I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, March 30, 2012

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [progressive] "Uncommitted" (on the presidential race) Boulder County delegates going to Colorado state Democratic Party convention


In case my comments don't make it past moderation on the Free Range Longmont blog site, I offer them here:

Matt Love on March 30, 2012 at 2:52 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

People didn't throw Bush out of office by electing Obama, he was on his way out anyway. They voted for Obama to prevent the despicable John McCain from taking office, though it's difficult to say how he could have been any more despicable than Obama has been, and at least he would have had some opposition from the left. Bush wasn't the worst president since Herbert Hoover, he was the worst president since Calvin Coolidge. Obama is the worst president since Herbert Hoover. It's irresponsible to say the Dems have been "played by the ever-growing fascistic and totalitarian elements in the Republican Party" – the great majority of Democratic office holders love a good fascism as much as Republicans, and that is what the rank and file needs to wake up to. And on the environment, it's one step forward, two steps back with Obama – he couldn't even wait for the dust to settle on the keystone triumph before he reversed himself (by saying the southern half is going forward, maybe he thought we'd only think he's half a jerk, but we'd need to be half as smart as we are to be hoodwinked by this ploy), apparently secure that he's the moneyed interests favored one, and that the rest of us don't have any choice and will just take it, and like it. There seems to be a news blackout on the fact that Obama actually has primary opposition – from awful candidates like Randall Terry to good ones like Darcy Richardson. Obama got just over 50% of the vote in Oklahoma. If it's such a foregone conclusion that Dubya 2.0 is going to be the candidate, why isn't this getting the coverage the Republican primary spats get in the MSM and National Propaganda Radio? http://www.uncoveredpolitics.com/2012/03/06/breaking-obama-denied-unanimous-renomination/

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: The importance of Ka’aba Shareef is boundless to all the Ahle Kitaab including the Jews and the Christians. So, considering Ka’aba Shareef as the centre instead of Greenwich, the time regions of the world need to be fixed.


Disagree. It would only give people something more to fight over, to try to take over and then drive everybody else out, like what Israel is doing in Jerusalem.

Greenwich seems quite neutral to me, devoid of historical or religious significance, and therefore a good choice. If it's tooredolent of British imperialism, then how about Reykjavik, Iceland, or São Paulo, Brazil?  I'd recommend moving the United Nations to one of those cities, as well.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Bisal jodda <bondu.amar.13@gmail.com> wrote:


The importance of Ka'aba Shareef is boundless to all the Ahle Kitaab including the Jews and the Christians. So, considering Ka'aba Shareef as the centre instead of Greenwich, the time regions of the world need to be fixed.


 Ka'aba Shareef is the most ancient place on earth. All over the world, Ka'aba Shareef is known to everyone and is considered with significance. In different countries of the world, there are more or less Muslims who perform their Swalat facing toward the Ka'aba Shareef. Besides that, the Jews and Christians are also informed about the position, respect and reverence, historical importance of Ka'aba Shareef as there are descriptions about Ka'aba Shareef in Tawrwat Shareef and Injil Shareef.

 After the flood during the time of Hazrat Noo'h 'Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Ibrwahim 'Alaihis Salaam rebuilt this Sacred Ka'aba Shareef. The two respectable Awlaad(sons) of Hazrat Ibrwahim 'Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Ismaail 'Alaihis Salaam and Hazrat Is-haq 'Alaihis Salaam were also Nabee of Allah Pak. Saiyidul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam makes Mubaarak Tashreef from the Respectable Descendents of Hazrat Ismaeel 'Alaihis Salaam; and from Hazrat Is-haQ 'Alaihis Salaam and from His Descendents was born Hazrat Moosa 'Alaihis Salaam and later came Hazrat 'Eesa 'Alaihis Salaam. So, the importance of Ka'aba Shareef is unlimited to all the Ahle Kitaab including the Jews and the Christians.

 Today, there are about 700 crore of people in the world. Civilizations of thousands and thousands of years have passed away on this earth. There are many countries, many nations and many languages in this world. Hazrat Aadam 'Alaihis Salaam is the ancient father of the people of all colors, all the communities and all the nations. He is the first human being and Nabee. There is no existence of any history and there is no history older than the history of things related to Him. Hazrat Aadam 'Alaihis Salaam first built up the sacred Ka'aba Shareef. If any place is to be selected considering its historic significance, then the first priority will be Baitullah Shareef or Ka'aba Shareef and no places on this earth can be more ancient than this place. So, not the Greenwich rather considering Ka'aba Shareef as the centre, the time regions of the world needed to be fixed.

 The Custodian of the two holy Masjids should take all necessary steps for fixing up the Prime meridian over the Ka'aba Shareef and all the Muslims of the world should come forward on this issue.


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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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