I don't know... I grew up in an America of lynchings and segregation, race riots, and blacks trapped in ghettos in grinding poverty. This is the America I grew up in!
It is not, however, the America I thought I was going to live in. The tremendous upsurge of democracy in the 60s and 70s meant that ordinary people with a distaste for injustice and true compassion for humanity started having a say.
This was an alarming development for the ruling class, and they struck back hard - convincing people there was no class war, while reversing the narrowing of the gap between the rich and the poor - convincing people that economic refugees from Mexico are their enemy (just as they created animosity between poor blacks and whites in the 19th century), and making people think "home makeover" TV shows make up for the destruction of government safety net programs.
They give us candidates like Clinton and Obama, and people fight over the meager reforms they offer like starving dogs tossed a couple of well-picked bones, while contemptuously dismissing candidates that have something to offer. People call the most progressive and best candidate in the last two elections "a despicable egomaniac, as bad as Hitler."
From ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we're gone full circle, this game is a bust!
Dear Folks,
Below is a letter sent to me by a Katrina survivor after reading my article today and it brought me to tears. How can this government allow for Americans to suffer so? This is not the America we grew up in. These selfish bastards in Washington, D.C. should vote to end this damn war in Iraq which is bleeding us financially and look to help those here at home. Instead of once again bringing up this 'Grand Compromise' called the immigration bill they should all be looking to help these people. What idiots lead all of us in the swamp known as Washington, D.C. I have taken out his last name as well as email address to protect his identity.
Thanks for keeping us in mind. I lived in NOLA all of my life. I want to come home so bad that I can taste it. I currently live in Houston, but come home regularly. I travel all over the world for my job and it is amazing the reactions I get. People seem to think that everything is OK here in NOLA. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, you come and see the French Quarter, stay in one of the downtown hotels, catch a game at the Arena or the Dome and everything SEEMS fine. Spend a day with one of the thousands of people here trying to rebuild their home. Then you will get sense of the true frustration of the situation. Materials cost more than the insurance estimated. Can't get insurance on your newly renovated home because it costs too much. Don't even get me started on waiting for that big bankrupt Pie in the Sky called the "Road Home". What a joke. People down here genuinely need help. Not a handout, but help. The only true helpers here are the church groups and neighbors that spend their own time and money to lend a hand. Sometime that help comes AFTER a full day of work. Try going to work for a minimum of 8 hours a day (we won't burden anyone with overtime here even though it is a reality in the post Katrina NOLA), then go do hard manual labor on you home for an additional 5 to 6 hours. Do that day in and day out and see how you feel. Oh yea, and watch your savings dwindle away too because you have no help from anyone.
I am sorry for the ranting, but I am so tired of watching all of my friends and their families struggle in NOLA. Thankyou for not forgetting us.
Best Regards,
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