I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] Songwrita Showdown

I have a new chapter to post on this story, but first I wanna reprise the wonders of the first chapter, as run through http://www.gizoogle.com/

The Shizzolator is dead, long live gizoogle!


I left word fo` Bruno ta give me a C-to-tha-izzall when he was going out, but I
don't thizzay he ever gots tha message, so finally hustla drove me fizzy
mah room n down into tha pub on tha fizzay floor at tha hotel ta hizzle
a solo meal.

I picked mah table, n as I was heezeeing fo` it, around tha playa fizzle
tha otha direction, heezeeing fo` tha same table but a shawty furtha
away, was Glen Ballard, tha nigga n crazy ass nigga of Alanis
Morissizzles Jagged Little P-to-tha-izzill, a shawty record you might have heard
of. It sold 33 million copies world wide.

I siznort of instinctively dived fo` tha table, n mizzy ready ta invite
him (and tha two thugz tizzle were wit hizzay probably equally important
personizzles like tha Pope of Rizzle n Roll n tha Queen of English
Rock n Rizzle - neitha of tizzle was Alanis) ta jizzle me. I imagined
tha conversizzle tizzle would ensue.

Me: You knizzay Glizzay you n I bizzle studied journalism in school. I
thizzay that's tha key ta successful songwrit'n; keep'n it real,
frontin' `bout what you kizzy.

Glen: that's a mackin' insight, Matt, I rappa thought of it that way.


Me: The way l see it, thugz would ratha playa wit what they have
tizzle try tha unknown.

Gizzle: Oh, is thizzay true.

Matt: That's coz mizzay men lead lives of quiet desperizzles.

Gliznen: Oh, is thizzay rizzay!


Me: Well, I K-N-to-tha-izzow she likes ta mix it up, work'n wit new thugz
keeps th'n F-R-to-tha-izzesh fo` her�. I could put in a good word fo` you.

Glen: Wizzle would you T-H-to-tha-izzat would be great! Thanks, man.

Me: Hey, no problem. Writ'n Christmas Lights wit Lulina was one of
mah proudest achievements in sizzong bustin' maybe you'll be able ta do
sum-m sum-m equally good wit her�!


But instead he jizzle gizzle me a look T-H-to-tha-izzat suggested he was mak'n a
mental note ta have me beat up playa n he slinked off ta anotha
table wit his companions. I guess mah plan might have worked brotha
if tha place hadn't bizzle mostly empty. Dizzy!

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [CYBILL SHEPHERD hmmmmm] Defend the troops who are defending you OR die not tryiing

I don't agree with American troops stationed in any country anywhere in the world other than in the US (and I don't think we really need 6,000 of them here, either).  That is the posture of an empire, not a democracy. 

Your position on the way to deal with the depravity of US servicemen is interesting. I'm certain that if the US were illegally invaded by some other power, say Iraq, you'd love it if your daughters were servicing the invaders to put food on the table.

Maybe I shouldn't be sarcastic.  You just might like that.


Chalmers Johnson, a professor emeritus at UC San Diego and an Asia expert, says he believes that few Americans are even aware of the extent of the military's reach and the profound influence it is having on policymaking in this country and public opinion abroad.

Johnson says the Pentagon's calculation that it owns or rents 702 bases in about 130 countries -- over and above the 6,000 bases in the United States -- is a gross underestimate because it fails to include installations in such places as Kosovo and Bosnia, as well as Iraq and Afghanistan, and secret installations in Israel, Australia and England, among others.

"As distinct from other peoples, most Americans do not recognize -- or do not want to recognize -- that the United States dominates the world through its military power," Johnson wrote in a recent book, "The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic."

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Mike Wilson <mikewilson_30@yahoo.com> wrote:
I fully agree with the troops wherever they are stationed, but as far as the sexual acts that happen, I dont only disagree, but the Military should have those kinds of ladies go over to these bases sometimes, and take care of the horny ones there, or give them housing where the military, male or female, can go and be taken care of. Where I was stationed, there were lots of women that would gladly go to bed with you, if money, it was very cheap. The men and women in the military dont get rich from their pay, so something needs to be done. No children involved either. 18 to 20 up, and they would know what they were expected to do.

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Friday, March 07, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] Songwriter Showdown

I left word for Bruno to give me a call when he was going out, but I
don't think he ever got the message, so finally hunger drove me from
my room and down into the pub on the first floor at the hotel to have
a solo meal.

I picked my table, and as I was heading for it, around the corner from
the other direction, heading for the same table but a little further
away, was Glen Ballard, the co-writer and producer of Alanis
Morissette's Jagged Little Pill, a little record you might have heard
of. It sold 33 million copies world wide.

I sort of instinctively dived for the table, and made ready to invite
him (and the two people that were with him, probably equally important
personages like the Pope of Rock and Roll and the Queen of English
Rock and Roll - neither of them was Alanis) to join me. I imagined
the conversation that would ensue.

Me: You know, Glen, you and I both studied journalism in school. I
think that's the key to successful songwriting; keeping it real,
writing about what you know.

Glen: that's a fascinating insight, Matt, I never thought of it that way.


Me: The way l see it, people would rather suffer with what they have
than try the unknown.

Glen: Oh, is that true.

Matt: That's because most men lead lives of quiet desperation.

Glen: Oh, is that right!


Me: Well, I know she likes to mix it up, working with new people
keeps things fresh for her. I could put in a good word for you.

Glen: Wow, would you that would be great! Thanks, man.

Me: Hey, no problem. Writing Christmas Lights with Lulina was one of
my proudest achievements in song writing, maybe you'll be able to do
something equally good with her!


But instead he just gave me a look that suggested he was making a
mental note to have me beat up later, and he slinked off to another
table with his companions. I guess my plan might have worked better
if the place hadn't been mostly empty. D'oh!

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Defend the troops who are defending you OR die not tryiing

I (along with hundreds of other people) constantly get this kind of spam from a friend of mine. He is all in favor of his free speech, but goes into a childish screaming fit when I offer a rebuttal... my free speech is not something he values, so I don't try anymore.

It's interesting to think that people would want to have a military presence in american cities and college campuses.  Sounds a bit like a police state to me, but when it comes to "freedom", milage may vary.

When have the troops defended me?  Maybe in the war of 1812?  Was that the last defensive action by the US military? 

Even the US entry into WWII is complex... Leaving aside conspiracy theories about Roosevelt (which mirror 911 conspiracy theories in interesting ways) the known facts are Pearl Harbor was a base on a formerly sovereign country that an imperial power had taken over. The Japanese probably felt they had as much of a claim on Japan as the US. The actions of the US Navy before WWII in the Pacific were provocative.  If one accepts the current doctrine of Pre-emptive attack, we should be in favor of Pearl Harbor.  If Pearl Harbor was a day that lives in infamy, then the US wars on Iraq are so much more so.  Well, of course they are, but rogue states, if they have enough power control events, and the language used to describe them.


Subject: Defend the troops who are defending you

Please read the urgent message below from our friends at Townhall.com. Please take a spare moment to sign their petition in support of our troops!

Yours in Freedom,
Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

Dear CFIF Activist, I am outraged and you should be too. Our troops are being forced to withdraw not from Iraq but from American cities and American college campuses. The most recent example is the city council of Berkeley, California telling the United States Marine Corps Recruiters that they are 'uninvited and unwelcome intruders' in their city. They were actually trying to kick the U.S. Marines out of their city while giving special preferences to liberal protestors. Please sign the Townhall.com petition and join me in telling liberal leaders that this treatment of American troops is an outrage. I guess we shouldn't be shocked anymore by the Left. They can't seem to stop themselves from undermining our troops showing their utter and complete disrespect for our Armed Services. They try to hide it but they simply have nothing but contempt for our nation's military and the brave men and women who serve. Time after time, they show us just how much they
distrust, dislike and outright despise our troops. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called our troops failures and proclaimed that the 'war is lost.' Never wasting a chance to snatch defeat from the grasp of victory, Senator Reid ruled the surge a failed effort before a single additional soldier's boots had hit the ground. On college campuses across the nation, including some of the most prestigious universities, ROTC students face a hostile anti-military environment. Many universities including Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and Standford have outright banned ROTC and force students to travel long distances to neighboring campuses for classes. Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we've had enough of their assaults on our troops. It doesn't just show a lack of support for the troops but an passionate contempt for the men and woman overseas putting their lives on the line for our freedom and safety back
here at home. As a further insult to our men and women in uniform, the City Council encouraged residents of Berkeley to impede Marine recruiters attempting to go about their work, and awarded a reserved parking spot outside the Marine recruiting station to Code Pink, the extreme-left anti-war group. The liberal City Council and Code Pink must not be allowed to disgrace our serving men and women. It is not enough for liberals to slander courageous Americans as war criminals any more, they are turning hateful words into un-American action! The anti-war left is proving that they do not support the troops and in fact actively engage in anti-military behavior. We must stand together with our military to prove that the majority of Americans disapprove of the Left's shameful behavior! Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we've had enough of their assaults on our troops. Senator Jim DeMint has introduced
the Semper Fi Act of 2008 in the United States Senate. The legislation would rescind over $2 million previously allocated to Berkeley. Congressman John Campbell (R-Cali.) has introduced a companion bill in the House. Click here to condemn the City Council's actions and support the Semper Fi Act of 2008, which would revoke all federal funds allocated to Berkeley and transfer them to the Marine Corps budget! These strong defenders of American values need your support in condemning Berkeley's City Council and supporting the Marines! Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we¹ve had enough of their assaults on our troops. We need your help to send a message to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, academia and the city of Berkeley! Liberals won't stop here. Rest assured, they have attempted to demean military recruiters before and they will continue to unless we take action! Townhall needs your help to defend the honor
of our troops in harm's way and our honorable recruiters here at home. Because the Left consistently denigrates the service of our armed forces, we need to make it clear to the Berkeley left-wingers that we support and admire the brave men and women serving our nation and respect their contribution to the cause of defending and spreading freedom! Please sign our petition today and tell the Left that we've had enough of their disgusting assaults on our troops.

Jonathan Garthwaite


Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus St., Suite 310
Alexandria, VA 22314

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: CHARGES DROPPED AGAINST Omar Deghayes and Jamil el-Banna!

They were guilty, guilty, guilty!  The US government never would have tortured them before charging them with anything if they weren't guilty!

It's an outrage, the Spanish used to know a thing or two about how to run an inquisition, but now they go soft on a couple of terrorists just because they were psychologically destroyed.  They've gotten soft, we have to root out heretics, I mean terrorists, which is pretty much the same thing, if you don't kiss old glory, you will be tortured, it's not just a good idea, it's the law!  You're with us, or your against us!  Vengence is mine, sayeth Lord Uncle Sam!

Spain drops charges against Omar Deghayes and Jamil el-Banna

Campaigners for British Guantanamo Bay detainees Omar Deghayes and Jamil el-Banna were celebrating today at the news that authorities have dropped attempts to extradite the two men to Spain.

Omar and Jamil were released from Guantanamo Bay back to Britain in December last year – but were immediately placed back in legal limbo with the extradition requests against them.

Now Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon has ruled that the two men are not fit to stand trial in Spain because of mental and physical problems arising from their time in Guantanamo—and has consequently dropped proceedings against them.

Omar was blinded in one eye by his US captors. Both men were subject to torture and ill-treatment during their five year detention in the prison camp.

Jackie Chase from the Save Omar campaign told Socialist Worker, "We're delighted to hear that the Spanish authorities have seen sense and decided not to pursue this extradition request any further.

"Everybody should now be satisfied these men pose no threat whatsoever. Omar and Jamil should be left in peace to get on with their lives—although they will always bear the scars of the crimes committed against them.

"This whole case has highlighted how wrong it is to depart from a system of law by allowing people to be detained without charge and subjected to torture and other appalling practices."

Jackie added that the Save Omar campaigners would be coming to the Stop the War march in London on 15 March to demand the release of the two remaining British residents in Guantanamo, Shaker Abdur-Raheem Aamer and Binyam Mohammed al-Habashi.

"We need to stand up and demand they shut down Guantanamo Bay, Belmarsh and the whole network of secret CIA torture camps around the world," she said.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Email from Alumni Site

Hey, thanks for the prompt response.

I don't know what year they graduated, or even if they did graduate.   and hard as it is to believe, I don;t remember when I graduated, it wasn't a really major event in my life. I think it was after summer session of 1982.  That seems about right. 

I know Gary Allen May played some event for evergreen grads not so very long ago (I'll tell you more if you need) - but I don't blame you for losing track of him. Evergreen couldn't keep track of me and didn't care about me while I was there, why would I expect even that much out of how they treat their grads?

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Evergreen Alumni <alumni@evergreen.edu> wrote:
Dear Matt:

Do you know what year they graduated in?  And what year did you
graduate?  We can forward your info on to them with your permission, but
we can not disclose theirs to you unless the giver permission.


Alumni Relations Office
-----Original Message-----
From: mattlove1@gmail.com [mailto:mattlove1@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:16 PM
Subject: Email from Alumni Site

Below is the result of your email form.
Submitted by mattlove1@gmail.com

Sent_By: Matt Love
Requests_Comments: I want to contact Gary Allen May and Sean O'Neil.  I
would appreciate any assistance you can give me.
Referring_URL: http://www.evergreen.edu/alumni/locate.htm
recipient: tescalum

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[CanYoAssDigIt] A Definition

The Music Industry:  A bunch of opportunistic assholes selling boatloads of crap to morons.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Is Critical Journalism Incomprehensible to NPR?

Despicable. Considering how bad NPR has become, their usual smug and
smarmy self-congratulatory tone is unearned, and appalling.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FAIR <fair@fair.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 3:03 PM
Subject: Is Critical Journalism Incomprehensible to NPR?
To: matt.mattlove1@gmail.com


Action Alert

Is Critical Journalism Incomprehensible to NPR?

Correspondent mocked Iraqi colleague who asked about immunity


A recent NPR news segment (Weekend Edition, 2/23/08) that dismissed
an Iraqi journalist's question about the pressing issue of U.S.
immunity from prosecution suggests that critical journalism may be a
foreign language to the public radio broadcaster.

On its website, NPR summarized the segment as a look at U.S. Attorney
General Michael Mukasey's Baghdad news conference, which featured
questions from "enthusiastic and sometimes incomprehensible Iraqi

The lead example NPR cited of such an "incomprehensible" question was
actually a perfectly sensible one--posed, through a translator, by a
journalist for Radio Sawa, a U.S. government-funded radio station in

"A question from Radio Sawa: Yesterday the Iraqi government announced
that the ability of prosecuting the Iraqi people, the ability of
prosecuting the Iraqis--the American soldiers by the Iraqi people. Do
you think your presence has to do with it now, and do you think…"

At this point NPR justice correspondent Ari Shapiro broke in, saying:
"I'll save you the whole thing. But suffice it to say, Attorney
General Mukasey had a difficult time understanding exactly what the
questioner was driving at. Mukasey diplomatically attributed the
confusion to the translator rather than the journalist."

While Shapiro's comment suggested that NPR was "saving" listeners
from the inconvenience of listening to the entirety of a long and
confusing question, the question was actually only half a sentence
longer than the edited version aired by NPR. (The question ended with,
"...do you think these resolutions have been conducted with
arrangements with the American administration?")

Nor should this question have been difficult to understand for anyone
following events in Iraq; the issue of whether Iraqis could prosecute
Americans over killings of Iraqis is currently a major political
controversy in that country. A few weeks before Mukasey's visit, the
New York Times (1/25/08) reported that the White House was pushing the
Iraqi government to "guarantee civilian contractors specific legal
protections from Iraqi law," an idea that "faces a potential buzz saw
of opposition from Iraq." The immunity enjoyed by private contractors
in Iraq has been debated throughout the past several years, and became
more conspicuous after Blackwater employees shot and killed 17 Iraqis
last September. Indeed, shortly after Mukasey's press conference, the
Associated Press reported (2/21/08) that Justice Department
investigators were in Iraq to research the shooting.

It is, to say the least, convenient that Mukasey would claim to not
understand what was being talked about. The NPR segment legitimized
Mukasey's suspect claim to not understand the question, with Shapiro
saying, "On the second go-round it became clear that a good
translation would not help this question." In reality, though, two
questions from journalists at the press conference followed up on the
question of immunity, and Mukasey did finally respond.

Generally, the NPR reporter treated the press conference as a
curiosity that showcased Iraqi reporters' incomprehensibility. Shapiro
offered a second question: "Another reporter at the press conference
got off to a good start--give us your impressions of the Iraqi justice
system--then started wandering afield." After playing a brief excerpt
of the wayward questioner, who was asking about slow prosecution of
Iraqi government corruption, Shapiro kidded: "The reporter surfaced
for air after for a minute, leaving Mukasey and Crocker wondering
where exactly he'd been in the meantime."

Actually, the question was not long at all, and the
questioner--identified in one transcript as being with the Japanese
News Agency--got a response from Mukasey, who said, "So far as
prosecution of members of the former government, my understanding is
that that is proceeding and that in due course.'

The report concluded with some perspective from NPR's former Baghdad
bureau chief:

"The most important thing that people don't realize is that Iraqis
just have not had a free press for the longest time. So this is such a
new thing for Iraqi journalists. The fact that not only can they come
out and ask all sorts of questions, but they can come ask Americans

In an email to FAIR's Isabel Macdonald, Shapiro defended the piece as
a fair characterization of the kinds of questions asked at the press
conference. If the network's justice correspondent cannot fathom
questions about the state of the Iraqi legal system posed by Iraqi
journalists, maybe it's not the peculiarity of Iraqi media that
listeners should be most concerned about.

ACTION: Ask the NPR Ombudsperson why NPR responded so dismissively and
condescendingly to the questions Iraqi journalists posed to U.S.
Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

NPR Ombud Alicia Shepard
Email form on NPR's website:

Thanks to Steve Burns from Wisconsin Peace and Justice for bringing
this item to FAIR's attention.

The US Embassy in Baghdad's transcript from the press conference is
available at http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3305. The full NPR
transcript is available at http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3306.

Click here to subscribe!

Start your two-year subscription with a free copy of Interventions, a
collection of Chomsky's essays for the New York Times Syndicate. These
columns were published all around the globe, but rarely in major U.S.
media -- and certainly not in the New York Times. Foreword written by
FAIR's Peter Hart.

Lori Wallach on NAFTA, J.H. Snider on spectrum policy (2/29/08-3/6/08)

Feel free to respond to FAIR ( fair@fair.org ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
documented examples of media bias or censorship. And please send
copies of your correspondence with media outlets, including any
responses, to fair@fair.org.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] The Film Club: a True Story of a Father and Son


The Film Club: a True Story of a Father and Son

By David Gilmour
David Gilmour's book The Film Club: A True Story of a Father and Son
is an unsentimental but loving portrait of his relationship with his
son Jesse.
Thomas Allen Publishers, $27.95

Tim Fraser, National Post
- - -

"David Gilmour has both a talent and a compulsion for putting the
characters in his novels into embarrassing situations. In his memoir
The Film Club, a finalist for this year's Charles Taylor prize for
literary non-fiction, he skips the middleman and just embarrasses

[Matt's comment: he doesn't embarrass himself with his opinion on Ishtar]

Gilmour's opinions -- on Marlon Brando's innate genius; on David
Cronenberg, "a smart guy with a dirty mind;" on Ishtar, underrated --
provide The Film Club with a lively running commentary.

[No wonder his kid pulled out of his slump and went on to university!]

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