I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] TV Production in our neighborhood

I noticed (how could I not) that they are doing some filming in my neighborhood... during a weekend dog walk Anne and I stumbled across several trailers lining one street.  Signage announcing that makeup and costumes were to be found within.... it wasn't too hard to figure out something involving film was going on.

I decided to take another dog walk in that part of the neighborhood today, figuring that I might be able to get a job acting in a crowd scene or something, perhaps reprising my role of "Hippie Father (with baby)" in the smash movie sensation, Heart Like A Wheel" starring Bonnie Bedelia as Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney, the drag racing sensation. This promising start of a career in film was tragically cut short when the scene I was in didn't make the final cut of the movie.

I had a very nice chat with a very nice young man, who has an entry level position in the director's guild.  This means they gave him an orange reflective vest and a sign that says "stop" on one side and "slow" on the other.  In the course of our short conversation, he explained that I couldn't walk any further because they were shooting, I said I thought any project they were working on would be enhanced if I walked through the scene with my dogs... he agreed, saying I had fine dogs, but he didn't think the film people would appreciate the hassle of drawing up release documents, arranging to pay me, etc.

While I asked him questions about the production, I managed to get him into trouble twice... once when we were sitting on the curb behind a car, chatting, and they hailed him, trying to find out if he was sleeping in the bushes... and then later when a car sped right past his post as we were deep in discussion about the Canadian film industry... he took a couple of steps towards the retreating car, waving his sign ineffectually over his head... I felt awful, so I apologized and took my leave. But I like to feel like we became pretty close friends (even though my psycho dog lunged at him snarling for no reason at all right after he got the call from his superiors -- "she must have felt my fear" he said), and I learned quite a bit about the show.

The are filming a 13-part TV series called "Fear Itself."  They've been shooting in locations all over town.  The biggest star to come in for the series is Eric Roberts. I'd like to point out to Klaus that this improves my Julia Roberts Number to 3:

me - the guy with an orange vest - Eric Roberts - Julia Roberts

My previous Julia Roberts Number was 4:

me - Andras Jones - Jennifer Jason Leigh - Kevin Bacon - Julia Roberts

The information on the IMDB is kind of incomplete, they don't mention Eric Roberts part at all - the only one they do is a crack up:


1 | unknown more
Horror more
A television series broken down into 13 separate 60-minute films from premiere horror writers and directors.
Plot Keywords:
Suspense | Paranormal | Supernatural


 (Series Cast [1])

Marie Zydek ... Female Body / ... (2 episodes, 2008)
Create a character page for: ?
Hey, Klaus, you are pretty active on IMDB, I think you should create a character page for Female Body, surely one of the most important roles in the entire horror genre...

The topics on the message board suggest that early episodes may not have been well received:

Message Boards

Discuss this title with other users on IMDb message board for "Fear Itself" (2008)
Recent Posts (updated daily)User
Thoughts on 1st episode brkngthhbt
Did anyone else find it boring? develsaa
New Year's Day Look's The Best! socomkiller2001
Episode 1? ricgay
poor writing kills any chance at true horror davisfamily-4


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