I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] He did nothing wrong!

the gray old lady spreads em for ghouly Giuliani.  It sort of along the lines of seeing how damn evil those Iraqis are for acts of total warfare, like dragging the corpses of american mercinaries through the streets (here we save that for blacks and gays) while recognizing the inherent virtue in the act of invading a country, killing hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, and stealing everything of value that they have.

On 6/23/07, NT <annefrank1210@yahoo.com > wrote:

Daily Howler 
David Corn - FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2007

PIMP V. SLIME: In the past two days, the New York Times has run a remarkable pair of candidate stories. One of these news reports beats the bushes, looking for ways to suggest that John Edwards has been misbehaving. The other report beats the bushes too—to help us see how vastly decent Saint Giuliani really is.

Today's front-pager concerns Slick Edwards. Leslie Wayne is deeply troubled by the way the Dem has conducted himself in the past several years. Eventually, though, we end up with this. Uh-oh! He did nothing wrong!
WAYNE (6/22/07): Nonprofit groups can engage in political activities and not endanger their tax-exempt status so long as those activities are not its primary purpose. But the line between a bona fide charity and a political campaign is often fuzzy, said Marcus S. Owens, a Washington lawyer who headed the Internal Revenue Service division that oversees nonprofit agencies.

''I can't say that what Mr. Edwards did was wrong,'' Mr. Owens said. ''But he was working right up to the line. Who knows whether he stepped or stumbled over it. But he was close enough that if a wind was blowing hard, he'd fall over it.''
Edwards didn't do anything wrong! But we get this statement in the next-to-last paragraph, after 1700 words of insinuation. By the way, you should always be suspicious of formulations about "working right up to the line." Guess what, readers? Legislatures draw legal lines so citizens will know where their efforts must stop. When you drive 65 in your car, you're "working right up to the line."

Wayne spent a good deal of time insinuating that Edwards is slick.
By contrast, Russ Buettner went to heroic lengths in yesterday's Times to show us how loyal that Saint Rudy is. We don't know if we've ever seen a news report which works so hard—with such feeble old "evidence"—to prove a candidate's strength of character. And what is this article really about? Early on, Buettner works us:
BUETTNER (6/21/07): Mr. Giuliani's vision of loyalty is perhaps instructive as he pursues the Republican nomination for president. His practice has been to promote and defend his people, even when they become the subjects of intense criticism, like Bernard B. Kerik, his police commissioner when Mr. Giuliani was mayor of New York.


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