I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] How Low Can You Go?

Back home, recovering from jet lag...

Here's a report on our European Vacation. Maybe not the most important
thing that happened, but for some reason, it's currently at the
uppermost of the toppermost of my alleged mind.

On the train to the airport, I noticed how far this mania among the
fair sex for lowering the waist line of their jeans has gone. I could
see the stubble of the top of a woman's pubic hair above the top of
her jeans. Presumably shaved to accommodate the extremely low

My friends, is not this trend the greatest fashion disaster since the
murder of Gianni Versace? it's so unrelentingly ugly - with the pants
stretched tightly across the lower half of the woman's posterior, they
upper half is squeezed out the top of the pants, changing the
aesthetically pleasing pear shape of her ass into an appalling
mushroom shape.

On a trim attractive woman it's unattractive - on overweight women,
it's.... words fail me.

See? I can go an entire post without talking about Bush. At least, that Bush.

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