I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: [scorching_hot_female_celebrities] New Paparazzi Pics of Wild Pop Diva Britney Spears Showing a Nipple Seethrough and Her Plump Crotch

OK, so I'm faced with a choice here... do I track down these pics of Britney Spears, or do I write my representative in Congress and beg them to preserve the constitution?

Why was my life spared in that car accident so many years ago?

My course of action is clear.  FIND THE PICTURES!

December 12, 2007

Preventive Detention and the Constitution

It's Waco All Over Again


The US Supreme Court has taken up the issue whether the executive branch can detain people indefinitely merely by declaring them to be suspected terrorists or illegal enemy combatants. The case is a habeas corpus issue and, therefore, of the utmost importance. Without the protection of habeas corpus, government can lock away anyone on the basis of unsubstantiated charges as the Guantanamo detainees have been for nearly six years.

Reporting on the Court's deliberations about Odah v. US and Boumediene v. Bush, Tom Curry, a national affairs writer for MSNBC, reports that Justice Stephen Breyer suggested to US Solicitor General Paul Clement that the executive branch could indefinitely hold people such as those in Guantanamo prison if Congress were to pass "some special statute involving preventive detention and danger, which has not yet been enacted."

According to Curry, senators Dianne Feinstein and Arlen Specter regard a preventive detention statute as a possibility worth considering.

Pray that Curry has misunderstood Breyer. A different interpretation of Breyer's remarks is that the justice was telling Bush's solicitor general that in the absence of a preventive detention statute there is no legal basis for holding the detainees.

If there were such a statute, the case before the court would be its constitutionality.

Support for the latter interpretation comes from House Judiciary Committee member Jerrold Nadler (D,NY). Rep. Nadler thinks Breyer was merely "thinking out loud," not "floating an idea" and inviting Congress to pass an unconstitutional statute. Nadler believes that Breyer was telling Clement that as there is not even a preventive detention statute, the executive branch has no basis for holding the Gitmo detainees.

That Feinstein, Specter, Jon Kyl, and other US senators think it is "worth considering" for Congress to overturn habeas corpus, the greatest bulwark against tyranny, indicates how much the US constitutional tradition has been lost.
The importance of the case seems to be completely over the heads of the media, who appear to be looking for a technical solution that permits people accused without evidence to be held forever. The American press apparently believes that the US government can make no mistake or behave improperly and that the detainees, actually comprise, in Senator Kyl's words, "a danger to our troops."

It is a "danger" that the Bush regime has been unable to prove even with torture and secret evidence. Half of the detainees have had to be released. According to news reports, the regime has been able to create cases against only 14 of those remaining. After all the years of illegal detention, harsh treatment, and denial of access to attorneys, the Bush regime has come up with 14 cases, and they are probably fabricated.

Where is the rule of law when hundreds of people can have years stolen from their lives?

It is uncertain how the court will decide the case. Bush's solicitor general has told the justices that they should trust the executive branch to correctly balance "the interests of the prisoners" with the administration's ability to "prosecute the global war on terror."

In other words, it is Waco all over again. The executive branch runs roughshod over the US Constitution and then demands, "trust us," which means don't take away any of the illegitimate power that the executive branch has claimed and exercised or hold anyone accountable for abusing executive power.
Unfortunately for the future of liberty in America, a number of the Republican justices see the issue as one of the separation of powers. The Republican justices or most of them are, or were, members of the Federalist Society, an organization of Republican lawyers committed to increased power for the executive. These Republican justices will be inclined to decide the case in the interest of executive power.

The Federalist Society is a product of a past time when Republicans were said to have "a lock on the presidency" but could not get their agenda into law because the Democrats had a lock on Congress. Republican frustrations manifested themselves in attempts to heighten the president's powers so that a Republican agenda could prevail over a Democratic Congress. Like generals who fight the last war, the Federalist Society is stuck in its assault on the separation of powers in the interest of "energy in the executive."

Many Federalist Society members join for social reasons and for net-working, as the society provides the pool of attorneys for Republican appointments to the federal bench and for Department of Justice appointees. Many members mistakenly think that the society stands for "original intent," but as their real interest is career-driven, they don't pay much attention to the society's assault on the US Constitution.

Kings exercised the power to throw into dungeons people who offended them or whom they regarded as a threat. Once arrested, a person could be locked up forever without charges or evidence brought before a court. Habeas corpus was an English invention that provides quick release of a person unlawfully held by orders of the executive.

The Bush Regime has made the most determined assault the Anglo-American world has seen on the principle of habeas corpus. The previous assault was by Stuart kings who destroyed their rule by proclaiming the "divine right of kings."
Now Americans are faced with Bush/Cheney and the solicitor general of the US Department of Justice (sic), Paul Clement, proclaiming the divine right of President Bush and his Justice (sic) Department.

We must all pray that there are not enough Federalist Society members on the Supreme Court to uphold a Benthamite ruling of preventive detention.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was the Englishman who renewed the assault on liberty, which centuries of English reforms had created. Bentham believed that tyranny was no longer a problem, because people were empowered by democracy to control the government. He argued that any restraint placed on government's powers would limit the ability of government to do good. To protect citizens from crime, Bentham favored preventive arrest of everyone whose social class, bone structure or other chosen indicator suggested a proclivity toward crime. "The greatest good for the greatest number."

The Bush regime is comprised of modern day Benthamites. Their agenda is to overthrow the civil liberties that make law a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the state. As anyone can be declared a suspect, the weapons that Bush would use to fight "the global war on terror" would soon be turned on the American people. Without habeas corpus, there is no liberty.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com

On Dec 12, 2007 8:36 AM, Angela Jones <angelajonessparky@gmail.com> wrote:
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From: Mac Nathan <sundaycz@yahoo.com>
Date: Dec 12, 2007 6:49 AM
Subject: [scorching_hot_female_celebrities] New Paparazzi Pics of Wild Pop Diva Britney
Spears Showing a Nipple Seethrough and Her Plump Crotch
To: scorching_hot_female_celebrities@yahoogroups.com

See More Hot Paparazzi Pics of Pop Diva Britney Spears Nipple
Seethrough and Crotch and Other Celebrity Papparazzi Pics at
www.articlezines.com . ENJOY!!!

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] Dr. Not Guilty for Protecting Protestor

Who says that there is no progress in the US? It used to be that only
black people suffered from positional asphyxia. Remember how they
used to say that there was something peculiar about their necks that
made them stop breathing when they were beaten and thrown face down
into the back of squad cars with their hands cuffed behind their

Now the whole racist explanation has been set aside, and positional
asphyxia is for everybody.

On Dec 11, 2007 11:42 AM, <rita@rgpproductions.net> wrote:
> Doctor 'not guilty' for protecting anti-war protester
> Tuesday, December 11, 2007
> By: Dylan Wilkerson
> Jury finds providing health care is not a crime
> On Dec. 3, an Arbor Michigan jury found Dr. Catherine Wilkerson not guilty
> on both criminal counts she was facing. Dr. Wilkerson was charged with two
> counts of attempted obstruction/interference/assault of a police officer and
> a paramedic for assisting a victim of police brutality at a demonstration.
> It is a victory for protesters and their right to necessary medical
> assistance in the face of police violence.
> The phony charges stemmed from an incident on Nov. 30, 2006 at the Michigan
> League in Ann Arbor where several
> Dr. Catherine Wilkerson protesters where arrested for heckling Raymond
> Tanter. Tanter is a former national security advisor for Ronald Reagan and
> current Georgetown University faculty member who was speaking at the
> University of Michigan campus at an event organized by the American Movement
> for Israel, a right-wing Zionist organization.
> Tanter was there to discuss "regime change" in Iran. He not only advocates
> taking military action, but also using tactical nuclear weapons and depleted
> uranium against Iran.
> Several protesters were dragged from the event and arrested for heckling
> Tanter. One protester, Blane Coleman, was taken down forcefully by
> University of Michigan Department of Public Safety officers Mark West and
> Janet Conners. They pinned Mr. Coleman face down and held him to the floor,
> while handcuffing him behind his back. Coleman complained that he could not
> breathe and then he collapsed unconscious.
> Dr. Wilkerson identified herself as a physician and asked permission to
> examine Coleman. She was allowed to examine him as the group waited for
> Huron Valley Ambulance medics to arrive. Dr. Wilkerson was concerned that
> Coleman was at risk for a condition called positional asphyxia. Positional
> asphyxia occurs when people are handcuffed with their hands behind their
> back as weight is pressed on them, causing them to be unable to draw a full
> breath. Positional asphyxia has caused several recorded deaths.
> Upon HVA arrival, Dr. Wilkerson relinquished Coleman's care to HVA medics,
> but was forced to intervene a second time when one of the medics, Dean
> Lloyd, began using a series of ammonia inhalants on Coleman. Lloyd cupped
> his hands over Coleman's mouth and asked "You don't like that do you?" as
> Coleman retched and spit from the noxious fumes.
> At Dr. Wilkerson's trial, both officer Conners and Lloyd testified that they
> believed that Coleman was faking his medical emergency.
> Dr. Wilkerson denounced the behavior of the medics when the incident
> occurred: "Ammonia inhalants have no medical efficacy," she said. An Ann
> Arbor Police officer on the scene, Kevin Warner, removed Dr. Wilkerson
> forcefully, using a painful restraint technique on her arm and throwing her
> face-first into a wall. She was held for some time and then released.
> Dr. Wilkerson was never arrested at the scene. She was not charged with a
> crime until nearly two months later, one week after she filed a citizen
> complaint against Warner with the Ann Arbor Police.
> The trial was an obvious attempt to silence public criticism of police and
> paramedic behavior at the protest. Another woman, Dr. Kathryn Babayan, a
> University of Michigan history professor, testified that she was also
> charged with similar crimes after she filed a complaint against police due
> to the incident.
> The prosecutor in the case, Margaret Connors—who is making a bid to become a
> judge—attempted to prejudice the jury against Dr. Wilkerson throughout the
> proceedings by referencing her political views as evidence of her guilt.
> During her cross-examination of Dr. Wilkerson, Connors asked questions like,
> "Is it true that you list Ho Chi Min as one of your 'heroes' on your myspace
> page?" and "Did you say that you needed 'international solidarity' during
> your interview on KUCI radio?"
> These attempts appeared petty and irrelevant to court room observers. They
> did not have the intended affect on the jury.
> Despite a parade of police and paramedic witnesses called by the
> prosecution, Connors was unable to demonstrate any evidence that Dr.
> Wilkerson ever did anything during the incident other than verbally
> criticize police and paramedics for their treatment of Coleman.
> When asked pointedly during cross-examination, officer West testified that
> "verbally interfering with an arrest and criticizing police is not a crime."
> Another prosecution witness, Jeff Green, a University of Michigan student
> and building manager of the Michigan League who witnessed the event,
> testified that Coleman's treatment by DPS officers seemed "overly harsh."
> Several HVA medics testified that ammonia inhalants are no longer carried on
> HVA ambulances or used by HVA medics as a result of the incident.
> The defense presented several eye witnesses who testified on Dr. Wilkerson's
> behalf. Despite Connors attempts to discredit them as political fanatics,
> their testimony lent further credence to Dr. Wilkerson's account of the
> incident.
> The defense also called Dr. Bledsoe to the stand, one of the nation's
> leading experts on emergency medicine and paramedic training. Dr. Bledsoe
> testified that ammonia inhalants are potentially dangerous and have no real
> medical application.
> Additionally, Dr. William Wilkerson, the defendant's husband and a court
> recognized emergency medicine and paramedic expert, testified that ammonia
> inhalants are just plain bad medicine. He said that HVA did not follow their
> on-scene patient-doctor protocols with Dr. Wilkerson.
> There also was considerable political support for Dr. Wilkerson's case. More
> than 4,000 people signed an ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End
> Racism) national petition demanding that all charges be dropped.
> The trial was more than a victory for Dr. Wilkerson; it was a victory for
> free-speech and the rights of protesters. If Dr. Wilkerson had been
> convicted, it would have established a precedent criminalizing protesters
> who complain or criticize police behavior during unlawful arrests.
> --
> Emmanuel Lopez
> Love is all there is

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Monday, December 10, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Sad Ishtar news...

Probably much sadder for his family and friends than for Ishtar fans, I can't even remember the character of the U.S. Consul, so it's hard for me to miss him. I will have to watch Ishtar again soon (as soon as I can talk my wife into it, we are in the middle of a Mr. Moto run) so I can properly mourn his passing.

RIP: Reel Important People -- December 10, 2007
Cinematical - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Kramer, The Devil's Advocate, Ishtar, New York Stories and Quiz Show. He died November 27 in Englewood, New Jersey. (Perrysburg.com) David Morris ...
See all stories on this topic

Bill Moor (1931-2007) - Actor who appears in Kramer vs. Kramer, The Devil's Advocate, Ishtar, New York Stories and Quiz Show. He died November 27 in Englewood, New Jersey. (Perrysburg.com)

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[CanYoAssDigIt] On MSN - News Flash - the most important thing happening in the world!

Just popped up on my browser: "Britney Spears threatens to shame Paris Hilton by releasing a tape of her making out with a female friend." I ask you, are we people from the US not the most stupid, most shallow, most decadent people in the universe?

I wonder where I can get a copy of that tape.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: A MUST READ

If people were warning about the rise of Judao-fascism and praising Hitler for how he handled them, everybody would see it for what it is, yet when they talk this way about Muslims, very few people in the US see anything wrong with it. 

Islam has been on the short end of the stick from the West, the West have been the aggressors, colonizing and exploiting, putting in "royalty" when they've had elections (like in Iran in the 1950s)... this retarded asswipe suggests that Saudi Arabia is one of the most easily reformable of the Middle Eastern states.  Why?  Because it's House of Saud princes you always see laying fat wet kisses on the cheek of our House of Bush prince. 

In fact, Saudi Arabia is one of the worst of the countries, and it may blow, and who could blame them? It's a hellhole.  That is why the US is occupying Iraq - so they can have a base there when the "lose" Saudi Arabia.  As I said, it would take too much time to try to refute everything he says, you can craft a lie in a second, it takes time to build an argument based on facts.

I'm acting as if this thing is real, it could just be another made-up thing from some other retard who lives in his parents basement and gets everything he "knows" from Faux news and video games.  Because he doesn't present as knowing much about anything that's happening in the real world.

The great majority of the world sees the Christo-fascist Bush administration to be a bigger threat than Al Quada, and they are seeing things clearly.  Being in the United States is like being in the bottom of a well, with occasional scraps of propaganda being tossed down by Rupert Murdoch and Carl Rove.  People in the US should get out more, they would see that there are some amazing and wonderful things happen, and with some perspective they could see that their country is sliding into the dark ages.  Maybe they'd be inspired to try to do something about it.

It is not surprising that before he was selected (by the supreme court) to be Resident of the United States, Dubya had never been out of the country.  He is a man of the people - the ignorant and xenophobic people.  If you are going to run in 2008, you should try getting out more.  Go to Denmark, Ireland, Australia... you will see amazing things. Shoot, go to Canada.  Even though they are virtually a colony of the US, supplying raw materials to the States, virtually donated to the empire by a right wing administration, they still have a free press... and it's worthwhile to get real news once in a while.

It doesn't bother me if you post this stuff to any of my lists or pages. Look, I've posted it myself.  But troubles me is that you'd bother to forward it to anybody at all.  And apparently, using Bobbie's advice, you are now BCCing it so that I won't have the opportunity to share the facts with the other recipients.

Easy and powerful as lies are, the truth doesn't have any fear of them, am I right?  As John Milton, "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberties.   . . .   And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength.  Let her and falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?"

On Dec 9, 2007 10:23 PM, Rick REED RxR <arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
Oh, WELL !!!!
At least you don't have to woRRy
about my posting it on your pages.

Rick REED RxR for President 2008
Rick REED RxR Rash Riot Radio - 31 Songs
Rick REED RxR Comedy Club Ha Ha He He HO HO HO !!!!

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