I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] speaking truth to power.


Chomsky says there's no point in speaking truth to power, they already know the truth and they don't want to have anything to do with it.  He says to speak truth about power. I like to comment on various websites (of mouthpieces for power), the rationale (or rationalization?) being that they won't be responsive, but other people may see it, and may be encouraged  to think independently and to speak, and.  Today's windmill tilting:


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"Listening to NPR is always good for a laugh. Your guest talked about journalists in Afghanistan encountering troubles because they had to talk to the Taliban as part of their job. Wow, why do they have to do it? You don't have to. The only people you ever talk to are government pr flacks, and former government employees now shilling for this or that "think" tank. I'm hearing an example of that RIGHT NOW on Talk Of The Nation, but it's the norm for all your programs. I enjoyed the guest patting herself (and you) on the back by saying western reporters have a laser-like focus on the facts. What you have, as you and I both know, is a laser-like focus on telling the story that your governmental and corporate bosses want you to tell. Congratulations! If Orwell weren't already dead, I'm sure a short time with NPR would do him in very quickly"

The listeners are still way smarter than NPR gives them credit for, many call up and ask inappropriate questions despite the relentless, lulling message that our rulers may not always agree on everything, but they are all honest, smart people doing their best to take good care of us. I used to listen for NPR for hours, now I can only stand a few minutes at a time.

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