I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Don't go to a library in Toronto if you are smart...

WAYN is a social networking site, kind of like MySpace, only it tells you where and when people are traveling. I enter fictitious information to throw homeland security off my track.  I recently updated my profile to say I was reading War and Peace in a library in Toronto.  I'm glad I'm not - it must be very crowded there.  Things are worse off in Toronto than I ever imagined.

Trip Details

a library in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2007-08-08 to 2007-08-30

402 members visiting a library in Toronto
341446 members living in a library in Toronto

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