I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: This could (finally) cost Trump the election


It's just a shame they didn't catch him and Bill Clinton in one of these conversations, you know they had them.

It might have knocked both Corporate Party  candidates out of the race and cleared the way for Jill Stein.

Go out and do some oppositional research and find that Trump/Clinton conversation, and I'll send you some money.

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Anna Galland, MoveOn.org Political Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:
Yesterday's Washington Post release of a sickening 2005 audio recording where Donald Trump brags about sexually assaulting women is potentially much bigger and far more damaging than Romney's 47% gaffe.

Dear MoveOn member,

Do you remember former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's fatal 47% statement—where he asserted that 47% of the population were freeloaders who didn't pay taxes?

That ignorant gaffe cost Romney the election.1

Yesterday's Washington Post release of a sickening 2005 audio recording where Donald Trump brags about sexually assaulting women is potentially much bigger and far more damaging.2

This could be Trump's Titanic—if we act fast.

Can you chip in $3 to make sure that Tump's boasts about sexually assaulting women cost Republicans the White House and the Senate?

Yes, I'll chip in.

Republicans are starting to feel the heat.

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan revoked an invitation for Trump to attend a campaign event today in Wisconsin.3 RNC chairman Reince Priebus issued his sharpest rebuke of Trump to date.4 And a handful of Republicans members of Congress have withdrawn their endorsements of Trump.5

But Ryan, Priebus, and most Republicans running for Congress are still standing by their man. Sure, they've called his remarks "repugnant," "demeaning," and "vulgar," but most seem poised to accept an apology from Trump.6

With just 31 days to Election Day—and on the eve of the second presidential debate—Donald Trump could have just cracked open a door to a possible wave election, where voters decisively reject Trump and the candidates who support him, and take back the Senate in the process. It's up to us to wedge that door open and push on through.

Click here to chip in $3 now, so that MoveOn can launch a rapid-response campaign targeting Trump and every Senate candidate who endorsed him.

If we can raise $125,000 by midnight tomorrow, our plan is to:

  • Release rapid-response videos targeting every Republican in a tight race, highlighting Trump's heinous remarks and tying these candidates to him and his candidacy. Our Video Lab went into production on these videos last night as the story exploded.
  • Flood social media with ad buys. We will make sure key voters in each state see these ads, and that no Republican candidate can easily distance themselves from the hateful presidential campaign they've helped enable.
  • Hit the streets and the phones. Beginning this weekend—and continuing all next week—through ramped-up door knocking, campaign events, phone banking, and more—MoveOn's massive field team will make sure that news of the recordings mobilizes voters in key swing states via tens of thousands of one-on-one conversations.
  • Shine a media spotlight on Trump's disgusting comments, to keep the story going. Trump has already tried to sidestep this mess by referring to his vulgar comments as mere locker-room chatter. But on talk show after talk show, MoveOn's proven spokespeople will continue to hold his feet to the fire.

Can you chip in $3—or whatever you can afford—now, so we can swing into gear and hold accountable Trump and every Senate candidate who endorsed him?

Yes, I'll chip in to help resoundingly defeat Donald Trump and the Republican senators who continue to support him.

Thanks for all you do.

—Anna, Jo, Manny, Robert, and the rest of the team


1. "Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005," The Washington Post, October 7, 2016

2. "Romney's 47% comment named quote of the year," MSNBC, December 10, 2012

3. "Speaker Paul Ryan disinvites Trump to his campaign event, says he's 'sickened' by tape," Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2016

4. "A Sexual Predator in the Republican Party's Midst," The New Yorker, October 8, 2016

5. "'I'm out': Rep. Chaffetz withdraws his endorsement of Trump," Politico, October 8, 2016

6. "'Repugnant,' 'demeaning,' 'vulgar': Republicans react to Trump's remarks, and Democrats chime in too," Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2016

Want to support our work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "I'm so enthusiastic about MoveOn's smart and targeted plan to hire a network of organizers in key battleground states to mobilize and train volunteers to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors. It's bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, and give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House." Will you chip in to help make it all possible?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Matt Love on October 8th, 2016. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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Friday, October 07, 2016

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Fwd: Tell us what you think


Please tell us what you think

We want to learn more about the campaigns you're most interested in, your views of MoveOn, and your outlook on the November 2016 elections. Thanks for taking a minute to complete this survey.

Your Contact Information

Not Matt Love? Click here.

Diplomacy instead of war


Getting big money out of politics


A fairer, more inclusive economy


An expansion to Social Security


A fair and humane immigration policy


Combatting climate change to save the planet


Ending racism


Helping progressive candidates win in November


Women's rights and ending sexism


Ending voter suppression


Stopping gun violence in America


Another issue?

1. What's one state or local news issue you're paying attention to?

The Flint water crisis

2. What's the one thing that MoveOn has done recently that you remember most?

Filled my inbox with pleas from idiots to support the very nasty Hillary Clinton.

3. Do you have an idea for an action MoveOn should take in the near future?

To forget the futile effort to reform the Democratic Party, and to instead put you support behind Jill Stein. Because the Democratic Party is interested in doing none of the things that I would be excited to fight for. They are only interested in pleasing their corporate sponsors. The Green Party is the future. The Democratic Party is the past.

4. How would you finish this sentence? "When I think of MoveOn, I think of it as..."

".... an astroturf Democratic Party front organization that works hard to sheepdog progressives back into that wretched institution."

5. Is there anything else you want to share?

We always want to be supporting great work President Obama does and encouraging him to do even better. Which of these do you think should be a higher priority right now?

1. How likely do you think it is that a Republican will win the White House?

not at all likely
very likely

2. How likely do you think it is that Republicans will retain control of the U.S. House of Representatives?

not at all likely
very likely

3. How likely do you think it is that Republicans will retain control of the U.S. Senate?

not at all likely
very likely

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anna Galland, MoveOn.org Civic Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:10 PM
Subject: Tell us what you think
To: Matt Love <mattlove1@gmail.com>

Dear MoveOn member,

We need your input.

MoveOn's power and direction come entirely from members like you. That's why it's important that the focus of our work be decided by MoveOn members (like you!). Right now, we need your input to help set our priorities for upcoming campaigns.

Can you take a moment to tell us how you think MoveOn is doing and help set our course together?

Your answers will help determine MoveOn's future course of action.

Please fill out the quick survey here.

Thanks for all you do.

–Anna, Stephen, Milan, Victoria, and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.

Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Matt Love on October 6th, 2016. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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Thursday, October 06, 2016



Dear Alice Jay,

I found out about your organization from friends in Brazil. How ironic that I should get an email from you that advocates I sign a petition urging the Mad Bomber of Washington DC to further his bloodthirsty campaign to destroy Syria. The Mad Bomber of course has played a huge, yet-to-be fully documented role in the destruction of Brazilian democracy (see for example http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO24Sep2016.php)

You actually propose that the route to peace in Syria is to let the criminal Obama regime have their way there, and for the elected government and its allies to step down?  Calling for a "no fly zone" - that is, to deny Syria refrain from exercising its sovereign rights, is an act of war.  The Mad Bomber wishes to turn Syria into another Iraq, Afganistan, Libya, Yemen, and your good-hearted but soft headed people are demand that he have the right to do this?  Are you a CIA front organization, or something? You need to remove that campaign right away, or I will oppose you anywhere and everywhere. In the mean time, if I launch a campaign, "Obama, get the fuck out of Syria" will you push it to the top? You should, but I bet you won't.

Shame on you for falling for the "humanitarian intervention lie."  But if you don't respond to the concerns I've raised here, damn you.

2016-10-06 1:59 GMT-04:00 Alice Jay - Avaaz <avaaz@avaaz.org>:

Peste 100 de copii au fost uciși în Alep în ultimele câteva zile. Dacă are susținere globală, acest apel care îi solicită lui Obama și aliaților săi să țină piept terorii lui Putin și Assad, nu va putea fi ignorat. Adaugă-ți numele acum pentru a cere instituirea urgentă a unei zone de interdicție aeriană::

semnează acum

Dragi prieteni și prietene,

100 de copii au fost uciși în Alep în ultimele câteva zile.

Masacrul trebuie să înceteze!

Nu există o soluție simplă pentru încheierea acestui război, dar există o singură cale de a pune punct înfiorătoarelor atacuri aeriene: oameni de pretutindeni care cer instituirea unei zone de interdicție aeriană, pentru a-i proteja pe civili.

Hai să semnăm acest apel global către Obama și alți lideri, cerându-le să țină piept terorii lui Putin și Assad. Ar putea fi singura noastră șansă de a ajuta la oprirea uciderii în masă a unor copii lipsiți de apărare:

Clic aici ca să-ți adaugi numele

De ani de zile tot auzim de bombe artizanale și de atacuri chimice. Dar distrugerea din temelii a orașului Alep reprezintă trecerea la un cu totul alt nivel. Toate acordurile și regulile au fost încălcate. Un sfert de milion de oameni sunt prinși la est de Alep, cu acces aproape nul la mâncare, medicamente sau apă potabilă. 100 000 dintre ei sunt copii.

Nu există soluții viabile pentru încheierea războiului din Siria. Dar să nu facem nimic este cea mai rea dintre ele. Crearea unei zone de interdicție aeriană va presupune că o coaliție internațională poate amenința să doboare avioanele care încearcă să bombardeze Siria de nord. Aproape 70% dintre membrii Avaaz susțin această inițiativă. 8% se opun. Ezitarea în privința utilizării forței pentru a proteja oamenii este înțeleaptă și justificată. Dar să ne imaginăm că sub bombardament s-ar afla copiii noștri: la ce fel de ajutor ne-am aștepta din partea lumii întregi?

Cu toții ne dorim o încetare a focului pe termen lung și soluții negociate pe căi politice. Dar orice tentativă de acest fel a eșuat până în acest moment. Ce se întâmplă în Alep arată că orice soluție trebuie să înceapă cu protejarea civililor. O zonă de interdicție aeriană, bine făcută, ar putea să nu pericliteze nicio viață, și va salva o mulțime. Iar negocierile autentice pentru pace vor fi chiar mai plauzibile dacă liderul Siriei, Assad, și Rusia vor vedea că cetățenii de pretutindeni iau această problemă în serios.

Haideți să-i spunem lui Obama și tuturor liderilor noștri că nu mai pot reacționa la acest măcel doar cu vorbe. Că dacă nu fac nimic, sunt complici. Viețile acestor familii atârnă de un fir de ață. Au nevoie ca noi să spunem răspicat ce așteptăm de la ei, acum!

Clic aici ca să-ți adaugi numele

Mișcarea noastră s-a opus acțiunilor militare de multe ori. Prima noastră campanie se opunea războiului din Irak și am militat împotriva intervențiilor, de cele mai multe ori cinice, ale Statelor Unite în Orientul Mijlociu. Dar 400 000 de oameni au murit în Siria. Este o pată pe conștiința întregii umanități. O zonă de interdicție aeriană este singurul lucru de bun-simț de făcut în această situație înfiorătoare. Și nu se poate întâmpla fără implicarea Statelor Unite. Hai să ne adunăm și să-i cerem ferm lui Obama și altora să salveze copiii și familiile din Alep.

Încrezători și hotărâți, semnează:

Alice, Mais, Ricken, Nick, Mohammad, Marigona și întreaga echipă Avaaz

Mai multe informații:

Groază și întuneric în Alep, sub ploaia de bombe (Washington Post)

Siria și Rusia par pregătite să treacă Alep prin foc (NY Times)

"Iadul pur". Alep se cutremură în urma presupusei utilizări a bombelor anti-bunker (Guardian) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/26/hell-itself-aleppo-reels-from-alleged-use-of-bunker-buster-bombs

Avioanele rusești au bombardat și distrus covoiul cu ajutoare al ONU, spun oficialii americani (Guardian)

Peste 100 de copii printre cele 338 de persoane ucise în atacurile din Alep de săptămâna aceasta, susține OMS (NY Times)

Avaaz.org este o rețea pentru campanii internaționale cu peste 44 milioane de membri
, care luptă pentru a se asigura că deciziile globale reflectă viziunea şi valorile cetăţenilor lumii.("Avaaz" înseamnă în multe limbi "voce" sau "cântec".) Membrii Avaaz vin din toate colțurile lumii; echipa noastră e răspândită în 18 țări de pe 6 continente și operează în 17 limbi diferite. Află mai multe despre cele mai mari campanii Avaaz aici, sau urmărește-ne pe Facebook sau Twitter.

Ai devenit membru al mișcării Avaaz și ai început să primești mesajele noastre pentru că ai semnat campania "Rome Summit: Stop the Food Crisis" pe data de 2008-06-02, folosind adresa de e-mail mattlove1@gmail.com.
Pentru a te asigura că mesajele noastre ajung în Inbox, te rugăm să adaugi adresa avaaz@avaaz.org în registrul de adrese. Dacă vrei să îţi schimbi adresa de e-mail, limba sau alte informaţii, contactează-ne. Pentru a te dezabona, dă click aici.

Dacă vrei să contactezi Avaaz, nu răspunde la acest e-mail, ci scrie-ne prin intermediul formularului pe care îl găseşti aici: www.avaaz.org/ro/contact sau sună-ne la numărul +1-888- 922-8229 (US).


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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