I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] It's hard to have an adult conversation on the MoveOn discussion boards...


...their robot censors flag so many things, and while they may eventually be posted, in my experience, they disappear forever.

I generally have as much gripe with the liberal regulars there as with the right wing trolls that drop in to stir the pot. American political discourse has gotten so stunted, it's hard to know which catagory the following poster is in:

Are you completely nuts calling yourself a socialist.  Do you realize Hitler was a socialist.  Do you really know what that word means?


In a political climate where "moderate" has replaced "liberal" as the new epiphet of choice, it's easy to see somebody who thinks they are left of center getting hysterical over socialism (the topic under discussion is a quote from famous American socialist Helen Keller - who most Americans view as plucky overcomer of adversity, more Little Orphan Annie than incisive social critic).

At any rate, I was able to weigh in on my second attempt - it must be the word "Nazi" (never mind the context) that makes the MoveOn crowd burst into tears. Weird - you can say "Hitler" but don't say "Nazi"!

Once again, I've been censored by the heavy-handed moveon robot censor. Unlike you regulars, I don't know what trigger words to avoid... it appears the "H" word is ok, but the "N" word is not. Let me try again, paraphrasing my intended post.  "Mickey Mouse of course abandoned any pretense at socialism when he threw his lot in with the industrialists (who were more than happy to work with both sides and reap the profits). All the socialists were purged and/or murdered, The Night of the Long Knives was in part about this - purging left wing elements from the Disney Party." 

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