I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fwd: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams

Please don't go back to your cave!

I'm sorry you've had enough of debate, but it's my opinion (and
apparently that if Ignatius) that bad ideas should be countered with
good ideas. All it takes for bad ideas to triumph is for good ideas
to be silent. In terms of getting along and all that, I think it's a
good idea, I would like to get along and all that, but Bobbie
continues to aggressively promote hate and lies, and I have to agree
with Ignatius, whoever he is. Perhaps he should have let the argument
stay where one whatever list he found it, but maybe he was just
taking Bobbie at her word when she said she wanted it spread like a
virus all over the place. I've used the same strategy myself - doing
what she asked, but appending corrective comments to it.

I like a flowering of free speech on my lists, and my blogs... but
it's true that I've worked hard to stay out of Bobbie's way and to
make sure she stays out of mine, it's a shame to have this stuff pop
up again. At the very least, I hate spam, so i will consider making
the list moderated again.

I sent the following message to you on the YouTube account, but I'll
send it to you here too.

I'd be tempted to say that Bobbie does what she does because she's
mentally ill (I'm not saying that to be mean, she has a history of
psychiatric hospitalization and she says herself she's manic
depressive) - but there are lots of people like her - that send these
false stories around that present them and their country in the worst
possible light. They seem to have a very distorted view of their own
religion. Take the story of the good Samaritan. Jesus didn't say
that if you see a Jew (or a Mexican, or a Canadian or a Palestinian)
sick by the side of the road, you should throw them on a cart and send
them back to Mexico... or throw them on a plane and have them taken to
Syria to be tortured.

All this crazy nationalism is very scary, I am very pleased that one
Presidential candidate, Dennis Kosinich, is calling it by the proper
name - fascism. When Jesus said "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,"
he didn't mean let Caesar grasp God-like powers... and since we don't
have Caesars in modern domocracy, we have servants, the only possible
relevant comment Jesus made on nationalism is rendered irrelevant.

Jesus didn't say "waterboard the weak, for they wish to inherit a
crust of bread"

He didn't say "if you IMAGINE that a man wishes to slap you on the
cheek, hang him in a cell and beat him until his legs are pulpified
and then he dies."

I feel very strongly about this stuff, and it seems like a mentally
ill person who sends out hateful lies and encourages them to forward
them to everybody they know is inviting trouble.

The only one of all those comments that Robin Williams really said was
the last one - and it amazes me that people can read it without
understanding that he was being CRITICAL of the new American Fascism.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rick REED RxR <arexar4@yahoo.com>
Date: Nov 10, 2007 4:34 AM
Subject: [CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams
To: CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com

Why isn't this group Moderated?

All my Moderated Groups have proven to grow much faster
as crap like this is avoided.

I don't care for debate anymore.

We can all get along or just ...

well..I might return to my cave instead.

--- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "ignatius Valiant"

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams

Why isn't this group Moderated?

All my Moderated Groups have proven to grow much faster
as crap like this is avoided.

I don't care for debate anymore.

We can all get along or just ...

well..I might return to my cave instead.

--- In CanYoAssDigIt@yahoogroups.com, "ignatius Valiant"
<ignatiuspvaliant@...> wrote:
> I have long thought that Robin Williams was an asshole, but I
didn't think
> he was this much of an asshole...
> and I was right! He didn't say this:
> http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/williams.asp
> It was some other ignorant bigot. As usual, the person that
forwarded this
> is spewing malice. She is on the record as saying she doesn't care
if it's
> true. She doesn't care who she is defaming by forwarding this
crap. As long
> as it advances the cause of hate, it seems, she's down with it.
> Hate generally just causes more problems. It's doubtful that
Hitler ever
> would have come to power if terms of surrender that were put on
Germany at
> the end of WW I had not been so onerous. If the Western powers
> tampered with internal affairs in the Soviet Union, Stalin never
would have
> come to power. But you don't need to speculate on Noriega and
> Hussein, they were creatures of US foreign policy.
> The idiot that was writing this, unaware of actual history,
confirmed the
> reality of the position he was trying to dismiss through ridicule.
That of
> course is typical of this email garbage, particularly that
forwarded by the
> person who forwarded this.
> Of course, my opinion won't be any part of th agency that defeats US
> imperial foreign policy. China is threatening to dump the US
dollar. It
> won't at this time, because they hold so much of the US debt that
it would
> damage them. How pathetic is that? The only thing that's keeping
the US
> economy afloat is that it's such a basket case the world is afraid
it will
> drag everybody down with them when it goes.
> The once lowly Canadian dollar is at about $1.10 US.
> This is what your ignorant born again politicians have brought you -
> doom.
> Wake up people, while your pissing and moaning about illisions
> specious arguments based on lies, your country is withering away.
I would
> like to see the end of US imperialism. But I would like to see it
> with democracy. Keep living in soma land, and creeping fascism will
> overtake everything.
> On Nov 1, 2007 3:35 PM, Bobbie B. Knechtel <missbobbiebinsc@...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says "I love New York" in
> >
> > You gotta love Robin Williams......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to
> > Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is
for our UN
> > Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
> >
> > Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)
> >
> > "I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of
a plan
> > for peace. So, here's one plan."
> >
> > 1) "The US wi ll apologize to the world for our "interference" in
> > affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin,
Tojo, Noriega,
> > Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good 'ole' boys", we
will never
> > "interfere" again.
> >
> > 2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting
> > Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines.
They don't
> > want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one
> > sneaking through holes in the fence.
> >
> > 3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together
and leave
> > We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder
will be
> > gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where
they are.
> > They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
> >
> > 4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to
90 days
> > unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation
will be
> > allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and
don't hide
> > here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need
any more cab
> > drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
> >
> > 5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the
bombers. If
> > they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.
> >
> > 6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient
energy wise.
> > This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but
will require
> > a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The
caribou will have
> > to cope for a while
> >
> > 7) Off er Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a
barrel for
> > their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can
> > somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the
wells filling
> > up the storage sites would be enough.)
> >
> > 8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the
world, we will
> > not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds,
rain, cement
> > or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is
stolen or given
> > to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if
> >
> > 9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We
don't need
> > the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building
would make a
> > good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
> >
> > 10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way,
no one can
> > call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is
> > it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
> >
> > "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired,
your poor,
> > your huddled masses." She's got a base ball bat and she's
yelling, 'you want
> > a piece of me?' "
> >
> > If you agree with the above forward it to friends...If not, and I
would be
> > amazed, DELETE it!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > * *
> > *There are no promises in the game of life.*
> > * There is only today *
> > *and (MAYBE) tomorrow.*
> > * Sporkiatric Center of The Mind*
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sporkiatric/
> >
> > **
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> > http://mail.yahoo.com
> >
> >

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Friday, November 09, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Leslie_Morris_Online] It's isn't Shakespeare but it's close

This reminds me of David Sideris' "Front Row Center with Thaddeus
Bristol" - right down to the multicultural casting. You can listen to
it at:


and I would urge you to if you haven't heard this yet.

On Nov 9, 2007 3:55 AM, Leslie Morris <dr_spider_man@yahoo.com> wrote:
> If your looking for a good night out at the theater whatever you do,
> DON'T go to the Glen Iris's High School production of Romero and
> Juliet. The (for lack of better words) director decided to set the
> play in futile japan! It would almost make sense as the Romeo and
> Juliet were Japanese but thats were the logic ends. The casting was a
> mixed bag of ages sexes and races. Lady Capulet was Indian teenage
> girl, Lord Capulet an unintimidatingly white male that was around 60
> years old. Tybalt was played by an obsess teenager girl and for the
> life of me I could tell who was Paris. It turned up to be the lemon
> faced teenage girl with the mustache. I was wondering why she was
> wearing a mustache. In fact during the break I was thinking they might
> have written him out of the story all together. The set was nice,
> Romero, the nurse and the Preist had there moment. But the only thing
> that saved the abortion of a play was the skillful acting talents of
> Mr Tyler Minder! In fact he was pretty fucking awesome! Tyler stole
> the show as Benvolio! Don't take my word for it. People in the break
> were talking about him! At the end of the show I made sure everyone
> knew he was the best so I gave him a rousing applause when he took his
> bow. I made sure it was much louder then the combined effort of the
> 20+ crowd could give for Romero and Juliet (who bowed after him).
> After the show his friend asked him who has the loud hairy guy. And he
> proudly replied "Oh, that's Lez. He lives in my shed!" I'm not
> praising Tyler because I live with him. He was honestly really good.
> And for me it was very exciting to see the beginning of someone who
> could be a very good actor

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[The_King_Of_Music] Don¡®t try so hard, the love come when you least expect it to.

Don¡®t try so hard, the love come when you least expect it to.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right
one,so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be
grateful.In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything and
two minus one equals nothing. so find the one belong to you.free to
join in.


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Thursday, November 08, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] I've seen the light

I'm starting to understand my countrymen's antipathy to Cuba. There's
something positively un-American about a country that won't allow it's
children to sleep on the street. Talk about abridging freedoms. In
the US, the law, in its majestic equality, allows rich children as
well as poor children to beg in the streets, steal bread, and sleep
under a bridge.

Take that, Fidel and Anatole France!

November 6, 2007
Hugo, the Demon Dictator Strikes Again
Cuba and Original Sin


"Each day in the world 200 million children sleep in the streets.
Not one of them is Cuban."

-- Carlos Lege, Cuban vice president.

Since the early days of the Cuban Revolution assorted anti-communists
and capitalist true-believers around the world have been relentless in
publicizing the failures, real and alleged, of life in Cuba; each
perceived shortcoming is attributed to the perceived shortcomings of
socialism. It's simply a system that can't work, we are told, given
the nature of human beings, particularly in this modern, competitive,
globalized, consumer-oriented world.

In response to many of these criticisms, defenders of Cuban society
have regularly pointed out how the numerous draconian sanctions
imposed by the United States since 1960 are largely responsible for
most of the problems pointed out by the critics. The critics, in turn,
say that this is just an excuse, one given by Cuban apologists for
every failure of their socialist system. It would be very difficult
for the critics to prove their point. The United States would have to
drop all sanctions and then we'd have to wait long enough for Cuban
society to recover what it's lost and demonstrate what its system can
do when not under constant attack by the most powerful nation in the

The sanctions (which Cuba calls an economic blockade), designed to
create discontent toward the government, have been expanding under the
Bush administration, both in number and in vindictiveness. Washington
has adopted sharper reprisals against those who do business with Cuba
or establish relations with the country based on cultural or tourist
exchanges; e.g., the US Treasury has frozen the accounts in the United
States of the Netherlands Caribbean Bank because it has an office in
Cuba, and banned US firms and individuals from having any dealings
with the Dutch bank.

The US Treasury Department fined the Alliance of Baptists $34,000,
charging that certain of its members and parishioners of other
churches had engaged in tourism during a visit to Cuba for religious
purposes; i.e., they had spent money there. (As George W. once said:
"U.S. law forbids Americans to travel to Cuba for pleasure.")

American courts and government agencies have helped US companies
expropriate the famous Cuban cigar brand name 'Cohiba' and the
well-known rum "Havana Club".

The Bush administration sent a note to American Internet service
providers telling them not to deal with six specified countries,
including Cuba. This is one of several actions by Washington over the
years to restrict Internet availability in Cuba; yet Cuba's critics
claim that problems with the Internet in Cuba are due to government

Cubans in the United States are limited to how much money they can
send to their families in Cuba, a limit that Washington imposes only
on Cubans and on no other nationals. Not even during the worst moments
of the Cold War was there a general limit to the amount of money that
people in the US could send to relatives living in the Soviet
satellites in Eastern Europe.

In 1999, Cuba filed a suit against the United States for $181.1
billion in compensation for economic losses and loss of life during
the first forty years of this aggression. The suit held Washington
responsible for the death of 3,478 Cubans and the wounding and
disabling of 2,099 others. In the eight years since, these figures
have of course all increased. The sanctions, in numerous ways large
and small, makes acquiring many kinds of products and services from
around the world much more difficult and expensive, often impossible;
frequently, they are things indispensable to Cuban medicine,
transportation or industry; or they mean that Americans and Cubans
can't attend professional conferences in each other's country.

The above is but a small sample of the excruciating pain inflicted by
the United States upon the body, soul and economy of the Cuban people.

For years American political leaders and media were fond of labeling
Cuba an "international pariah". We don't hear much of that any more.
Perhaps one reason is the annual vote at the United Nations on a
General Assembly resolution to end the US embargo against Cuba. This
is how the vote has gone:

1992 59-2 (US, Israel)

1993 88-4 (US, Israel, Albania, Paraguay)

1994 101-2 (US, Israel)

1995 117-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)

1996 138-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)

1997 143-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)

1998 157-2 (US, Israel)

1999 155-2 (US, Israel)

2000 167-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)

2001 167-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)

2002 173-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)

2003 179-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)

2004 179-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)

2005 182-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)

2006 183-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)

2007 184-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)

Cuba's sin, which the United States of America can not forgive, is to
have created a society that can serve as a successful example of an
alternative to the capitalist model, and, moreover, to have done so
under the very nose of the United States. And despite all the
hardships imposed on it by Washington, Cuba has indeed inspired
countless peoples and governments all over the world.

A long-time writer about Cuba, Karen Lee Wald, has observed: "The
United States has more pens, pencils, candy, aspirin, etc. than most
Cubans have. They, on the other hand, have better access to health
services, education, sports, culture, childcare, services for the
elderly, pride and dignity than most of us have within reach."

In a 1996 address to the General Assembly, Cuba's vice president,
Carlos Lage stated: "Each day in the world 200 million children sleep
in the streets. Not one of them is Cuban."

On April 6, 1960, L.D. Mallory, a US State Department senior official,
wrote in an internal memorandum: "The majority of Cubans support
Castro ... the only foreseeable means of alienating internal support
is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic
dissatisfaction and hardship. ... every possible means should be
undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba." Mallory
proposed "a line of action that makes the greatest inroads in denying
money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to
bring about hunger, desperation and the overthrow of the government."
Later that year, the Eisenhower administration instituted the embargo.

Hugo the demon dictator strikes again

The latest evidence that Hugo Chavez is a dictator, we are told, is
that he's pushing for a constitutional amendment to remove term limits
from the presidency. It's the most contentious provision in his new
reform package which has recently been approved by the Venezuelan
congress and awaits a public referendum on December 2. The lawmakers
traveled nationwide to discuss the proposals with community groups at
more than 9,000 public events, rather odd behavior for a dictatorship,
as is another of the reforms -- setting a maximum six-hour workday so
workers would have sufficient time for "personal development."

The American media and the opposition in Venezuela make it sound as if
Chavez is going to be guaranteed office for as long as he wants. What
they fail to emphasize, if they mention it at all, is that there's
nothing at all automatic about the process -- Chavez will have to be
elected each time. Neither are we enlightened that it's not unusual
for a nation to not have a term limit for its highest office. France,
Germany, and the United Kingdom, if not all of Europe and much of the
rest of the world, do not have such a limit. The United States did not
have a term limit on the office of the president during the nation's
first 175 years, until the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951.
Were all American presidents prior to that time dictators?

Is it of any significance, I wonder, that the two countries of the
Western Hemisphere whose governments the United States would most like
to overthrow -- Venezuela and Cuba -- have the greatest national
obsession with baseball outside of the United States?

In a sound-bite society, reality no longer matters. Last month,
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told assembled world leaders at
the United Nations that the time had come to take action against Iran.
"None disagrees," she said, "that Iran denies the Holocaust and speaks
openly of its desire to wipe a member state - mine - off the map. And
none disagrees that, in violation of Security Council resolutions, it
is actively pursuing the means to achieve this end. Too many see the
danger but walk idly by - hoping that someone else will take care of
it. ... It is time for the United Nations, and the states of the
world, to live up to their promise of never again. To say enough is
enough, to act now and to defend their basic values."

Yet, later the same month, we are informed by Haaretz, (frequently
described as "the New York Times of Israel"), that the same Foreign
Minister Tzipi Livni had said a few months earlier, in a series of
closed discussions, that in her opinion "Iranian nuclear weapons do
not pose an existential threat to Israel." Haaretz reported that
"Livni also criticized the exaggerated use that [Israeli] Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert is making of the issue of the Iranian bomb,
claiming that he is attempting to rally the public around him by
playing on its most basic fears."

What are we to make of such a self-contradiction, such perfect hypocrisy?

And here is Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, writing
in his own publication: "The one time we seriously negotiated with
Tehran was in the closing days of the war in Afghanistan, in order to
create a new political order in the country. Bush's representative to
the Bonn conference, James Dobbins, says that 'the Iranians were very
professional, straightforward, reliable and helpful. They were also
critical to our success. They persuaded the Northern Alliance [Afghan
foes of the Taliban] to make the final concessions that we asked for.'
Dobbins says the Iranians made overtures to have better relations with
the United States through him and others in 2001 and later, but got no
reply. Even after the Axis of Evil speech, he recalls, they offered to
cooperate in Afghanistan. Dobbins took the proposal to a principals
meeting in Washington only to have it met with dead silence. The then
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, he says, 'looked down and
rustled his papers.' No reply was ever sent back to the Iranians. Why
bother? They're mad."

Dobbins has further written, in the Washington Post: "The original
version of the Bonn agreement ... neglected to mention either
democracy or the war on terrorism. It was the Iranian representative
who spotted these omissions and successfully urged that the newly
emerging Afghan government be required to commit to both. Only weeks
after Hamid Karzai was sworn in as interim leader in Afghanistan,
President Bush listed Iran among the 'axis of evil' -- surprising
payback for Tehran's help in Bonn. A year later, shortly after the
invasion of Iraq, all bilateral contacts with Tehran were suspended.
Since then, confrontation over Iran's nuclear program has

Shortly after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iran made another
approach to Washington, via the Swiss ambassador who sent a fax to the
State Department. The Washington Post described it as "a proposal from
Iran for a broad dialogue with the United States, and the fax
suggested everything was on the table -- including full cooperation on
nuclear programs, acceptance of Israel and the termination of Iranian
support for Palestinian militant groups." The Bush administration
"belittled the initiative. Instead, they formally complained to the
Swiss ambassador who had sent the fax." Richard Haass, head of policy
planning at the State Department at the time and now president of the
Council on Foreign Relations, said in the Post the Iranian approach
was swiftly rejected because in the administration "the bias was
toward a policy of regime change."

So there we have it. The Israelis know it, the Americans know it. Iran
is not any kind of military threat. Before the invasion of Iraq I
posed the question in this report: What possible reason would Saddam
Hussein have for attacking the United States or Israel other than an
irresistible desire for mass national suicide? He had no reason, and
neither do the Iranians. Of the many lies surrounding the invasion of
Iraq, the biggest one of all is that if, in fact, Saddam Hussein had
those weapons of mass destruction the invasion would have been

The United States and Israel have long striven to dominate the Middle
East, viewing Iraq and Iran as the most powerful barriers to that
ambition. Iraq is now a basket case. Iran awaits basketization. And,
eventually perhaps, the omnipresent American military bases will close
the base-gap between Iraq and Afghanistan in Washington's encirclement
of China, the better to monitor the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf
and Caspian Sea areas.

There was a time when I presumed that the sole purpose of United
States hostile policy toward Iran was to keep the Iranians from
acquiring nuclear weapons, which would deprive the US and Israel of
their mideast monopoly and ultimate tool of intimidation. But now it
appears that destroying Iran's military capability, nuclear and
otherwise, smashing it to the point of being useless defensively or
offensively, is the Bush administration's objective, perhaps along
with the hope of some form of regime change. The Empire leaves as
little to chance as possible.

Reason Number 3,467 for having doubts about our God-given free-enterprise system

I recently bought my first cellphone and took it with me to
Burlington, Vermont, only to discover that it didn't work there. It
seems that AT&T/Cingular doesn't have cellphone towers in that area.
But other phone companies do have towers there and their subscribers'
phones work. Is that not a really clever system? To have a single
national telephone system with all towers available for use by
everyone would presumably upset libertarians and others who worship at
the shrine of competition.. So instead we're given another charming
"market solution", and the beauty of competition is preserved. Why
stop there? Just imagine the advantages in being able to call around
to find out which fire station will give you the best rate should your
house suddenly go up in flames.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: The Plan, falsely attributed to Robin Williams

I have long thought that Robin Williams was an asshole, but I didn't think he was this much of an asshole...

and I was right!  He didn't say this:


It was some other ignorant bigot. As usual, the person that forwarded this is spewing malice. She is on the record as saying she doesn't care if it's true.  She doesn't care who she is defaming by forwarding this crap. As long as it advances the cause of hate, it seems, she's down with it.

Hate generally just causes more problems.  It's doubtful that Hitler ever would have come to power if terms of surrender that were put on Germany at the end of WW I had not been so onerous.  If the Western powers hadn't tampered with internal affairs in the Soviet Union, Stalin never would have come to power.  But you don't need to speculate on Noriega and Saddam Hussein, they were creatures of US foreign policy. 

The idiot that was writing this, unaware of actual history, confirmed the reality of the position he was trying to dismiss through ridicule.  That of course is typical of this email garbage, particularly that forwarded by the person who forwarded this.

Of course, my opinion won't be any part of th agency that defeats US imperial foreign policy.  China is threatening to dump the US dollar.  It won't at this time, because they hold so much of the US debt that it would damage them.  How pathetic is that?  The only thing that's keeping the US economy afloat is that it's such a basket case the world is afraid it will drag everybody down with them when it goes.

The once lowly Canadian dollar is at about $1.10 US. 

This is what your ignorant born again politicians have brought you - pending doom.

Wake up people, while your pissing and moaning about illisions making specious arguments based on lies, your country is withering away.  I would like to see the end of US imperialism. But I would like to see it replaced with democracy.  Keep living in soma land, and creeping fascism will overtake everything.

On Nov 1, 2007 3:35 PM, Bobbie B. Knechtel <missbobbiebinsc@yahoo.com> wrote:

Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says "I love New York" in Arabic.

You gotta love Robin Williams......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.

Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)

"I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan."

1) "The US wi ll apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good 'ole' boys", we will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while

7) Off er Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH..learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a base ball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "

If you agree with the above forward it to friends...If not, and I would be amazed, DELETE it!!


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