I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, September 30, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] I only go to Huffington when a link leads me there, really!


I've got 20 fans at Huffington Post, but they still do this to me:  "This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved."


I can take my comments directly to my blogger fans, I don't need Huffington's censors to approve of me and my comments.

I was responding to a commenter who was responding to this:


I've hated Ralph Nader ever since he was personally responsible for George W. Bush's election in 2000, but he and others sure are right when criticizing NPR for not covering the left and these protests (his phone call no doubt helped lead to NPR's belated coverage).

11 hours ago (10:11 PM)
Ralph Nader is not responsibl­e for King George W. You have no good reason to believe that those of us who voted for him would have voted (D). We wouldn't have. Try blaming the Dems who voted for Bush or the Supreme Court or Al Gore or the Democratic Party or Bill Clinton or the vast right-wing conspiracy­, but not Nader.
20 Minutes into the future.
10 hours ago (11:04 PM)
You're right.
1 second ago (9:09 AM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.

Absolutely correct. I would add Dems abandoned a lackluster candidate, tainted by an administra­tion people were tired of 10 - 1 for Bush over Nader in Florida, but the Dems have never yet ever criticized another Dem for the mess. And don't forget the electoral college - I voted for Nader in a state where Gore carried, therefore my vote disappeare­d into the vapors of history as if it never existed. We had no influence over the 2000 election at all, and the arrogant and craft Democratic leadership know it, otherwise they would have started acting a little liberal to try to bring some of us back. Instead they keep moving to the right, and threatenin­g us with an even further right bogieman. People should check out the Newsbuster­s link. I presume they call it that because they want to eliminate news entirely? Actually, the piece isn't too bad, but read the comments, a disturbing look into the diseased minds of an unsavory subculture­. Reminds me of a documentar­y I saw yesterday:

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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