I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [OregonDems_etc] Thompson gives no opinion on Schiavo, can't remember details of the case

He has a political memory that doesn't go back two years.  "Back in history," he said.  That makes him a pretty good representation of the American people, who forgot Nixon,and elected Reagan, forgot Reagan and Bush and elected Bush II. Well, Bush II was selected, not elected, but I'll bet not one in 20 Americans remembers or cares about that!

On 9/14/07, S. McCabe <blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com> wrote:

  Thompson gives no opinion on Schiavo
By BRENDAN FARRINGTON, Associated Press Writer 26 minutes ago
     THE VILLAGES, Fla. - Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson gave no opinion Thursday when asked about efforts by President Bush and Congress to keep Terri Schiavo alive, saying he does not remember details of the right-to-die case that stirred national debate.         Thompson was asked in an interview for Bay News 9's "Political Connections" program whether he thought Congress' intervention to save the life of the brain-damaged woman two years ago was appropriate.
     "I can't pass judgment on it. I know that good people were doing what they thought was best," Thompson said. "That's going back in history. I don't remember the details of it."
Congress passed a bill after Schiavo's feeding tube was removed in March 2005 to allow a federal court to review the case, and Bush returned from his Texas ranch to sign the bill into law. But a federal judge refused to order the tube reinserted, a decision upheld by a federal appeals court and the Supreme Court.  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070914/ap_po/thompson_florida;_ylt=ApYGGHaXx8ghWLBcu9pSeuOs0NUE

I just can't take any more!!!, Stevo  

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [iChat] Robert Kennedy Jr. speech from ALA Annual

An interesting and hopeful analysis.  However, I'm not totally persuaded. My brother is a dittohead.  He's always had a screw loose, I think something in him wants to be mislead.  He takes to lies the way an alcoholic takes to drink.  I think people have innate predispositions towards being members of the reality-based community, or the faith-based community.

In the age of Bush, it's difficult to attach much value to "good information." For those of us that saw through the lies from the very beginning, and had so much difficulty in the early days communicating it to anybody, and now being members of the majority, and realizing that said information is still entirely irrelevant... well, you know.

On 9/13/07, Bo Kinney <bkinney@u.washington.edu > wrote:
Here is a link to a transcript from RFK Jr.'s timely speech at ALA
Annual, on the function of information in political manipulation.

(Click on the "captioned text" link and skip the 14 pages of introduction.)

My favorite part:

"Americans today, we're the best entertained and the
least informed people on the face of the earth.  And that's
a real problem in a democracy because you cannot have a
democracy very long without an informed public. [Applause.]
I tell you, I do about 30 to 40 speeches a year in red
states to Republican audiences and I get the same reaction,the same
indignation and anger from Republican audiences
when I tell them...about what the
Administration is doing that I do from a liberal college
kids. The only difference is that the Republicans come up
to me afterwards and say, 'How come I never heard this
before?' I say, 'Because you're getting your news from
Rush Limbaugh and from Sean Hannity from Fox News.' I came
to the conclusion many years ago...that 80% of Republicans are just
Democrats who don't know what's going on."

He goes on to quote a recent study conducted by the University of Maryland:

"They surveyed Americans based upon their party
affiliation and their knowledge of current event, and what
they found was that there was a huge information deficit
among people who said that they voted Republican.
For example, 70% of the people who said they were going
to vote for George Bush ­­ or voted for George Bush ­­ said
that they believe that Saddam Hussein had bombed the World
Trade Center.  70 percent believed that weapons of mass
destruction had been found in Iraq.  65 percent said they
believed the American invasion of Iraq was
strongly supported on the Muslim street and their
neighbors, which of course is wrong.  64 percent said that
they believe that President Bush strongly supported the
Kyoto protocol and strong labor and environmental standards
in our international treaties...
They went back...to find out what people's
basic values were. They did that by posing a series of
hypotheticals.  They said, for example, what if there were
no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?  What if Saddam
Hussein had nothing to do with bombing the World Trade
Center?  What if the American invasion was largely opposed
on the Muslim street and among our traditional allies in
Europe, should we still have gone in?  84 percent of
Democrats and 84% of Republicans said the same thing:  We
should not.  So the values were identical.  It was only the
information that made the difference. That's why it's so
critical for us to have good information in a democracy."

Of course, not everyone--in the media or in this program--draws as clear
  a connection between the related concepts of "information" and "being
informed" as Kennedy does. But this is worth thinking about, I suppose,
if you believe that "information professionals" have a worthwhile role
to play in our society.

Bo Kinney
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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [OregonDems_etc] Two of Seven Soldiers Who Wrote 'NYT' Op-Ed Die in Iraq

2 down, 5 more to go, huh?

"Mora, 28, hailed from Texas City, Texas, and was a native of Ecuador, who had just become a U.S. citizen."

Does anybody have any figures on how many members of the military in Iraq are actually from other countries, who joined the US military to get their citizenship?  I get the impression that it's a large presence. The deprivations people experience in other countries within the US sphere of influence is probably a big factor in the ability of the US military to keep putting people in the field.

Whenever I see a recently killed US service person profiled on tv, they are some corn-fed kid from Ohio who was the caption of his football team, etc etc.  They are never hispanic or black.  What's up with that?

On 9/13/07, Kathy Leonard-Bushman < sassykathy464@gmail.com> wrote:

Two of Seven Soldiers Who Wrote 'NYT' Op-Ed Die in Iraq

By Greg Mitchell


Published: September 12, 2007 7:25 AM ET

NEW YORK The Op-Ed by seven active duty U.S. soldiers in Iraq questioning the war drew international attention just three weeks ago. Now two of the seven are dead.

Sgt. Omar Mora and Sgt. Yance T. Gray died Monday in a vehicle accident in western Baghdad, two of seven U.S. troops killed in the incident which was reported just as Gen. David Petraeus was about to report to Congress on progress in the "surge." The names have just been released.

Gen. Petraeus was questioned about the message of the op-ed in testimony before a Senate committee yesterday.

The controversial Times column on Aug. 19 was called "The War As We Saw It," and expressed skepticism about American gains in Iraq. "To believe that Americans, with an occupying force that long ago outlived its reluctant welcome, can win over a recalcitrant local population and win this counterinsurgency is far-fetched," the group wrote.

It closed: "We need not talk about our morale. As committed soldiers, we will see this mission through."

Mora, 28, hailed from Texas City, Texas, and was a native of Ecuador, who had just become a U.S. citizen. He was due to leave Iraq in November and leaves behind a wife and daughter. Gray, 26, had lived in Ismay, Montana, and is also survived by a wife and infant daughter.

The accident in Iraq occurred when a cargo truck the men were riding in overturned.

The Daily News in Galveston interviewed Mora's mother, who confirmed his death and that he was one of the co-authors of the Times piece. The article today relates: "Olga Capetillo said that by the time Mora submitted the editorial, he had grown increasingly depressed. 'I told him God is going to take care of him and take him home,' she said. 'But yesterday is the darkest day for me.'"

One of the other five authors of the Times piece, Staff Sergeant Jeremy Murphy, an Army Ranger and reconnaissance team leader, was shot in the head while the article was being written. He was expected to survive after being flown to a military hospital in the United States.

During the grilling of Gen. Petraeus on Tuesday, Sen. Barbara Boxer read from the Op-Ed and Sen. Chuck Hagel said, "By the way, I assume you read The New York Times piece two weeks ago -- seven NCOs in Iraq, today, finishing up 15-month commitments. Are we going to dismiss those seven NCOs? Are they ignorant? They laid out a pretty different scenario, general, ambassador, from what you're laying out today."

Joe Strupp of E&P spoke with the fathers of the two deceased soldiers today and filed the following report.

Robert Capetillo never read the controversial column his son, Omar Mora, co-wrote with six other Iraq-based soldiers for The New York Times. But when he heard about it, he had only high praise.

"Everybody has a right to speak out," Capetillo told E&P Wednesday, just two days after Mora, an Army sergeant, and fellow column-writer Yance Gray, were killed in Baghdad. "We all have a right to speak out what we feel. There are personal feelings, that is a right here we all have."

Richard Gray, father of Yance Gray, offered similar views on his son's part in the column. "I thought it was well-written and there wasn't anything in it I disagreed with, with that situation over there," he said via phone from his Montana home. "He said once that they need to divide the country up into three different countries to make things work."

Capetillo, of Texas City, Tex., said Mora was one of three sons who he taught to speak their minds. He said he joined the Army in 2004 knowing he might be sent to Iraq to fight in the war.

"He was very supportive, that is why he went in," Capetillo said, adding that he was based at Fort Bragg, N.C. "He didn't know for sure, but these days, you know when you join you will probably go over."

Gray was not surprised when he heard about his son's involvement in the column. "He thought for himself. He wouldn't just go along. The military was something he wanted to do, but he would not follow something blindly. He was taught to think for himself."

He said his wife had last spoken to their son a week ago, and had also recently received an e-mail. "He didn't agree with all of the politics, but he would do his job and do his best," the elder Gray said. "He wasn't against what they were doing, but against some of the policies. You get a lot of people trying to do politics. If you are going to use the military, let the military do their jobs."

An Army veteran since he joined in 2000, Gray had also served in Afghanistan, his father said, noting he had re-enlisted for the second time just three months ago

"He was not in any way anti-military," Gray said. "But he wasn't somebody to follow along blindly."


Related:Deaths of Soldiers 'Brings It Home' For 'NYT' Editorial Page Editor

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] interesting...

...to hear Gen Petraeus saying that Iraq his no Nelson Mandela in the
wings. Interesting, because the US stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the
totalitarian government to do everything they could keep Mandela and
his peers from power.

Reagan called Mandela a communist and a terrorist. Reagan of course
was senile and insane, but it is a sad indictment that when a crazy or
incompetent person gets into office, they get their way just as a
responsible or sane person would.

People did try to set the record on Mandela straight. Then, as now, we
are told such people "hate America" and "want to help her enemies."

Sometimes you can praise people like Mandela for the work they did
when they were being called "terrorists." But you'd have to wait a
long time to hear a US general or politician laud Castro's good work
in saving Angola from US and South African aggression. It's a shame -
the heroic work the Cubans did should be widely known in this country
- as should the despicable actions of the US government. If people
knew the past, they'd be much more (and much sooner) skeptical about
getting into things like the Iraq war. Which is a pretty good reason
to keep them ignorant, I guess. Haliburton and Blackwater really need
that money.

I wonder if Samuel L Jackson will play Gen Petraeus in the movie, like
he plays Nick Fury in the Iron Man movie? While they are at it, I
think Robert Redford would make a good Nelson Mandela. He's a little
short, but perfect in every other way for the role.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

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[The_King_Of_Music] Fwd: In cyberspace everyone can hear you scream...

...Happy Birthday!

Today is mine, and all my best cyberfriends have come out to wish me a happy one: 
The Salt Lake Tribune, The i- Squad Administrator, The Galactic Senate, even Head-Fi: Covering Headph.

A few strangers tossed B-day wishes my way, too, like this Renz Gonzales character.  "Matty" - as if.  Nobody who knows me calls me that.  Except my wife, and she's special.

I say it loud, I say it proud:  Happy Birthday to me!

PS,  No, I think that would be horrible casting for Ishtar II, i was just trying to start some dialogue... it's a very nerdy, but does anybody want to play the game - who would be good in the roles?  Like, a young Rogers and Clarke (in the prequel "Ishtar 0.5"a).

Because we already know who should be in Ishtar II... Warren and Dustin, accept no substitute!


renz gonzales / Go Matty! It's yar BIRTHDAY! / 8:34 am

Birthdaytime. com / Today is Matt Love birthday! / 6:11 am

SoundClick Team / Happy Birthday, Matt / 2:56 am

Birthdaytime. com / Happy birthday Matt Love! / 1:05 am

Absolute Write Water Coo. / Happy Birthday from Absolute Write! / 12:01 am

The Salt Lake Tribune's . / Happy Birthday from The Salt Lake Tribune's TribTalk / 11:05 pm

i- Squad Administrator / Happy Birthday / 10:45 pm

The Galactic Senate / Happy Birthday from The Galactic Senate / 9:08 pm

Head-Fi: Covering Headph. /  Happy Birthday from Head / 9:01 pm

Happy Birthday / Happy Birthday from BirthdayAlarm! / Sep 9

Bowlie / Happy Birthday from Bowlie / Sep 9

Oddio Overplay (2) / [OddioOverplay] Birthdays / Sep 9

Composers Datebook / Composers Datebook for September 9, 2007 / Sep 8

Birthdaytime. com / Matt Love birthday / Sep 7

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[CanYoAssDigIt] In cyberspace everyone can hear you scream...

...Happy Birthday!

Today is mine, and all my best cyberfriends have come out to wish me a happy one: 
The Salt Lake Tribune, The i- Squad Administrator, The Galactic Senate, even Head-Fi: Covering Headph.

A few strangers tossed B-day wishes my way, too, like this Renz Gonzales character.  "Matty" - as if.  Nobody who knows me calls me that.  Except my wife, and she's special.

I say it loud, I say it proud:  Happy Birthday to me!

renz gonzales / Go Matty! It's yar BIRTHDAY! / 8:34 am

Birthdaytime. com / Today is Matt Love birthday! / 6:11 am

SoundClick Team / Happy Birthday, Matt / 2:56 am

Birthdaytime. com / Happy birthday Matt Love! / 1:05 am

Absolute Write Water Coo. / Happy Birthday from Absolute Write! / 12:01 am

The Salt Lake Tribune's . / Happy Birthday from The Salt Lake Tribune's TribTalk / 11:05 pm

i- Squad Administrator / Happy Birthday / 10:45 pm

The Galactic Senate / Happy Birthday from The Galactic Senate / 9:08 pm

Head-Fi: Covering Headph. /  Happy Birthday from Head / 9:01 pm

Happy Birthday / Happy Birthday from BirthdayAlarm! / Sep 9

Bowlie / Happy Birthday from Bowlie / Sep 9

Oddio Overplay (2) / [OddioOverplay] Birthdays / Sep 9

Composers Datebook / Composers Datebook for September 9, 2007 / Sep 8

Birthdaytime. com / Matt Love birthday / Sep 7

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