I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, May 05, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Up-Tight] "The Most Unwanted Song"

I think the many stylistic shifts and unexpected elements keep it interesting and fun. Of course, the object of the game wasn't really to create unlistenable music, it was to show the absurdity of creating (art or politics or anything else) on the basis of public opinion polls. At least, I think that's the object.  Maybe I should conduct a poll and see what other people think....

Honing in on an idea and not letting go of it for at least several minutes (at least) creates music that's much more unlistenable (and unwanted).

I offer up by way of example a couple of different tracks:

The Professor Builds An Escape Machine by Ernest Youngman at:

All of these pieces at this site (http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=517202)
are just about unlistenable, but I figure this is about the worst.

I also recommend "Pending Doom" by Pseudojandek at

I'm told it was prepared for a Jandek covers open mic event, and reportedly even hard core Jandek fans got a deer-in-the-headlights look about them and took off.  All the patrons were chased out except for one hardy soul who stayed through the whole thing.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Telstar <aclark23@sympatico.ca> wrote:

A link to the famous Komar & Melamid track:

"Hiphop tuba plus a soprano rapping about the Old West -- what's not to


I have to download this. I have a track by them on the "Revolutions Per
Minute (The Art Record)" album. On it they teach a classroom of art students
how to say "F*uck Your Mother" in Russian.


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