I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, July 04, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Doesn't get any better than this

A man. A woman. 3 gin and tonics. Two Killer Tomato movies.

They arrived yesterday.  we're going through them like green corn through a goose.

But why oh why didn't the Iron Man people cast the guy who played Chad in Return of the Killer Tomatoes:  http://www.anthonystarke.com/

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "matt love" <mattlove1@gmail.com>
To: mresqric@aol.de
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 12:17:29 -0600
Subject: Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft
Dear Ric

Yes, you bet I am interested.

But I was wondering, instead of sending me $20,000,000, could you just send me $20,000,000 worth of sex toys?  I was thinking I could open a shop. 

Or maybe a museum. 

Do you have access to any 3rd Reich era sex toys?  That would be awesome.



On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM, <mresqric@aol.de> wrote:
Dear Matt.

I don't understand what you are saying, does it mean you are interested in the transaction or now if you are please do send me your direct telephone number and all the informations that I have requested for so that we can proceed with the transaction.

I wait to hear from you.



-----Original Message-----
From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
To: mresqric@aol.de
Sent: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 5:05 pm
Subject: Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft

Hallo Ric,

Boy howdy, this is my lucky day, I can sure use 20,000,000 US dollars.  That's a lot of them. I could put some of them under the short leg of my dining  room table to keep it from wobbling... I could stuff some of them into my winter coat... or the comforter on my bed to act as insulation.

Hey, I had another great idea - I could buy things with it!  I used to have a great collection of sex toys, but I gave it away. I regret that now, I'll bet that I could put together a pretty good new collection with $20,000,000, maybe even as good as the one I used to have!

Hey, do you know those guys at the Heineken Bottling Company?  The ones that say they are in Washington DC, but they have a Polish e-mail address?  They said they were going to send me $250,000. If you know them could you tell them to just go ahead and do that?



2008/7/4 Ric <paljon03@compuserve.de>:

Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft/Begьnstigten fьr US$20 Millionen

Gute Tag zu Ihnen und wьnsche ich Ihnen in allem alles Gute, was Sie in diesem Jahr tun werden.

Ich bin ein Personal von einer der Hauptbanken hier in Europa, zwanzig Millionen US-Dollar wurden seit 2000 in unserer Bank untergebracht, und der Begьnstigte starb 2004 Tsunami von Asien mit seiner Familie wдhrend im Urlaub in Thailand.

Alle Versuche, einigen seiner Verwandten zu verfolgen, waren nicht erfolgreich. Jetzt will ich, dass Sie als Nдchstes der Verwandtschaft/Begьnstigten fьr die Fonds-Ausgabe stehen, weil Sie denselben Nachnamen mit ihm haben, und wir dieses Geld zusammen teilen werden.

Wenn Sie sich interessieren, senden Sie mir Ihre ganzen Namen, Adresse und Telefonnummern, und ich werde Ihnen allen die weiten Informationen geben.

Bitte ich mцchte das dieses Geschдft sehr heimlich bleib, so antworten mich durch meine private E-Mail-Adresse : mresqric@aol.de

Mit freundlichen GrьЯen,



Re: Next of Kin/Beneficiary for US$20 Millions

Good day to you and I wish you all the best in everything that you will do this year.

I am a staff of one of the leading banks here in Europe, Twenty Millions US Dollars was lodged since 2000 in our bank and the beneficiary died in 2004 South Asia Tsunami with his family while on holiday in Thailand.

All attempts to trace any of his relatives was not successful. Now, I want you to stand as next of kin/Beneciary for the fund release since you have the same Last Name with him, and we will share this money together.

If you are interested, send me your complete names, address and phone numbers and I will give you all the details.

Please I want this deal to be very secret and should not be disclose to anyone, reply me through my private email address : mresqric@aol.de



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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft

Hallo Ric,

Boy howdy, this is my lucky day, I can sure use 20,000,000 US dollars.  That's a lot of them. I could put some of them under the short leg of my dining  room table to keep it from wobbling... I could stuff some of them into my winter coat... or the comforter on my bed to act as insulation.

Hey, I had another great idea - I could buy things with it!  I used to have a great collection of sex toys, but I gave it away. I regret that now, I'll bet that I could put together a pretty good new collection with $20,000,000, maybe even as good as the one I used to have!

Hey, do you know those guys at the Heineken Bottling Company?  The ones that say they are in Washington DC, but they have a Polish e-mail address?  They said they were going to send me $250,000. If you know them could you tell them to just go ahead and do that?



2008/7/4 Ric <paljon03@compuserve.de>:

Re: Als nдchstes der Verwandtschaft/Begьnstigten fьr US$20 Millionen

Gute Tag zu Ihnen und wьnsche ich Ihnen in allem alles Gute, was Sie in diesem Jahr tun werden.

Ich bin ein Personal von einer der Hauptbanken hier in Europa, zwanzig Millionen US-Dollar wurden seit 2000 in unserer Bank untergebracht, und der Begьnstigte starb 2004 Tsunami von Asien mit seiner Familie wдhrend im Urlaub in Thailand.

Alle Versuche, einigen seiner Verwandten zu verfolgen, waren nicht erfolgreich. Jetzt will ich, dass Sie als Nдchstes der Verwandtschaft/Begьnstigten fьr die Fonds-Ausgabe stehen, weil Sie denselben Nachnamen mit ihm haben, und wir dieses Geld zusammen teilen werden.

Wenn Sie sich interessieren, senden Sie mir Ihre ganzen Namen, Adresse und Telefonnummern, und ich werde Ihnen allen die weiten Informationen geben.

Bitte ich mцchte das dieses Geschдft sehr heimlich bleib, so antworten mich durch meine private E-Mail-Adresse : mresqric@aol.de

Mit freundlichen GrьЯen,



Re: Next of Kin/Beneficiary for US$20 Millions

Good day to you and I wish you all the best in everything that you will do this year.

I am a staff of one of the leading banks here in Europe, Twenty Millions US Dollars was lodged since 2000 in our bank and the beneficiary died in 2004 South Asia Tsunami with his family while on holiday in Thailand.

All attempts to trace any of his relatives was not successful. Now, I want you to stand as next of kin/Beneciary for the fund release since you have the same Last Name with him, and we will share this money together.

If you are interested, send me your complete names, address and phone numbers and I will give you all the details.

Please I want this deal to be very secret and should not be disclose to anyone, reply me through my private email address : mresqric@aol.de



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Thursday, July 03, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [OregonDems_etc] A blog entry following a Washington Post article on Obama:

"So for the first time since your campaign began, Mr. Obama, I am seeing you as merely another politician, making idle promises to the people of this nation with a silver tongue."

If this is the first time this kid has seen Obama that way, s/he hasn't been paying attention. Obama was slippery from the beginning (I could dig up some of my old posts about him when he was just a face in the crowd) - but it's really accelerated lately, it seems like on a daily basis he's done something that nauseates.

This youth obsessed culture is sick.  The idea that our youth, following their Pied Piper are going to lead us out of the wilderness is ridiculous.  Let's face it, youth are stupid.  I was stupid when I was young, weren't you?

The last time I was disappointed by a politician was Jimmy Carter, because I was carried away by Hunter S. Thompson's enthusiasm for him.  Stupid, huh?

Since then I've learned a few things:
1. Don't look to drug addicts for good judgement
2. Don't expect wisdom out of film or rock stars
3. Don't believe what politicians say about themselves

Since then, I've been disgusted, enraged, depressed, and nauseated by lots of things politicians have done, but never disappointed - because I don't expect them to be something they aren't.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Kathy Leonard-Bushman <sassykathy464@gmail.com> wrote:

A blog entry following a Washington Post article on Obama:


Senator Obama,

I would like to start off by saying that I am a 22 year old college student at the Pennsylvania State University. I waited 5 hours in line to be one of the 22,000 people that came to hear you speak when you visited my school during the primary season. I am one of the many students that voted for you here, ultimately delivering you Centre County, PA during your race with Hillary Clinton. I have donated money to your campaign, it was not much but I gave what I could, despite the astronomical debt I have incurred to receive an education. I consider my donation to be an investment in my future, analogous to spending money to go to college. I have every intention of voting for you in the general election, a vote you will need to beat the conservative supporters of John McCain in Pennsylvania. This will be the second election I have voted in but it is the first I have truly been active in and excited about. You are certainly an inspiration to a younger generation of educated people that have watched in disgust for the past several years as George Bush has made every attempt to destroy this country and what it stands for. You are perhaps the first politician in a long time that even seems to be listening to the younger generation, acknowledging that this is our country too and that our opinions matter. All of that being said, Mr. Obama, I write to you with disappointment in my heart. Your campaign has stood on a message of change, you run as the man who will change the way things are done in Washington. You have spoken about many issues that are important to me that other candidates have ignored entirely such as net neutrality and refusing money from lobbyists. These are things that give me hope for the future of my country. The most important issue to me though, is the reinstatement of our precious Constitution of the United States. George Bush has used the Bill of Rights as a checklist of things to take from the people in the name of the war on terror for far too long. Some of your most meaningful words "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution", delivered in March of 2007, would have been reason enough for me to vote for you.
A little over a week ago, you announced your support of the new FISA bill. This bill endangers Americans' guaranteed right to privacy, encompassed by the fourth amendment, which we have not enjoyed since George Bush passed the Patriot Act and began amassing unprecedented executive powers without judicial oversight. So for the first time since your campaign began, Mr. Obama, I am seeing you as merely another politician, making idle promises to the people of this nation with a silver tongue. With one action, decisively chosen no doubt to make you look "tough on terror"; you have turned your back on those of us that believed you to be different. Even only as an attempt to deflect republican accusations of your inability to defend this country, even just as a means to get into the White House so you can really do all the good you have been promising to this country; the support of this violation to the bill of rights is in no way justifiable as a means to an end. That is the logic of President Bush and it is not by any stretch of the imagination a change to the current politics of Washington. It is because of your FISA decision that I will not be making any further donations to your campaign nor will I be volunteering any more of my time. I write to you so that perhaps the next time you are faced with a slippery slope, you decide to make the right choice; the one that protects the rights of the citizens of this country and not the one that earns you a few political points. I will still be voting for you in November and although you have lost my enthusiasm, Mr. Obama, my hope remains.

Vote for a real progressive with a great voting record on the important issues: Cynthia McKinney

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] slightly different development

From the Christian Science Monitor:  "In what's believed to be the world's first transatlantic labor union, the United Steelworkers and Britain's Unite announced plans to join forces Wednesday. The new entity, to be called Workers Uniting, will have a combined membership of 3 million, the BBC reported. Leaders of both groups called it an inevitable response to the globalization of business and said it would allow for synchronized contract negotiations with multinational companies."

The unions are starting to catch onto what the Wobblies were saying a century ago.  It's hard to see how this will have much impact - steel production has largely shifted to places like South Korea.  What's needed is international solidarity with labor in developing nations.  The AFL/CIO has a shameful history of collaborating with "action arm of american capitalism", the CIA, destroying labor unions in Latin America.  It's time for them to acknowledge that history (a little truth and reconciliation would be great here here) and do something about it.

But maybe this is a start.... the trouble is that the masses are about a century behind the owners.  They worship people like Bill Gates now "yeeee hah, look at that mansion that lil geek lives in?  aint that sumpin?  well, he deserves it, he invented that electric computer, ya know!"  A century from now people see things more clearly, and they will put him with J P Morgan and the rest of the pirate kings.

By then, of course, there will be new pirates for them to worship.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] I hate it when Canadians act all wimpy and stuff

Some small satisfaction in responding to some really awful "journalism":

Iraq Oil Bid - Panel

What role foreign investment should play in developing Iraq's oil resources is a question that splits opinions, and Sabah Jawad and Thomas Basile joined Margaret Evans to discuss it.

Sabah Jawad is an Iraqi and is the spokesperson for Naftana. It's a support committee for the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions. He joined us from London.

Thomas Basile is a communication's consultant and media commentator. He was senior press advisor for Paul Bremmer's Coalition Provisional Authority that governed Iraq after the 2003 invasion. He joined us from New York.

[notice how they don't mention that the liar is still on Bush's payroll:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/basile-bio.html . they only mention his past disservice.]

Here's the note I fired off to them:

It's more than a little nauseating to hear propagandists and liars like Thomas Basile - I would have liked to hear what  Sabah Jawad had to say, uninterrupted, rather than the stupid fairy tales I left the US to escape.

If I wanted that approach to balance - 50% for the facts, 50% for the lies, but particularly give the guy telling the truth a hard time, and a free pass to the liar - I'd listen to the US media. 

more truth, please.  talk to these guys:

Weekend Edition
June 28 / 29, 2008

Oil Giants Get Ready to Return to Iraq
It Was Oil, All Along


Oh, no, they told us, Iraq isn't a war about oil. That's cynical and simplistic, they said. It's about terror and al Qaeda and toppling a dictator and spreading democracy and protecting ourselves from weapons of mass destruction. But one by one, these concocted rationales went up in smoke, fire, and ashes. And now the bottom line turns out to be....the bottom line. It is about oil.

Alan Greenspan said so last fall. The former chairman of the Federal Reserve, safely out of office, confessed in his memoir,

    "...Everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil." He elaborated in an interview with the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, "If Saddam Hussein had been head of Iraq and there was no oil under those sands, our response to him would not have been as strong as it was in the first gulf war."

Remember, also, that soon after the invasion, Donald Rumsfeld's deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, told the press that war was our only strategic choice. "...We had virtually no economic options with Iraq," he explained, "because the country floats on a sea of oil."
Shades of Daniel Plainview, the monstrous petroleum tycoon in the movie There Will Be Blood. Half-mad, he exclaims, "There's a whole ocean of oil under our feet!" then adds, "No one can get at it except for me!"

No wonder American troops only guarded the Ministries of Oil and the Interior in Baghdad, even as looters pillaged museums of their priceless antiquities. They were making sure no one could get at the oil except... guess who?

Here's a recent headline in The New York Times: "Deals with Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back." Read on: "Four western companies are in the final stages of negotiations this month on contracts that will return them to Iraq, 36 years after losing their oil concession to nationalization as Saddam Hussein rose to power."

There you have it. After a long exile, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP are back in Iraq. And on the wings of no-bid contracts - that's right, sweetheart deals like those given Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater. The kind of deals you get only if you have friends in high places. And these war profiteers have friends in very high places.

Let's go back a few years to the 1990's, when private citizen Dick Cheney was running Halliburton, the big energy supplier. That's when he told the oil industry that, "By 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day. So where is the oil going to come from? While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Fast forward to Cheney's first heady days in the White House. The oil industry and other energy conglomerates have been headed backdoor keys to the White House, and their CEO's and lobbyists were trooping in and out for meetings with their old opal, now Vice President Cheney. The meetings are secret, conducted under tight security, but as we reported five years ago, among the documents that turned up from some of those meetings were maps of oil fields in Iraq - and a list of companies who wanted access to them.

The conservative group Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club filed suit to try to find out who attended the meetings and what was discussed, but the White House fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep the press and public from learning the whole truth.

Think about it. These secret meetings took place six months before 9/11, two years before Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq. We still don't know what they were about. What we know is that this is the oil industry that's enjoying swollen profits these days. It would be laughable if it weren't so painful to remember that their erstwhile cheerleader for invading Iraq - the press mogul Rupert Murdoch - once said that a successful war there would bring us $20 a barrel of oil. The last time we looked, it was more than $140 a barrel. Where are you, Rupert, when the facts need checking and the predictions are revisited?

At a congressional hearing this week, James Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who exactly twenty years ago alerted Congress and the world to the dangers of global warming, compared the chief executives of Big Oil to the tobacco moguls who denied that nicotine is addictive or that there's a link between smoking and cancer. Hansen, who the administration has tried again and again to silence, said these barons of black gold should be tried for committing crimes against humanity and nature in opposing efforts to deal with global warming.

Perhaps those sweetheart deals in Iraq should be added to his proposed indictments. They have been purchased at a very high price. Four thousand American soldiers dead, tens of thousands permanently wounded for life, hundreds of thousands of dead and crippled Iraqis plus five million displaced, and a cost that will mount into trillions of dollars. The political analyst Kevin Phillips says America has become little more than an "energy protection force," doing anything to gain access to expensive fuel without regard to the lives of others or the earth itself. One thinks again of Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood. His lust for oil came at the price of his son and his soul

Bill Moyers is managing editor and Michael Winship is senior writer of the weekly public affairs program Bill Moyers Journal, which airs Friday night on PBS. Check local airtimes or comment at The Moyers Blog at www.pbs.org/moyers.


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Monday, June 30, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Plan 9 From Outer Space - 30 Years Later (comic book)

I was googling "plan 9 from outer space:  30 years later" - nobody wanted to talk about the comic books, only sell them.  I found one entertaining thing. Man I was a funny guy back in 2003. 

Wha happened?


I wrote

yawn_lemming sent "Tor's tribute to our Pater of Woodism - to the tune of
"The Ballad of John and Yoko."

It's uncanny. Ed Wood spoke of 9 plans from outer space. John Lennon spoke
of 9 revolutions. To me, both are epistles in a living faith. Covers of
Revolution #9 continue to be recorded by artists such as:

The Shazam
Kurt Hoffman's Band of Weeds
The Durham Ox Singers

Plan Nine has inspired a number of sequels. Notable among them:

Plan 10 From Outer Space
Shakespeare's Plan 12 From Outer Space
Plan 19 From Outer Space
Plan 69 From Outer Space
Plan 9 From Outer Space - 30 Years Later (comic book)

But does our pope view these as canonical, or aprocophal, as early
Christian church leaders found the Gospel of Thomas (for example). Plan 69
is obviously blasphemous, but how about a papal bull on the others?

Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:43 am

"Matt Love" <mattlove1@...>
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: so that's why I heard them interview you on the CBC - You're Canadian content!

To Subject Date
so that's why I heard them interview you on the CBC - You're Canadian content!
so that's why I heard them interview you on the CBC - You're Canadian content!

Man, you speak for us all. I was taking care of my elderly parents, so my wife had to make the move to Edmonton alone. My mother died, and my dad could no longer stay at home, so I've joined her here, but I found out that she bought an electric lawnmower when I wasn't here.

It really sucks. All the guys in the neighborhood with their gas lawnmowers look at me with a superior look, the thing is so underpowered it takes twice the normal amount of time to putter around our small yard. But the worst thing about it is dragging the cord all over the lawn, having to make sure I'm not gonna run over it...

A lawnmower got to be free, untethered, you know what I mean? But I can't buy another one, my wife might notice, and she's crowing about how much we're doing for the environment.

If I could just hear you you rappin, "every time that cord catches on a cobblestone, muthafukka, and the goddam thing gets unplugged and I gotta bend over and plug the damn thing in again muthafukka - I'm - get - ting - close - to - the - edge..." I could die a happy man.

thanks in advance,


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