I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Life's rich pagent...

I suckle at the glass teat, and my life is rich and full.  I don't know how I went without TV for 30 years, I must have been insane.  A life of deprived depravity.  Now, the quality is back.  Now, like the rest of America, I no longer am troubled by having a so-called "life", now my existence just one long tv watching session, broken up by bouts of work, eating (and more eating) sleep, elimination, and shopping.  I heard about what was going on in TVland from co-workers and so on,  but nothing prepared me for the beautiful reality.

Now they are going to serve up another banquet on the groaning table. I heard about this show a couple of days ago.. on the local CBS affiliate's "news" program!

Note the snarky tone of the following article from the Fox website. they are just jealous because they didn't get the program on the air first.

Indiana Town Swears In D-List Celebrities as Cops So They Can Carry Guns for Reality TV Show

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

MUNCIE, Ind. — Erik Estrada and other lesser celebrities have been sworn in as reserve officers of the city police department here, allowing them to carry badges and guns as part of a reality television series.

About 200 people packed into a Muncie City Hall auditorium for the Tuesday ceremony to swear in the former "CHiPs" star, along with La Toya Jackson, Jack Osbourne, Wee Man and Trish Stratus.

A producer coaxed the crowd into cheering loudly for the camera, and parts of the ceremony had to be repeated several times for the TV cameras.

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"Roll call is at 6 o'clock," Muncie Police Chief Joe Winkle told the celebrities. "Do not be late."

Winkle had to say the line three times. The first take was interrupted by audience applause, the second was too quiet.

"Welcome to TV," said Julie Link of Forman Productions. "Sometimes, we have to retake."

The CBS show, "Armed and Famous," being filmed in this east-central Indiana city, population 66,000, follows the celebrities as they enforce the laws alongside city police officers.

Estrada joked with the crowd that people may not recognize him as an officer because he would not be wearing his toupee. He pulled up the back inch of his hairpiece and wiggled it, drawing laughter from the crowd.

Estrada carried a gun but rarely used it to stop bad guys in his 1970s motorcycle-cops drama.

He also appeared in VH1's "Surreal Life" in 2004. Osbourne, 21, son of rocker Ozzy Osbourne, was on the MTV's "The Osbournes." Wee Man, 33, a 4-foot-7 skateboarder, gained fame on the MTV show "Jackass."

Jackson, 50, a singer and sister of Michael and Janet Jackson, is a native of Gary, and Stratus is a former WWE professional wrestler.

Visit FOXNews.com's Television Center for more coverage.


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