I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] slightly different development

From the Christian Science Monitor:  "In what's believed to be the world's first transatlantic labor union, the United Steelworkers and Britain's Unite announced plans to join forces Wednesday. The new entity, to be called Workers Uniting, will have a combined membership of 3 million, the BBC reported. Leaders of both groups called it an inevitable response to the globalization of business and said it would allow for synchronized contract negotiations with multinational companies."

The unions are starting to catch onto what the Wobblies were saying a century ago.  It's hard to see how this will have much impact - steel production has largely shifted to places like South Korea.  What's needed is international solidarity with labor in developing nations.  The AFL/CIO has a shameful history of collaborating with "action arm of american capitalism", the CIA, destroying labor unions in Latin America.  It's time for them to acknowledge that history (a little truth and reconciliation would be great here here) and do something about it.

But maybe this is a start.... the trouble is that the masses are about a century behind the owners.  They worship people like Bill Gates now "yeeee hah, look at that mansion that lil geek lives in?  aint that sumpin?  well, he deserves it, he invented that electric computer, ya know!"  A century from now people see things more clearly, and they will put him with J P Morgan and the rest of the pirate kings.

By then, of course, there will be new pirates for them to worship.

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