:10 PM
i am ricky rose and u?11:10 PM

ok, great11:10 PM
Matt Love.  it's my real name.11:11 PM
always has been11:11 PM

MeRicky Rose

ok good</fo
Matt(12:37 AM):  That was strange.
Matt(12:37 AM):  anyway, my phone number is: 780-474-6826
Ricky Rose(12:39 AM):  the number is not connecting
Matt(12:39 AM):  that's odd.
Ricky Rose(12:39 AM):  i am trying to beep you
Matt(12:40 AM):  well, I will get with the phone company tomorrow, too, and see what is going on there.
Matt(12:40 AM):  It will be a busy day for me, full of finances, and dealing with utilities, and so forth.  Also rehearsing for a big Halloween show.
Matt(12:40 AM):  Do they celebrate Halloween in Nigeria?
Ricky Rose(12:40 AM):  yea
Ricky Rose(12:41 AM):  when should i be waiting for you here today
Matt(12:42 AM):  when you get a chance, listen to the Halloween songs here:
Matt(12:42 AM):  maybe someday I can play the song of mine that's on this compilation in Nigeria, with God's help, and yours.
Ricky Rose(12:42 AM):  i promise that i will help you
Matt(12:43 AM):  Ihave a couple of pieces on there - "Southern Gothic" and "13 o'clock in the morning" with the Waiters. I also brought my bandmate Nigel Simmons to Katya's attention. Nigel was already more net famous than me, but his work is so brilliant, i take a back seat to him.
Matt(12:43 AM):  maybe The Waiters can come with me to Nigeria.
Ricky Rose(12:43 AM):  just need to help me out first
Matt(12:43 AM):  Maybe Nigel can too.
Matt(12:43 AM):  His name is kind of like Nigeria.
Ricky Rose(12:43 AM):  yes i will sponsor you all
Matt(12:44 AM):  "Nigel: tap into Nigeria" I like that.
Matt(12:44 AM):  And "The Wait is Over. Waiters Over Nigeria!"
Ricky Rose(12:45 AM):  which time should i be waiting for you today so that i can cash immediatly
Matt(12:45 AM):  I'm coming up with a lot of ideas.
Matt(12:45 AM):  Give me 10 hours.
Matt(12:45 AM):  at 10:45 my time, your wait will be over
Ricky Rose(12:46 AM):  just go to the westen uniuon there and send the money to the information i gave to you
Matt(12:47 AM):  yes, I remember all this and the question is Matt and the answer is Rose
Ricky Rose(12:47 AM):  yes
Matt(12:47 AM):  I think I could write a song about that.
Ricky Rose(12:47 AM):  you will be given 10digits numbers there
Matt(12:47 AM):  The question is me, the answer is you.  the world is so false, but you're always true.
Ricky Rose(12:48 AM):  it is the 10digits mtcn numbers that i will use to cash the money here
Matt(12:48 AM):  that's just the start. I think it could be a big hit in china, where they understand me so well. It's true I don't understand them, but they understand me.
Matt(12:48 AM):  yeah, I know about the 10 digit number, I've done this before. Now do you mind, I'm trying to work on a song here.
Matt(12:48 AM):  Do you like it so far?
Ricky Rose(12:49 AM):  yea
Matt(12:49 AM):  Just 10 digits away, from money in the bank... you have your hand on my leash, and you give it a yank.
Matt(12:49 AM):  hows that?
Matt(12:50 AM):  money in the bank doesn't flow.... how about "cash in the bank"?
Ricky Rose(12:50 AM):  when you fill the form at the western union there,they will give you 10digits number
Ricky Rose(12:51 AM):  and it is the number that you will send to me for the cashing here
Matt(12:51 AM):  Nigeria, the land of diamonds and gold... your arms are warm, but your  money is cold.
Ricky Rose(12:51 AM):  without that i cannot cash
Matt(12:52 AM):  My mother who gave me life with my birth, is now wrapped in the womb of the earth
Matt(12:52 AM):  my father who taught me how to invest all my money, departed this earth on a day that was sunny.
Matt(12:53 AM):  I need the 10 digit code to go get my cash, So go call murray, hurry, dash!
Matt(12:53 AM):  this will be a very good song
Matt(12:54 AM):  can you tell me some information that will be useful for this song? On the day your unfortunate father died, was it sunny? or cloudy?
Ricky Rose(12:54 AM):  u are very intellegent
Ricky Rose(12:54 AM):  i am not a singer
Ricky Rose(12:54 AM):  you know the best
Ricky Rose(12:55 AM):  just for me to invest on you
Matt(12:55 AM):  Thank you, I like to think of myself as somebody who sees the whole picture
Matt(12:55 AM):  who gets the facts, who gets the answers.
Ricky Rose(12:55 AM):  i will be going to sleep now and come back later
Ricky Rose(12:56 AM):  in 10hrs time
Ricky Rose(12:56 AM):  just make sure u send the money
Matt(12:56 AM):  Yes, me too. I am looking forward to seeing you. In 10 hours. 10:56 my time.
Matt(12:57 AM):  yes, I will send you the money, then we can begin planning my music career in Nigeria
Ricky Rose(12:57 AM):  yes
Ricky Rose(12:57 AM):  we will make a very big and huge amount on it
Matt(12:57 AM):  I am very excited.
Ricky Rose(12:57 AM):  me too
Matt(12:58 AM):  The highlight of the concert will be when I sing this song about how we met, and made money together, and that was what I needed to get my career started.
Ricky Rose(12:58 AM):  we just need to make it a secret cos some people are there that dont like good things
Matt(12:58 AM):  Yes, I know. Some people are awful like that!
Matt(12:59 AM):  But I don't think the Chinese mind good things, do they?
Matt(12:59 AM):  They have a lot of investments in Africa, don't they?
Matt(12:59 AM):  maybe they'd like to invest in your diamond and gold mines, too
Matt(1:00 AM):  Can you read this:

Набрел сайт в интеренете. Сразу впоследствии регистрации дают [b]халявные
Я уже получил. Спешите и Вы http://www.bidbroker.org

Matt(1:01 AM):  It looks like maybe it's greek, or yiddish.
Ricky Rose(1:01 AM):  i will be going now and come back later in 10hrs time
Matt(1:01 AM):  I have a lot of friends in other countries.
Ricky Rose(1:01 AM):  bye
Matt(1:01 AM):  OK, at 11:01 am my time I will be back with the money
Matt(1:01 AM):  bye
Ricky Rose(1:01 AM):  ok
Ricky Rose(1:02 AM):  bye

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Jin is also interested in 'dog breath'!


I knew Zorpia was the best social network around, now I have proof. It's the only one where I've found somebody that shares my interest in dog breath.


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From: Zorpia <notification@zorpia.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Jin is also interested in 'dog breath'!
To: matt <matt.mattlove1@gmail.com>

Dear Matt,
Jin is also interested in 'dog breath'!
Jin shares your interest in 'dog breath'. Now would be a great time to make contact with him and chat about this thing you have in common!
25, United States
Interests: dog breath
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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Haloween songs, check, now how about some Easter songs?


Speaking of penis enlargement spam, a while back a songwriting list I belonged to was bombarded with spam from a guy (or group of guys) who called himself Saleem Obama. I started taking the subject lines of his spam, stringing them together, and writing lyrics, and sending them on to the list.

A while later, Brad Bittinger, a friend of mine, set them all to music, he just spontaniously made them up as he went along. But he lost half of them to a hard drive crash or something. I've urged him to try the others again. Here's the remaining ones:

My Naughty Neighbor Jessica:

Pervert in a Turtleneck:

Ricky And Lucy Are Getting It On:

I put them on my Mystic Knights of the Easter Bunny site for lack of a better place to put them... it is a fertility cult, so it's sort of appropriate.  The other songs there are pretty demented, too.

I wrote to Saleem asking him to give me a physical address, so I could send him a check if we make any money on these, but the email bounced, so I'll be splitting the cash 50 / 50 with Brad, I guess!


On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 5:28 PM, matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, none of these songs (far as I know) ever got played on Dr.
Demento, but on the other hand, this post is more on topic than penis
enlargement spam.

Anyway, I'd like to recommend Katya Overplay's compilation "Calling
All Fiends" from a couple of years back:


I will not be falsely modest, I flog this collection in part because I
have a couple of pieces on there - "Southern Gothic" and "13 o'clock
in the morning" with the Waiters. I also brought my bandmate Nigel
Simmons to Katya's attention. Nigel was already more net famous than
me, but his work is so brilliant, i take a back seat to him.

We used the whole compilation to soundtrack our Halloween display one
year, and it was brilliant. Download the whole package including
artwork and have a nifty CD.  Free! Free! Free!

You have permission to further distribute my stuff anywhere and any
way you want to.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Chat with my employee


I'm starting to wonder about the wisdom opening a Nigerian branch office...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saka Shake

pls just say something because u make me a lier 8:14 AM

Saka Shake is Available
(10:57 AM)

Saka Shake

good to see u again 10:59 AM

I guess one of us went off line for a bit 10:59 AM


Saka Shake is Available
(10:59 AM)

Saka Shake

you can check your face book inbox 11:00 AM

are u there 11:00 AM

I checked my gmail inbox 11:00 AM

Saka Shake

i mean facebook 11:00 AM

yes, I understand. 11:01 AM

Saka Shake

have u check it 11:01 AM

i just finish sent you an email just now 10:59 AM

I would prefer you contact me through Gmail. but yes I've looked:

Saka Tunde

October 27 at 10:56am


Hello it seam you're not understand what am saying, pls can you let me
know maybe the packaging as be pool or u have not send it yet, and
about the broadcast on Radio station i want you to know that you don't
have any problem about that also, we have any radio station here to
process our program, pls write back to me with your own opinion
11:01 AM

Saka Shake

i think you're copy it back to me 11:04 AM

helo\ 11:05 AM

yes, I just wanted to verify that's the message you meant 11:05 AM

is that the message? 11:05 AM

hello are you there? 11:11 AM

Saka Shake

ys 11:11 AM

hello 11:12 AM

ok 11:13 AM

it's true, I'm not understanding. You do have radio? You don't have radio? 11:13 AM

Saka Shake

no i mean we have many radio station also in Nigeria 11:15 AM

that is what i mean 11:15 AM

well, that's very good. I am happy with that. Is there a problem with that? 11:15 AM

Saka Shake

hello 11:19 AM

yes, I said "well, that's very good. I am happy with that. Is there a problem with that?" 11:19 AM

Saka Shake

and i ask u so how about the TV show program 11:20 AM

have u send the CDs yet 11:20 AM

because some of my colleagues are waiting for it 11:21 AM

yes, I sent it. I explained yesterday, I am guessing it will take 3 weeks for it to get there. 11:22 AM

I can't help that. it's already in the mail and it will get there when it gets there 11:22 AM

Saka Shake

ok 11:22 AM

I said we will have to wait, you said what do we do next, and I suggested some ideas of what we could do next. 11:22 AM

then you said I don't understand. I think i understood you when you said "what do we do next." it's everything you've said since then that I don't understand.11:23 AM

Saka Shake

can you give me the tracking from the shipping service 11:24 AM

I still have not found my receipt. 11:26 AM

I must have lost it on my way home. Blew out the car window or something 11:27 AM

Saka Shake

ok 11:29 AM

i think u now it your self if you're kidding me 11:29 AM

well, maybe you have a better idea. that's all I can think of. it happens all the time. 11:33 AM

I'm trying to keep track of a lot of things. I think they will deliver it 11:34 AM

Saka Shake

ok sir 11:34 AM

Saka Shake is Available
(8:48 AM)

Saka Shake

hi 8:48 AM

Good day sir 8:48 AM

how are u doing today 8:48 AM

are u there cus i have somethig to let you know about radio station 8:51 AM

are u there 9:07 AM

yes how do you do 9:08 AM

Saka Shake

am fine sir 9:08 AM

I am very happy to hear that. 9:12 AM

you have news for me about the radio station? 9:12 AM

Saka Shake

yes 9:14 AM

but is about entertainment and promote your product to show case it entire world 9:14 AM

i mean to advert with them 9:15 AM

tru website or on radio program 9:15 AM

yes, I follow you. Please go on 9:15 AM

Saka Shake

ok 9:20 AM

so is only when you have something to advert 9:20 AM

OK, now you've lost me again. 9:21 AM

Saka Shake

why 9:25 AM

do u said hat 9:25 AM

I have lots of things to advert 9:25 AM

It is true that YOU don't have anything of mine in your hands yet - but I have them. 9:26 AM

Saka Shake

TV is there and now we are talking about another thing 9:26 AM

so what are you saying here? 9:26 AM

Saka Shake

no i did not say u should advert when you don't have it in mind before 9:27 AM

well, I think we should explore all possibilities. We don't need to shut anything off yet. At least, I can't think of any reason. Can you?9:32 AM

Saka Shake

what is that sir 9:38 AM

am for u here 9:38 AM

are u there 9:40 AM

i'm here 9:40 AM

ok, so what are you telling me? 9:41 AM

Saka Shake

nothing more 9:41 AM

but the ball is in your curt now 9:41 AM

sir 9:41 AM

ok, well that's very good information. 9:48 AM

thank you 9:48 AM

Saka Shake

so what is the shipping agent name that u use to sent the packaging to me 9:50 AM

I took it to the post office. I don't know who handles it after it leaves the US. 9:52 AM

Saka Shake

ok\ 9:52 AM

but only is all about December time that every promo be sheep 9:53 AM

yes, I want to avoid the sheep season if I possibly can 9:54 AM

Saka Shake

ok 9:55 AM

yes i get u now 9:55 AM

so we should leave everything till next year 9:55 AM

or what do u think 9:56 AM

or try to do it before 9:56 AM

Saka Shake

when 9:56 AM

what about the month of November? 9:57 AM

Saka Shake

is next month already so what are we saying] 9:57 AM

yes, I suppose you are right 9:58 AM

ok, the new year 9:58 AM

that way you will have a chance to get everything in hand... 9:59 AM

Saka Shake

that mean next year 10:00 AM

ok 10:00 AM

next yea abi\ 10:00 AM

after christmas will be slow, we will have lots of time to get everything in place 10:04 AM

Saka Shake

what are the thing that you're talking about 10:04 AM

i want to know your final say now 10:05 AM

so that i will the exrt month to follow your CDS 10:05 AM

the cds should arrive in November. we will take december to plan. January will be the month the action begins 10:06 AM

Saka Shake

that mean 3 days now everything we be received or what do u think 10:07 AM

I allow a couple weeks for the cds to arrive 10:08 AM

not by the beginning of November, but certainly before the end! 10:08 AM

Saka Shake

ok 10:08 AM

ok 10:08 AM

so that mean i should expect any packaging from u this month 10:21 AM

ok\ 10:21 AM

there no problem about that and take care of your self 10:22 AM

yes this month 10:22 AM

a package from me to you 10:22 AM

Saka Shake

ok 10:23 AM

sir great your wife for me 10:23 AM

Saka Shake is offline.
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(6:22 PM)

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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