I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Make Music Not War: Stand with Us on September 21st


Thank you for all the good work that you do. I notice from the string of icons across the bottom of your email that you have a presence on Facebook. I hope you will consider establishing a presence also at https://mewe.com/..

Facebook is an evil and stupid organization that has disable my account after 12 years of happy and trouble free participation on my part. I regret the work I did building a world wide network of friends and musicians, and making Facebook a congenial meeting place for them.

They have plenty of other problems, they are being hauled before the US Congress, and I'm shortly going to contact my Senator and advise Facebook be split up or turned into a public utility.  I doubt that I will have much impact, but millions of people are alarmed by their abuses of power (I overheard two people talking about it in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles today). 

It is a possibility that Facebook will join MySpace, Friendster, Orkut and others in the social media graveyard. It seems wise to not have all one's eggs in one basket. I was forced out of their basket (not deplorable enough for them I guess) - I don't expect you to leave Facebook on my say so, but it would be great if you would make a second home at MeWe, I've set up residency there, we could be neighbors!

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:06 AM Musicians Without Borders <info@musicianswithoutborders.org> wrote:
September 21st is the International Day of Peace, but what about the other 364 days?

Beyond Peace One Day

September 21st is the International Day of Peace. The UN General Assembly dedicates this day to "strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples", but we cannot help but ask:
What about the other 364 days?

Today, 2 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected states. Of these, 1 out of 4 are children. We use our skills and talents to stand with those affected by war, and change the mentality that allows war to continue. 

Music helps people affected by war rediscover connection.

Music raises the voices of the unheard.

Music is our collective voice for social justice and peace.

Music is a stepping stone toward lasting social change.

On this day, and every day, join us in opposing war and stand with us for peace - through music. 
Show Your Support & Donate Today
Watch #MakeMusicNotWar
* Are you a music workshop leader, teacher or music therapist?
* Do you want to take your practice to the next level?

There's still time to apply and join our Training of Trainers course in October. The deadline is September 30th, so make sure to sign up today!

Interview: Ana Petanovska, High Frequency

We talked to Ana Petanovska about her first experience at the 2018 Band Camp & singing with High Frequency.


Community Music Leaders Graduate

Congratulations to the new team of Community Music Leaders in Rwanda! Twenty two new leaders graduated on September 2nd.


Palestine: Paying Attention to Details

Our Palestine Community Music Program Manager, on the connection between attention to detail and effective training.





Come discover the Tolhuistuin on the 29th of September as they open their doors to the public for 24 hours.

Situated in Amsterdam North, the Tolhuistuin is a vibrant cultural center and also happens to be where our office is located! 
Offering a variety of activities from the 29-30th of September, the program will also include a free body percussion workshop for children, from MWB trainer and percussionist, Sherwin Kirindongo.

Join us as we celebrate the day with food, music, art & more.

See you there!
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Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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