I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, June 11, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Attn: Fred Dickson


Dear Mr. Woodland,

Thank you for your rapid response, it is most reassuring. I hope you have had time to familiarize yourself with the interview and the Nigerian Entertainment Magazine site. 

I will touring behind my new album "Matt Love - Life at O'Blerg's Pub" -  it would be great to extend the tour to include Nigeria.

Here is my information:

Names: Matt Love
Country: USA
Address:11015 Eckenstam Johnson Road, Anderson Island, WA 98303
Age: 53
Fax Number: 253-884-9279
Personal Number: 253-884-9279
Occupation: Musician, Egregious Records label executive
Sex: Male
Monthly Income: $1,500 US
Amount Needed: $50,000
Loan duration: 5 years
Brief Description Of Individual: When I dance, it looks a little like a hippo struggling to get out of an overturned rail car. When I sing, that's what it sounds like, too.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Fred Dickson <fred_dickson110@msnzone.cn> wrote:
Mr. Fred Dickson is our branch manager, fill the application form and write on-top Fred Dickson and it we be directed to him.

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Dear Mr. Woodland,

Thank you for your response. However, I was really hoping to hear from Fred Dickson again. I felt comfortable with the working relationship we were developing.  We had discussed the possibility of him arranging a loan for me to finance a musical tour of Nigeria.  While it might seem like shipping coal to Newcastle to ship a cracker like me to Nigeria to play music, but I am unaccountably popular there.

Recently, Nigerian Entertainment Magazine (http://nigerianentertainment.com/)
sent one of their reporters, Adebayo Shamsudeen out to interview me.

I made a video of the interview:


I hope you enjoy it.

At any rate, I wish to strengthen my ties with Nigeria, and Mr Dickson said he could help me with that.

So please put me back in touch with Mr. Dickson, or familiarize yourself with the links I've provided. Then you'll be up to speed to talk about financing with me.

Sincerely yours,

Matt Love
Song and Dance Man

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Fred Dickson <fred_dickson110@msnzone.cn> wrote:
Good day to you,
Thanks for your  e-mail enquiry,  My name is Alexander Woodland, I am the CEO of "Santos Finance Firm Lenders" a Private Loan Firm here in the United Kingdom that provides financial services in terms of loans with flexibility that your every bank cannot afford regardless of your credit score. We offer mortgage loan, business loan, unsecured and secured loan ranging from $5,000 USD to $100,000,000 USD within a year to 50 years repayment duration at interest rate of 3% interest rate.
We are in partnership with Bancaja International Spain In giving out this loans and our vision is to provide affordable interest rate on loans to individuals and co-operate organization all over the world.   Fill in the borrower's form below and send it back to us to enable us process your loan request.
Borrower's Information
Address ...
Telephone number.....
Monthly Income..........
Amount Needed.......
Loan duration.............
Brief description of individual.....
I await the receipt of the borrower's form above so that we can proceed with the loan process. 
Alexander Woodland.

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Do a favor for a man! vote for my question!


I don't dig digg!  They removed my question. I'm sure they were nervious it was going to be one of the top questions (thanks to mobilization of the Matt Love army) so they pulled the plug. But no worries, I have a new campaign.  Matt Love of The Love Rockets said he will join my band "The Matt Loves" if I used my musical skeez to deliver 20 votes for his band in this battle of the bands.  I'm not sure how much musical skeez I really have, I had to look it up on the Urban Dictionary to find out what it means - but I'm gonna do my best.

You guys know I've been trying to get The Matt Loves going for years (ever since I became aware of just how many musical Matt Loves are out there), so I know I can count on you. I promise, these guys will not disappear from the contest before you get a chance to vote for them!

With guys in the band named "Joe Rocket" and "Tommy Gunn" (no "Tom Cruise Missile" though) I wonder a little bit if he was born with the name "Matt Love" - but I'm not going to be picky at this point!


Hey, want a FREE download of The Love Rockets next release?

Email them at theloverockets@hotmail.co.uk and on the 17th July they will send you a link to download the track completely FREE! All you have to do is vote for them at Samsung Monte Battle of the Bands. Here's how.......

All you need to do is click on the link below then click next to their name on VOTE and input your email address and the spam code they give you.

Then go to your email and click the link to verify your vote.

You may find it has gone to your spam/junk email folder though....

Please help them by telling EVERYONE! Copy and paste this in your status, like it, comment on it. Your vote could help them win £10k recording.


Please help their dream come true!


If you could that would be great to get some over sea's votes!

Cheers fella


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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Do a favor for a man! vote for my question!


Digg interviews Ozzy Osbourne based on questions voted on by people like you.

This is my question, and it is a totally cool and excellent question: 
Hey everybody, vote for my question: "Ask Ozzy if he will bid on my cd, "Matt Love - Live at O'Blerg's Pub" - I'm offering it on eBay, but it's going a little slow: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170497120226&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT ...I figure if he bids on it, it will increase the profile, and encourage the cool kids to jump into the bidding, too."
I don't want to give the competition too much help, but this one was pretty good, too:

"hey ozzy what is the secret of long hairs every one of want to know how you mange to keep them so good and big in size i love them"

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Yes, let somebody else do it...


I'm every member of this show biz family appreciates that somebody else is in the military.

Like Bush, Cheney, Stallone, John Wayne, Ted Nugent and who knows how many other celebrities that like to shoot their mouths off about freedom and sacrifice (their freedom to advocate for others what they'd never put up with themselves - and everybody else's sacrifice while they live like aristocracy) they love to get a little mileage out wrapping themselves in that tattered and scandalously transparent flag.

As George M (not Dubya) said, "Many a bum show has been saved by the flag."

But is this one of them?  Can the flag, in fact, save this one? 

'Ricky Nelson Remembered Tour' To Honor the Troops - Matthew and Gunnar Nelson To Donate Free Concert July 3

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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Marvin, Youngest of Isley Brothers, Dies at 56


"Isley stopped performing in 1996 after suffering complications from diabetes that included a stroke, high blood pressure, the loss of both legs and use of his left hand."  I don't know why he let that stop him.  shouldn't have been a problem for a bass player.


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Monday, June 07, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Where do these guys come from, central casting? And when do I play my part?


I was watching this video, and I was thinking, my god, Ken Wilber sure has aged.  But a closer look, and I realize that this is not Ken Wilber, it's Charlie Hayes, though he seems to have some of the same interests.

This is Ken Wilber:

Talking to another bald guy with glasses, and none of them are me. Which makes me ask, how can I get in on this racket?  Am I not bald? Do I not wear glasses?

The Eternal State Is Being: Nothing works, never did, never will
By Charlie Hayes
Spot ON Matt Love, yeah! Saturday, June 05, 2010 2:53:00 PM. Anonymous said... Your podcasts are what finally ended this pointless, stupid, time-consuming, fruitless, confusing, confounding, frustrating search of 'mine. ...
The Eternal State Is Being - http://beingisknowing.blogspot.com/

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Dorks Anonymous 2012] Praise GoodGodAlmighty 4 JesusChrist's Sake 4 CryingOutLoud!!!!


check out this video of a song I did with my friends:


To English only types - don't worry, they're singing in Portuguese, not Spanish, and they live in Brazil, so it's perfectly appropriate - and they are going to stay in Brazil, so nobody needs to worry about that.

But listen to the music, I think you'll like it.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Rick Reed <bythespirit2009@yahoo.com> wrote:

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

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