11 hours ago (9:44 PM)
Great article, sir. I support you in your dislike of Mr. Nader.I'm 59 and participated in countless Vietnam protests, boycotts,etc. In my teens I was very aware of politics because of a little thing called the Draft. Knowing that Uncle Sam could snatch you up at any moment after your 18th birthday kept your eyes and ears open. And I've kept them open.
Nader was a hero. Today there are few in this country for whom I hold greater contempt.
I felt in 1968 and believed today that there was no difference between Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey. I know what an electorate having no real choice means. And by real I mean a candidate who can win, not hand the far worse opposition the victory because of uncompromising ideology on election day.
For Ralph Nader to have toured this country telling college audiences 32 years later that there was no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush was a conscious and ego driven lie. And please, Nader fans, don't tell me he didn't say it, or how he meant it. I sat within fifty feet of him twice and heard him say it with my own ears.
I don't blame Nader for the Iraq War. I blame him (along with Republican officials in Florida, and the Supreme Court) for playing such a large role in putting into office the man and men who did. And for knowing full well that he was doing it. By lying.
10 hours ago (10:31 PM)
Oh how I wish we could edit our comments once we post them. Sorry... In my rush to get under the word limit I edited myself poorly. In the last paragraph of my long comment I originally had said that...
I don't blame Nader for the Iraq War... I blame him for playing such a large role in putting into office the man and men who did IT.
This is why I never, though sorely tempted, criticize right wingers for their misspellings, being sometimes guilty of it myself.
2 seconds ago (9:40 AM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.I blame Al Gore for being a candidate that inspired so little enthusiasm that Dems abandoned him in droves - and voted for Bush. In Florida these turncoats voted for Bush 10 - 1 over Nader (and nationally 3 - 1). I am sorry that more of them didn't vote for Nader, but I can't help it if they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I am sad that people still continue to perpetuate the myth of The stillborn Gore Camalot. It would have been no more real that the Kennedy Camalot.
Look at Gore's record, the best predictor of what he would have done had he been elected:
He himself said he would have done exactly what Bush did:
Proof that Nader (unfortunately) didn't affect the election:
But I know its darn near impossible to get people to abandon their religion, I just hope that the spread of this bizarre Gore cult can be inhibited.
I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
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