I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [progressive] Lula rebuffs Bush move on climate change talks

How sad for George... he had to move Lula from the category of "enemy" to "friend" because he has almost no friends in all of Latin America - and now this.

I have to disagree with the authors' characterization of "radical anti-American socialism espoused by Cuba's Fidel Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez." More correct terminology might be something like "pro-indigenous populism" or some such. It is America that sets itself against the idea of other nations resources being used for their benefit, not the benefit of US based multinationals.

Shame on the Guardian for being so sloppy, and using the inaccurate propaganda terms rather than reality based terms.

Good for Lula staying reality-based, kicking some sand into the face of faith-based George!

On 6/3/07, Steven L. Robinson <srobin21@comcast.net > wrote:

Brazil rejects Bush move on climate change talks

John Vidal and Julian Borger
The Guardian
Monday June 4, 2007

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has flatly rejected President
Bush's proposals for parallel global negotiations to combat climate change,
insisting that countries come to agreement at the United Nations, and not
under US leadership.

In a rare interview with a British newspaper, President Lula told the
Guardian that Brazil, a fast developing country whose support is critical to
a global deal on emission cuts, had not even been informed that Mr Bush was
contemplating a new negotiating framework, before the US president made his
announcement last Thursday.

"The Brazilian position is clear cut," Mr Lula said. "I cannot accept the
idea that we have to build another group to discuss the same issues that
were discussed in Kyoto and not fulfilled. "If you have a multilateral forum
[the UN] that makes a democratic decision ... then we should work to abide
by those rules [rather than] simply to say that I do not agree with Kyoto
and that I will develop another institution," said Mr Lula, who was in
London to watch Friday's England-Brazil international football friendly.

The Bush administration has sought to cultivate President Lula as an ally,
seeing the former trade unionist as a centre-left alternative in Latin
America to the more radical anti-American socialism espoused by Cuba's Fidel
Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Presidents Bush and Lula also share an
enthusiasm for the potential for "bio-fuels" made from plants as a
substitute for fossil fuels.

However, on overall climate change policy, President Lula was dismissive of
the Bush approach, calling it "voluntarism", meaning a reliance on
"coalitions of the willing" rather than establish global institutions and
the pursuit of voluntary goals rather than binding commitments. "We cannot
let voluntarism override multilateralism," he said.

President Bush said last week that he wanted Brazil and other rapidly develo
ping countries to join rich nations in what he called a "new framework" to
curb greenhouse gas emissions as an alternative to the planned UN process.
He said that later this year he would convene a series of meetings of the 15
nations that produced most greenhouse gas emissions.

But Mr Lula, Brazil's president since 2003, rebuked Mr Bush for seemingly
sidestepping the UN and not taking its global responsibilities seriously. "I
am open-minded about talking to President Bush ... I will never refuse to
discuss any idea, but we should respect the decisions made in the
multilateral forums. It is the only thing we have all agreed on in a
democratic way," he said. "If the US is the country that most contributes
with greenhouse gases, in the world, it should assume more responsibility to
reduce emissions."

The German hosts of this week's G8 summit at Heiligendamm have also flatly
rejected the idea of creating a separate process to deal with climate
change. Chancellor Angela Merkel called it "non-negotiable". Tony Blair has
been a lonely voice on the world stage, hailing the Bush plan as an
"important step forward".

President Lula will be one of five leaders of rapidly developing countries
to join the G8 leaders in Germany, where he will champion Brazil's global
leadership in the use of plant-derived ethanol for fuel.

His promotion of bio-fuels has brought criticism from Mr Chavez, the
continent's leading oil producer and Castro, who has argued that growing
bio-fuels is equivalent to taking food crops from the mouths of the poor and
putting it in the petrol tanks of the wealthy.

Mr Lula picked his words on his fellow presidents carefully. "Its normal
that those countries that have oil feel a bit strange about this idea of
bio-fuels," he said, but he suggested it was time for the Latin American
left to move beyond its instinctive anti-Americanism. "A long time ago I
learned not to put the blame for backwardness in Brazil on the US," he said.
"We have to blame ourselves. Our backwardness is caused by an elite which
for a century didn't think about the majority and subordinated itself to
foreign interests."

Asked about the global legacy left by the Tony Blair, who has highlighted
his own efforts to improve aid and trade conditions for developing
countries, President Lula had little to say. "I didn't have much contact
with prime minister Tony Blair," he noted.

President Lula said the decisive moment in the current "Doha round" of talks
would come in the next few weeks, with the G8 summit at a trade ministers'
meeting due in mid-June.

"I think that this month something has to happen. If nothing happens, we
will go into history as a generation of politicians that failed humanity,
especially the poor," the president said. "If there is no agreement on Doha
round, it's useless to talk about fighting terrorism, its useless to fight
organised crime because poverty is the principal seed for the growth of

The only more important issue in the world than trade, President Lula said,
is climate change, and both are nearing a potential turning point.

"In the Doha round, I want to solve the issues of today and tomorrow," the
Brazilian leader said. "On the climate issue I have to solve the problem of
planet earth, the only one we know of on which we can survive ... So for
God's sake, let's take care of planet earth."


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