I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Matt's excellent adventures in cyberspace, pt. 4

Blank says:
Blank says:
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
gosh, I didn't know you felt that way about me. I thought we were friends
Blank says:
so did I matt.....so did I
Matt Love says:
do I get an explanation?
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
did what?
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
cheat with her? I'm about 8000 miles away.
Blank says:
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
or maybe cheat with who is the question
Blank says:
Blank says:
maybe you should suck my dick is the question
Matt Love says:
or maybe cheat at what. cards?
Blank says:
dont play funny with me
Matt Love says:
Is this one of those theatre things?
Matt Love says:
role playing?
Matt Love says:
I'm not very good at it.
Matt Love says:
I'm seriously baffled
Blank says:
nah im just some guy who went on your friends acount because he left it on
Blank says:
in this internet cafe
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
oh, fuck, that is hilarious
Blank says:
i know
Blank says:
maybe i should sign him out
Matt Love says:
you are a decent human being if you explained yourself
Blank says:
but hen again
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
I really am in Wenatchee washington, usa
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
I couldn't a cheated. but it was a good try
Blank says:
im inaustralia
Matt Love says:
it mighta worked.
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
yes, sidney, right?
Matt Love says:
in an internet cafe somewhere?
Blank says:
yea but im just some guy who went on your friends email because he left it on
Matt Love says:
yeah, I understand. It's been nice chatting, but my wife says I have
to go feed the dogs.
Blank says:
Blank says:
and im only 15
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
I'm 3 times your age plus 4
Matt Love says:
a little math problem for you
Blank says:
well good luck with your dog feeding
Blank says:
hey im advanced for my year
Matt Love says:
oh, they usually take off a finger or 2 but
Matt Love says:
I'll manage
Blank says:
49 wow
Matt Love says:
yep, and still alive to tell the tale
Blank says:
id call you old but that would be rufe
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
that's ok Leslie does all the tiem
Matt Love says:
Blank says:
your daughter?
Matt Love says:
no, my buddy who's account you're using
Blank says:
Matt Love says:
he's actually a guy, despite being named Leslie
Blank says:
Blank says:
well lemme guess you want me to sign out
Matt Love says:
seriously, I gotta run. good prank, maybe next time you can break up a
friendship or something.
Matt Love says:
take care, bye
Blank says:

Spike Lee disses Condoleezza "Great Legs" Rice

everybody seems hung up on that shoe issue. I remember the total absence of jokes and slams on Imelda Marcos when the issue of her shoe thing was gently brought up.

Condoleezza displeaza Spike

Condoleezza Rice

Firebrand director Spike Lee has found an unlikely [yeah!  all black people should love all other black people, just like Colin Powell should love Idi Amin!] new target for his latest spray: the secretary of state.
Says Lee: "I dislike Condoleezza Rice more than [President] Bush. The thing about it is that she's gotten a free ride from black people."
"People say, 'She's so successful' and 'Look at her position as a black woman.' She is a black woman who grew up in Birmingham, Ala., and said that she never experienced a day of racism in her life," Lee tells the April issue of Stuff magazine.
"Condi, stop smoking that crack!"
"I know you love your Ferragamo shoes, but come on. While people were drowning in New Orleans, she was going up and down Madison Ave. buying Ferragamo shoes. Then she went to see 'Spamalot.'"
  http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/396582p-336150c.html   P.S.  She also played tennis with Monica Seles, after her shoe shopping spree. http://www.gawker.com/news/condoleezza-rice/breaking-condi-rice-spends-salary-on-shoes-123467.php

Friday, March 03, 2006

Leave us alone, Britney

Hey Britney glad to hear about your marriage. I've been getting your
spam on many, many yahoo lists I'm on, and I've been getting them for
a long time. I always wondered if your frenetic level of e-mail
activity was a result of sexual frustration. Now that you are married,
maybe you will knock it the fuck off.

Will you and your hubby be going to see Christopher Guest's next
movie, For Your Consideration? It's in post-production, and it's
supposed to be released this year... I'll bet it's going to be
absolutely killer.

> Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:22:53 +0100
> From: "brittney-steele417@justthewayuwant.com" <brittney-steele417@justthewayuwant.com>
> Subject: Looking for your perfect some1? Look no further
> Well I just got married! I can't believe it, just last year I was beginning to think i would never meet anyone. I'm 25 already and I thought it was all over. After some recommendations from a buddy I joined up here: http://www.alwaysopenforyou.info/gxpt and after 4 weeks I was already meeting up with a beauty. Well, 14 months later and where still together and married =)
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________

Votes Against Us in the U.N.

>Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as bad as the > records of the countries named in the message above.

Snopes should stick with Urban Myths, which they do very well. When they get going on political stuff, they show their bias. 

Take the above sentence for example.  They could have said:

Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as principled as the records of the countries named in the message above.

Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as virtuous as the records of the countries named in the message above.

Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as correct as the records of the countries named in the message above.

or simply,

Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as good as the records of the countries named in the message above.

I'm not saying these are better ways of saying it - but they are equally good ways that Snopes would not under any circumstances have

There are some very good reasons why the rest of the world often votes against US (not "us", since the government rarely acts in our interests when it acts in international affairs) - and the US knows this, which is why they insisted on a veto for security council members. A veto it has used far, far more often than other security council members, even at the height of cold war propaganda about Soviet obstructionism.

If you have time and want to explore Snope's bias, check out this page:


On 3/3/06, Steven McCabe <blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com> wrote:
United Condemnations  
Claim:   Arab/Islamic states consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations.

Status:   True.

Example:   [Collected on the Internet, 2003]

How they vote at the U.N.!

Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time.
United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

US Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually

Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.

Pass it along. Everyone needs to know this. Might even mention it to your congressman, who knows this anyway... what a disgrace... no wonder the world has no respect for us.

Origins:   This
Click Here
is one of those items that seems simple enough to verify at first blush, but proves quite difficult in practice.

First of all, we have to consider what our parameters are:
  • Are we measuring the voting records of the named countries across the entire six-decade history of the United Nations, or only from some subset of that period?
  • Which votes are we counting — just those of the General Assembly, or also those of the Main Committees and the Security Council?
Even deciding that we're only going to consider the postions various countries took on resolutions presented to the General Assembly during a specified time period still makes compiling an accurate tally difficult, because:
  • The majority of General Assembly resolutions are adopted without a vote.
  • Unless a recorded vote is specifically requested before a resolution is voted upon, the U.N. makes available a voting summary which provides only a tally of the final vote, not a listing of how individual Member States voted.
Once we narrow our focus to resolutions submitted to a recorded vote, we still have some thorny issues to consider:
  • Nearly every resolution ends up with some Member States either abstaining or failing to vote on it. When countries abstain from voting on a resolution which the U.S. either supports or opposes, are those countries to be regarded as voting against the U.S. (because they failed to support its vote), or are they to be considered as neutral parties neither for nor against the U.S.?
  • Quite often U.N. votes address the issue of whether a single paragraph (or even just a few words) in the draft of a resolution should be changed or omitted. When the U.S. otherwise supports a resolution but seeks to change some of its wording, are other countries to be regarded as voting against the U.S. if they do not also vote in favor of the alterations?
Since we had to start somewhere, we tallied the recorded votes for all resolutions put before the General Assembly so far during the current session, running from October 2003 to mid-April 2004. We counted all votes, whether they involved adopting resolutions as a whole or making alterations to draft resolutions. When countries abstained or otherwise failed to vote, we counted them as voting neither for nor against the U.S. Likewise, when the U.S. abstained from voting on resolutions, we did not include other countries' votes on those resolutions in our totals.

The results of this tally were even worse (from a U.S. perspective) than the message quoted above indicates, with the countries named voting contrary to the U.S. position on U.N. resolutions an aggregate 88% of the time. (Even though India is neither Arab nor particularly Islamic, we included it in our chart because the widely-circulated e-mailed list did.)

Country Times Voted With U.S . Times Voted Against U.S. % of Votes Against U.S.
Kuwait 10 61 86%
Qatar 9 64 88%
Morocco 8 62 89%
United Arab Emirates 8 61 88%
Jordan 9 64 88%
Tunisia 8 63 89%
Saudi Arabia 7 62 90%
Yemen 9 64 88%
Algeria 9 63 88%
Oman 9 63 88%
Sudan 10 60 86%
Pakistan 9 59 87%
Libya 8 63 89%
Egypt 10 63 86%
Lebanon 7 62 90%
India 14 52 79%
Syria 7 59 89%
Mauritania 7 63 90%

However, we also surveyed the U.N. voting records of several countries generally considered to be close allies of the U.S., and those results were none too impressive either. Only Israel consistently voted with the U.S.:

Country Times Voted With U.S. Times Voted Against U.S. % of Votes Against U.S.
Australia 33 26 44%
Canada 31 32 51%
Israel 56 7 11%
Japan 26 36 58%
United Kingdom 40 27 40%
France 36 31 46%

How much significance one should place in these figures is problematic, because most other U.N. Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as bad as the records of the countries named in the message above. U.N. votes on resolutions are frequently lopsided, pitting a single nation or a handful of nations against all the others, and more often than not the U.S. is the one nation at odds with the rest of the world. Of the 83 resolutions we surveyed for our informal tally, in ten cases the U.S. was the only Member State to vote against them, and in five cases only one other nation joined the U.S. in voting against them. In fact, in over half the total cases (42 out of 83), the U.S. was supported by five or fewer Member States in voting against a U.N. resolution. So it isn't just the Arab/Islamic states who consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations — pretty much the rest of the world does, too.

Last updated:   6 May 2004

Vitiate in these musics

Luciana writes, Google translates:

Thursday, March 02, 2006 Vão in jukebox of the Fonal Records
(www.fonal.com) and say me that language is this. Extraterrestre? I
only know that I love and that I tô vitiated in these musics.


Matt sez, in desperate need of translation:

It's Finnish, which is a dialect of Extraterrestre.

I've actually told her it's Finnish (I once met somebody who was
taking Beginning Finnish, I asked her if that was not an oxymoron.
NO, SHE DID NOT GET IT.) but it's still hard to know how much she
understands, especially when I like wordplay and puns so much.


ps. she's right about the music, it's good listening.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

They know their stuff....

They know their Jandek fans, don't they? (read the "Visitors
interested in Jandek Lyrics may also interested in..." part)


Nancy Sings Lyrics
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Nancy Sings Lyrics

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Send Jandek polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone

A dozen drops fall from your face
Shaking the rain in a quiet place
Shining clean a fresh new day
Wakes up the world in a fragrant bouquet
Listen to the sound of a constant fall
Skies give water for life of all
If you reach into the air
Rain will come to kiss your hair
Listen to the sound of a constant fall
Skies give water for life of all
If you reach into the air
Rain will come to kiss your hair

If you find some error in Nancy Sings Lyrics,
would you please submit your corrections to me? Thank You.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt]D’oh! More know Simpsons than Constitution

People aren't being stupid, they just have good reality contact.  Ever since Homer Simpson was elected, First Amendment rights have been being eliminated one by one. By the time Barney takes office, they'll all be gone.

D'oh! More know Simpsons than Constitution

Study: America more familiar with cartoon family than First Amendment

Image: The Simpsons
Only one in four Americans can name more than one of the five freedoms in the First Amendment, but more than half can name at least two family members of "The Simpsons" (from left, Lisa, Marge, Maggie, Homer and Bart).
Fox via AP file
Updated: 1:22 a.m. ET March 1, 2006
CHICAGO - Americans apparently know more about "The Simpsons" than they do about the First Amendment.
Only one in four Americans can name more than one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment.
But more than half can name at least two members of the cartoon family, according to a survey.
The study by the new McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum found that 22 percent of Americans could name all five Simpson family members, compared with just one in 1,000 people who could name all five First Amendment freedoms.
  Click for related content
Joe Madeira, director of exhibitions at the museum, said he was surprised by the results.
"Part of the survey really shows there are misconceptions, and part of our mission is to clear up these misconceptions," said Madeira, whose museum will be dedicated to helping visitors understand the First Amendment when it opens in April. "It means we have our job cut out for us."
The survey found more people could name the three "American Idol" judges than identify three First Amendment rights. They were also more likely to remember popular advertising slogans.
It also showed that people misidentified First Amendment rights. About one in five people thought the right to own a pet was protected, and 38 percent said they believed the right against self-incrimination contained in the Fifth Amendment was a First Amendment right, the survey found.
The telephone survey of 1,000 adults was conducted Jan. 20-22 by the research firm Synovate and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Editor's note: The five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment are freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] bizarro news: 66% have reality contact

This is indeed bizarro news. Since he's doing the same shitty job as
he's always done, I'd expect him to be getting 90% approval ratings as

In a reasonable society, he'd be getting 1 or 2% approval - among the
severely retarded and the criminally insane. Since there's little
evidence that this is turning into a reasonable society, I find it
perplexing that a large majority of people have developed some reality


Bush Approval Rating on Iraq, Presidency At All-Time Low In other
news, a new CBS News poll has found the number of Americans who
approve of President Bush's overall job performance and his handling
of the Iraq war has fallen to an all-time low. 34 percent of Americans
give the President a favorable job approval rating, while even less --
30 percent -- approve of the President's handling of the Iraq war.
Meanwhile, less than a third of Americans believe President Bush has
adequately responded to the needs of victims of Hurricane Katrina.

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