I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] I guess Mayra didn't get the memo....


She's not upholding the spambot standards

Hey Mayra

thanks for having something different to say... all those other girls not only have pretty much the same thing to say, but they also look pretty much the same:

08/14/2009 9:23 pm
08/12/2009 1:38 am
08/10/2009 5:50 pm
08/06/2009 8:59 am
08/05/2009 6:42 am


08/03/2009 10:36 pm
08/01/2009 11:39 pm

What's with the "starvamp" jibba jabba?  are you a vampire?

Your friend,


Mayra wrote:
> hey, i don't wanna annoy you, but I just saw you're profile in the search and thought you seem cool :P I guess I don't have enough info on my profile but you can check out my other profile if you'd like to see more,  (my name over there is starvamp). it'd be cool if we could chat sometime :-P
> alright cutie, hope to see u soon,
> Mayra Brooks

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