I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, May 04, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Load up, load up, load up the rubber bullets...

Hey, Klaus,

That LAPD of yours has done it again! They totally screwed up the
Simpson case, they regularly shoot and beat people for the crime of
BCWB (Being Citizens While Black) but now they've gone way too far -
imagine, treating a Fox employee like the rest of us America-hating

FBI to Investigate Police Violence at LA Immigrant Rights March
In California, the FBI is planning to launch a civil rights
investigation into the Los Angeles police department's use of violent
force to end an immigrant rights march on Tuesday. Police fired 240
rounds of rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters and journalists.
At least 10 civilians – including seven journalists – were taken to a
hospital. One of the injured journalists – Fox TV camerawoman Patti
Ballaz -- is planning to announce today that she is filing a claim
against the city. Video shows police repeatedly hit her with batons
and knocked her to the ground.

I was totally getting into this story on the news yesterday, but I
completely lost my train of thought when they put National Lawyers
Guild reporter Colleen Flynn on the air - what a babe! I looked for
pictures of her, but apparently there is an actress on a popular TV
series by the same name, that's all I could find, was pictures of her.

My wife would probably like to break me of the habit of calling female
actors actresses. But I'm standing my ground. You don't call a female
friend "mister" you call her "mistress!"

Anyway, the actress doesn't hold a candle to the lawyeress... police
state in Los Angeles? None of that matters, show me the babes!

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