Good grief, I knew there were some crazy mofos on that Jack Kirby Fan Group on Facebook, but I didn't have any idea some of them would go this far. Rest assured, I take your threat very seriously, and will tell nobody from the FBI or local law enforcement. I will keep this threat entirely under my hat, except I will post it to my blog, which nobody reads anyway. I'll probably talk about this on Facebook, too, but don't worry, people there don't think I'm a serious thinker, they imagine that I'm some sort of crank given to "political rants!" But I'm guessing that one of them hired you for this job, so I'm hoping that somebody will come forward, or put somebody else forward!
I don't have $80,000 right now, unfortunately. Since you've been following me for one week and three days you know that I'm poor as a field mouse, and I pretty much have to eat like one, two, the occasional seed or twig sustains me. It's not much of a life, but it's the only one I have, so I am eager to preserve it. Will you accept $8.00 instead?