I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, April 06, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] no research, just rant

I've been watching PBS for a while. it is sickening - propaganda and
more propaganda. It's so sad to think, about what it was like a
quarter of a century ago... but it's taken hit after hit;

1. reagan
2. gingrich
3. bush

now you can watch hours and never see more than a hint of reality.

and still it's not ruined enough for the no-forehead crowd on the
right. So when they call it Pravda and lefty, the thugs at PBS say
"see? the left criticizes us. the right criticizes us. so we must be
doing JUST GREAT!"

Give me a break! Give me a break! Whenever I get one of those
periodic spams saying "they want to kill PBS, sign this petition" I
reply to everybody on the list ahead of me - everybody, usually
hundreds of e-mail addresses. And you know, not once, not ever did I
get a reply from anybody who said 'you're wrong and this is why' or
even 'buddy, you suck.'

The people that like PBS don't even really like it. Not very darn
much, anyway. And all you have to do it watch it to see why.

Another institution shot in the head and left to die by the thugs.

Thank you, I can go back to my life for a while now.

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