Hey Becky and Michael,
I don't even know where to start to respond to your imbecilic email. You want Obama to start showing leadership now before it's too late. I think we pretty much know what he's up to already (partial list attached below) and I don't think we know any more of it. We're going to see more and more of that Obama magic in the next two years, as he can do what he is naturally inclined to do and claim he's just a victim of those rough-housing Republicans. It's a perfect setup for him, and the interests he serves, and I don't see how appealing to a better nature he does not possess, politely or aggressively, is going to change one thing. There are way better places to take the fight.
And by the way, the phrase is "toed the line" (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toe_the_line) and you used it completely incorrectly. Why don't you hire me to proof read your appeals before you send them out? I can root out the pidgin english phrases, and add useful comments such as "it's useless to expect anything other than more of the same service to the wealthy from the scum sucking neoliberal in the white house. Join us in the streets, comrades!"
Obama's Betrayals: A partial list.
Dropped bombs in 6 other Muslim countries.
Said, "I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being."
Bragged about his use of drones - I'm "really good at killing people".
Deported a modern-record 2 million immigrants.
Signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
Started a new war in Iraq.
Planned $355 billion for a nuclear weapons program.
Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.
Pushed for war on Syria while siding with al-Qaeda.
Backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
Supported Israel's wars and occupation of Palestine.
Drastically escalated the NSA spying program.
Deployed Special Ops to 134 countries - compared to 60 under Bush.
Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".
Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.
Given Bush absolute immunity for everything.
Pushed for a TPP Trade Pact.
Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.
Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.
Opened a military base in Chile.
Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.
Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.
Mandated the Insider Threat Program which orders federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues.
Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.
Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.
Launched 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term.
Continued Bush's rendition program.
Said the U.S. is the "one indispensable nation" in the world.
Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.
Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.
Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.
Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.
Assassinated 4 US citizens with drone strikes.