I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [somewheredowntheroadwithrickreed] Re: The Real Face OF The Occupation's Surge

On Nov 24, 2007 6:22 PM, maybeyoureright2008 <maybeyoureright2008@yahoo.com> wrote:
> i dont get it --- In
> somewheredowntheroadwithrickreed@yahoogroups.com, "matt love"

I'll try to explain again. I was saying bring the troops home, bring their behavior home with them. Maybe it isn't news here in the when US Airforce pilots get involved in a little harmless horseplay and kill a dozen Italian civilians. Not even worth reporting. But it did happen even if it isn't news here, and the Italians didn't like it very much when the US military found that the US military men had done nothing wrong in this case.

I am sure it isn't news in the US when US servicemen rape a school girl on Okanowa - but they certainly hear about it in Japan.

It may not be news here in the US when US servicemen commit crimes in Iraq, but the Iraqis know what's being done to them.

If those 737 bases on foreign soil are closed and the military is brought home to the US, it won't be Iraqis they are torturing and killing any more - it will be REAL people - you, your relatives, or your neighbors. Of course, you may hate your neighbors.  MIght even be tempted to turn them in (that's how a lot of people ended up in Gitmo - somebody with a grudge collected a bounty). 

Read the following closely.  This is isn't just the story of somebody 1/2 way around the world. This is your story. Maybe not today.  Maybe not tomorrow.  Maybe not the day after tomorrow.  But it's coming to a neighborhood near you.


Manadel al-Jamadi is well-known to much of the world. What a lot of people don't realize is that this was a man who was a father, a husband, and a good Muslim. He wasn't just the 'photo of the corpse of the Abu Ghraib scandal'.  Imagine if he were your father/brother/uncle/son. 

I've also posted related links below the photograph.  I couldn't write anything up that's better than the article below entitled "The Crucifixion of Manadel al-Jamadi." 

Manadel al-Jamadi's widow and son, whose names have,been withheld, hold a photograph of convicted Abu Ghraib torturer Sabrina Harman,smiling over his frozen corpse.,al-Jamadi had been tortured to death by U.S. personnel.
Manadel al-Jamadi's widow and son, whose names have
been withheld, hold a photograph of convicted Abu Ghraib torturer Sabrina Harman
smiling over his frozen corpse.
al-Jamadi had been tortured to death by U.S. personnel.

Released to the public domain by al-Jamadi's family. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
A Deadly Interrogation - a very good piece by the New Yorker Iraqi Died While Hung From Wrists - Common Dreams Tortured to death in Abu Ghraib prison - SW Manadel al-Jamadi - Wiki

The Crucifixion of Manadel al-Jamadi

From Tom Head,
Your Guide to Civil Liberties.
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Summary: Manadel al-Jamadi was tortured to death by U.S. personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison on November 4, 2003.
Arrest: At approximately 2am on November 4, 2003, Navy SEALs arrested Manadel al-Jamadi on the suspicion that he might have somehow been involved in the production of explosives later sold to terrorists. The evidence linking al-Jamadi to the crime is secret and may, in fact, not exist; according to the International Red Cross, 70 to 90 percent of Abu Ghraib prisoners were arrested without probable cause.
Ghost Prisoner: al-Jamadi was arrested as an enemy combatant. No records of his arrest were kept--like many detainees, he was a "ghost prisoner" who was to have disappeared without any official record of his status. The CIA officer who interrogated him did not feel obligated to observe the Geneva Conventions and, were it not for the release of Abu Ghraib photographs in 2004, would have most likely never disclosed the circumstances surrounding his death.
Initial Abuse: At the time of his arrest, al-Jamadi was restrained in plastic cuffs, nude from the waist down, with a bag over his head. At some point either during or immediately following the arrest but prior to his interrogation, he sustained a black eye, a laceration on his face, and six fractured ribs.
Palestinian Hanging: The CIA interrogator ordered that al-Jamadi be stripped, hooded, and hung from bars above his shoulders in the manner referred to as Palestinian hanging, which is a form of crucifixion. In this case, crucifixion was apparently used as a means of torture rather than a means of deliberate execution, but it had the latter effect.
Asphyxiation: After 45 minutes of hanging, al-Jamadi became non-responsive and the CIA interrogator, certain that al-Jamadi was faking unconsciousness, called for additional interrogators. Personnel who entered the room lifted the hood and discovered that al-Jamadi had died.
Official Cause of Death: An autopsy revealed that al-Jamadi had died due to a combination of compromised respiration and blunt force trauma to the head and torso. Medical examiners were not, however, privy to the circumstances of al-Jamadi's death. After being briefed on the circumstances, later medical examiners reviewing the autopsy notes came to a more specific conclusion.
The Testimony of Dr. Stephen Baden: According to Dr. Stephen Baden, chief forensic pathologist for the New York State Police:
If his hands were pulled up five feet—that's to his neck. That's pretty tough. That would put a lot of tension on his rib muscles, which are needed for breathing. It's not only painful—it can hinder the diaphragm from going up and down, and the rib cage from expanding. The muscles tire, and the breathing function is impaired, so there's less oxygen entering the bloodstream ... (A)sphyxia is what he died from--as in a crucifixion.
Hiding the Body: CIA personnel destroyed evidence of wrongdoing, including the bloody hood al-Jamadi wore at the time of his death. An IV was attached to the corpse's arm and he was taken through the prison in view of other prisoners and personnel, who were told that he had suffered a heart attack and that they were attempting to save him. His body was later frozen in a shower room for several days, during which time other Abu Ghraib personnel posed with his corpse.

Eight Navy SEALs involved in al-Jamadi's capture were issued letters of reprimand that essentially ended their military careers, but were acquitted on criminal charges when medical expert testimony determined that it was the interrogator who was responsible for al-Jamadi's death.

NOTE: I've taken the liberty of linking Graner and Harman to their wiki pages, and I've added links to stories about their convictions.

The Abu Ghraib personnel who posed with his corpse, Charles Graner and Sabrina Harman, were later convicted on other charges and sentenced to prison time.
CNN.com - Graner sentenced to 10 years - Jan 16, 2005
Abu Ghraib Sentence: Six Months, Sabrina Harman Was Convicted

The CIA interrogator, who had presumably acted under orders, was never charged.


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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: One Finger Salute

Once upon a time, farmers and mountain men hid behind rocks and trees and ambushed British soldiers.  When I was in school, our texts and teachers that sort of asymetrical warfare.  Yet the British had every reason to believe they owned the colonies, because in fact they did. 

Now when Iraqis try to reclaim their country, it seems that people in the US believe that they own Iraq.  But they don't, and giving the finger to the people that live there and are trying to take it back

The Iraqis own their country, they own their oil, and while the US can attempt to steal it, and have shown the willingness and the arrogance to destroy one of the oldest civilizations in the world (and don't barbarians always bring down civilizations, just as a retarded chimp is destroying the fledgelings American civilization), they won't be successful.  Iraq will be for the US what Afghanistan was for the Soviet Union.  Afghanistan will be for the US what it was for the Soviet Union.

The Taliban is now in control of half of Afghanistan.  The US made them what they are today by arming them against the Soviets, and it's determined to do the same for Al Quiada, and it's making excellent progress on that front.

The US is giving the finger of defiance to a world that it has inflamed against it. 

"Bring it on" said Dubya, and they did.  The US dollar is falling through the floor. The peso of the north is worth more than the US dollar.

While people are distracted by individual acts of contumacy by people in Dubyas sideshow, read what this Reagan Administration conservative has to say about the real situation:

November 7, 2007

Supermodel Spurns the Dollar

Dollar's Fall Collapses the American Empire; Bring Those 737 Overseas Military Bases Home!


The US dollar is still officially the world's reserve currency, but it cannot purchase the services of Brazilian super model Gisele Bundchen. Gisele required the $30 million she earned during the first half of this year to be paid in euros.

Gisele is not alone in her forecast of the dollar's fate. The First Post (UK) reports that Jim Rogers, a former partner of billionaire George Soros, is selling his home and all possessions in order to convert all his wealth into Chinese yuan.

Meanwhile, American economists continue to preach that offshoring is good for the US economy and that Bush's war spending is keeping the economy going. The practitioners of supply and demand have yet to figure out that the dollar's supply is sinking the dollar's price and along with it American power.

The macho super patriots who support the Bush regime still haven't caught on that US superpower status rests on the dollar being the reserve currency, not on a military unable to occupy Baghdad. If the dollar were not the world currency, the US would have to earn enough foreign currencies to pay for its 737 oversees bases, an impossibility considering America's $800 billion trade deficit.

When the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency, foreigners will cease to finance the US trade and budget deficits, and the American Empire along with its wars will disappear overnight. Perhaps Bush will be able to get a World Bank loan, or maybe one from the "Chavez bank," to bring the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Foreign leaders, observing that offshoring and war are accelerating America's relative economic decline, no longer treat the US with the deference to which Washington is accustomed. Ecuador's president, Rafael Correa, recently refused Washington's demand to renew the lease on the Manta air base in Ecuador. He told Washington that the US could have a base in Ecuador if Ecuador could have a military base in the US.

When Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez addressed the UN, he crossed himself as he stood at the podium. Referring to President Bush, Chavez said, "Yesterday the devil came here, and it smells of sulfur still today." Bush, said Chavez, was standing "right here, talking as if he owned the world."

In his state of the nation message last year, Russian president Vladimir Putin said that Bush's blathering about democracy was nothing but a cloak for the pursuit of American self-interests at the expense of other peoples. "We are aware what is going on in the world. Comrade wolf knows whom to eat, and he eats without listening, and he's clearly not going to listen to anyone." In May 2007, Putin criticized the neocon regime in Washington for "disrespect for human life" and "claims to global exclusiveness, just as it was in the time of the Third Reich."

Even America's British allies regard President Bush as a threat to world peace and the second most dangerous man alive. Bush is edged out in polls by Osama bin Laden, but is regarded as more dangerous than Iran's demonized president and North Korea's Kim Jong-il.

President Bush has achieved his dismal world standing despite spending $1.6 billion of hard-pressed Americans' tax money on public relations between 2003 and 2006.

Clearly, America's leader and America's currency are poorly regarded. Is there a solution?

Perhaps the answer lies in those 737 overseas bases. If those bases were brought home and shared among the 50 states, each state would gain 15 new military bases.
Imagine what this would mean: The end of the housing slump. A reduction in the trade deficit.

And the end of the war on terror.

Who would dare attack a country with 15 new military bases in every state in addition to the existing ones? Wherever a terrorist turned, he would find himself surrounded by soldiers.

All of the dollars currently spent abroad to support 737 overseas bases would be spent at home. Income for foreigners would become income for Americans, and the trade deficit would shrink.
The impact of the 737 military base payrolls on the US economy would end the housing crisis and bring back the 140,000 highly paid financial services jobs, the loss of which this year has cost the US $42 billion in consumer income. Foreclosures and bankruptcies would plummet.

If this isn't enough to turn the dollar around, President Bush's pledge not to appoint an Attorney General if Michael Mukasey is not confirmed offers more promise. If the Democrats will defeat Mukasey's nomination, there are other superfluous cabinet departments that can be closed down in addition to the US Department of Torture and Indefinite Detention.

The American empire is being unwound on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. The year is two months from being over, but already in 2007, despite the touted "surge," deaths of US soldiers are the highest of any year of the war.

The Taliban are the ones who are surging. They have taken control of a third district in Western Afghanistan. Turkey and the Kurds are on the verge of turning northern Iraq into a new war zone, another demonstration of American impotence.

Bush's wars have endangered America's puppet regimes. Bush's Pakistani puppet, Musharraf, is fighting for his life. By resorting to "emergency rule" and oppressive measures, Musharraf has intensified his opposition. When Musharraf falls, thanks to Bush, the Islamists will have nukes.

American generals used to say that the wars Bush started in the Middle East would take 10 years to win. On Oct. 31 General John Abizaid, former commander of US forces in the Middle East, put paid to that optimistic forecast. Speaking at Carnegie Mellon University, Gen. Abizaid said it would be 50 years before US troops can leave the Middle East.

There is no possibility of the US remaining in the Middle East for a half century. The dollar and US power are already on their last legs, unbeknownst to Democratic leaders Pelosi and Reid who are preparing yet another blank check for Bush's latest request for $200 billion in supplementary war funding.

There isn't any money with which to fund Bush's lost war. It will have to be borrowed from China.

The Romans brought on their own demise, but it took them centuries. Bush has finished America in a mere 7 years.

Even as Gisele throws off the dollar's hegemony, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Columbia are declaring independence of the IMF and World Bank, instruments of US financial hegemony, by creating their own development bank, thus bringing to an end US suzerainty over South America.

An empire that has lost its backyard is finished.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com

On Nov 23, 2007 1:29 PM, Rick REED RxR < arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
One Finger Salute
AWESOME!!!  Read below pic before making judgment on "The Finger" gesture and you'll understand...


Leading the fight is USMC Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt, known as "Iron Mike" or just "Gunny". He is on his third tour in Iraq. He had become a legend in the bomb disposal world after winning the Bronze Star for disabling 64 IEDs and destroying 1,548 pieces of ordnance during his second tour. Then, on September 19, 2007 he got blown up. He had arrived at a chaotic scene after a bomb had killed four US soldiers. He chose not to wear the bulky bomb protection suit. "You can't react to any sniper fire and you get tunnel-vision," he explains. So, protected by just a helmet and standard-issue flak jacket, he began what bomb disposal officers term "the longest walk", stepping gingerly into a 5ft deep and 8ft wide crater.

The earth shifted slightly and he saw a Senao base station with a wire leading from it. He cut the wire and used his 7in knife to probe the ground. "I found a piece of red detonating cord between my legs," he says. "That's when I knew I was screwed."

Realizing he had been sucked into a trap, Sgt Burghardt, 35, yelled at everyone to stay back. At that moment, an insurgent, probably watching through binoculars, pressed a button on his mobile phone to detonate the secondary device below the sergeant's feet "A chill went up the back of my neck and then the bomb exploded," he recalls. "As I was in the air I remember thinking, 'I don't believe they got me.' I was just ticked off they were able to do it. Then I was lying on the road, not able to feel anything from the waist down."

His colleagues cut off his trousers to see how badly he was hurt. None could believe his legs were still there. "My dad's a Vietnam vet who's paralyzed from the waist down," says Sgt. Burghardt. "I was lying there thinking I didn't want to be in a wheelchair next to my dad and for him to see me like that. They started to cut away my pants and I felt a real sharp pain and blood trickling down. Then I wiggled my toes and I thought, 'Good, I'm in business.' "As a stretcher was brought over, adrenaline and anger kicked in. "I decided to walk to the helicopter. I wasn't going to let my team-mates see me being carried away on a stretcher." He stood and gave the insurgents who had blown him up a one-fingered salute. "I flipped them one. It was like, 'OK, I lost that round but I'll be back next week' ."

Copies of a photograph depicting his defiance, taken by Jeff Bundy for the Omaha World-Herald, adorn the walls of homes across America and that of Col. John Gronski, the brigade commander in Ramadi, who has hailed the image as an exemplar of the warrior spirit. Sgt. Burghardt's injuries - burns and wounds to his legs and buttocks - kept him off duty for nearly a month and could have earned him a ticket home. But, like his father - who was awarded a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts for being wounded in action in Vietnam - he stayed in Ramadi to engage in the battle against insurgents who are forever coming up with more ingenious ways of killing Americans.

Are you proud enough to send this on ?

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Friday, November 23, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Angelina gave up kinky sex for Brad

Said the headline I saw the other day. Brad of course is disappointed, the only reason to marry a dirtbag ho like Angelina Jolie is for the kinky sex.

In the mean time, in some news you won't be reading about on Fox or CNN, I heard an interview on the CBC of an Iraqi woman who had been imprisoned and tortured by Saddam who was giving the real lowdown - things are much worse for Iraqi women under the occupation than they were under Saddam, facts I've been pointing out for years now, to deaf ears, as usual.

I hardly had time to read the following I was so busy wondering what Britney Spears is doing.  But I'm not worried because I know that only sexual offenders are homeless, and only guilty people are in prison, and prefessional wresting is real, Roy....

November 23, 2007

The Ordeal of Adel Abdul Hakim

Former Guantánamo Detainee Seeks Asylum in Sweden


On Tuesday November 20, Adel Abdul Hakim, a former Guantánamo detainee from Xinjiang province in the People's Republic of China, took another step towards reconstructing his shattered life by applying for asylum in Sweden.

The 33-year old, an ethnic Uyghur from a state where the repression of his people is widespread, made his claim for permanent resident status during a visit from Tirana, the capital of Albania, where he had been living, in a UN refugee camp, since his release from Guantánamo with four other Uyghurs in May 2006. After negotiations conducted by his US lawyers, various NGOs and lawyers in Sweden, he had been granted a four-day visa, to attend a human rights conference, and, finally, to be reunited with his sister and her family, who are part of a large Uyghur community in Sweden, one of the leading countries in the world in fulfilling international obligations to accept refugees.

The five men -- and 13 of the other 17 Uyghurs, who are all still in Guantánamo, despite having been cleared for release -- had fled the well-chronicled oppression in their homeland, and were living in a ruined village in Afghanistan's Tora Bora mountains, when the US-led invasion of Afghanistan began in October 2001. Although they indulged in nothing more sinister than renovating the settlement's ruined buildings, and occasionally firing a bullet from their only weapon, an aging AK-47, while dreaming of rising up against their oppressors, they were targeted in a US bombing raid (in which several of their companions died) and were then captured by enterprising Pakistani villagers after making their way to the Pakistani border.

They were subsequently sold to the Americans, who soon realized that they were not involved with al-Qaeda, but who decided to hold them for their supposed intelligence value. In The Interrogator's War, a book written by a former military interrogator at the US-run prisons in Afghanistan, the author, writing under the pseudonym of Chris Mackey, explained that the arrival of the Uyghurs triggered a frenzy of activity in the upper echelons of the administration. "[T]he requests for follow-up questions flooded in from Washington," Mackey wrote, "and every query that came in made it clear that US intelligence was starting from practically zero with this group."

After their transfer to Guantánamo, the US authorities obligingly allowed Chinese intelligence operatives to visit the prison to question the men, which was, understandably, an experience that some of them found disturbing. Dawut Abdurehim, one of those still held at Guantánamo, said after the visit that he was vaguely threatened, but reported that "some other Uyghurs had conversations with bad, dirty language," in which they were told by the Chinese delegation that, "when we go back to the country, we'd be killed or sentenced to prison for a long time." It later became clear that the US administration's cooperation with the Chinese authorities, which included branding the Uyghur separatist movement (the East Turkistan Islamic Movement) as a terrorist organization, was intimately tied to securing China's support -- or lack of opposition -- to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

Despite this arrangement, it was the very real threat that the men would be tortured or even killed if they were returned to China that led to the US administration seeking out a third country that would accept the men after they had been cleared of all wrong-doing in the tribunals at Guantánamo -- the Combatant Status Review Tribunals -- which were established to determine whether, on capture, they had been correctly designated as "enemy combatants." Despite the US administration's best efforts at cajoling or bribing other countries to accept the men, however, Albania -- a Muslim country, but one of the poorest states in Europe -- was the only country that could be prevailed upon to accept them.

Although Adel and his companions found their new life in Albania frustrating, as there are no other Uyghur speakers and there was also no prospect of work, they were fortunate to have been cleared and released. Their 13 companions not only remain in Guantánamo, but some were also subjected to multiple tribunals, as the administration revealed another facet of Guantánamo's prevailing injustice by reconvening tribunals when they produced what was regarded as the wrong result.

For Adel, at least, the opportunity to rebuild his life in earnest is now a possibility. It is, for the moment, the one bright light in the stories not only of the Uyghurs, but of all the other dispossessed men, captured and imprisoned through chronic failures of intelligence, many of whom are, sadly, still languishing in Guantánamo. It remains to be seen whether this development will open a new avenue for the release of some of the other innocent men (as many as 70, according to some estimates), who are also fearful of returning to their home countries, and whose continued presence in Guantánamo provides a major obstacle to the administration's stated plans to wind down much of the prison's operation.

[Note: I am immensely grateful to Sabin Willett, one of Adel's lawyers, for informing me about his visit to Sweden].

Andy Worthington is a British historian, and the author of 'The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prison' (to be published by Pluto Press in October 2007). Visit his website at: www.andyworthington.co.uk

He can be reached at: andy@andyworthington.co.uk

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] The Three Little Pigs For Real



This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is. They think so logically.

A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home. She read ... 'and so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said: 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'

The teacher paused then asked the class:

'And what do you think the man said?'

One little boy raised his hand and said very matter-of-factly ...'I think the man would have said - 'Well, f*ck me!! A talking pig!'

The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: kamakam 84% of women think their Lover'sPenis is too SMALL. So order now! mcogrw

Hey Nilda,

I wondered if you were actually right about that statistic. I don't have access to fancy poll data, but I used my well known "Scary Index (tm)" method to check this out. I googled the following phrases, and got these many hits:

Penis + "too small" = 358,000
Penis + "
too big" = 421,000

I think it's pretty clear that too big penises are a bigger problem than too small penises. Of course, probably 50,000 of the "too big" hits were talking about me!

Listen to my song "Don't Tase Me, Bro" (at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=187657&content=music ) and I think you'll know what I'm talking about!

On Nov 20, 2007 1:37 PM, Nilda Magdalene <udd0zousn@digitalriver.com > wrote:

IncreasePenisSize up-to 3 Inches
Increaase SexDrive and Pleasure
Achieve Rock HardErections

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Did you get my invite?

Hey Marvin,

I did get your invite. I keep trying to tell you, I'm already on tubely.com.

I couldn't find your account so I could add you as a friend, so I did a search on "Marvin" and invited every one of the to me my friend, I figure one of them must be you. 

In case you didn't get it, this is the message I sent them/you:

I don't have any friends named Marvin yet, though I have written a song called "Marvins For You."   

Check it out at:


let me know if I captured what it means to be a Marvin, and become my friend, please!

Here are the Marvins I wrote to. Let me know if one of them is you!

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marvin neemann <invite@tubely.com>
Date: Nov 20, 2007 7:24 AM
Subject: Did you get my invite?
To: na < matt.mattlove1@gmail.com>


Please join me

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